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File: 133 KB, 1440x1083, 1662734502985859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51363444 No.51363444 [Reply] [Original]

It's the fucking bottom. We're entering the next bullrun bros.

>> No.51363456

cz knows how to run a company but on twitter he's just another shitposter

>> No.51363466

green id and blessed digits WAGMI

>> No.51363479

Well thats kinda green

>> No.51363480
File: 9 KB, 196x258, chinajak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ is a bigger grifter than Trump and Obama combined.
I'm surprised his next tweet wasn't something like 'Buy back in so I get the commission and profit no matter what'

>> No.51363481


>> No.51363534

Wow it is almost like that parasite has a financial incentive to lie who would have thought that buissness works like that

>> No.51363604
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>> No.51363904
File: 286 KB, 1080x1214, roastie_finance_expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the fucking bottom. We're entering the next bullrun bros.
This. Unironically.

>> No.51363924

>w*man trying to voice a bearish financial position

>> No.51364058

That's a man

>> No.51364095
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>> No.51364125

ive watched a couple of her vids and shes honestly pretty based for a woman

>> No.51364159

That tweet is actually referring to lunc
Not the market

>> No.51364212

>Early life.
Every, single, time.

>> No.51364266



It doesnt matter what the market does for CZ anymore as he is already a multi billionaire. LUNC is his new project now and he is emotionally and financially invested in LUNC.

>> No.51364314

Top signal. Sell.

>> No.51364560


>> No.51364564
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>> No.51364999
File: 39 KB, 432x288, 1641196760783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never stopped buying shinja nor shib. While people were selling like retards I was taking notes of the updates and the newest memes. While people were getting fiat I was getting that bag.

>> No.51365014

>le not le financial advice xD
>hope you didn't sell though ;)
I hate this garbage pussy bitch attitude.

>> No.51365018

Shiba Inu is absolvent.

>> No.51365026
File: 2 KB, 104x124, 1658345754286767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews can be right sometimes though.

>> No.51365027

holy based

>> No.51366124
File: 181 KB, 1200x1009, 1657338279655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more the fact that it's paul krugman saying it

>> No.51366173
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>> No.51366199

Was that a well-deserved dig at Elon?
>Jews can be right sometimes though.
With regard to finance, very much so. Krugman cancels out that advantage out by being a socialist that hates the free market. He's invariably wrong.
Checked, but wrong. There's zero reason for a bull run to start now and there are no indications that the long term trend has shifted. Not yet anyway. But BTC could see a LUNC style fomo hysteria before it crashes again.
I'm watching for opportunities from the sidelines.

>> No.51366450

Has it not dawned on you that the powers that be are waiting for the moment where no one expects it to unleash the golden bull? They want as few people as possible to make it so they can maximize the power they hold onto

>> No.51366844
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>> No.51366950

Checked and based

Checked and blessed

>> No.51369004

No, it hasn't dawned on me. What seems more likely that the powers that be would prefer to devalue all assets further so their friends and family can slurp at a discount.

>> No.51369253

still don't understand the appeal of shib.
its already hit its peak years ago.
so what exactly is the point of holding it now?
it barely even moves at all.
it functions more like some negative stablecoin then an actual crypto.
there won't be any making it opportunities and if there are you could've done 100x-1000x in the time spent holding shib with any other random coin.
i don't have shib but i just can't see the logic in the holding something that has barely any price action.
we are in here to make money the shortest period of time possible right????
if its fundamentals or something like future growth there are countless other cryptos that are better at that then shib running around.

>> No.51369264

>It's the fucking bottom. We're entering the next bullrun bros.
And it's supposed to be a surprise? The bottom is always one year after the top. So it's now. October/November.

>> No.51369351

it's not "kinda" green it' green

>> No.51369353
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fake tweet

>> No.51369361

He's a fucking psyopsing nigger like the now in hiding Zhu Su. Never trust a slit-eyed creature.

>> No.51369377

thats not fucking green you autist

>> No.51369512

>The bottom is always one year after the top.
It doesn't always work like this retard. The bottom is definitely not in yet though. Wait for 17k and get in; continue staking your ass out until then.

>> No.51369557
File: 28 KB, 380x250, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard "nocoiner" in a commercial during a football game yesterday. The bottom is not in yet.

>> No.51369574


>> No.51369846

>continue staking your ass out until then.
I don't think any yield protocols will accept his ass as an asset.

>> No.51370016
File: 2 KB, 125x124, FROG MIDDLE FINGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a faggot so he can sell his ass for some USDC/USDT/DAI and stake on Spool.

>> No.51370027 [DELETED] 
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Tik tok tik tok retarded shoebill

>> No.51370057
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>> No.51370064

Post her nudes

>> No.51370125

He kinda embarrassed himself there. Tesla at least owned up to their mistake there, he directly blamed an entire blockchain for an issue on his own exchange.

>> No.51370396

I don't think asses cost much these days. They're everywhere. What's the APY for staking those btw?

>> No.51370398

Idgaf I’m just not selling. What else would I put my money? A boomer savings account? Boomer stocks? Boomer rocks? Nah thanks but nah thanks

>> No.51370669

You can get between 6-9% on Spool depending on the token and your risk appetite.

>> No.51370875

CZ never misses