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51362099 No.51362099 [Reply] [Original]

yesterday I compared the goods with which I do business and compared them with those around me and friends from various industries... cumulatively, in 3 years, everything became 40% more expensive... this is a "hidden" tax in the form of inflation... so much money flowed out of the air into the economy from The ECB in Europe and the FED in the USA...

let's imagine that the state would tax our deposits by 40%... that would be outrageous... this is how it was done elegantly and quietly in 3 years... and unfortunately we are not at the end of this crazy inflationary period... it is expected according to history and data for the last 100 years that inflation will normalize below 2% in 2.5 to 4 years at the earliest... let's imagine the further devaluation of the currency and the deletion of our savings i.e. real purchasing power...for a couple of years, thanks to low interest rates and higher asset prices, including real estate, we felt richer, but the time is coming when we will start to realize that in the end, most people will be worse off and will buy much less goods for income / including food whose price will be driven up thanks to the "ecological" energy transformation on greenery and climate change, thanks to which there will be fluctuations in crops, which will again only push prices up/

>> No.51362125
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>> No.51362210

OP gets it. Inflation is a hidden tax and even before 2020 it was bad at least in Europe but it flew under the radar. And indeed the way out is long and painful. This is btw the base macro case for bears and why bulls are delusional

>> No.51362223

Inflation goes like an addiction; it’s fun at first but then not anymore and it’s hard to get out

>> No.51362231

In America they got us early with cost of living increases (school, housing, healthcare). And of course the endless cope to this was just don't go to college and don't get sick and live with your parents. Now that they've come for food and utilities even the most selfish I-got-mine bootlickers will not be immune

>> No.51362251

this is why crypto was made you buffoon but you've fallen for the careful propaganda that inflation is BAD for crypto

>> No.51362279

You are not understanding the market. It is seen both by retail and institutions as a highly speculative asset class which suffers the most when cheap money goes away. On top of that the market lives in the future, so BTC was a great inflation hedge from 2009 to 2021 not much performed better but now deflation is getting priced in hence inflation hedges tanking. Time to up your game anon

>> No.51362625

Well how the fuck do we make then ANON !?

>> No.51362926

>It is seen both by retail and institutions as a highly speculative asset class
Because it was successfully propagated as one
It was supposed to be the save heaven, and if the 4 year cycle fags wqould not have sold we could have reached ath during the inflation and get global fomo because people are desperate for an investment that goes up

>> No.51362941

>everything became 40% more expensive
The US expanded the monetary supply by 40% in 2020 and the EU expanded their monetary supply by a similar percentage. Haha, what a strange coincidence. It's supply chain disruptions and Ukraine that is the cause though, don't worry about it

>> No.51363036
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Wealth comes from conquest. Africa is literally goldmine full of gas, land and minerals. Middle East is full of oil and gas but western leadership is busy genociding white people so obvious decisions like invasion are not even on the table. If you look at empires they only good wealthy when they simply expanded and took others people stuff. Bad news is your (((elites))) dont need you or care about you so you being poor is irrelevant. Wealth of US comes from conquest. Wealth of Europe came from conquest. You are now being conquered instead so you are getting to dirt and its just beginning.

>> No.51363330

>if the 4 year cycle fags wqould not have sold
Those were literally institutions dumping moron.
They will make money 5 times on the way up in crypto and then still control it entirely at the end.

They are purposely imploding fiat into controlled cryptos.

>> No.51363342

Nah people sold because of the timing to the halfing

>> No.51363455

You are braindead if you don't realize what's going on here dude.
What are you? Mid twenties or younger?
Everything you think you know is a myth and/or a marketing ploy.
Asimov wrote about this 100 years ago. You are doing what they want you to do.
Make money? Probably so. But you aren't a counter culture by any means.