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51332499 No.51332499 [Reply] [Original]

Burger bros, are we ever going to buy a house?

>> No.51332551

Nah I'm gonna buy land and put a trailer on it.

>> No.51332580

Mortgage rates rise -> real estate prices go down.
If everyone can borrow $1M at 0%, everyone will and since more money is competing for the same finite set of goods, the price of the average home will just go up by $1M. Mortgage rates should be 15%.

>> No.51332606

i'm continuing to save. prices will come down, as they already have, to an extent. but i work from home and if prices somehow refuse to come back to reality, i'll just cope and buy a $120k crap shack in my hometown with cash. i refuse to be debtcattle for jewish real estate interests.

>> No.51332651

I have enough cash to buy a house near my parents now but I want something nicer so I will keep saving and biding my time

>> No.51332714

Buy something in cash at auction during the crash.

>> No.51332744
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>prices will come down, as they already have
Oh no, greedy people overpaid for a home sight unseen in a bidding war and now they're underwater therefore prices are coming down it's a crash AHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.51332793

Meh, unless you're leveraged to the tits on your mortgage it feels like the difference is negligible. Just make a bigger downpayment.

>> No.51332802

normies are FUCKED at 5.9%

>> No.51332820

>Me: I wanna be white trash instead of upper middle class burbs.
Based af and I have a house. I just want a fancy trailer $$ in the bank from selling real house, land, and some sick dirt bikes.

>> No.51332826

I can only hope stocks go up, home prices go down, and then I can put down a 80% down payment to mitigate the interest

>> No.51332830

yeah I don't need no mcmansion. I'd be perfectly content with a cabin on a few acres in a rural small town. just waiting until everything crashes to scoop up some land to build my cabin on.

>> No.51332858

Yes, in a small town 5k-20k pop an hour from the nearest mid-sized city and 30 minutes from a national forest.

You're retarded if you're not buying in a small town these days. They're the only places where housing can be reasonably priced, even a good deal, and though crime exists the rampant inequality of urban areas does not, tamping down envious impulses.

Seriously, American cities are FUBAR. Take the commutepill or work from home until you can FIRE and NEET it up. I refuse to pay more than $100k for a 1000 sq ft house.

>> No.51333275

i'd be okay with a trailer as long as it was fuckin nice inside and i had it on a large plot of land with no close by neighbors. i grew up in white trash trailers as a kid, worked my way up to a successful upper middle class life in the suburbs. i hate my neighbors being up my ass all the time anytime i go outside.

>> No.51333323

Normoids don't have cash.

>> No.51333481

Average bank account can't even scrap an emergency $400. Dumb American debt culture. No more lending to these fucks who don't actually have any money.

>> No.51333618
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I've got $500k waiting to scoop up some Zesty Stacy's million dollar starter home

>> No.51333640

I have more money than I've ever had. 30K and I can only buy crack houses.

>> No.51333700

Money also isn't worth shit. You now have a society that is either broke or has cash that is relatively (now) not enough. Middle class and lower classes are essentially poorer.

>> No.51333708

>No more lending to these fucks who don't actually have any money.
I mean the whole point of lending culture is that banks and CC companies make ridiculous money off of people who are constantly in credit card debt. The fact that credit cards even exist at all is a scam, there is zero reason to ever own one other than to "bUIlD CrEDit"

>> No.51333732

Yeah, but inflation is eating their bottoming even more; not mentioning stagnating wages. They are becoming riskier and riskier by the day.

>> No.51333832

Even boomers and genX that want to downsize (kids moved out or something). They would be getting a new mortgage at 6% or higher. And the home prices have not come down much to reflect 6% interest. So people wanting to downsize will be paying 80% of their current mortgage for a house half the size.

>> No.51334056

What are your plans after getting your rural land? Are you gonna work from home, commute, or hopefully have enough for FIRE like >>51332858 said. Also I would like to live rural but I'm worried about marriage prospects not living somewhat close to neighbors and mid sized city

>> No.51334078

please no rough bottoming is the only fucking joy i have left

>> No.51334142

>marriage prospects
not happening so don't care

>> No.51334175

You're actually gonna give up on having a family? Don't get me wrong I know most women have been completely pozzed by feminism/social media but you don't think you'll ever meet someone normal?

>> No.51334566
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>but you don't think you'll ever meet someone normal?
Not him, but how many normal women have you met recently?
Now how many that were unmarried?
Now how many that weren't fat?

>> No.51334584


>> No.51334847

powell will destroy boomers, and us 90s kids will finally be able to live, just wait...

>> No.51335513

Holy based

>> No.51335824


>> No.51335852

You know there’s 200k+ trailers that look like hotels inside right? I’ve seen more and more of them here in Florida

>> No.51335865

fire is jewish. stop it. dont make others slave wage away for your fat ass. work and save and thats it. you're literally condemning your kids to worse goyslavery than you work in now

>> No.51335903

Didn't happen at all in the 80s hough

>> No.51335907

Rates dropped as soon as the coof scare happened and with trump being in office and being a real estate fag knew this would make his properties increase in value so him and yelled agreed to drop rates to 0% because MUH INFLATION MAKES US LOOK GOOD. We should have never dropped rates because of coof, especially after the QE of 2018.

>> No.51335929

I'm definitely not advocating or disapproving of FIRE, I'm just curious what your plans are once you go rural since employment can be tricky if you aren't within city limits

>> No.51335964

Not many, but I'm a college student right now so take that with a grain of salt. Maybe it's different elsewhere I don't know. But I ask is it worth giving up all hopes/prospects of something ever happening. What's the point if you aren't gonna have a family?