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51315929 No.51315929 [Reply] [Original]

I am early 20s, work 60-70hrs week, heavy commuting, shit diet
Don’t go out, no vacation
No time for hobbies, friends, anything besides coming home completely tired
No social media, never had a gf, never went on date
5fig crypto folio I don’t touch whatsoever and live like a bum

Is my life headed to absolute jackshit? I am heavily behind 6-10yrs with my peers, and dissociate
Can or should I do something?

>> No.51315993

I am mid 20s, no job, never worked above min wage, shit diet
Don't go out, no vacation
No real hobbies besides wasting time on vidya, trying and failing over and over gets exhausting
No social media, no romance of any kind, never went on a date
5fig crypto folio but it was almost 6 at the peak, I never sell and live like a bum

I don't know what to say, does your job pay decent?

>> No.51316001

Honestly just quit your job and live on savings for a bit until you find something decent. You can't fix any of the other problems in your life while wasting all your waking hours at work or commuting. Money comes and goes, and you'll find a way to get by

>> No.51316041

You should live a real life if you want to. Im not a social butterfly or a richfag but ive been a whole lot of places and i barely have ever worked, when i do its minimal effort and i dont stick around long. Idk your circumstances with family or whatever but they wont be around forever. Youve given your whole life to the jews, if thats ok for you because you might have some semblance of making it one day then more power to ya champ.

>> No.51316069

You're fine. Just keep grinding and grab opportunities when they come up. Don't blow up your life like this fag >>51316001

>> No.51316111

Was in the same boat as you a year ago, OP. I filled the hole in my heart when I bought a lifetime subscription to blacked. Life is great now.

>> No.51316122
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similar issues with me OP

all i do is work, and if i'm not completely exhausted I workout aswell.

I don't have a social media presence at all too. I was thinking about making an instagram because lets say I do meet a girl, she's going to want my insta, and not having one is creepy to women.
But if I do make an instagram I'll have like 20 followers max, and they'll all be dudes. Sounds even more depressing than just not having one
idk what to do bro but I hope things get better for us

>> No.51316147

>work 60-70hrs
my nigger, you don't WORK 60-70hrs/week, you are just present at your workplace for 60-70hrs, stfu

>> No.51316179

what kind of a retarded distinction are you trying to make? his time is spent doing shit he doesn't want to do for 60-70 hours a week.

>> No.51316202

>Youve given your whole life to the jews, if thats ok for you because you might have some semblance of making it one day then more power to ya champ.

Honestly I am working to afford pay for my room in a semi big city and be able to save up for a motorcycle so I can have some fun In my life ripping through the woods or something

I could move back to my parents, but it’s very rural and basically a house in the middle of nowhere. No job opportunities there too, but even more cheap….

>> No.51316226

well i'm almost the exact some OP, except early 30's

Th hours are just killing me, i basically work from 7 to 7 these days. I mean, i didnt exactly have a big social life before, but atleast that was my own personal choice and not because of some jew boss.

Just quitting without a decent backup plan seems a bit drastic at my age, but you can still get away with it i think.

>> No.51316235
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Dont work more than 40 hours, let them shits fire you when you demand a work life balance. Even if they jew you out of money somehow its not worth it bro. Mental Health is more important than Financial Health
I've seen too many of my friends get stuck in some dicksucking job that saps their energy and time, and surprise surprise they dont have time to upskill, network, do hobbies, anything. So they stay stuck.
I'm not saying become a jobless neet and delude yourself into believing you can bootstrap yourself, I'm saying that working more than 40 hours has on-the-margin financial gains where allowing yourself time to recover and improve will have exponential gains.
>40 hour work week in fintech
>getting masters online
>switched jobs a bunch and got 120% increased base salary over 2 years, more once I get my masters
>actually have hobbies
>work out
>get gf sometimes
>dont want to kms as much

>> No.51316236

*while waiting for crypto to do another bullrun

>> No.51316248

if you're working this many hours and barely getting ahead in life AND not fucking any women, there's literally 0 point to what you're doing. go back to school and study something useful, learn a skilled trade, do something else.

>> No.51316293

>his time is spent doing shit he doesn't want to do
nobody is forcing him

>> No.51316335

unrelated to what you were trying to communicate. do everyone a favor and get the fuck out of this thread you jet black gorilla nigger retard.

>> No.51316384

I dropped out of school because I couldn’t focus on class
Being alienated and without attention from a girl whatsoever at no point in my life, and no future prospect for it and I couldn’t think clear and can’t cope with accomplishing long term goals

I don’t think emptying my crypto portfolio for a hooker addiction would solve anything
At my job I don’t interact with peers my age or hot girls in my vicinity, and I can accomplish my day. But I can’t put a foot on a campus being demoralized at every second

>> No.51316392

stfu you retarded poorfag wagie

>> No.51316416


>> No.51316435

then apply to a bunch of trade apprenticeships until you get into one. you can't keep doing what you're doing. there's no future in it. you don't want to wake up 10 years from now in the same exact position (except 10x more suicidal because you're now in your early 30s.)

>> No.51316524

Cash your money out and go to some 3rd world dump and stay at a hostel, take a greyhound across the country, read the bible, take some time to think about what you really want. The world is rapidly changing and some things wont be here to enjoy later. I am an antisocial bum who doesnt care about most things but life is getting better as I dive deeper into the few things which interest me. Im working part time to afford my cheap rent and pocketing whatever extra i make to go bum around Europe next year, literally sleep on the ground and eat the cheapest food possible. Let your soul fly out a little man everyone i see is fucking miserable even the richfags being young and happy is awesome and makes grinders seethe

>> No.51316569

Most of trade apprentices work up to 60hrs too
Make shit money during their 1st years too

I envy people who have a good friend group, maybe in their home tome, happened to find a gf that way and thats a way how you can make a job like this world for you

But no friends, no gf etc, doesn’t make this worthwhile

>> No.51316593

>early 20s
>heavily behind my peers by 10 years
so your friends all had jobs and five figure crypto portfolios when they were 11 and 12? Wtf are you on about lad.

FYI - your early 20s are when you grindset and flesh out your resume doing the grunt work at an organization. As you move up in the corporate world (i hope you're not wasting your time digging ditches or working at Wendy's) the work gets less and less and it's more big picture/mental stress than actual hours. Try to move up every 2 years or so to a better/higher paying job until you settle somewhere comfy.

>> No.51316604

then get over your gay womanlike emotions and go back to school. you are responsible for yourself, you are in control of your own future. understand that "the universe" is perfectly happy to let you rot away in obscurity, wageslaving 70 hours a week for bullshit money with no control over your life. take control and DO SOMETHING.

>> No.51316717

when was the last time you read a nonfiction book? ever? your mind is the only thing that's gonna get you out of this

>> No.51317007


>> No.51318080
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Normiest advice ever
People like him keep accumulating all their lives and when they look back during a moment of lucidity they realize it's too late too late to enjoy life so they carry on, accumulating to the bitter end

>> No.51318163

I bought like 40-50 nonfiction books after turning 18
Read about half of them

>> No.51318198

I do around 50 HRS a week but I have a GF and we have the same days off. 60-70 a week is miserable. Oil and Gas guys work 80 hrs a week but it 2 on 2 off

>> No.51318355

it only gets worse

>> No.51320436
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>Just go homeless bro, money comes and goes

>> No.51320457

listen to podcasts during your commute,
or the how to influence and make friends
audio book...or whatever that boomer book
is called.

>> No.51320509
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Live in a vehicle for the next 2 years, work and trade crypto. Learn to live low and slow, learn to survive and then thrive. Go somewhere every weekend, wherever you want. Meet people. Take pictures. Do something.

Personally I just bank, don't need women and I don't need fun right now. I just need money and this is what you do.

>> No.51321645

I'm early 30s, same situation. It doesn't get better.

>> No.51321676

>jet black gorilla nigger retard
made me chuckle

>> No.51322295

If you want to make real money, start a business. Then start another business. The earlier you start this process the better. This is all really very simple.

>> No.51322330

If he were to start a business, he'd be able to get a better job if the business were even moderately succesful. You see it all the time. Guy quits job, guy starts a business, it fails, he gets a mildly better job, guy quits again and starts another business, it's moderately successful, the guy gets another much better job as a pe investor or something, guy quits again, starts another business, business is success, the guy is now wealthy.

>> No.51324145

You can and should do something. Take a break; take time to think.

>> No.51324401

Suck it up and take the pain, I get 4.80 an hour as an apprentice in western Europe

>> No.51325251

Idk why everyone is shitting on you! I’ve gotten burnt out and quit for months before and lived on the savings. I literally laid in bed all day with my girl fucking and door dashing lol! I blew a lot of money but lived the way most wagies could only dream of. After a few months my mental health was good again! Then I woke up bored one day and realized I needed to build up my savings again and went job hunting and got a new gig (Bartender btw).
>never would have thought /biz/ boyos would be such slave morality wagies at heart.
>save your money, live like your poor, within a year you won’t have to kneel before shitty employers as your savings will cushion you.

>> No.51325426
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I am mid 20s, work 40 hrs a week at a boring ass work from home salary job. I never leave my house, I stare at a screen for 8 hours a day so I can get off work and stare at screens another 4 hours before going to sleep for another day of staring at screens. I have no friends, no gf, no hobbies, and all my coworkers are interacted with through screens.

>> No.51325687

This right here! I figured out a good formula and I might post as another thread. What you said about grinders seething is very true. My peers and managers have plotted to get rid of me in past gigs after I used my time off and went to life affirming trips to the beach, coming back tan and with a smile. Even my own father gets annoyed by my care free lifestyle. I prioritize my freedom, happiness, getting laid, and feeling satisfied over “career” and “success” whatever the fuck those are
>can anyone explain lol

>> No.51325855
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>> No.51326335
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Whatever mountain you're climbing, I believe you can do it! Don't forget to take a moment to look over your shoulder and see how far you've come. And you're just starting out, look how much potential lies ahead of you.
Look at the possible gains, look at coins like SHINJA that are mooning constantly and that you can get into for just a couple bucks. Your life is just starting, don't give up

>> No.51326410

dude forget work and money I made it with crypto but guess what I'm still an isolated depressed loser in my 30s

>> No.51326586

Because when you aren’t there, they have to work to cover you. Which makes hiring you pointless. Are you retarded?

>> No.51326670

Y'all be 10/10.
I'm 23yrs, road working, no dieting, work my ass out in what I love, weighing 90lbs and yeah I've some good ass crypto portfolio with Ngm, Ride, SCRT and CRO with solid utilities all in stakings to mention a few.

>> No.51326786

This is not true, unless you have an MBA. Recruiters rosaries & middle-managers see founders or businessmen as someone unwilling to take orders. But, if you are already in a strategy/consulting/VC space, it helps.

>> No.51327055

I'm late 20s almost 30 and stay at home all day. don't want to join the rat race . Don't want to get married. Don't want children.

>> No.51327143

>I am heavily behind 6-10yrs with my peer
Your peers are literally a lost generation. Not the cool kind either, the kind that has no sex no money no kids no power no future and whose kids (lol) may somehow have it worse.

>> No.51327367

I am mid 20s, I have chronic pain and injuries that don't allow me to do heavy work, can't find a job that I can do.
I'm a kissless virgin and introverted, I live with my mom and I hate it, I intend to go to a university since I struggle finding a job but I'm anxious and I'm scared to go just like I'm scared to go to a job interview.
I fall in love easily and feel like shit because I can't talk to girls and I become very sad. This and my physical deficiencies make me cry.
I'm also suicidal and practice self harm, but I don't have the will to kill myself, in part because I think things will get better.
I just started getting into crypto and since I'm a pretty optimistic person I wish it will be the cure to my suffering

>> No.51329360

Very rarely you would find gold here. Here it goes:

You’ve to become FIREd, either via starting businesses (repeated, trial & error) or crypto. Introverted people needs often more authority which in corporate normie world you won’t get unless you are highly connected sociopathic executive with an elite MBA.

Secondly, see if you find solace in gardening & permaculture. Seriously pursue it, like many introverted people.

Thirdly, take your time to genuine spiritual girls. They don’t have to be Christian. Many Asian trad girls are spiritual. You’ve to find it.

FIRE, spiritual girl & a permaculture settlement would solve most of your issues. But you got to lift, to make your girl happy & become a man.

Now go change yourself.

>> No.51329513

pls make thread, need cope

>> No.51332043

Not a bad portfolio chad

What assets are you holding in preparation for the next bull cycle benchod?

>> No.51332621

Most of your free time should be spent in creating other sources of income. Don't fall for the inaction or pleasures otherwise you will be doomed to stay in the cycle.

>> No.51334157

This was my menatllity for a while until realizing it was myself holding me back. I enjoy seeing myself suffer. So everything I do would always end in failure. Sometimes you need to stop and see if your map is accurate. Therapy to let go off the trauma and false beliefs. Then move forward unhindered.

>> No.51334661

Work less, fix your diet and make friends. Otherwise you are headed for severe depression in your 30s when you begin to realize that you missed out on the most important period of your life

>> No.51334665

Give your self what you need, OP.
I would start my day off with a pat on the back. One day where I'd review my obligations and start the day off completely clean of expectations.
Maybe start the day with a prayer for love and strength. Eat something nice. Enjoy taking care of my earthly needs and then see where that takes me.
Have a nice one

>> No.51334680

>Most of your free time should be spent in creating other sources of income

Exactly, I was in this situation before investing in other sources of income, precisely, staking on freeway and a few alts that I can manage and follow in my spare time.

>> No.51334730

I know this feel anon. Forget women for now. Work on getting yourself out of the work situation. Why are you wasting time on this board right now? Plan your escape starting now.

>> No.51334749

>Not a bad portfolio chad
The solid ones will always stand out no matter what. It's just a matter of time for things to unfold to be great.

>> No.51336355

meanwhile your making you boss rich LOL slave retard

>> No.51336581

Good goy

>> No.51339385

actually this

there is a big difference between working and presenting your disgusting human body at work.

>> No.51339776

You’ll get gaslighted that you are below average and that everyone else is living their best life and are all wealthy but the truth is you are about average and you’ll be retired by 30 if you keep on dca’ing into crypto. Hopefully before then if lucky

>> No.51339874

Yeah I’m in a similar boat. I didn’t have any luck with crypto though, so I decided to invest into a GF instead. I’d rather role the dice for a chance at happiness with a wife and kids. Work is my exit plan though, it’s long hours and annoying but I have a knack for brown nosing, and climbing the corporate ladder, so I plan on climbing to new titles as fast as I can

>> No.51339889

Seriously what kind of job does he have that he needs to burn 60-70 hours into and still live like a bum? OP are you just using your shitty job as an excuse to be pitiful?

>> No.51339959
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This is you. Stop whinging and expose your ego and fear in order to open up new frontiers in your life. Shit job? Start to work towards a better one wby either trying to improve processes and highlight it in your reviews, or, move to something better. Shit health? Gym is not "comfortable" but it is doable - it'll give you more energy not less. Stop whining like a bitch and do something!

>> No.51340077
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>Revelation 20:11 & 15 KJV
11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Now if you have fear of this, of God... that's the way it is supposed to be, do not be deceived.

>Proverbs 9:10 KJV
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

>How do i get saved?
Repent and believe the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, that He died for your sins, was buried, and resurrected from the dead the third day.

Repentance is simply a change of heart about yourself. It is written in 2 Corinthians 7:10 that 'godly sorrow' worketh repentance to salvation. It is to have sorrow towards God over what you ARE. The fact that YOU have sinned against God by breaking HIS law makes you a sinner against Him.
You were born corrupt, you are NO good according to scripture. Without Jesus Christ you are worthy and on your way to hell RIGHT NOW. Repentance can be summed up into simply: Coming to God as a sorry sinner...

Call upon and Recieve Jesus Christ as your PERSONAL Lord & Saviour and trust His shed blood on the cross for YOU, and believe that He resurrected.
STOP rejecting the one who DIED for YOU, the one who ROSE again. He is all which can justify a sinner in this time.


>Romans 10:9-10 KJV
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
>10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

>1 Timothy 1:15 KJV
15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

>> No.51340091
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If anyone wants good sound Bible doctrine & truth i highly recommend this channel. Especially the preacher & teacher 'Peter Ruckman'.
The man of this channel 'upgrades' old or new good plain Bible teaching & preaching, making it higher quality, adds scriptures & visuals making it smother and easier to understand.

Here's some good videos to start of with:

>The Gospels of the King James Bible | A Further Study on Dispensationalism | Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
>Dr. Peter S. Ruckman | Beginning and Ending of History | With Maps!
>Peter S. Ruckman | Antichrist | Mark of the Beast | Words That End in X
>Peter S. Ruckman | Leviathan | The Serpent | Satan | The Deeps

Above all, lean on the Lord.

John 16:13 KJV
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

>James 1:5 KJV
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

>> No.51340399

I approve of this post

>> No.51340560
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How come you work 70hrs a week and live like a hobo? May I ask country at least?

Seems unfeasible. Not even saving money?

I had this discussion with my boss once, to OP: the only thing we are here for is to spread genes somewhere and eat, and maybe try to understand the nuances of the universe, its horrors and beauty in the way.

You can do it

What sorts of master anon? Do people take online masters seriously? I'm about to bite this pill too or go independent as webdev.