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51329016 No.51329016 [Reply] [Original]

>High school: "Like, EW! What an ugly creep!"
>College: *completely ignores you while fucking Chads every week*
>Working life: "I, like, don't think that this candidate displayed enough of our Core Values in his interview. He got the technical questions right but he didn't show Excellent Enthusiasm or Majestic Motivation in his teamwork examples. We should reject him."

>> No.51329046

Nothing ever changes after high school

>> No.51329048
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yeah cool thread uuuuh shut up NIGGER i dont care

>> No.51329077

Job responsibilities:
Sucking off the manager

>> No.51329078

why would you work in a place where you speak with woman at your interview? you speak to boss or director, never to a hr, jesus

>> No.51329088
File: 44 KB, 640x690, 1660046216954148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recruiters have almost 0 say in interviews you literal retard. Incentives are such that they will bite their tongue if they dont like someone personality wise, but they think they can pass the interview. Have sex. It looks like the multiple psyops have worked on you. Congratulations.

>> No.51329253

Do you want to know why recruiters are mostly young women? It's very simple
>young women get a lot of leeway of shit talking men and telling them to fuck off
>young women are like jannies, they do it for nearly free
>young women are naïve and don't understand that they will get thrown out the moment they are older
>NO MAN wants to do recruiter shit. Unironically, if men could they would just put a dog there as a recruiter. There is no worse job than recruiter. Women at least can decline most people without having the insane shit show of complaints. Especially if the woman plays stupid, most people won't bother to fight for the job.

Also one little secret. If you go to a "recruiter" to get a job, you are already doomed to get just squeezed and thrown out.

The real recruiting is normally when the CEO tells you that you start at this point and gives you one year of your salary on day one with insane amounts of peaks.
You will never in your life see a recruiter if you are actually wanted by the company. I had even CEOs tell me that their young female recruiter is literally just there to watch her perfect ass and decline people. Some CEOs even say that a recruiter is just there to point people to so they can get rejected and don't make a big deal out of it because it's "just a young woman".

I remember when I was told to go to a recruiter and I straight up said "If the CEO doesn't have time then I'm going". Never dealt with a recruiter in my life and never will be. But I love hiring young women as a recruiter because they somehow don't think that being the person who "rejects people" is a strange job, considering that I'm the one firing them if they are too old and don't get the young woman bonus anymore. Trust me, you won't be an old woman as recruiter, because people will bitch hard at you if you reject them.

>> No.51329308

I have to dig up a tweet, but one guy at his tech place noticed that pretty much no socially awkward guys got hired once certain recruiters were hired.

>> No.51329337

>confusing recruiters with HR roasties

>> No.51329358

Talent Recruiter = Competence filter

>> No.51329359
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Just be skilled enough to bypass the first stage of the recruiting process.

>> No.51329386

if you've put yourself in the position where a woman or non-white decides if you get a job or not, you have to re-evaluate your life.

>> No.51329418

Women replaced you because they'll do the same work or more for less than lazy incels like you demand. Capitalism at its finest.

>> No.51330376

I like the second one the most

>> No.51330444

How can you be some ugly creep all your life? I've been on 4chan since i was 15 and lived a normal youth, sex and everything. Literally just talk to people lmao how hard can it be?

>> No.51330834 [DELETED] 

Imagine these white girls getting forcefully raped and impregnated by ghetto niggers from the hood, I’m getting a hard on just thinking about it desu. Just imagine it, as western middle class pretty white girls their entire lives they have been told and believed that they are stronk independent badass powerful career womyn that are replacing those toxic incels, that they are respected, valued, a higher class of being that must enlighten those poor oppressed POC with her superior ideology of social justice, all of that “I’m invincible!” roastie bullshit… and then some filthy, disgusting degenerate nigger just rapes her like the savage beast he is, dominates her pretty and well groomed white body, the body that she so carefully makes up every day and honed through years of college and HS sports is turned into nothing more than fuckmeat as the nigger savagely ravishes her, her pretty pink pussy being reamed out by his monkey cock, he pulls on her blonde hair and contaminates her womb with his subhuman seed, the formerly noble white woman is now nothing but a breeding bitch for negros

>> No.51330965

>compiler engineer
what the fuck does a compiler eng even do?
opens the terminal and gives the make command?

>> No.51331096

This is your brain on porn, video games, canola oil, and without a strong father figure.

Anon, you need Jesus. Read the word, if only for entertainment and improving your attention span.

>> No.51331465

Honestly, it's what white women deserve at this point. I'd gain satisfaction from it too, not sexually, but in a "I told you so kinda way." Imagine some BLM ACAB blonde middle-class Emily getting raped right in front of you by her pet nigger that she brought here while screaming at the top of her lungs at you to help her and you just say "You're not racist are you? It's just him culture", then laugh in her face and walk away.

>> No.51331537
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>> No.51332421

have a (You)

>> No.51332787

Write compilers.

>> No.51332891

What even is that?
Like dude just go on iPhoto and add pretty music to our photo album and make 300,000$ lol.
Get a real job like sanitation engineer.
You wouldn’t believe the SHIT I’VE SEEN

>> No.51332928

i wanna face fuck them and fill their mouths with my warm cum in front of their boyfriends or husbands

>> No.51333044

I've seen this pic many times but never realized
Is that Derrick Lewis?

>> No.51333535

>muh CEO
you worship jews

>> No.51333577

>look mom I posted it again

>> No.51333610

Me on the right.

>> No.51333630

>opens the terminal and gives the make command?
if you know that much and still have to ask the question, then you're an actual retard

>> No.51333672


>> No.51333849

>>Working life: "I, like, don't think that this candidate displayed enough of our Core Values in his interview. He got the technical questions right but he didn't show Excellent Enthusiasm or Majestic Motivation in his teamwork examples. We should reject him."
like that other anon said
over here in real life, recruiters have zero say on whether a candidate gets hired or not
it's all up to the hiring manager and subject matter experts who conduct the actual interviews

recruiters are the pre-interview filter AT MOST

>> No.51333994

Not true. Incentives are such that they will bite their tongue IF you've agreed to give them a cut of your salary as a finder's fee upon hiring. Their other major incentive is to maximize hiring while keeping salary costs low, meaning they receive praise and bonuses when they screen a bunch of candidates, deem them all unfit via ridiculous standards, and tell the company to hire H1Bs, contractors, etc. instead. Beyond that its mostly running popularity contests and playing politics.
These kinds of immediate financial concerns can often lead to HR actively working against a company's long term production goals and create a space where personal preferences dominate the evaluation process once the short-sighted financial goals are met.

>> No.51334025

This. High school and college continue for eternity these decades

>> No.51335586

How much do these bitches make?