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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 756x911, 1620530301398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51365785 No.51365785 [Reply] [Original]

Sam Hyde is an overrated trust fund faggot old fag. He got rich off crypto, and has the nerve to give fatherly advice because he's big and can imitate a chad. I know a guy thats 5'6" that would have made him his bitch in a prison cell. I bet he has never poured concrete or done a roof in his life. He's probably too much of a bitch. He has the nerve to act arrogant, and above everyone else, but this faggot has never struggled in his life. He's just an autist that wont the lottery. I wish I was big enough to challenge him to a fight because I just want someone to knock him the fuck out and teach him that he's a faggot. I still want to him to beat up that Hassan Piker faggot though. This is business related because he's a scam artist for releasing his gay little NFTS that we all KNOW have no actual value. Good for you for ripping your fans off that are even more retarded than you. We're so proud of you faggot.

>> No.51365811

Who cares.

>> No.51365835

hi sam. grats on the nft sale

>> No.51365838

I don't care that stand-up he did in the Roman costume was legendary and anyone who speaks up for white men publicly has more balls that 99.999% of men today including you faggot.

Have fun pouring concrete or whatever you do m8.

also fuck Hassan Piker

>> No.51365851
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LINK has underperformed for over a year. Unless you already made it off of it and profited you're a fucking moron for not puting your liquidity in other places, and slowly accumulating it if you believe in it.

>> No.51365863

>tfw you realize the anti-sam spammer is sam himself

>> No.51365865

Go check the chart you brainlet faggot.

>> No.51365872

imagine gettin that nigga Sam down bad on the bed. spreadin those BIG, hairy, pristine cheeks to get at that HOLE. that's right, can't hyde that samussy

>> No.51365926

you're a broke bitch that came from a bloodline of people that Sam Hyde's bloodline has been convincing to dig ditches for a mere penance. And you're short. Women don't like angry little beaver men like you who are trying to convince the world you're a man. The harder you try to convince the world you're a man the more it appears you're going to end up wearing a dress and killing yourself, bitch.

>> No.51367153

Hey Sam you know how small Providence is?

Keep samefagging nigger

>> No.51367172

>Sam Hyde's bloodline
Dies without the comfort of modern medicine. He is generically unfit for the upcoming reset. Why else do you think he's exit scamming before it all goes down hill? He's scared shit less stuck I a gang town of Portuguese with no friends

>> No.51367303
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>> No.51368152
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>dads a millionaire
>mom has a fulltime job making 100k+
>is 6'5"
>has an army of simps

He would eat your jewish mongoloid head for breakfast you slant eyed kippa wearing rat.

>> No.51368162


>> No.51368175

>t. sam hyde mad he just lost his ad space to a bunch of frogposters

>> No.51368506

>I bet he has never poured concrete or done a roof in his life. He's probably too much of a bitch.

I’ve probably formed more concrete than you’ve ever walked on, literal millions of cubic yards, and there is nothing to be proud of in that brainless wagie nigger work. Toothless 50IQ 5’0” Guatemalans fuled by Takis and modelo do it all day every day, do you think THEY’RE cool? Role models?

>> No.51368534

Lol Sam I love your work, cheers

>> No.51368563

>I bet he has never poured concrete or done a roof in his life
It's so fucking gay when blue collar fags try to flex about their job. You're basically a meat robot doing menial tasks which are neither heroic nor require exceptional strength

>> No.51368691

The implication isn't that blue collar work is superior, the implication is that there's nothing good about Sam Hydes business model of forcing himself as a meme on imageboards for years to scam anons out of lunch money over and over again. If you have such a hard on for Sam Hyde you're willing to defend him in this thread why don't you just fork his business model

>> No.51368760
File: 5 KB, 240x240, pepe-apu-cringe-face-side-teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you quoting?

>> No.51368831

I don't know who Sam Hyde is. Is she like a pornstar or something

>> No.51368975

Charls is the only good person out of that outfit. A true human being striving for perfection in his own way. Anyways it is funny though how even those of us who cant stand him still give him our full support in annihilating Hasan. I do hope we get to see that one.

>> No.51369041


>> No.51369044

i got an r6 what u guys get

>> No.51369062

Alrighty then, how's it going Sam?

>> No.51369129

He's this guy that has been samefagging multiple boards on 4chan and other image boards to scam anons and also groom children. This is all documented.

>> No.51369232

>Anyways it is funny though how even those of us who cant stand him still give him our full support in annihilating Hasan
This is a forced meme. Only absolute bottom of the barrel retards give a fuck about any ecelebrities. You are a paid shill or a new fag. Get the fuck off of my board.

>> No.51371231

weird because that's all true

>> No.51371248

True but all that matters is that he is consistently hilarious. Comedians generally make a lot of money and they do it by telling funny jokes and making people laugh. Cope and seethe faggot.

>> No.51371273
File: 2.34 MB, 640x360, mondomintdaykid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sam is still funny. but nick is the funniest guy alive

>> No.51371277

Can someone fill me in on what the fuck this is about

Did he do an NFT thing

>> No.51371367

>haha hey guys time for my kabbalah jewish show
>ok for the first part of the comedy act im going to pretend to be a character thats just saying nonsense about the great reset for years hahaha
>then im gonna act lke a bystander in the second comedy show thats part of le resistance hahahaha wow the funniest part was when i got "deplatformed" hahahaha omg i lold
>then the current comedy act? hahaha i hire this guy named jet neptune to shill my nft scam on biz after introducing fraudulent code that allows our team to mint every rare nft clandestinely hahahaha its so funny
>wow also part of our comedy is to prop up this turkish nobody to get retard normies to watch a fight against my percieved alt-right persona vs another glowie with a percieved left-wing persona
>the funniest part of that skit?
>no one knows its all a joke to take these goyims money

>> No.51371393

never liked that ripe tomato
maybe a little bit after the tedtalk thing but even then he never got my attention for more than a minute

>> No.51371396
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>I bet he has never poured concrete or done a roof in his life.
do tradies really

>> No.51371410

>>ok for the first part of the comedy act im going to pretend to be a character thats just saying nonsense about the great reset for years hahaha
>i reminiscence most fondly about these times when i wonder how these retards had no idea how i was even allowed as a lecturer to perform these "feats of social engineering" hahaha wow. its so funny how they never knew the whole thing was orchestrated hahahaha wow its so nice having this trust fund man like rofl my dad gave 250k to yale so now i go there and troll the students for content rofl its hillarius dude you wouldnt understand great comedy if it shot you... AT YOUR HOUSE!1111 rofl
>my favorite part about comedy is i laugh every time i make these guys that work for me post about how cool and strong i am. i dont pay them FUCKING SHIT its really hysterical they do this actually. it makes my dick hard when these broke fags in my IDF spend their energy for a few shekels convicning anons i am anything but a grifting facade of a manchild

>> No.51371419


>> No.51371471

nick is a failed normgroid opportunist
charls is a based schizoid
sam is a jew psychopath

>> No.51371557

>ahahaha the funniest joke i told?
>lol... when i said those people ""When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny" "
>LMAO they never realize i was the person i was warning them about. thanks for the gumroad sub, goy.
t. sam hyde contemplating his comedy career after a long day organizing a network of internet trolls to shill and defend his image on japanense underwater katana sharperning forums

>> No.51371596

sam hyde isnt even big
what is he 6'4? i dont take advice from anyone below 6'6

>> No.51371631

coordinating the shilling of narratives for people to believe on imageboards is almost the textbook definition of brainwashing. attempting to convince people that anyone with a negative sentiment of him is schizophrenic, also brainwashing.

they are small examples from the last few days. this guy is literally the type of ((())) they warn you about but he likes to get up and close and personal with the demographic unlike alot of these guys. truly a method actor, his life is a comedy and will only get funnier

>> No.51371710

Actually the more I think about his famous trolling videos I'm hindsight, most of them included him being a totalitarian Leninist style dictator for most of them. That was actually the joke in a bunch of them. How a bunch of faggots don't do shit when he starts pretending to be a dictator. In hindsight, it actually does look like his "comedy" is just qabal babel for making sure he can continue to grift without sinning according to his belief system. If he was deplatformed why did they let him back? It makes no sense.

>> No.51372289

ok hasan fuck off with your Hyde hate and your "please" ID

>> No.51372330

Scaring a commie cuck is never going to be forced on 4chan

>> No.51372383

Nick's persona absolutely shits on Charls and doesn't seem to have any of Sam's degenerate qualities. True chad.

>> No.51372412

Nah, Nick is better but still a fat lazy asshole like Sam. Charls is the fucking man, his intelligence makes him the one.

>> No.51372446

That's the comedy! Hahahahaha! Don't you think it's funny!
You're a fucking idiot. Hasan is a grifter. The communists are the ones running the platforms. Just like Sam Hyde isn't "alt-right", Hasan is also not really a "leftist" They're both actually just fucking "JEWS" that want your money after capturing your attention with clickbait so neither of them have to work jobs. You're the type of faggot that talks about literal media tabloids like MGK vs eminem. That's what you're doing right now you fucking FAGGOT fuck ecelebrities i will shit on every eceleb thread until they are fucking GONE from this board theyre all useless faggots who provide no value to society and have ZERO place in a finance board. How the fuck is talking about that fucking retard gonna make anyone but Sam Hyde and Jet & their pajeet solidity dev money?

Wow thanks I just made 5 dollars reading about these literal WHOS?????

>> No.51372502

Well be a good boy then.

>> No.51372511
File: 15 KB, 595x182, Picsart_22-09-11_10-51-57-372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caption not required

>> No.51372540

what is the official opensea link

>> No.51372576

you'll never know, there are many scams run by the discord staff that all come up first when you search for it.

One of the staff members was sharing these fake ones into the chat on mint day! got quite a few people

>> No.51372958

Its this one
I was given a free one as part of winning the meme contest so assuming that they didn't send me a fake one then this is it.

>> No.51372985

This is quite literally admission of paid shilling

Shill your garbage anywhere else nigger

>> No.51373648

Hey retard the dude literally asked for it.
I wasn't paid the NFT to do this I won it in a competition.
Stop being a retard.
/biz/ literally serves as a shill playground where the poor pretend to be rich and the rich live like the poor because they want to make that last million but end up poor anyways.
Telling me to leave is like telling /biz/ to stop being a board.
Be mad that I got free shit with minimal effort so I cannot be beaten by either side.

>> No.51373806

>I wish I was big enough to challenge him to a fight
when will they learn

>> No.51373819

That is unironically a man.

>> No.51373974

He lived a lot, that's enough

>> No.51374284

Yo Sammy you need to take your ass to another car meet-up and make a sequel to Whypz. This NFT and boxing shit is mad lame, I know you still have it in you to make funny content again

>> No.51374327

>I bet he has never poured concrete or done a roof in his life.
That doesn't sound like you think it does tradeslave

>> No.51374802
File: 2.48 MB, 840x1422, mondomegacuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a release of all the card pngs for Mondo Megabits

>> No.51376792
File: 6 KB, 364x88, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51377136

Imagine being so unfunny that even modern adult swim kick you out.

>> No.51378450

I literally almost bought one of these because I saw a video of Sam Hyde once and figured why not. Glad I didn't. He can't run a project.