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File: 195 KB, 1476x577, 41567CDB-731B-4261-8A3A-C1912C110E56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51347511 No.51347511 [Reply] [Original]

You have just witnessed the much rarer pump BTC to kill link instead of dump btc. Link/BTC pair was about to cross a critical horizontal resistance confirming a bull for link. They pumped BTC to stop the break of this resistance line and will then dump soon to try and move it back down

>> No.51347664

Haha it's a rare one indeed only happened twice in the last year from what I remember compared to the BTC dump

>> No.51347705

Yep, little speculation but as it passed 7.60 they had to pump BTC

>> No.51348113

Ah yes I too enjoy entertaining such delirious thoughts but what if it's real

>> No.51348139
File: 434 KB, 631x401, tintin sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry they can't hold it back for much longer
linkies are BACK!

>> No.51348408

Fuck this shit please just pump already

>> No.51348435

why could it be advantageous for them to pump rather than dump this time?

>> No.51348798
File: 112 KB, 499x700, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shut the fuck up would you please
Perpetual fucking shittalkers, that's all you are. Keyboard warriors. Put up or shut up. If your LINK bs is so hot it'd speak for itself. It's had ample time to do so already as well meanwhile the apologetics for the inaction morphs and adapts to suit.

>> No.51348818

Kek this jeet is angry

>> No.51348854

OP you do realize Sergey himself probably holds 15k-25k BTC and does this to stop pumps, right?

>> No.51348888

They can sell/short the Link/BTC pair to prevent the break out but that forces a pump on BTC. When I’ve seen this cycle previously step 2 is the dump the BTC/usdt pair to try and force a cascading sell off in Alts including Link

>> No.51348938

First it's LINK is in a lull, then it's LINK is priming to moon at the end of the bullrun, then it's BTC dumps to suppress LINK, then it's S&P is dumping to suppress LINK, then it's BTC is PUMPING to suppress LINK. Next it'll be BTC is sideways to suppress LINK.

When are you happy? When are the conditions prime for your fantasy? You lot have covered off every possible set of market circumstances and wrapped a LINK-centric conspiracy around it. When you render that down it just means LINK is performing like shit.

>> No.51349001

these threads are identical to the XRP threads. is anyone is here not a bot?

>> No.51349011
File: 110 KB, 640x848, makeup spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the guys who'd blame the controller for losing a game, or to say the sun was in your eyes when you missed a shot, or someone's cheating in a boardgame then storm off to your room. Apparently some "different" set of snowflake rules apply to you versus every other shitcoin and THAT'S why you've underperformed all the normies. In other words, whiny midwits.

>> No.51349021

People say "take your meds" in jest all the time on this board, but I am genuinely concerned about Linkies' mental health. Someday there will be a true-crime docuseries on this baffling cult of LINK aficionados... I just hope it doesn't culminate in mass murder.

>> No.51349030

Kek stop ruining their cope circus

>> No.51349044

Kek did i trigger you or something

>> No.51349891

Just check volume on the link/btc pair at the daily close…

>> No.51349999 [DELETED] 

>First it's LINK is in a lull, then it's LINK is priming to moon at the end of the bullrun, then it's BTC dumps to suppress LINK, then it's S&P is dumping to suppress LINK, then it's BTC is PUMPING to suppress LINK. Next it'll be BTC is sideways to suppress LINK.
this, but unironically.

>> No.51350043 [DELETED] 

>First it's LINK is in a lull, then it's LINK is priming to moon at the end of the bullrun, then it's BTC dumps to suppress LINK, then it's S&P is dumping to suppress LINK, then it's BTC is PUMPING to suppress LINK. Next it'll be BTC is sideways to suppress LINK.
this, but unironically. at this point the retards are the ones who DON'T recognize that BTC's sole usecase is to manipulate the price of LINK.

>> No.51350069
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>> No.51350117
File: 1 KB, 168x183, 251451512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is correct Link was painting a bullflag last night right before BTC magically pumped.

Was interesting because BTC isn't going to stop pumping either now....

>> No.51350171

Same as last time, BTC and ETH will moon and LINK will crab. I don't know why people expect any differently. Remember, LINK will not cross double digits until demand (staking) arrives

>> No.51350201

Staking is promised EOY, they are waiting on the ETH merge clearly, you are too dumb to understand young tranny.

>> No.51350828

take your meds link schizo

>> No.51351105

>what if

>> No.51351738

>promised from a video 9 months ago
>waiting on ETH merge

Why are you larping as a retarded Labs employee?

>> No.51351862

when they gonna stop?

>> No.51352360

I think this is insane to think, but at some point you start questioning yourself... It happens every single time jesus christ

>> No.51352389

Another day another shizo thread about the chainlink

>> No.51352397

once they can make more money staking than they can with this manipulation

>> No.51352421
File: 70 KB, 1046x481, totally organic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, faggot. pic related is totally organic.

>> No.51352424

please cope harder about your token's price action, endless source of comedy on this board desu

>> No.51352453

They will write books and movies about us. Tom Cruise will be cast as Assblaster.

>> No.51352841

After Ari releases the v0.1 of assassination smart contracts using staking v1.0.

>> No.51352916

it is when the token isn't needed

>> No.51352942

It’s in the WP v2 numbskull. Chainlink nodes need to be validators on a POS network.

>> No.51353750

>once they can make more money staking
so in 2024? Cause full staking is coming in 2024

>> No.51353792

>Chainlink nodes need to be validators on a POS network
it's blockchain agnostic

>> No.51353844

You have pulled this from your anus, they haven't said when full staking will be here

>> No.51353898
File: 384 KB, 1080x789, 42-sS5wrsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of stinky linkys LMAO

>> No.51354031

market wide shemitah crash which will bring link back to $6.66 one more time?

>> No.51354094

pretty much this
one of these days linkies will get the rope

>> No.51356442

Great callout. They have a built in excuse for everything. Their founder shills a scam bank for two years and then releases none of the promised features, maybe those are the fucking reasons the price is shit and not some worldwide conspiracy to ruin the fantasy of 100 neets on the worlds online loser hangout

>> No.51356446

Yes they fucking did this is the third time this has happened within 6 weeks. Last time it solo pumped from $6-$9.50 while BTC was crabbing at low prices, it randomly produces a huge green dildo (which turned out to be a bart) and the momentum was killed.

Exactly the same shit is happening now. ASSASSINATION SMART CONTRACTS WHEN

>> No.51356457

You dont actually think its anytime soon do you? If so, I gotta bridge to sell ya

>> No.51356476

>duuuuuuuude every other coin has to sit perfectly still while link moves or else link will crash. Itsthhh a consthpiracy


>> No.51356537

>but…. But… they’ve been suppressing muh link stack for 4 years now because it worth $11k per token!!!!! Nnb!!!!

>> No.51356554

>take your meds link schizo
>it is when the token isn't needed
wtf the shizos were right
kys tranny

>> No.51356558


>> No.51356598

why do LINK holders believe everything revolves around their shit token? Bitcoin is leagues above your worthless token, to argue that BTC is used to manipulate a useless token is just plain insanity. Seek help.

>> No.51356780

cry more linkchud

>> No.51356829

yes,yes,literally EVERYTHING is an attempt to suppress link.

that being the case, maybe it's time to find a new coin to invest in? or you could just keep your psychobabble bullshit to yourself, faggot.

>> No.51356864

>a useless token
Thats why youre here right?

>> No.51356881

psychobabble bullshit is why we are all here. Including you.

>> No.51357216

yes, i just don't want the link psychobabble bullshit anymore

>> No.51358532

Judging by how this retarded thread played out, I'd say most anons see through the bs. If LINK is worth a fuck, none of this matters. It'd pump on its own and it wouldn't need a magical blue sky to do so, same as any other coin. All this is is apologist excuses for something LINK ought to be able to do if the bull case is right. Idk how anons can write shit like OP incessantly rather than revisit their biases or positions. Evolve your trading.

>> No.51358582

Good news for humanity, bad news for schwabites.

>> No.51358602

lol, u mad tho fgt.

>> No.51358631
File: 807 KB, 1125x941, 1657780417975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't ask, Don't care, Cope, Seethe, Dilate

>> No.51358642

Lmfa. Bot abandoned other thread to spam this thread. Hilarious

>> No.51358653

Epic response. Kind of obvious I hit a nerve. You should stay adaptive if you want to escape brainletism, anon.

>> No.51358671

these niggers wake up and see that it's raining and think "they did this to suppress link"

>> No.51358696

i've doubled my link stack by shorting btc when link pumps

>> No.51358700

>scroll past 100 LINK threads
>bored one day, open thread
>"token not needed lol"
>get 20 (You)'s
>"1K EOY"

>> No.51358713

>Please pure money into my scam
>Don't buy more chainlink tokens
>Come on man every one buys xy
>Buy my bags please

>> No.51358763

The fuck are you on about? I didn't shill a single coin kek. Just when you think a LINK thread couldn't get more retarded.


>> No.51358781

Sure you have
And I bet you're the same kind of tard who'd ask for "proof" that an OG actually sold their LINK in 2021 too

>> No.51358800

>Please sirs flexibility
>You need to buy dogemoondildo
>Not chainlink token
>Please sirs village hungry
>More flexible monies for ranjeet sirs

>> No.51358834

lmao these retards will be holding chainlink in 2035 at $7.50 telling everyone staking and CCIP will be live in just two weeks and claiming bitcoin's recent dump to $375k was orchestrated to suppress their token's price

>> No.51358892

It's really clear desul that they've massaged the bitcoin up and down to stimulate or tame the potentially explosive nature of the Link token. There's no way thos could have been achieved without the 'special advice from one well known ex-Google CEO. It really is one of those rare cases of the tail wagging the dog which we see in cases of national security and significance. The controlled opposition will always deny, of course, though they know as well as we do. Still, we weave a merry dance with each side assuming it's role. Very soon, chainlink will be unveiled to a largely unsuspecting world and all the suppression will be forgotten. Thay day is soon.

>> No.51358902

At some point, the only interpretation is that LINK doesn't perform. It has been 2 years of excuses and mental gymnastics. If LINK fundamentals are "held to a different standard than other coins" by detractors, LINK PA certainly is by the apologists. Shit or get off the toilet by now. There's no reason if the bull case is actually legitimate, i.e. LINK is a latent world dominating technology, it cannot withstand ordinary fluctuations in the volatile market it trades in. How do you even begin with such nonsense?

>> No.51359040

>everything is an action to kill link
>invests in link
if you believe greentext part 1, then why the hell would you ever do part 2?
it should be clear from the world around us, the economic hierarchy and all of human history that the good guys dont win, they never have.
its a hollyjewd myth that being right and showing perseverance, holding on to whatever it is you believe in deeply, somehow leads to the good guys winning in a last minute swerve against impossible odds. theyve been telling slaves for thousands of years that salvation is close.
if you believe that theres a group with a magic money printer, control of exchanges, the media, the courts, the governments and if need be, real life force at their disposal to shut down a shitcoin, then why the hell would you invest in that shitcoin?
making no judgement if any of the theories on manipulation are true or not, make a judgement on the trade

>> No.51359202

Because this isn’t “who killed the electric car” from the seventies. They aren’t trying to kill the tech, it’s suppressing it for accumulation

>> No.51359214

Hahaha fucking retard how’s it feel to literally be a retard????

>> No.51359271
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Well said. This is where the core division appears, either objective reality (definitive truth you might say, kek) or sheer stubbornness. I like LINK but I didn't marry it, kek. Didn't tie my self perception to its PA either.
If it's a good trade, a good buy, it speaks for itself. You can double down on fundamentals but the sustained excuses for PA are pure bullshit, and should be beside the point if your take is sound in the first place. Many choose to fluff their ego to the detriment of their investment, as has become increasingly obvious in whiny cockamamie LINK threads.

>> No.51359286

It’s delusion. LINKOIDS are fucking brain dead and would be institutionalized 30 years ago. But instead they’re out and about with the fucking transformers.

>> No.51359295

it was cute at first when LINK had performed well in the bear market and they were making excuses for its mediocre bullrun but it's reaching the point where they're indistinguishable from any other bagholder with a conspiracy theory about why their portfolio hasn't mooned yet (silver stackers, memestock short squeeze investors)
The least they could do would be to have a sense of humour about it but instead they lash out insecurely whenever someone fuds them

>> No.51359318

>it’s suppressing it for accumulation
these people have an unlimited number of billions available to throw at link itself if they want or more than likely, an unlimited number of billions to put in place a controlled competitor that will ruin link.
consider that google didnt invent search, facebook didnt invent social media, amazon didnt invent online shopping, apple didnt invent smartphones, musk didnt invent rockets or electric cars etc. being first in the tech world doesnt mean shit, the companies that make it are not the innovators but rather the more kosher vc backed alternative that appears once others have proven a concept will work.

>> No.51359362

i married link and it was a gay marriage lmao

>> No.51359373

Yes, and it's transparent now. No, your particular alt doesn't get its own set of rules that supersedes reality. LINK is either what you say it is or it is something else. Anons just got too wrapped up in their own lore.
LINK has a major opportunity over the next two years to melt faces, I'd say. There are bullish indicators you can see and they appear on the cusp of actual delivery of core features finally after 5 years. If it's meant to be, it will be. None of the whiny excuses about market dynamics matter.

>> No.51359414
File: 317 KB, 390x408, 185415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck the fudders ITT is the worst I've ever seen sadly it seems to be a group of burnt niggers who didn't buy in when you had a chance.
It's going to be 14.88 in less than a week niggers.

>> No.51359421
File: 1.15 MB, 772x900, rad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your particular alt doesn't get its own set of rules that supersedes reality
that's where you're wrong, my friend

>> No.51359478

Toss some scraps for me over the walls of the citadel when you've made it

>> No.51359727

hes literally retarded, that's why

>> No.51359734

Super natural sounding /biz/ conversations guys. I dont even hold LINK but this chain of posts is fucking bizarre. It reads like some shitty play with the characters loudly talking on stage for the audience to hear. Who is paying you?

>> No.51359747

If it's "two" people complimenting the fuck out of each other there's a 90% chance that it's just Michael.

>> No.51359789

Talking for myself only, I was probably overexposed to LINK at least for the first half of 2021 which was a stack I'd held for a long time. I've seen LINK sentiment go from rightly smug, as in believably comfortable, to the sooky infantile crap it is now. It lasted for far too long. A little pity party is fine but past that point it does just seem like a group of people deluding each other or larping together and reeks of every other dead shitcoin general thread. Even your own post supposes a conspiracy. It's beyond ridiculous. The time capitulation and price reality seems to have been cause for enough thought that outweighs all these tired insipid excuses that have been volleyed into every LINK convo for years on end. In other words, your shit got stale and people are calling you out on it. (No, I don't believe you don't hold any LINK, kek.)

>> No.51360048

Indeed, and so much this! It is quite perplexling yet pitiful to observe the LINK marines resorting to such paranoid, sniveling behavior as the cognitive dissonance of the quite severe losses they have sustained as a result of holding their unneeded, unwanted and unneceesary token (ticker: LINK) as it has plummeted in value.

I too was once a former holder of LINK but had the foresight and wisdom to divest my holdings at approximately the top. Once again we (/biz/) urge you to also sell. If not to help unchainlink you from your delusions, then at the very least to help lift up our board from the miasma of the miserable cope of this dead shitcoin's last holders. We demand it. And no, it's not a conspiracy! This fear, uncertainty and doubt you so often claim is just the natural reaction to facing a hard truth. Grow up, sell this crap and fricking move on.

>> No.51360114

>yet another conspiracy
>every piece of LINK FUD must be a conspiracy

It's truly only the brainlets left.

>> No.51360147

No one cared when I got my job at wagie mart.
No one cared when I got raise, bought some stocks, or got a mortgage.

But the moment I start buying link the world grinds to a halt, sending a row of black swans one after another.
Covid, Ukraine, Taiwan, genslers SEC, irs, some stupid cargo ship getting stuck in a canal, the fucking pope denounced crypto.
When I see this much effort to stop me from doing something, that thing screams worth doing. No one cares when you stay in your lane and behave. Step out of bounds a bit and the bugs come crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.51360155

Every single one of those posters have massive link stacks. Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.51360241

who the fuck cares about link, worthless shit

>> No.51360271

>duuuude lets mock le fudderzzzzzzz
>holds shitcoin -95%
>vehemently defends the very people destroying their wealth

This folks, is your brain on stockholm cuckoldry. Theres literally no cure.

>> No.51360311

Nobody gives a fuck about link, it's just a personal line of credit that never needs repayment for sirgay

>> No.51361301
File: 102 KB, 1835x546, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, but unironically. at this point, the retards are the ones who DON'T recognize that BTC's sole use case is to manipulate the price of LINK.

>> No.51361348

There are more Israeli posters on 4chan than any other country … now don’t you think these greedy jews would set up shop on the business board to make shekels (linkers, mETH heads, Xrp junkies )…

>> No.51361357

>Bitcoin is leagues above your worthless token
Kek he doesnt know

>> No.51361392

Is link still a erc20 without any purpouse yet? Pour linkfags

>> No.51361711

Why aren’t you guys checking this fag

>> No.51361745
File: 570 KB, 790x1100, 1662793167721963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do LINK holders believe everything revolves around their shit token?
Oh it's not just us who believe this, anon.

>Bitcoin is leagues above your worthless token
Not according to the big dogs, see pic.

>> No.51362149
File: 10 KB, 340x192, g5y345y435y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkies are B-ACK!

>> No.51362165

>global events impacted billions of lives because i bought a shitcoin
Delusion of grandeur right here. I would tell you to take your meds but I dont think you can afford it

>> No.51362782

Linkies truly are the biggest laughing stock in crypto lmao. All your posts here immediately get screencapped and shared for comedy purposes.

>> No.51362812

these posts you quoted are unironically the most organic and sensible posts I've seen in LINK threads in a long fucking time
you absolute moron

>> No.51362890

thats just you thomas https://twitter.com/ChainlinkThomas/status/1568546966178496512

>> No.51362933

Let's step into the mind of the common LINK bagholder aka linkie for a moment. A truly one of kind specimen in matters of delusion, stupidity and retardation. Picture this is you may. It's the current year, crypto markets are at ath after almost 2 years of a parabolic bull run, the "WW3" psyop meant to fuck our global economy is about to take place, inflation is rampant, global markets are collapsing, supply chains are falling apart all across the earth, global reset is on the horizon and the situation is bleak, meanwhile, the common linkie, not only holding to his hobo bags with his h0bo clutches through all this, he is also without any shame whatsoever actively advises other people to do so as well while his conviction to his brilliant slav shitcoin choice of the apocalypse is dependent on Sergey memes and a shit tier API for listing price feeds, scams and jeetcoins aka oracle network which somehow suppose to give his absolute slav shitcoin some sense of "usecase" and "utility", now although "usecase" is what keeps his energy for making threads his real drive stems out from his collective hivemind's shared delusion being enforced by a bunch of milennial discord admins aka as the "devs" on the rest of the linkfaggots "community", aka "the prophecy", where it entails a scenario where this absolute scam coin (which cannot pull a 1b daily volume) is somehow magically going to reach a 200b market cap. The delusion here is so strong it's as if the xrp, icp and d0b0 to 1K and the shib to 1$ bagholder's dreams all combined and got channeled into a slav coin with an API for CKY 1932 generating random numbers. You bunch of braindead faggot niggers are going down as THE most stupid investors to ever take part in any financial market since the dawn of humanity.

>> No.51363089

This needs to become pasta

>> No.51364992

If you need a bottom signal for the cycle, the fact this is still in the catalogue is a good indicator. Traffic on biz is dead

>> No.51366338
File: 148 KB, 354x549, SCHWABNECK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all.

A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversation. Real anons browsing /biz/ think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.

>> No.51366362

A big difference will be made when cross-chain functionality and interoperability becomes the order of things. I have higher expectations for Ethereum anyway, compared to Bitcoin on the long run.

>> No.51366499

>Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all
always believed you were a schizo shitposter, but I guess this is closer to the truth than anything else

>> No.51367003
File: 67 KB, 1024x733, 23456434543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Wanchaim, ORE and MANTRA and you'll realize how much development is going with cross-chain systems.

>> No.51368267

You underestimate how little they care about impacting billions of lives.
The reasons don't matter, look at the results.

>> No.51368331

Ironically LINK and LUNC are projected to be at the top EOY.

>verification not required