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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51368380 No.51368380 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen a jew in real life

>> No.51368452

i used to live near an orthodox jewish synagogue and i almost hit a few of them with my car multiple times, because they liked to cross the street at night in their black jew clothes with a complete disregard for traffic.

>> No.51368468

come to new york they're literally everywhere

>> No.51368483

Only place I've ever seen one was in JFK Airport, and there was a fuck ton of them. There was one party of them eating stuff, and their mannerisms were disgusting and insect-like.

>> No.51368486

i saw one. he was standing there…. being jewish

>> No.51368491

how is this related to business and finance?

>> No.51368509

>how is this related to business and finance?

>> No.51368517
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I see jews every time I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror.

>> No.51368529

can you explain what you mean?

>> No.51368547

You are ngmi if you don't understand the role of jews in global finance

>> No.51368595

once you get an eye for their facial genetics you start to notice them a lot more

>> No.51368609

> jews
If you see more than one person in the mirror you are clearly schizophrenic, and if you’re schizophrenic you’re probably jew, so it checks out.

>> No.51368645

You need to go back

>> No.51368709

back to where and for what reason?

>> No.51368725
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>> No.51369328
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>> No.51369335

there's something unusual with this pepe

>> No.51369357

>how is this related to business and finance?

>> No.51369388
File: 171 KB, 1200x1000, horizontal_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51369447

Why the fuck don't you fuck off back to where you belong? This isn't reddit, pussy

>> No.51369457

it means you need to shut the fuck up

>> No.51369565

I see it.

>> No.51369588
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>> No.51369591
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>> No.51369609

I have never seen them until I went to New York, they have entire areas with their weird language characters.

>> No.51369614


>> No.51369619

You probably see them all the time. You'd notice if they all wore some symbol on their shirt that identifies them.

>> No.51369628
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>> No.51369632
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I saw a Jew once. He was molting his skin and when he saw me he spread his wings and flew away. Probably to Israel or something.

>> No.51369652

I saw my first bog the other day in Manhattan. It was seriously freaky seeing someone irl with the crazy sucked in cheeks and bloated lips, whilst looking atleast 50. I can’t imagine why someone would pay to look like that, the freakiest face I’ve ever seen.

>> No.51370654

Abella Danger is a jew.
Theres even a video where she's getting fucked and he has his hand in her mouth and he calls her is little Jewish princess.

>> No.51370985

I'd blast that thing out with my dong so fast

>> No.51371348
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>> No.51371886

Just when I thought I understood female anatomy.

>> No.51371930

Nah they only live in a couple parts of the US with the vast majority residing in New York and Southern California

>> No.51371969
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My second best friend is a jew, unironically. We've been friends for over 12 years and ever since we met in high school.

>> No.51372021


>> No.51372089
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>> No.51372131

visit Jew York City

>> No.51372153
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you never seen me before?

>> No.51372194
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>> No.51372331

It’s because they’re not real they’re just a psyop to distract /pol/tards from figuring out anything meaningful.

>> No.51372390

Fuck off to stormfront. Reddit posting is 1.) a surefire way to spot an ex-plebbitor trying to fit in and 2.) not a way to argue against a (good) point. Think of all the thread space in this site devoted to LE JEWS ARE EBUL and how much actual discourse could happen without it. You’re a parody of what a 4channer was before 2016

>> No.51372401

>t. very small hat

>> No.51372428

i've never seen a nigger in real life

>> No.51372462
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>> No.51372541

I had a jewish boss and he was a chad.
loved to cycle, drove a porsche and cheated on his wife during work hours with some young piece of ass and doing all this in his 50s.
never met a jew before him and im over here wondering why gringos hate them so much

>> No.51372547

That's hot

>> No.51372966

100% white burgerchad. Lift yourself. Hitler was a retard stop worshipping him