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51327858 No.51327858 [Reply] [Original]

A comprehensive list of all solutions developed by Polygon so far:

The list dwarfs any other development going on with other scaling solutions. This is baffling simply for the fact that Polygon can be used for almost every situation you’ll find yourself in.

>Polygon PoS (commit chain):

An EVM compatible scaling solution that is capable of ultra high speed transactions while helping users save up on gas fees significantly.

>Polygon Miden (zkSTARK)

Polygon Miden solves the main issue with ZK rollups which is the difficulty for them to support arbitrary logic and transactions.
Miden VM completely supports arbitrary logic and transactions and with it, building a ZK Rollup that can execute any transaction and program (including those currently living on Ethereum) becomes very easy

>Polygon Zero (zkSNARK)

Polygon zero will be powered by Plonky2 which is the world’s fastest ZK prover system currently under development.
This will make Polygon the leader in the scalability game since it will support the fastest transactions per second while still keeping fees at an all time low.

>Polygon Hermez (zkSNARK)

One of Polygon’s most popular and praised projects. It is a ZK rollup scaling solution acquired by Polygon and will soon be upgraded to Hermez 2.0.
Hermez is very well known to be one of the top scaling tech companies on the market and Polygon’s decision to acquire this company has already proven to be more then worth it.

>Polygon Nightfall (Optimistic/ZK)

Polygon Nightfall is a hybrid zk/optimistic network for permissioned deployments with integrated privacy that they built with EY for baseline.
It uses Optimistic Rollup for lowering the costs and the privacy is attained by leveraging zero knowledge proofs.

>> No.51327870
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>>>>>>>continuation of the post

>Polygon Avail (Validium)

Avail will permit modular chain design where multiple execution environments can use Avail for data ordering and availability. Avail is agnostic to the execution layer, which can be the standalone chain or off-chain scaling solutions that use Avail.
Basically, off-chain scaling solutions can unlock their full potential by offloading data availability to Avail. Standalone chains can bootstrap validator security by using Avail for data availability.

>Polygon ID (zkSNARK) [Privacy Solution]:

Polygon ID is a blockchain-native identity system with programmable privacy. It will basically help people prove their identity without having to disclose private and sensitive information. And what’s great about this solution is that it can be use in and out of the crypto ecosystem.

>Polygon Edge [Blockchain Framework]:

Polygon Edge enables you to run your own blockchain network with customizable features. It is guided by the principles of modular architecture and provides Ethereum compatibility to your network.

>Polygon zkEVM (zkSTARK):

Polygon zkEVM is the first zero-knowledge (ZK) scaling solution that’s fully compatible with Ethereum: all existing smart contracts, developer tools, and wallets work seamlessly. The zkEVM harnesses the power of ZK proofs to reduce transaction cost and massively increase throughput, all while inheriting the security of Ethereum L1.


Polygon Supernets are the fast-track for blockchain adoption in new private and public networks for dApps and enterprises alike. Polygon Supernets uses powerful Polygon Edge as the configurable infrastructure solution in a highly secure and decentralized environment.

>> No.51327913

been a while since ive seen a polygon general
buy signal?

>> No.51327926

Regular posts/meme-posts are a sell signal
Generals are a buy signal
Always keep that in mind anons

>> No.51327936

kek poolygon baggies

>> No.51327954
File: 38 KB, 705x686, b7e9be93-44e2-42c6-b989-8e5569e4ac6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MATIC 1 year ago: $2.2
MATIC today: $0.83

>> No.51327976

you are such a faggot
open the charts and you can clearly see that MATIC and ETC are the only two coins in the top 20s that saw any form of growth the past 3 months
And the only reason ETC saw any growth was cause of ETH merge happening soon, so the ETC pump doesnt really count

>> No.51327993

you cant hate on MATIC. you really cant. theyre doing the most between all other competitors

>> No.51328027

theyre all paid FUDers funded by Emin
this is exactly why we've been seeing a shit ton of low effort AVAX shills that rely solely on lying and being racist

>> No.51328146

zkEVM will fucking melt faces
zkSync cant relate

>> No.51328155

ZkSync's zkEVM is already live on testnet
What are you even talking about?

>> No.51328170

their evm is closed source which entirely defeats the purpose of an zkEVM
Polygon's is open source

>> No.51328226

veri good coin sirs make me and my village rich

>> No.51328255

all that and you still can’t build anything on it

>> No.51328309
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>> No.51328321

are you sure youre talking about polygon?
its actually the easiest and most convenient chain to build on. this is why so many big names are using it

>> No.51328354

>this is why so many big names are using it
Name one... Like an actual relevant company or brand...
No one is going to use this shitchain. It will tarnish their brand instantly

>> No.51328393

>Coca Cola

theres a shit ton more but thats all i was able to recall right now

>> No.51328451

Polygon's DeFi TVL is one of the highest on the market
It exceeds that of Avalanche, Solana, Cardano and many more

>> No.51328510

tvl doesn’t mean shit and all you have are a ton of defi and nft scams. same as the rest

>> No.51328751
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is this why MATIC is fucking over all other coins in the market? kek i love to see cope

>> No.51328916

Kill yourself you uneducated faggot

>> No.51328971


>> No.51329439

give me one product or use that isn’t defi scam or an nft scam

>> No.51331371
File: 286 KB, 1420x916, matic-devs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant hate on MATIC. you really cant. theyre doing the most between all other competitors
Nice try, Rapesh. It's going to zero. Polygon (Ticker: MATIC) is a jeet scam-coin straight from the shit-stained streets of New Delhi. If you bought this coin, sell now or enjoy getting gang-raped by Rankesh and Vikram while your life savings are drained through the Aravali range of Eastern Rajasthan.

You should never, and I repeat, NEVER trust ANYTHING these disgusting poo-skins create. They're dirty, smell terrible, have no hygiene, are black, have feminine voices and always act like faggots. Like, you can tell they're dirty fucks with probably some extremely disgusting fetishes and depraved minds, that has to be true considering their disgusting appearance and behaviour. They live in terrible conditions, shit in beaches and streets, eat unsanitary food that looks like sewer water from the same streets they shit on. Let's also not forget how many Indians live by stealing money from the elderly of rich, white countries, and flex their shit stained rupees attached to their brown, horrid skin. I hate them.

Fuck off curry boy

>> No.51331389
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Hey, niggers! I have AVAX

>> No.51331432
File: 153 KB, 1023x681, 4657493236_8f8b1fda33_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prada? Gucci? The NFL? Mercedes? Are you fucking retarded anon? Do you not know how to do a simple fucking Google search?

>> No.51331463
File: 62 KB, 851x1024, WhatsApp Image 2022-08-30 at 10.31.10 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants your shitty roach coin anon. How is the Turkish Lira doing btw? Polygon doesn't need to resort to shady ass shit to get ahead like avax.

>> No.51331717

Gm sers

>> No.51331754

No please, coin is not a scam. Do the needful

>> No.51331791
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Doing better than you curry coin that is MADIK, oops sorry MATIC

>> No.51332162

hello AVAX niggers
How is the Turkish Lira doing? is the $200/month that Emin is paying still enough to cover living expenses?

my personal advise for you is to sell your AVAX and buy some MATIC instead. Polygon has the superior technology, the funding and building teams that AVAX lacks so badly

Also move out of Turkey while you still can or else you'll end up having to serve overpriced Shawarma and Sujuk sandwiches to tourists who you hate