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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 680x402, ohfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51354075 No.51354075 [Reply] [Original]

brace yourselves, nothing else matters
sp500: 3000
btc: 12.5
icp: 4.2

>> No.51354141
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My expert outlook is that some securities will increase in value, others will decrease, and some might even stay the same.

>> No.51354148

I'm in a short. Jews would rather avoid their religious shemitah crash so that I don't profit off it

>> No.51354240

what day is it crashing though?

>> No.51354256

They sure would. They're a bunch of salty ugly children.

>> No.51354265
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shemitah ends this september dipshit

>> No.51354274

>icp: 4.2
more like 4.2 cents. kek

>> No.51354961

It literally rugs on the exact day it ends, look up the dates it ended in 2001 and 2008, it's the same day as the dump started.

>> No.51354989

the dotcom bubble continued to crash 1 year after the end of Shemitah

>> No.51355102
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>itt retards who sold and are desperate for a second chance
Kek, lmao

>> No.51355221
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>> No.51355618

uh, no?
i stacked cash since november and dumped it all in late june
have been stacking cash since then
stacking cash = shorting the market
once the extra leg down comes again, ill be deploying my cash again
that's how you make it. it's an enhanced DCA strategy. been doing it since I was ~21

>> No.51355922

I will now utilize this expert analysis to become wealthy.

>> No.51356069

More like 0.00000000042
Ha ha ha ha!

>> No.51356136
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>dumped it all in late june
You dumped at 17K didn't you,lmao

>> No.51356152
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I was rubbing my hands together like a greedy kike rat thinking I was going to short the markets all the way down to 0 and become rich beyond my wildest dreams.
Until I saw that chart a few days ago where it was obvious that 6 gorillion goys have the same strategy (ie the 1929 play).
If everybody's doing it, there's no money in it. Suddenly short term bullish seems like the play.
But that doesn't make any sense and feels dangerous. Now I'm just confused. Paralyzed even.
Wtf is the correct game-plan to make money on this impending crash? I mean what's the position before the dominoes start to fall?

>> No.51356200


>> No.51356460

Now overlay it with all the times it didn't dump, retard.

>> No.51356573

>Wtf is the correct game-plan to make money on this impending crash? I mean what's the position before the dominoes start to fall?
that you keep hedging

>> No.51356631

The time to buy will be in November in anticipation of the end of the Shemitah just as it was the time to sell in anticipation of its beginning

>> No.51356847
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The era of leveraged trading, due to crabbing.

To big to fail, everyone expects the fail. Gov can't let it fail. Prepare for the ultimate crab with the slowest decline ever. Money no go up, money no go down.

=========== use leverage to swing ===========

>> No.51356928

Jewish tricks are only possible because by using leverage we are borrowing money from (((them))),if we all collective have decided to not use leverage and instead use spot only they wouldn't have as much impact as they do now

>> No.51357140

What if I told you we are going to crab for 5 years.

>> No.51358196

That wouldn't be altruism

>> No.51358212

I’ll take a rug next week like 1973. K thx

>> No.51358234

Why? I’ve asked a few times, no replies. I know zero of coinz

>> No.51358241

It’s literally ends this month.

>> No.51358248

Shemitah ends I think September 26, UT I have a feeling that now they know we know and so they'll pump it or something to fake us out. Something ridiculous has happened to the stock market every Shemitah since the 1960s.

>> No.51358268

close your eyes and pray. That's the play right now

>> No.51358278

The 7th year of the 7 year agricultural cycle.

The lunar calendar, jewish years and dates have made me believe in the same god that the Jews believe in. He is definitely real. I can't believe finance is making me religious

>> No.51358325

It could just be their behavior that's causing it to dump though. I'm not going to pretend to understand their religion, but it seems like Shemitah is where they have to be honest for a few weeks or something.

>> No.51358362

yes but if they kill a chicken by bashing it on a wall then god gets tricked and they can keep scamming goyim

>> No.51358367

There are divine powers at play. Nobody ever "has to be honest"

>> No.51358379
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jewish exit scam on america
everybody here loses haha

>> No.51358380

Every year have shemitah. It is so tiresome.

>> No.51358404

Time to invest in china I guess

>> No.51358443

world war 3 will end the davos/wef/rockefeller/rothschild groups. They'll all be killed to the last lizard-person. A new age is coming, the age of general AI.

>> No.51358483
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Tfw you think it will dump because you don't know it's a Grand Jubilee year

>> No.51358487

Blood sacrifice, don't doubt it.

They do if Christ imposes this limit on them.

>> No.51358545
File: 22 KB, 620x376, cycle-1975-1976-bull-market-90yr-620-376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why you're all thinking, "huh, maybe it will pump because everyone is saying it will dump, but idk" is your critical thinking brain trying to save you, they want to throw you off, by doing this dump 6 times in a row, and then during the jubilee switch up on you. Think about it. 2024-49=1975, then look at this chart. You buy at the shemitah BEFORE the jubilee, and this is the GRAND Jubilee. The great switch up of our age. Don't be fooled, BUY BUY BUY.

>> No.51358574

Like all you retards saying "oh they won't pivot, they won't change up" this is the change up year OF the change up CENTURY. That's why you all have been feeling like it's clown world because the people who own the world (jews) are switching up in a switch up.

>> No.51358621

Sp500 will not go any lower than 3500

>> No.51358920

Its called value averaging

>> No.51359026

Sell Naked calls on IWM, buy puts for an overall 0 cost

>> No.51359501

They worship satan retard

>> No.51360064

>Sp500 will not go any lower than 3500
Ahh but it is. It's going to 0. in USD that is. It will be priced in BTC soon.

>> No.51360207
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>btc: 12.5
Absolutely delusional.

>> No.51360224

I've been watching people on jewtube talking about shmita for months.
the kikes are going to wreck everyone shorting this

>> No.51361501

>he sold low
Nice a /biz/ original

>> No.51361627

Even if everything will be sold, link will be bought for a precised pricefeed, especially if everything goes into the gutter and chaos ensues
Also link always was a bear market coin who performed the best and pumped tremendously out of nowhere.
Taking into account that the BTC crash recently merely affected link, it's safe to say that link will be the go to investment

>> No.51361648
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>God is a baby-eating fire demon

>> No.51361659
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Fuck jews

>> No.51361834

Hunt for RED OCTOBER. Trust the plan

>> No.51363512
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How to tell if a kike made the graph

>> No.51365581

Pro tip: Ignore any faggot mentioning this in a positive or neutral way.

>> No.51367249

i agree, but i'd like to know your reasons

>> No.51367271

If btc loses 40%, ICP would lose a lot more than that....probably like 60-70% from here

>> No.51368221

dumped cash = putting it into the market, idiots
this is a shitty board now lmao
good to know, thanks anon

>> No.51368299


>> No.51368396

Pro tip: icp and btc are the only cryptos that matter now and loads of you are missing the boat.