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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51323945 No.51323945 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make money without hurting people, biznacially speaking?

>> No.51323999

Step 1: buy knee pads
Step 2: suck dick
It’s the only way

>> No.51324018
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Checked but upside down your digits are 666 and the serpants led us into this current mess you co-kniving double nigger.

>> No.51324079
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its impossible brotha

>> No.51324180

You win, somebody else lose. Everything is a ponzi scheme. Even the ancient art of kneepadding may hurt others if you have AIDS

>> No.51324233

You dont even need kneepads just fucking squat and spread your legs you mouth breathing idiot

>> No.51324251

find something undervalued that will become valuable later because of the revenue it generates and buy it

>> No.51324258
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>Buy FIRN on optimism
>receive fees every time someone uses FIRN protocol
Simple as

>> No.51324264

What if like, when I get better at doing cool shit, you profit regardless, like open-source software, harware, music, art, science, medicine, like we share just enough to live cools lives without corrupting the fuck out of everything?

>> No.51324283

>find something undervalued that will become valuable later because of the revenue it generates and buy it

You're describing you and me, people create value.

>> No.51324325

Become a doctor

>> No.51324352

There is also a fine line between theft/rape/robbery and sharing, don't get that fucked up.

Too late, I'm a techfag. I wanted to run our architecture and now I'm doing it; you're welcome, brother.

>> No.51324420

people create things that are valued by other people. if you want to make money "ethically," that perception of value should be tied to a service that makes the world better. if you feel like a leech, then either help build the thing you've invested in, or help it succeed in other ways, thereby improving the world. use your profits to improve the world further. if your idea of "improving the world" simply means living peacefully and humbly, that is a better use of capital than someone who uses it to destroy

>> No.51324464

We're getting close my dudes.

>that perception of value should be tied to a service that makes the world better
It just requires good stories, best make them out of Truth so your clay isn't shattered latter, the Truth always comes forth, as that's the nature of things.

>if you feel like a leech, then either help build the thing you've invested in, or help it succeed in other ways, thereby improving the world. use your profits to improve the world further.
The world is fallen, but we do what we can to improver her, no?

>use your profits to improve the world further.

>if your idea of "improving the world" simply means living peacefully and humbly, that is a better use of capital than someone who uses it to destroy

Eh, fuck evil, destroy it in your own life and things get better.

>> No.51324546

What about the people that don't want this and want to take advantage of people that think like you, OP? Maybe they should be put in gas chambers in Minecraft?

>> No.51324562

Enjoy Samsara, I suppose, I don't know where you're going, user.

>> No.51324588

OK, you go ahead and enjoy Samsara, I'll take all your stuff and bang your wife in the meantime.

>> No.51324598

No, anon, understand, Samsara is real, do you want to reincarnate? I don't personally. Do whatever the FUCK you want to do.

>> No.51324685

Anon, understand, Samsara is not real. Do you want to reincarnate? poopoo peepee life sucks stop being gay

>> No.51324708

kill every jew and nogger and sell their gold teef

>> No.51324743

Naw man, i'm just going to meme them into to irrelevance hahahaha.

They'll all be like noooooooooooooooooooo



>> No.51324777

Let me teach you, rat-jew bastard, financially /biz/ speaking that willing be $6 million/ hour per hour.

>> No.51324928

People may be proficient in their jobs but they will still be exploited no matter what era in human civilization we're speaking of. Suppose you're a proficient doctor, you give a kid a covid shot, years later the OMS say "oopsie, covid shot raise the probability of dying by blood clots by 50%" what happens then? you were nothing more than an agent of death. The proverbial wolf in sheep clothing. Doctors prescribed thalidomine in the past, endorsed cigarretes, performed trepanations lol. The world is a fucked up place, either you exploit or be exploited. Without you even knowing. Coca cola give diabetes, alcohol give cirrhosis, government couldn't care less. Money is drenched in blood, sweat and tears

>> No.51325021

Why though, why is our system so intrinsically deceitful?

>> No.51325195

ya mon you just gotta blaze it every day like rastafari mon peace to da world mon

>> No.51325368

Open a business.

>> No.51325393

Convince whites to advocate for themselves.

Already done did do that, lazy niggers from all races. Me included.

>> No.51325423

1. get gf
2. fuck gf in case she's a virgin
3. rent gf to other dumb ass incels
4. sell her pussy and ass pics on OF
5. ????
6. PROFIT!!!1!

>> No.51325741

>>51323945 (You) (OP)
1. get gf
2. fuck gf in case she's a virgin
3. have babby with gf
4. take care of babby while they're imprisoned in the fleshwomb
5. ???? (don't circumcise)
6. Have a beautiful family

>> No.51326175


>> No.51326188
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Homosex is gay

>> No.51326419
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Easy, you grab your massive SHINJA bags (that are actually worth 3000 or so) and revelling on those ultra parabollic gains (+300% or so per month)

>> No.51326471

This isn't FFVII bro, we already killed Jenova.

>> No.51326514

nvm maybe it is ff7, what materia you got, if you got monkepox materia your a goner

>> No.51326685
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you must consume life to create life. it is the circle of life

>> No.51326764

>How do I make money without hurting people
Why the fuck would you wanna do that?

>> No.51326936

/fit/ days


>> No.51328574

It's though, sometimes I don't even want to kill a cockroach or any bug out of respect of life, but we're so sheltered in this life, we don't even have to hunt for our food. We eat chicken and meat and 99% of the time we don't even see that was an animal. We're all food as someone smarter than me said...was it in How to train your dragon? Also based Ed and Al

>> No.51328678

I don't to say a prefabricated answer like that's just human nature but,...that's just human nature. Some people are crazy psychopaths, other meek and agreeable. We have masochists and sadists. Some people like to control and others to obey. On the other hand, books like Grapes of wrath explore this exploting culture, the answer is essentially capitalism; it's all suffering caused by humans to another humans for profit, and theoretically could be easily avoided. "You starve and live in poverty while I make millions" Some people love money that much that go full Nestlé without any remorse

>> No.51331269

I dont understand. Hurting people or screwing them over is worth as much as the money, sometimes more

>> No.51331382


>> No.51331606

Ape in on based crypto investments chad. It worked for a lot of people

>> No.51331660

the pain company, you profit by putting people in pain

people pay money to experience pain, for example stung by hornet, pinched by lobster, bitten by bloodworm


>> No.51332105

Shill your token and dump on plebs
You'll do them a favour by teaching them a life lesson. Win win

>> No.51332565

Landlordism is the only pure form of moneymaking.

>> No.51333192
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You nailed it. I'm about to say this line and crypto is the answer to OP's concern. I am currently diversifying assets like Geeq, which is related to enterprise blockchain, and some assets in my portfolio.

>> No.51333633

Watch Point Break with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves

>> No.51335033


>> No.51335086

Take out loan.
Buy Monero.
Don't pay loan.
Destroy credit for 8 years.

>> No.51335488

Don't pay loan? You're an evil cock.
Currently, there are many projects claiming to bring better blockchain technology, and hopefully this will not disappoint us. Fingers crossed kek.

>> No.51335507

Why should you pay back a loan to a bank? They made the mistake of giving (You) money.

>> No.51335821

>buy some ETH and MATIC
>wait for merge and Polygon's zkEVM
yes its that easy no need to be violent to make money anon.

>> No.51337099

You're a smart one anon. One of my long-term investments is in sylo which aids protect my personal data from third parties and bad actors.

>> No.51337218

Everyone is feeling bullish about the merge

>> No.51337949

Buy $RQI to shit on the Queen's grave for one