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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51339804 No.51339804 [Reply] [Original]

The proof that people don't know shit is that yesterday they were saying Binance would burn trading. Today Binance said NO. So anons created new arguments to support lunc. You guys are creating arguments 'ad hoc' because you know nothing!!! This may be the biggest vaporware in the history of crypto. We can be literally 99% down EOM.

>> No.51339814

It's called bagholder stockholm syndrome

>> No.51339821

what do you mean they said no? They never said that

>> No.51339841

>Spot and Margin trading for LUNC and USTC, as well as relevant services on Binance Earn (e.g., Binance Staking, Binance Savings), will not be affected by this tax burn.


>> No.51339865

Oh no no LUNChads, did we get too cocky?

>> No.51339876

They didn't say they weren't gonna burn you fucking moron,this is a different burn, the burn CZ DID SAY they were gonna support is the one that is about to get passed by terra rebels,once that is ok, binance will implement the real burn do you know how to read you fucking nigger?

>> No.51339883

CZ will announce the burn applies to all trading after its implemented
Captcha: KDPPPP

>> No.51339893

What a fucking retard, did you even read the article?

>> No.51339961

>once that is ok, binance will implement the real burn
>CZ will announce the burn applies to all trading after its implemented

See? That's what I was talking about. This is new. Nobody until today said this. It's always a lie after a lie. Can you show proof that Binance is going to burn off-chain trading? I bet you can't. Because it's just another fucking made up bullshit to mislead people. LUNC is starting to become a parody of itself.

>> No.51339992

bump you fuckers, I want to see your replies to >>51339961

>> No.51340122

This has been debunked

>> No.51340151

how has this been debunked?
binance / cz haven't mentioned a single thing about off-chain burning, meaning people can interpret it either way. but no this hasnt been "DEBUNKED"

>> No.51340157
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Jesus christ this shit isn't fucking rocket science. The burn being successful has nothing to do with off chain/on chain trading. Transaction are still going to happen on the LUNC network regardless of whether they are trades or not. You're still going to have people withdrawing/depositing LUNC. You're still going to have people sending LUNC to other people. You're still going to have blocks being validated. You're still going to have smart contracts operating. All of this shit has the burn tax applied to it. The only people that give a shit about the burn tax on cex's are short sighted retards with no concept of the larger picture. Literally nobody wanted LUNA2. The market cap of LUNA2 is actually LESS than that of LUNC. That doesn't fucking happen with the dying fork you dumb fuck. Dying forks don't have more support and larger market caps than the original chain. ETC isn't larger than ETH. BSV/BCH aren't larger than BTC and so forth. LUNC is the original chain. The original chain WAS a top 5 coin... what is happening here is the community is actually bringing LUNC back from the dead but you're too dense to see the larger picture. This is fucking GME on steroids you dumb fuck, open your eyes and stop thinking so fucking small as "MUUUHHH CEXES WONT TAX SO THE BURN WONT WORK!!!!" ... as long as the chain is alive the tax will work you fucking mong

>> No.51340209
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>> No.51340214

>Transaction are still going to happen on the LUNC network regardless of whether they are trades or not. You're still going to have people withdrawing/depositing LUNC. You're still going to have people sending LUNC to other people. You're still going to have blocks being validated. You're still going to have smart contracts operating. All of this shit has the burn tax applied to it.
This actually makes alot of sense, and I do recall hearing that they're pushing for more apps to get onboard, nft's, and other things to make the chain more "alive" with more activity.

>> No.51340234
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>> No.51340244


One cent here we come!!!

>> No.51340246
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You guys realize that in the traditional sense, burning just means someone buying the coins and sending them off to an address no can access, right? Binance regularly does it with BNB. Also, fuck jannie trannies

>> No.51340272

whats the discord? I wanna get in on that shit.

>> No.51340296

The chain being live is the key... and the reality that LUNC is an ACTUAL CHAIN being used is what makes the burn work. That's why shit like safemoon/whatever other coin burn ponzi doesn't work... because safemoon/whatever aren't fucking live chains with dapps/contracts on them... they are fucking gimmicks that nobody has a reason to use beyond making buy/sell transactions and hoping you aren't the last guy that bought into the ponzi left holding the fucking bag. There are people ACTUALLY BUYING LUNC TO USE THE NETWORK THEREFORE THE BURN WILL WORK.

>> No.51340312

>Transaction are still going to happen on the LUNC network regardless of whether they are trades or not. You're still going to have people withdrawing/depositing LUNC. You're still going to have people sending LUNC to other people. You're still going to have blocks being validated. You're still going to have smart contracts operating. All of this shit has the burn tax applied to it
You can't compare all those operations with 2 fucking billions in volume. People were doing numbers based on a tax that would burn volume, and they determined that in a few months the supply would be 10B. Low enough to make us millionaires. But now, what's the volume in onchain transactions? Maybe a tiny fraction of the trading volume. The burn may take years or decades. And you better pray that momentum doesn't wear off during that time.

Sorry but literally who? Are we going to blindly trust literal nobodies posting on Twitter now? Is that the new strategy?

>> No.51340313

Also, keep in mind even centralized exchanges regularly move incredible amounts of stacks from one address to another.

>> No.51340323


Please fucking kill yourselves. I don't want to live in a world full of illiterate pajeets