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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51359912 No.51359912 [Reply] [Original]

we used to have these things all the time, there was always some footage of a swan or seal rolling about dying on a beach
and earthquakes, wheres all the big earthquakes

>> No.51359929

They just don't report them any more. Instead you get a shiny advertisement of two biracial women in hardhats pointing into a tree and laughing, while the ad tells you that oil companies are like, totally green now bro just trust me,

>> No.51359955

well anon, while accidents do occur, they are rarely that extreme and so (((non profits))) and (((environmental groups))) mayyyyy stretch the truth a little in order to keep their organizations funded.

>> No.51360014

Deepwater lost 4 million barrels of oil into the ocean lmao

>> No.51360043

They switched to nuking food processing plants.

>> No.51360194

A Olympic sized swimming pool is 2 million gallons of water so only 110 Olympic sized swimming pools dumped into an ocean that is trillions of Olympic pools in size. Literally fkn nothing you nigger faggot

>> No.51360228

this, meme ocean groups got their funding probably from corona bux packages

>> No.51360539

>What happened?
Well, the front fell off for a start.

>> No.51361455

They stopped showing them.

If the fucking pipeline in the great lakes popped poisoning 25% of the world's fresh water and sparking violent revolt it would be the last thing on the damn news.

>> No.51361467

The BP oil spill is still going strong lmao we just don’t talk about it.

Seriously that big news from 12 years ago is still going, it is still chugging oil into the sea and we just gave up on it

>> No.51361758
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These fucking ads. Even here in Germany we have nigs and spics in all of our ads (german ones) though they are not a substantial part of our population. "funny" thing is you never see a black woman and a white guy together, all the ads are like a blacked .com episode.

>> No.51361826
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white male is paired with asian female usually in the jew ads, less common though

>> No.51362103
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>> No.51362187

>mary visits the zoo

>> No.51362810


>> No.51362932

>only 110 Olympic sized swimming pools
>ignoring that oil floats so that volume has a greater surface area than in a pool
>well when you compare it to the total surface area of the earth it’s actually not that much oil!
Thanks Exxon!