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5134398 No.5134398 [Reply] [Original]

Kek boys
Anyone have her original comments?

>> No.5134408
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>> No.5134420

yea, it was like
"blah blah, muh vagina. wymynz rah rah. give me stuff"

>> No.5134436
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>> No.5134452

shes right, 90% of the anons here have a personal grudge against women just because anon is unwanted, awkward, ugly, and rotten inside.

so yes, you are a bunch of angry little manchildren

>> No.5134478
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kek, dumb roastie. 2D is superior anyway

>> No.5134497

Yes, you are the superior one, posting on /biz/ on a Saturday night

>> No.5134505

Fuck off vapid cunt women ruin everything

>> No.5134508
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>> No.5134516
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This. I want to marry Azusa.

>> No.5134525

Lop. Dumb whore cant work out coinbase.

>> No.5134537

There is no inherent virtue of having a vagina, having white skin, having black skin, being gay, etc. I say this as a minority myself (black).

All these talk about “we need more abc in xyz” is so fucking stupid. You need people who are qualified and bring something of value to whatever you’re discussing whether it’s a job or here, “the crypto world”. You contribute something awesome no one will care you have tits. Just prove yourself through your actions instead of wanting special recognition due to gender.

>> No.5134538
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>giving it more attention

>> No.5134551

Feminists claim to be all about the abolition of gender roles until you piss them off. Then they dig at your masculinity by calling you things like "little boy"

>> No.5134600
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>feeding it

>> No.5134624

Diversity is strength tho black, it has to be true we been hearing it for years.

>> No.5134630


>> No.5134658

this, seriously just read heartiste or something and practice game. Only way to deal with thots

>> No.5134674

>hello I'm a girl now please spoonfeed me all the things you worked out yourself over the past year or so
fuck them, the only thing this market cares about is your money. Fuck off with skin color and gender, nobody cares.

>> No.5134677

found it bros


>> No.5134706
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Fuck off back to twitter Jena.

>> No.5134773


>> No.5134793

I don't hate you, femanon, it's just that most women have the mental capacity of a child and spend their days focused on themselves and their vapid narcissitic desires. Let me guess, you are different than the other girls?

>> No.5134859

is that why you spend your days and nights shitposting on an anime board? Or how about how you are a spoiled brat who is angry no woman will ever love him?

who is the child here?

>> No.5134877

>she really fucking tweeted this

ROFL women are dumb as fuck.

>> No.5134883

>taking to a social platform to complain about people complaining about you on a social platform

There was times where women would get beat up just so they have their voices heard and their vote warranted, now they just bitch about how men walk over them without trying to pull themselves up.

>> No.5134885

angry little white boys
coal burner detected

>> No.5134903

you seem really angry for no other reason than you can't shill your appearance for benefits and attention. even now anonymously you still suck up the attention in this thread that was never about YOU in the first place but here you fucking are.

>> No.5134912

I'm a faggot in a relationship, I hate women because they're fucking retarded and useless. I don't have to pretend since I don't want pussy, they really are a meme gender. Have you ever fucking dealt with women in a real life? They're raised to remain children all throughout their lives

>> No.5134918

Get the fuck out, we don't want you here and you despise us so why waste time on anime board wit us?

>> No.5134967

you write like we actually WANT women to love us, this is false. women lead to nothing but problems. as soon as you anger one of them they accuse you of sexual assault and god help if you're in a relationship or married to one, your life will be basically over. it's dangerous for men to be alone with women nowadays.

>> No.5134986

So why DOESN'T she do it then though? She didn't even answer the question, which is a valid one...

>> No.5135022

This is simply not true and it REEKS of not only victim blaming, but victim shaming. Look at the stats and you'll see the truth. But you don't want to do that, do you?

>> No.5135040

Look at me I'm on biz. I am woman here me roar #metoo. Seriously. Everyone look at me.

>> No.5135125

>argument by holes
I can't believe people fail to see how worthless women really are

>> No.5135148

I don't doubt men and pigs and shitheads and abuse women more than it's reported, but it's a two way street anon. women have found all they have to do is accuse a guy of sexual assault and it will stick even with no evidence behind it. it's simply too dangerous for men to be in a relationship now.

>> No.5135158

We should create Victimcoin. It would not only moon, it would fucking pluto.

>> No.5135186

The comment she quotes is not even that offensive
Stupid woman

>> No.5135204
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>The herp with her crusty meat flaps


>> No.5135234

Lol get lost faggot, about to fuck my gf tonight. Men want WOMEN not fucking braindead vapid loose pussied attention vampires. You're the epitome of a hypocrite.

>Muh gender roles
>Muh sexual freedom
>Muh representation
But as soon as you get criticized by anyone remotely resembling a male your fucking labia turtles and you start shitting on men for being virgins. Which is completely a projection of your own sexual insignificance you can feel approaching like a fucking freight train about to smash down your world at the ripe old age of 30.

Get The Fuck Out

>> No.5135241

>professional woman on twitter upset over autists on /biz/ trolling her

How will women EVER recover?

>> No.5135280

no you arent

>> No.5135315

Wanna hear something real scary guys?
What's the gender gap between men and women with making profits in crypto, every 1 cent a woman makes, guys make 3 billion. Isn't that disgusting? This isn't even make believe, women are literally being left in the dust because this new form of sexist currency ruins women's chances. The only way to fix this is we give all women 100 Bitcoins each and then men can have a taste of what it's like to be poor! Hahahahaha, can't wait for those delicious male tears!!!!!!!!! :P

>> No.5135319

I am angry? says the guy who can't string together a thought without saying 'fuck' twice

sorry i touched a nerve, at least your mommy loves you

>> No.5135324

Women are all about mug feelings and we apparently hurt hers. Now she's making a victim out of herself like a typical manipulative whore.

>> No.5135337

feels really good as women become more and more useless as their beauty fades and they become fatter too lmao

>> No.5135350


>> No.5135357

>angry little boys
we're 25 year old millionaires who had the foresight to invest before dumb broads like you jumped on the bandwagon.
we will also rape you on the crash down too :)

>> No.5135374

This /thread
>make Le professional business mad in real life
Protect muh WAIFU

>> No.5135378


>> No.5135397

Man some women are great, truly, but you can never ignore their true nature or they will fuck your world up so hard.

>> No.5135414
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>there are not enough women in crypto


>> No.5135425

I've personally had to deal with irrational women an inordinate amount of times in my life. #me5

>> No.5135459
File: 873 KB, 500x500, wage gap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—men will always earn more than women. They take more risks, and spend a lot more time finding ways to earn money. Despite close to 100 years of legislation to hinder men relative to women, men always find novel ways to generate wealth.

By the time the government completely invaded universities and set up its gynocentric curriculum, men dropped out of school and became Bitcoin millionaires.

Despite trillions in legislation to promote equality, a new patriarchy just emerged. A Bitcoin was worth just a few cents in 2009, and is now worth around 17,000$. The Bitcoin empire, and its market capitalization of $350 billion, is now worth more than Israel, Ireland, or Denmark. And like any system that isn’t regulated by the government—it’s entirely controlled by men.

I was taught that the patriarchy existed because men were physically stronger and coerced women into a subordinate role. So what’s their excuse this time? It’s not like you need physical strength for mining Bitcoins.

Coinbase, a website where cryptofanatics can exchange their currencies, conducted a survey recently. At least 95% of it’s users were male. That’s a whopping majority. The 5% of women were probably there to sell the Bitcoins that men gave them anyway.

Bitcoin, which was originally the project of a pseudo-Japanese anonymous weeaboo in his unemployed years, turned out massive and profitable. It’s at this moment that it became a feminist issue. Put this one on your calendar—March 8th is Bitcoin Women’s Day. If you want to contribute, join the Facebook page of BitcoinWomen, they already have 39 members and a profile picture.

>> No.5135465

Im so fucking tired of females griping about supposed inequalities. It's fucking 2018 almost. #mesix

>> No.5135470
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To demonstrate that women can do it too, a feminist named Galia Benartzi tried to create her own cryptocurrency. “We have an opportunity to rebuild the financial system,” she said. “Are we going to do it with all guys again?” Her cryptocurrency, Bancor token, had one of the worst performances of all cryptocurrencies, according to Bloomberg.

Here’s what’s funny about the fact that women don’t own Bitcoin. For close to 100 years, the government has forced the involvement of women in all spheres of life. After trillions in programs to transform them into men, women weren’t able to properly identify this unprecendented opportunity. Despite a century of efforts on the (male) taxpayer’s dime, a new patriarchy the size of a country emerged in just a few years. And now girls sell their nudes in exchanges for 1/1000th of a Bitcoin.

In 2010, thousands of women were employed full-time to promote feminist theory and legislation. Their goal: to smash the patriarchy. They gave us female superheroes, they voted for Hillary, they were in total control of published media, they replaced university professors, they put quotas for female executives, they took half your income to fund all of these programs… but the Bitcoin train went right past them.

Bitcoin is a perfect example why there will always be some sort of patriarchy. Men will always find ways to be wealthy, because they have motivation to do so. By the time a system is successful and the government makes it “female-friendly”, men have already moved on. Our weaponized autism cannot be unloaded."


>> No.5135500

i don't understand why someone would bitch about there not being enough women in crypto. if they are not interested they are interested if not oh well it's understandable, everybody likes different things. same reason there are not a bunch of guys posting arts and crafts and recipes on pinterest but some do. is she implying there is some sort of misogynistic boogeyman gatekeeper that keeps women out or something? if she wants to get involve more power to her, nobodies stopping her. fucking retarded bulbous-nosed bitch

>> No.5135501

It's actually a great idea. we give them bitcoin reparations, they are all happy and momentarily rich, then wall street crashes bitcoin with no survivors after CME futures launch while we all count our millions in altcoin gains. then women will hate wall street and we won't have to deal with them anymore.

>> No.5135511

Lol bitch upset cuz she got roasted. #me7

>> No.5135525
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>and that's when stacy told me she was going to be rich after she bought 0.0000001 btc for $500

>> No.5135543

funny thing is, men are also better at arts, crafts, design and other 'feminine' areas.

granted, they're usually gay guys, but still.

>> No.5135575
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>you have to like me.

>> No.5135588

Crypto should try to include more women? What exchanges exclude girls? Am I missing something? #me8

>> No.5135595

>angry little boys
roastie getting toasty lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

women were a mistake

>> No.5135624

I JUST FUCKED A HOOKER PAID WITH CRYPTOCURRENCY TONIGHT! Women are nothing more than a possession to receive my cum. You shall have no feelings for property, only wealth.

>> No.5135630

the beta orbiters failed to push bitcoin on them hard enough even though i'm sure the orbiters have been telling stacy about crypto since 2012 and she ignored it

>women see guys talking about crypty
"lol what nerd shit. fucking nerds"
>nerds get rich off crypto
"there arent' enough women in crypto! sexist! racist! fascist!"

if you pay attention you can see how fucking stupid women really are

>> No.5135638

Men are not doing enough! We should split our profits 50/50 with women, else we're sexist pigs.

>> No.5135668

I am also a fag I'm a social zombie so putting up with an emotional bitch is the last thing I need.

>> No.5135689
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we'll never achieve mass adoption if we keep telling the world we don't want women involved, just let women do what they do to keep themselves entertained even if that means writing crappy clickbaitey articles. Just focus on the real task of making millions.

>> No.5135692

you belong in an oven.

>> No.5135694
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>Or how about how you are a spoiled brat who is angry no woman will ever love him?
lmao you're following the same script every other toasty roastie follows

women are so unoriginal.

>> No.5135726

women only care about male hobbies when they become popular and they can attention whore

>video games
>star wars
>mtg and other tabletop games
>vidya streaming
and now buttcoins

women are also terrible at all of these things

>> No.5135737


holy fuck that webm

>> No.5135751

Holy top fucking kek


>> No.5135761

notice how the guys are cheering him on while the women are pissed that a crippled guy outperformed them

>> No.5135790

>women are also terrible at all of these things

And they inevitably ruin those hobbies for everyone. They are like a social parasite.

>> No.5135873

shes right guys lets all just hold on one damn moment.

tell the world to stop turning until more women graduate from comp sci and cryptography.

in the mean time why dont you autists jerk off or something, SHOULDNT BE TOO LONG

>> No.5135876
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the one that was motioning to help him up looked like she had no fucking idea how to even scale that wall either. fucking top kek. women are so retarded

>> No.5135906

It’s not just about the vagina, women have smaller brains and are on average much dumber than men

>> No.5135973
File: 259 KB, 536x422, illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you argue against me it's because no one love you
>all you do is post on 4chan that's why I came on a saturday night to tell you

>> No.5135980

And once again, a woman proves that their only value is as a sexual creature with holes to be penetrated. Good job defending woman.

>> No.5135990

I just read her recent tweets...she's dumb as a pile of bricks.
"I don't know how to daytrade"
"Iota or potcoin?"

>> No.5136047

what do you want, a picture of me sucking his dick? If you think there isn't some serious woman-hate in gay circles you're delusional. Even most straight grown-ups realize that biology made men and women different at some point in their life

>> No.5136072
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fucking hope she loses EVERYTHING if she can even figure out how to buy and transfer from exchange to exchange.

>tfw when she tries to buy eth on cuckbase and transfer it to binance then transfer it back out to cashout for a loss

>> No.5136340

What’s the point of whining about “not enough womyns”. If a woman would like to get into crypto he would just do it, there’s no fucking impediment apart from their risk aversion. Trying to force them in a space is just useless.

>> No.5136495
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How does she now see that she is perpetuating the stereotype that women can't fucking take jokes and insults. She is literally saying "Women are weak, therefore protect us men"

>> No.5136600

She probably has soyboys on Reddit sending her Bitcoin in hopes of getting some attention and to virtue signal their love for equality

>> No.5136712
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>> No.5136766

how do you force women into crypto lol.

its literally free choice, an equal playing field, if they want to speculate they can, if they want to code they can, not like 99% of the men in crypto know any kind of code themselves.

what a fucking idiot. lol

>> No.5136865
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1440, 20171214_173455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is one person
>everyone on here is basement dwelling autists

Pic related btw. Bye

>> No.5136889

She doesn't have to. More screeching leftists and beta cucks will fight her battle for her.

>> No.5136901

Crypto ppl are alpha

>> No.5136924
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LMAO! She takes herself too seriously. Dumb cunt

>> No.5136934
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>> No.5136989

How does it feel knowing that combined we will soon have more than enough wealth to make sex robot waifus a reality?

>> No.5137037


Look ma' boobs!

>> No.5137042


t. Jena Binderup

>> No.5137055

You’re right but that’s not an insult

>> No.5137120

Women in crypto aint bad, women love wasting their money on stupid shit. Just buy a coin and then advertise it to women and a moon mission is guaranteed.

>> No.5137193

I think we need to make a /biz/ altcoin called "femicoin" targeted specifically to feminists

Instead of satoshis call the units "equality points" or something and have all sorts of smiley faces in the wallet software, and make it pink

>Pre-mined 50% to give an even playing field, so nobody can gain a majority anymore
>Female miners can submit their IDs to have 25% lower difficulty on block rewards!

>> No.5137226

>women love wasting other people's money on stupid shit.
Fixed that for you

>> No.5137236

gas all women

>> No.5137239

Women are fucking retarded. My girlfriend emotionally broke down two weeks ago when I told her that I've been trading my bitcoins. She actually thought that I've been gambling and losing my money........Seriously thinking about dumping her

>> No.5137263

this is because feminists, like all women, are mentally deficient

>> No.5137332

I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see if you can write an insult that doesn't reduce to "i won't fuck you". You're a barely sentient reproductive tool and the muslims have the right idea how to treat you

>> No.5137367

as a woman I support this woman

>> No.5137395

>thought you were losing your money
>had no faith in you
>felt so entitled to your money that she felt emotionally devastated over your supposed losses
Yeah, dump the bitch.

>> No.5137419
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kek forgot pic

>> No.5137483

My exact thinking. I'm glad she did it because I've never seen that side of her

>> No.5137499

>They are like a social parasite

Don't you all see? All of this is just a technique to get impregnated. Infiltrate male-dominated circles for their attention in order to find a mate. It's their biological imperative.

>> No.5137542

based fucking pepe poster

>> No.5137563

It's ok show here the memes and then shell understand

>> No.5137564
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She seems somewhat amused by it.

But for real who the fuck cares? Back in my wageslaving days I told everyone I managed to buy ETH and the only girl under me took my advice. This is back when it was first listed on Coinbase. She doesn't need to virtue signal, she just HODL's and watches her dinero grow.

>> No.5137592

We aren't the ones bitching on twitter about not having any bitcoin

>> No.5137614

>tfw tried to tell everyone about btc when it was under 1k and nobody listened

>> No.5137627

No wonder ark posters are so fucking dumb

>> No.5137678

Women only understand smartphones, not desktops.

They’ll never be miners, thus they’ll never crypto.

>> No.5137703

Open bobz or gtfo.

>> No.5137704

I want to see a communist coin where people with a lot of coins get taxed every block and redistributed to those with nothing/a small amount of coins.

Id fucking love to see commies try and function with it

>> No.5137737
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>> No.5137738

Uh, no. Black just said himself, diveristy of race is not strength, diversity of ideas is.

>> No.5137811
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fucking based

>> No.5137819

Diversity of ideas is only a strength within a framework, and already decided upon homogenous philosophy

Otherwise you can't move past arguing over whether sharia law is good or not, because you don't have a framework to judge it in.

Basically what I'm saying is you need an objective standards to measure ideas against

>> No.5138308

Same. I wonder how many remember.

>> No.5138548
File: 53 KB, 1200x991, whatdidido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jenna Binderup?
How about Jenna shut her up?

>> No.5138604
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>> No.5138656
File: 45 KB, 1152x139, holy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh shit
she predicted the XLM moon mission (up 40%)

>> No.5138741

Brain differences exist between racies also. For example, the difference between an Ashkenazi Jew and a white person is greater than the intellectual difference between whites and blacks. Yes, whites are literally niggers, to us. That's how we see you.

>> No.5138755
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women are just sour that theyre getting replaced by 2d

>> No.5138782

this explains ark posters

>> No.5138805
File: 324 KB, 1180x788, 1513397373539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't this White bitch know we're the new Rothschilds? Bitch I could send the ADL after you. Shut your rotten filthy mouth.

IF you mess with the Jews, we will molest your child!'
Remember to BUY IOTA

>> No.5138818
File: 8 KB, 87x57, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from each according to his stake to each according to his ...

>> No.5138835

I don't know why everybody's assblasted about potential vast sums of money pouring in.

Yes, they're fucking annoying and we'll potentially get SJW-type medias & social signalers covering BTC and influen-


>> No.5138867
File: 181 KB, 392x399, yyty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this bitch is getting DOXXED and murdered by our Monero hitman

>> No.5138877

omg the truth is so funny

>> No.5138888

you could just put a hundred shitcoin names on a board and throw a dart and predict the next moon mission right now

every shitcoins up like 20-500% over the last week and with the total crypto market cap rising by billions per day there's no end in sight.

basically if you were in crypto for like $10k+ before 2018 you're going to make it no matter what you do

>> No.5138926
File: 3.54 MB, 600x400, 1511277242527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only those were brains, she might not have bought ARK

>> No.5138945

Women are risk averse and less competitive than men.
Its why less women care about sports or play videogames.
Its why women chose to do jobs working with people rather than risky high paying jobs.
There is no fucking sexism here
Men will always be more successful than women overall its in our biology
You wouldnt say there is sexism in animals when they have the same differences in how the sexes behave.
I dont even know why i am posting this sjws are fucking retards

>> No.5138974

Also, the more important point is that women made it this way through the sexual selection they have enacted over the past few billion years of our collective evolution. Women want men better than them to make up for the value gap in the fact that women have valuable, rare eggs, and men have worthless, common sperm.

>> No.5138994

it's actually sexist to assume women need help to do what men already do without help

>> No.5139081

Many of the females I know would use their sex appeal to get what they want, whether its a job, project, or raise. But when some guy makes a comment they don't like they'll scream sexism/sexual harassment. Women want their cake and eat it too. It's fucking insane.

>> No.5139125
File: 130 KB, 600x774, WomenFuckUpEverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no anon
This thread is perfect
Clearly demonstrates why /Biz/ is a men's board
and why women need to GTFO

>> No.5139160

If you apply the IQ you're implying Ashkenazis have to Israel then the idea is that Palestinians and non-Ashkenazi jews have like 50-55 IQ retard.

>> No.5139196

Yes, non-ashkenazi jews are just a buffer for us that we can throw into the front lines (IDF)

>> No.5139219

she isn't even holding the paper...
bad shop is bad

>> No.5139309

femanon here and this is hilarious I like biz and the banter and women dont exist on the internet anyways .

>> No.5139366
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>> No.5139377

coinbase forced me to take a picture of my dick to prove that i was a man before they send me some bitcoin

>> No.5139446

Whites 102
Kick out the Irish and Slavs whites 105
AshCan Kikes who are not so inbred that they have congenital retardation and can actually take the test 107*
US niggers who are mixed race 85
Nigger niggers 72

*Covet being kike language IQ is damn high but their math/reasoning is spic levels. Basically they lied their way into IQ tests giving language a far higher influence over math/reasoning. 50/50 when it should be 75/25

>> No.5139493


>> No.5139503

>femanon here

>> No.5139512

lmfao that was my comment, tell ma i made it

>> No.5139598


>> No.5139664
File: 73 KB, 561x650, MUH TEMPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average IQ in Israel is literally 96. It's like those people who always say they're one way because they're not. Jews are the ultimate ghetto race. For 2,000 years they lived in ghettos. The worst slums around. Nothing smart about that.

>> No.5139694

stay mad white monkey

>> No.5139711
File: 211 KB, 825x464, 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pajeets and chinks: highest IQ levels in the world and currently dominating science and engineering fields. the fucking ceo of google is a pajeet.

Harolds and Kumars are at the top of the intelligence pyramid.

>> No.5139722

Ashkenazi Jews are the smart ones. The Germanic Jews. There are many African and Arab Jews who pull down their stats.

>> No.5139748
File: 425 KB, 638x975, trumpism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting, I don't see any Jews.

>> No.5139779

Semitic emotionalism detected. You will always be a sperg. Haha

Stay Semitic, you sand rat.

>> No.5140644
File: 826 KB, 1903x3515, RABBI IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
