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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51341593 No.51341593 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve cut my cost of living to an absolute bare minimum and save almost $600 a week in grocery and food costs.

>metamucil for breakfast. Full until lunch
>can of chef boyardee, cold at my wagie cube for lunch
>bowl of rice and beans with a protein shake with daily multivitamins for dinner

Daily intake is $1.27 a day. I got 90 cans of the chef boyardee when it was on sale four for a dollar since they’re expired.

I’m gonna make it anons, are you?

>> No.51341613

why were you spending $2400 monthly on groceries lol

>> No.51341615

This is the play of the century. Stockpile food tho.

>> No.51341629

why not just keep throwing money at dips, the cost of opportunity of waiting for the mother of all dips is probably costing you a fortune

>> No.51341640

Living easy, buying steaks and seafood, eating out with coworkers daily. Been doing this for almost a month now, hoping more chef boyardee goes on sale

>> No.51341709

Maybe all the sodium has got to my head. But I’m convinced the worst is still coming

>> No.51341781

I've got$100k waiting to buy the bottom
But then my garage developed a leak so I need $400 to fix that. DAMN

>> No.51341815

Anon, eat Ramen. Can save more money while health will remain on par with eating chef boy r dont

>> No.51341862

I can neither confirm nor deny this.

>> No.51342258


Learn to cook retard. You can make a meal way cheaper and tastier (and healthier) than that canned goyslop

>> No.51342281

if you eat nothing but processed goyslop you will die 30 years early and won't be able to redeem your savings

>> No.51342970

Grow a fucking garden idiot. Buy a small growlight and grow some hydroponic salad greens in mason jars indoors for the winter. Jesus Christ I have to imagine that every time you eat a can of that processed goyslop it probably shortens your life as much as a cigarette. And you're gonna get the beetus if you eat rice and beans every day. Why do you think 3/4 of Mexicans get it?

>> No.51343768

What’s a dip

>> No.51343823

I'm in the same head state. I'm thinking of trying out the sqqq when the timing is just right. I still think we've got a little climbing left before things get interesting.

>> No.51344285

coca cola is the reason beaners get beetus. its more available than filtered water in that country

>> No.51346293

>thinks his cash will be worth shit

>> No.51346325

My first thought was how can someone like you even breathe, let alone post on this image board. Phoneniggerfaggot poster are the lowest parasitic scum of this entire website, no even of the whole internet. They produce nothing of value, they only post low iq unfunny shitposts and they are low iq subhumans without a single drop of original thought inside their pea sized brains.
You should kys and never post here again, your parents would feel way better, if they knew that their disgusting failure of a son can no longer bring them any more shame.
Also you are a low iq /pol/tard and should go back >>>/pol/.

>> No.51347291


>> No.51348004

canned stuff containing tomatoes doesn't last very long anon. just a heads up. canned salted meats (sardines, spam, corned beef) and canned vegetables excludes beans usually last the longest