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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51325559 No.51325559 [Reply] [Original]


Daily reminder that there are thousands over very affordable homes on the market

>but it needs work!
nope. recently update

>b-but NIGGERS!
95% white area

so tell me your excuse now you entitled mutts

>> No.51325582

prob these:
bad schools
smol town / no jobs / growth
near coal plant / some burning plant
next nearest town is 50 mins away

>> No.51325588

losers want to complain for the sake of it, prepare for massive goalpost moving.
It’s the same thing with making it, originally it was the goal to have enough dosh to quit working and play video games/NEET, nothing lavish. Now it’s
>dude lmao 1m is nothing you need to CONSOOM

>> No.51325629

>butternut, wi
>northern wi/upper mi area
>winter 8 months out of the year
>no jobs, no socialization

if you're fine with being a hermit and have already 'made it' sure why not.

otherwise, no

>> No.51325648

not everybodys an american fortunately

>> No.51325665

>"Butternut is a village in Ashland County in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The population was 375 at the 2010 census."

small towns are garbage

>> No.51325678

Bros literally just move to Butternut

>> No.51325681
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>small towns are garbage
You will never be a homeowner

>> No.51325726
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my dad isn't a selfish boomer faggot so i'm going to inherit his house. checkmate chud

>> No.51325753

that house is dilapidated.
Look at the cracks in the street, even the municipality has forsaken that place.
I doubt cops even show up in that neighbourhood if you call them in an emergency.

>> No.51325760

>dude just wait for your family to die to have a house
I say this as someone who has lost a parent, no inheritance is worth it

>> No.51325776

Most people would rather rent in the hustle and bustle of the city and just perpetually complain about everything

>> No.51325804

>It's this retarded thread again from stupid flyover states that don't realize their houses are still worth nothing for a reason
You will never be important.

>> No.51325826

>I say this as someone who has lost a parent, no inheritance is worth it
wait until you have a hanger on shitting their pants while not remembering who you even are. Death is a blessing.

>> No.51325836

but i have a brick apartment mate

>> No.51325838

If I choose to marry my GF i'll have her house so i don't really need to wait. i could also ask my dad for a loan but honestly I don't give a shit about being a homeowner right now.

checkmate again chud

>> No.51325843
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>you’ll never be important
As he writes on 4chan /biz/
I love the coping mechanism
>can’t afford a house
>w-well you’re not important!!!

>> No.51325871

No jobs are there. That house is likely incredibly overpriced for the surrounding wealth of the area. Of course I could always just buy from afar and rent, right faggot?

>> No.51325889

unironically this, its the prime reason ive stopped wasting my time with /pol/ those guys goalpost shift and cope like crazy.

>> No.51325908

>As he writes on 4chan /biz/
Maybe if your house from the 1890s wasn't full of lead paint you'd be less retarded and have actual reading comprehension.

>> No.51325936
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You’re a loser and apart of the serf class for your so-called important location lmao
You will never own a house
You will never have friends
You will never be important

>> No.51325935

umm umm ummm


>> No.51325958

Show me crime report for this neighborhood OP

>> No.51326021

post the grade of your area


>> No.51326132

This is a nigger >>51325936

>> No.51326158
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>> No.51326180


>> No.51326205
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Damn you got me. Shucks.
Still own a house though

>> No.51326269

What's the walk score?

>> No.51326289

Nooooooo, you can’t go against the great narrative!!! Only communist price controls and big daddy government hands pits can save us!!!! Reeeeee!!!!

>> No.51326459
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Tell me why I shouldn't by a 0.19 acre lot for 10k in the woods and put a tent there and just live.

>> No.51326911
File: 1.38 MB, 1404x1044, Screenshot 2022-09-08 092656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would rather end myself than live in this neighbourhood and town
when will you retards learn that LOCATION is the expensive part, not the shitty wooden houses that you burgers build?

>> No.51327103

Looked up Butternut Wisconsin and the population has been steadily declining for over one hundred years. The county averages like 8 people per square mile. If you want that house you can wait ten years and squat in it for free because it will be located in a ghost town.

>> No.51327138

Yes you're a nigger, you really have nothing else to say except posting cartoons like a retard while projecting your retardation.

>> No.51327140

This fucking thread again. Give it up!

>> No.51327405

i have to move to a specific area for work and there is nothing affordable in that area. 100% of the work can and has been done remotely, but they're forcing mandatory time in the office for literally no reason. i want to die

>> No.51327435


>> No.51327443
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They are though :)
Have fun bag holding, retard
2008 all over again

>> No.51327449
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>> No.51327502

I live in nyc that's my excuse otherwise I'd buy that house today

>> No.51327515

>> house
>> its from wood

>> No.51329148

REEEEEEEEEEEE then I can't live in the overcrowded city that I complain about constantly

>> No.51329166
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I want to buy a house so bad bros, but I'm trying to save all of my capital for crypto.

>> No.51331015


> bad schools
Homeschool your kids if you care about them at all

> no jobs
Lower cost of living will offset commute costs
> but muh microbreweries!1!1!!1!

> nearest town far away
See above

>> No.51331067


>> No.51331122

He also forgot a lack of medical or hospital care. Or very poor medical
care. I lived in one of these towns, any serious complication like heart attacks or life threatening injuries took a care flight three hours away because are local ER didn't have a ICU.

>> No.51331180


They want the luxury condo in downtown Miami because they'd like to get ignored by a higher tier of woman.

>> No.51331189

I got in a house at 2020 and have a fantastic APR.

>> No.51331252

you don't have a gf

>> No.51331319

Wow anon your so cool.

>> No.51331353

I hope the market keeps dumping so more anons can get out of renting

>> No.51331408

Imagine living in some rundown hick town where everybody is 150kg+, sub90IQ and waiting to die. Am I on /pol/?

>> No.51331424


I'll take that over a bunch of performative, nihilistic, man bun, low-T bugmen.

>> No.51331471

>Just homeschool your kids and provide them with literally no external stimuli and then when they turn 18 and move out and never return because there's no romantic partners or career options in a depopulated opioid rust belt town you can die alone lol
Raising your kids in buttfuck nowhere and homeschooling them when you're illiterate is how to ensure they hate you but good luck with that

>> No.51331472

Remote work
Remote work
Remote work

>> No.51331487

Same. The renter voting block is getting too big and its making me nervous.

>> No.51331515

Grim, heartbreaking.

>> No.51331544

>Remote work
The only places booming because of remote work are destination locations like mountain and beach towns. The same places that would get flooded by these people in the summer back when they were in the office.

>> No.51331571


With you on that. Wife works a blue collar job. Most of her friends and co-workers are single mom renters. One asked us how much our rent was. Totally naive when it came to mortgages and ownership. She could not believe that we pay less for our brand new home in the burbs than she pays for a two bedroom apartment in the city. No concept of equity, down payments, amortization, or interest rates.

These people vote and they hate that people like us have what they never will. They only see the end result and not the two decades of work, savings, and sacrifice. And they will vote to take it from you the minute they reach critical mass.

>> No.51331585

Probably bad internet

>> No.51331787

We need to amend the constitution to limit voting to propertychads only. Retard rentcucks cannot be allowed to weaponize the state against us

>> No.51331987

>right next to roads

>> No.51332014

Le ack

>> No.51332124

Wont fix the problem, then we just head towards French revolution territory.

>> No.51332159

>then we just head towards French revolution territory

Fine by me. We'll stack the bodies until the rentoids and layabouts learn their place.

>> No.51332227

whatever u save in housing u will have to spend it on transportation. lol

>> No.51332342

Are you a chink demoralizer? Fuck off.

>> No.51332361

>He thinks the minority educated and moneyed class is going to win a conventional war against the unwashed masses
This isn’t how conflict works. Renters kill all of you and assume the identities and assets that survive the war. The minority side of a civil war almost always loses, full stop.

>> No.51332415

>The minority side of a civil war almost always loses, full stop

I disagree. But if that tide turns, then everything I own will be turned to ashes before they can benefit from it.

>> No.51332431

>Are you a chink demoralizer? Fuck off.

Are you a faggot?

>> No.51332464

At least I'm not a boot licking demoralizer.

>> No.51332573

>At least I'm not a boot licking demoralizer.

Nope. You're just a servile cuck

>> No.51332602
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>> No.51334130
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>>b-but NIGGERS!
Implying that's a bad thing

>> No.51334245
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>> No.51337074
File: 43 KB, 512x287, 1604387635607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the honk did you just honking say about me, you little honk? I'll have you know I graduated top of my honk in the Navy Honks, and I've been involved in numerous secret honks on Al-Honkuaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed henks. I am trained in gorilla honkfare and I'm the top honker in the entire US honk forces. You are nothing to me but just another honk. I will honk you the honk out with precision the likes of which has never been honked before on this Earth, mark my honking honks. You think you can get away with honking that henk to me over the Honkernet? Honk again, honkler. As we speak I am honking my secret network of honks across the USA and your IP is being honked right now so you better prepare for the storm, honklet. The storm that honks out the pathetic little thing you call your honk. You're honking honked, honklet. I can honk anywhere, anytime, and I can honk you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my honk honks. Not only am I extensively honked in unhonked combat, but I have access to the entire henks of the United States Honk Corps and I will honk it to its full extent to honk your miserable honk off the face of the honkinent, you little henk. If only you could have known what unholy honktribution your little "clever" honk was about to honk down upon you, maybe you would have held your honking horn. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the honks, you goddamn honk. I will honk honk all over you and you will go deaf from it. You're honking honked, honko.

>> No.51337191
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>Daily reminder that there are thousands over very affordable homes on the market
Daily reminder that your shitbox house will never sell, nobody wants to live in whatever nigger-infested shithole state you live in.

>> No.51337672
File: 200 KB, 1526x495, i_took_the_bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> built in 1920
> ~80% increase in appraisal since 2014
> hideous wood paneling and tiled bathroom that was probably from the last time it was renovated in 1960
> In a "village" where the only place to grocery shop is a fucking convenience store
> In Northern Wisconsin so it will be freezing as all fuck in the winter and you will likely be snowed in because one guy runs the snow plows
> Population is 355, so its filled with boomers that will hate you if you make a single mistake like not shovel your driveway
> Illionois is a high tax, democrat haven

That house, just like any other house in this market will devalue. It doesn't matter that the list price is lower than other houses, you will be losing money buying a house in the US in the current market. And you will be miserable living in a small town in a shitbox build 100 years ago. I sincerely hope you kill yourself OP

>> No.51337907

>complaining about living in Northern Wisconsin
You are a rare doublenigger: If your post is b8, you're a nigger and if your post is real you're also a nigger.

>> No.51337927


I once remember when Boise had a massive West coast rush from Conservatives who were fed up with spics / niggers and they came to all white areas suburban to Boise and they were shocked at how awful and stupid and niggerish everyone white person was

>> No.51338022

This but unironically

>> No.51338338

>small town in a shitbox build 100 years ago.
BUT BuT But!!!! House were built so much better a thousand years ago... hmmmmmmMMMMmmm.

>> No.51338572


>> No.51339180

Yup, I moved out of a shit hole like you describe. White trailer trash for days.

>> No.51339284
File: 2.82 MB, 2000x1600, 18660 - 3soyjaks arm black_skin blood bloodshot_eyes car car_decoration crying driving ear glasses hand irl_background moonman nazi open_mouth rope smile soyjak suicide sunglasses swastika text tongue total_nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.
Also WI has horrible taxes

>> No.51339430

Someone reported a stolen bicycle last year
>It turned out they forgot where they left it

>> No.51341052
File: 123 KB, 635x505, QnfsQuJqdCc4XuVLo2_00mI2joFDlu3siCx0XBzgWNU~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your souless lifestyle isn't a life worth living to non subhumans

>> No.51341193

lemme guess, it has that cow shit smell that engulfs the entire city