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51366650 No.51366650 [Reply] [Original]

>crypto-to-crypto is a taxable event

>> No.51366711

come and tax it then faggit

>> No.51366714
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>> No.51366804
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Prepare for unforeseen consequences

>> No.51366843

>breathing air is a taxable event.

when will someone put an end to these filthy kike schemes

>> No.51366972

just because you call it crypto doesn't make it not an unregulated security on a foreign exchange

>> No.51367032

he is dead. move on.

>> No.51367212

How did a failed artist and little messenger boy during the Great War even amount a shred of power to ruin a country forever.

People like this are frauds and I’m tired of people thinking he’s some great historical figure. Germany lost, he couldn’t get into art school, was a drug addict, and literally only got a medal from the Great War because he was part of the company that did the hard work (literally earned a participation award).

>> No.51367223

crypto-to-tax is a taxable event

>> No.51367226

in america*

>> No.51367228

They may as well be taxing people on any deposits or withdrawals from their banks at this point. What an unbelievably faggoty system.

>> No.51367467

Crypto to Crypto is taxable only if you actually believe it is

>> No.51367479
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To know when ..

>> No.51367485

I dont live in amerishartland

>> No.51367513

It doesn't matter on a short timescale, otherwise it makes sense because its like using the equivalent of cash to buy more/another crypto.

Alternatively, would it make sense for crypto only to be treated like it has monetary value when its converted to fiat?

t. normal-nosed person

>> No.51367545

he gassed kikes. Nuff said
You're a fucking retard and capital gains on retail shouldn't be taxed to begin with.

>> No.51367546

Their tax systems can't analyse multi layered crypto transactions yet, since bureaucracy is slow.

Hide it all

t. jew nosed person

>> No.51367559

it is somewhat remarkable, the sequence of events that put Hitler into power were strikingly improbable

>> No.51367561
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I hate the jews so much. It's unreal!

>> No.51367565

Hitler dodged many bullets, even on the battlefield

>> No.51367579

Converse with me, I'm 1/8th jew but an IQ jewishly extraordinair
I'm also full of myself

>> No.51367599

Hitler would have banned crypto along with all other derivative markets for being degenerate and jewish

>> No.51367636

Cope and seethe. You’re never be called a legend like Kennedy called Hitler a legend. He’s a striking figure and everybody knows him.

>> No.51367652

hitler didn't really understand markets tbqh

>> No.51367665
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he was a man of the people

>> No.51367727
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He was extremely lucky also during his time in power, so lucky that he rightly claimed that it was divine providence. He thought that if Paulus wouldn't have surrendered at Stalingrad Germany would have won the war. All things considered he was probably right, the Nazis could have won if that military leader wasn't a coward.

>> No.51367737

You sound like a tarded lefty but hitler is sus as fuck
>spent only a few years in jail with lots of privileges for committing high treason instead of being executed
>sent millions of jews to palestine in 1933 effectively creating israel
>nobody knows who funded him
>was groomed into the nazi party and didn’t found it himself
>his war on jews became the creation myth of the post modern world
>didn’t kill any jews, the camps were like vacation resorts
>body never found
>george lincoln rockwell was a government informant
>naziism is communism made palatable for white people

>> No.51367748

Mandatory health insurance is a tax on being alive.

>> No.51367788

Hitler wanted universal peace an unity, and that the means to the ends was justified. But he failed and so all the terrible things he did that he justified by what would be achieved in the end, were now unjustified, so he killed himself out of shame.

>> No.51367801
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>>spent only a few years in jail with lots of privileges for committing high treason instead of being executed
Nationalists were very powerful at the time, even if most of ruling class was globohomo
>>sent millions of jews to palestine in 1933 effectively creating israel
He tried to build a jewledd Europe
>>nobody knows who funded him
Many capitalists and industrialists. Some of them wanted shekels, others cared about Germany. Those that wanted shekels defied him, which brought to WW2.
>>was groomed into the nazi party and didn’t found it himself
He further developed it and made it successful.
>>his war on jews became the creation myth of the post modern world
Your point?
>>didn’t kill any jews, the camps were like vacation resorts
Can't argue with this. Not killing Jews was the worst thing he did. In fact he deserves to be considered the most evil person to ever live because he did not genocide the Jews.
>>body never found
Because he never died.
>>george lincoln rockwell was a government informant
Still anti establishment, it was probably the feds that killed him.
>>naziism is communism made palatable for white people
Absolutely wrong.

>> No.51367817
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Fuck, I meant jewless.

>> No.51367839
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Daily reminder amerimutt sturmchuds this how goebels (the dude who was speaking about total war I know have to write this because mutts are realy low iq) thought about you.

>> No.51367853

The greatest politician in modern history

>> No.51368024

>1 post by this ID

>> No.51368099
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not my problem

>> No.51368103

Cash out, you might have to dilate while waiting

>> No.51368120

>cash out

>> No.51368127
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monero to monero isn't a taxable event