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File: 46 KB, 487x599, WMJGR3ZFLJA7LK7UZTXF6HIK6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51355673 No.51355673 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51355729


>> No.51355735

if steve jobs wasn't a powerless puppet he would survive his ilness and wouldn't wait for organ transplation.

>> No.51355739

Needs to be ravaged and creampied non-stop by a gang of BBC

>> No.51355740


>> No.51355741

How did the faggot do this?

>> No.51355754

why are you the way you are?

>> No.51355758

he had sex

>> No.51355773
File: 6 KB, 249x166, F4BAA964-C1D5-4AF8-99DF-F99DB97AF946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help chuds
It’s a nice looking girl, maybe a little too skinny for me but looks like a tradgirl

>> No.51355794

yeah no, not even has any curve or any meat.

into the trash it goes

>> No.51355797

Would sniff

>> No.51355808

I stack doge for she

>> No.51356017
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>> No.51356044

>he was given sex*
that looks better

>> No.51356054

where is her iphone, iwatch, icam, powerbook, and newton? think different (tm)

>> No.51356143

She knows what “smart” technology does to you.

>> No.51356277
File: 64 KB, 680x603, 1638116122307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the braaaaaaap

>> No.51356326

Wasn't Steve Jobs a faggot

>> No.51356497

way too tall

>> No.51356592

>wanting your sons to be manlets

>> No.51356625

She's cute. I hope she finds a nice white man to settle down with and they become a power couple who end up ridding the world of BBC posters.

Realistically she'll just marry some rich Jewish guy and be some basic bitch libshit who pops in the news a few times per year.

>> No.51356665

Who the hell is daughter?

>> No.51356717

You realize the people who post this are niggers

>> No.51356721

no white man deserves this snow princess. would walk a thousand miles through broken glass just to see her ride a BBC on camera

>> No.51356734


>> No.51356739


>> No.51356750

>*America has entered the chat*

>> No.51356913
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>> No.51356988

exceedingly kissable tummy

>> No.51356999

>posing like a whore

>> No.51357064

no, it's a hapa by he name of eugene gu

>> No.51357066

Steve Jobs daughter
soon Hand Job

>> No.51357068
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>> No.51357119
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>> No.51357120

I went to hs with Eve in shallow alto

She was just the girl whose modest but not lacking (would fit perfectly in my hands) boobs id stare at in English until she went on a flat earth anti vax rant, and someone told me she was Steve Job's daughter after. Then she was the apple gril whose boobs id stare at in English

>> No.51357355
File: 425 KB, 600x783, Pepe Plantation Owner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*drags on cigar*
Well now boys - lookie here, I say I say, lookie here now boys. Seems that we have got ourselves one “buck” that has forgotten his place oncemore and requires a-breakin’.
>*the amphibian plantation owner smuggly glances at your bulging negroid eyes*
Now now, you silly little negro it would appear that you have become emboldened to disobey us and we simply cannot have that because it goes against the natural order… You see, negroes such as yourself simply cannot comprehend the intricacies of our modern industrialised world. You negroes are what we refer to as an undeveloped hominids, you are simply lesser than us normal folk. It is precisely this inferiority which drives your negroid mind into absolute madness and why the breakin’ process is so important.
>*fingers snap as a group of well-endowed Ulster-Scotsmen undue their britches and surround you*
Alright now boys, ain’t none of us enjoy what must be done, but we all know the ramifications of our inaction would surely doom this precarious balance we currently enjoy. My goodness gracious me, men the negroes actually appears to be grinning a bit, perhaps he has come to enjoy the breakin’ afterall – we musn’t wait too much longer now. Poor little negro, too stupid to be amongst men and yet too erratic to survive in the animal kingdom. Just bend over now, I say I say, just bend over now boy and we will sort it all out.
>*the animalistic howling of a broken negroid echoes across the southern plains*

>> No.51357384

amerimutt detected

those aren't "chuds", they're JlDF

>> No.51357438

Deranged yet I love it

>> No.51357462

Checked. Break em, papa!

>> No.51357636

I can't unsee her dad's face in her face.

>> No.51357830
File: 61 KB, 500x500, fhritp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51357844

Very nice how much?

>> No.51357856

i wonder if her name is Eve Blowjobs

>> No.51357886

Now why would the be posting black dick comments?

>> No.51357980

>genetically predisposed to cancer
poor investment desu

>> No.51358022

ha gfy!
I'm a dumbass and thought Jeff Bezzos when I read steve jobs, saw mr Jeffery on her face until I read the comments and realized, boy, am I one dumbass!
Isreal is our greatest ally!

>> No.51358097


>> No.51358126

lmao wtf???

>> No.51358319

that's a man (boy)

>> No.51358342

I’d marry her

>> No.51358358


>> No.51358359

And if he had the money and status he could and nobody would bat an eye. Women would line up and put on their best performance to be chosen.