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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51356269 No.51356269 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>type with random girl on internet
>she is 18
>we type few times already, not sexting or something like that, normal conversations for few hours
>nice to message with her, always funny
>from word to word, she asked me to go out for a coffe
>i explained her, that i believe it is a joke, but my overthinking want it to be true, but still i think she is joking
>few times already she said that is not a joke, just a coffe
>asked her if i can think about it
what about finances behind it, is this good move?
/biz/ help, what the fuck should i do? it is not fucking larp, be serious for once

>> No.51356304

get outta here loli hunter

>> No.51356314

that's a man

>> No.51356328

she is 18 you dumb fuck, 18 is considered as adult

>> No.51356336

no fuck you

>> No.51356350

no fuck you, you are not a fren, get out, this is fren only thread

>> No.51356358

make me pedo

>> No.51356365


>> No.51356393
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>> No.51356394

jjust go drink a coffe with her you absolute autist

>> No.51356443

then accept the coffee date, if it's a joke and nobody shows up you're down the price of a coffee and half an hour of your time. assuming its some place local, obviously don't get on a plane or anything for this.

but yes, it's probably not real. judging by how much insecurity you show, to the point where she has to reassure you several times its not a joke, shes probably lost interest by now.

you think chad spends several hours in conversation. naw he's just on tinder and he's like "hey babe lets smash" or whatever the fuck they say and then he gives her an std, thats modern dating.

worst case scenario someone does show up, and its an elaborate prank but to what purpose? to secretly record the date and put it on youtube, some kind of "pranking incels to make them think they have a chance" series. if that was real we'd all be watching it already, it's not. or its an elaborate prank to extract money out of you, or get you alone so they can steal your organs or something i dunno.

>> No.51356493

spot on. Might not be a joke, but given how you communicate and how much of a pussy you are, its either a prank or a gold digger.

>> No.51356510

but the whole reason you even spent several hours talking to some boring roastie on the computer is out of extreme thirst. then when maybe you have a slight chance to slake that thirst you back right out. so why even bother in the first place. don't delude yourself that you chatted several hours because she's interesting and fun, she's not, you did it out of thirst and simping. now that you know you're never going to have the guts to seal the deal anyways you won't bother in the future.

>> No.51356525

oh, and if she was interesting and fun to talk to, then it was a man

>> No.51356578

This. Just fucking do it, anon. It may be the best choice you ever made. Before you have sex with her, though, take her to a bar where they check IDs to make sure that she's 18.

>> No.51356602

just go. stop overthinking it that's what will fuck you up more than anything. worst case it doesn't work out nothing bad is going to happen.

>> No.51356635

>having sex
enjoy your stds

just kidding, but not really. i'd want to get any woman tested first but they're not down for that because its too inconvenient and no woman wants to wait that long to have sex. so you do your best with a condom but even kissing on the mouth can spread something. and even getting her tested shes probably slept with a couple tinder chads in the time it took the test results to come back, which she will lie about of course. women are filthy

>> No.51356651
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i explained her why i take it as a joke, she understand it and still saying that is not a joke. no simping or thirst on my part, i started messaging with her without plans to have coffe or sex with her, it was just normal conversation
Thanks frens, you are my best frens

>> No.51356671

do it fren. just go. her age doesn't matter. and the truth is many people are jelly you will get to date a fresh (maybe unspoiled) 18 year old.

>> No.51356695

>no simping or thirst on my part, i started messaging with her without plans to have coffe or sex with her, it was just normal conversation
you're lying to yourself

>> No.51356716
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You will never be an 18 year old woman or be able to compete with them, tranny

>> No.51356760

not rly, i'm not like most of the men, i have my rules, and don't want to have sex with someone i don't love. /biz/ standards it is faggotory, but at least im not like this retard

>> No.51356764

There is no scenario in which an 18y/o would financially benefit you. If you need someone to bear your children, or for casual sex, so be it. But you'll be the one contributing everything financially.

>> No.51356863

>when you whip your dick out
>and she whips her dick out
>that is the belly of the beast

>> No.51356916
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Thank all of you for your opinion. I will go
Thanks again, you are my true frens.
Jannies you can delete thread now, i know you want to do this.

>> No.51357313

>31 year old grown-ass man
>being able to have a conversation with an 18 year old schoolgirl
literally how?
how could you possibly have anything in common?
how is your mental level not 10x higher than hers?