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File: 41 KB, 798x644, pringe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51334895 No.51334895 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 50% in ETH but the "community" is a pack of cringe retards and I'm wondering when the merge pump hits its ETHBTC high so I can sell out of this fucking shitcoin

>> No.51335061

I'm thinking the same thing, probably swap half my ETH into BTC if it hits prior ATH, then the rest if in increments if it goes beyond that.

>> No.51335062

BTC+XMR = all you need.

>> No.51335280

lmao they really think their centralized shitcoin is god's gift to crypto and unironically call bitcoin a ponzi while pretending ethereum is a miracle of actual utility because uhhhh muh smart contracts

>> No.51335329

Everybody is expecting a pump and in full euphoria mode, flippening threads all over = top is 0.1 max then gigadump

>> No.51335385

You don't get it, Ethereum hosts dog coins and nigger ape moonboy club NFTs, that means it HAS to be adopted when all property deeds and stocks are tokenized instead of some permissioned sidechain. PoS is now good because vitalik is going to pump our bags.

>> No.51335545

that's going to be the last ethbtc dump ever, retards filtering themselves out
you will cry during the flippening and you will cry in 2025 when 1 eth is worth more than 1 btc

>> No.51335602

no one even seems to know there was a 71pct premine and a fork cause money skelly didn't want the hacker to have control in the proof of stake network. yes they decided quickly after release of the chain that they were going to move to proof of stake later

>> No.51335617

this is what I meant in OP, as nice as it would be to believe that my ethereum bags are going to make me rich these retards are fudding me out hard
anyways I'll start selling you my ETH at 0.095 ETHBTC and you can buy it because it's a guaranteed 10x

>> No.51335641

I don't have much left to buy with, just $700k in usdc except for my eth bags
not going into leverage

>> No.51335762

If that's the case I can just hedge my bet by taking a loan against my BTC into ETH

>> No.51335987

that 'premine' was just a normal ico

>> No.51336085

It already did retard

>> No.51336141

damn I've been worrying about that and I think you might be right

>> No.51336152
File: 3.13 MB, 1163x2048, ETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which fucking newfag nigger called btc ponzi? I am a 100% eth maxi, but the nigger calling btc a ponzi ll sell all her eth in the first fucking shakeout. Fucking nigger midwit droids I swear!

>> No.51336285

It's all over the place in ETH threads. BTC is a ponzi but ETH has value because it can host secondary ponzis.

>> No.51336314

I think bcoz the globohomo is shilling hard energy and envo bs all over the place....
I am good, because they are pumping my bags, but they are a weak spot long term :(

>> No.51336417
File: 85 KB, 267x264, 0279792955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I trade mostly qom, shib, and d0gbat. You can fucking imagine what my day to day interactions look like. You don't know pain.

I'm desensitized nowadays though, it's kinda comfy in an odd "I'm surrounded by people that don't care and still make money" kind of way.

>> No.51336433

everyone doing crypto is a cringe nerd pompous faggot.

>> No.51336451

Why even interact in that kind of TG group in the first place lol what possible value could you ever get out of those

>> No.51336458

Not as bad as BSC by a long shot still

>> No.51336471

>not 100%
guess you hate money, more for me

>> No.51336474
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Occasional calls and somewhat funny memes sometimes.

>> No.51336534

snore wake me up with ETH breaks the range its been confined to for the last year
then let me know when it hits ATH against bitcoin
it's ok I can wait, I'm here forever after all

>> No.51336737
File: 52 KB, 987x624, learn-to-read-a-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact: there's no more than a few months since the inception of ETH in which buying Bitcoin was the better choice

>> No.51336757

>a few months
don't worry we'll pump those numbers up

>> No.51336823

>but the nigger calling btc a ponzi ll sell all her eth in the first fucking shakeout
are you esl? who will sell, you or the one calling btc a ponzi? 'her'?
btc is a ponzi it's not even an argument lol. All profits come at the expense of other people, that's what makes it a ponzi

>> No.51336826

and when you won't, the goal posts will move again, and again, and again, like they always have and always will right up until the flippening and eventual death of bitcoin

>> No.51336838

now is the time to scale out of eth so 50% is a good start

>> No.51336870

i know we're getting close to the eth top, but can you please wait one more week before saying shit like that you'll fuck it all up

>> No.51337993

Listen guys, pack it up, it’s over. BTC… is a ponzi. There is no more discussing it. It’s been decided and that’s that. It’s a ponzi, so pack it up guys. There is no more discussion alowed. ITS A PONZI. It’s been decided. So pack it up. No. No, you ate not allowed to talk about it. It’s a ponzi snd that’s final.
Oh, the thing i bought? No, that’s not a ponzi. It’s called ethereum and although it was 71% premined, and although they initially lied about the amount of the premine. And although vitalik rolled back the blockchain because he didn’t like the way things were going (ethereum classic). And although it’s the most centralized crypto soon to be akin to centralized banking. BTC is the ponzi guys. What’s that, btc circulated for the first 1.5 years with no value, with a supply completely not premined with a 2 month notice of launch, with a anonymous founder who has not cashed out. BTC is A PONZI!!!!1

>> No.51338108 [DELETED] 

I recommend completely dominating the portfolio in _SYS_. It's really hidden gems with huge potential for long-term, comfortable Investment with the highest security Utxo and NEVM in a single protocol

>> No.51338784 [DELETED] 

I would anticipate a change in the price of ETH as Ethereum Merge approaches, especially if it is successful. I'm not willing to bet on _SYS_ pulling off something equally impressive based only on its track record of returning so effectively from setbacks.