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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 597 KB, 1070x1863, 20220907_172201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51318265 No.51318265 [Reply] [Original]

Could Link's VRF have kept the contract from being exploited? Will it be possible for them to use that in the next drop?

Jenny, please just allow us one MM thread, im not trying to shill its just that this is the most interesting NFT project to date. Ty.

>> No.51318600

Jennies get to work. The mondo men are back at it again.

They can't just keep getting away with this.

>> No.51318687

>ts just that this is the most interesting NFT project to date.
It would be interesting if it was playable.
Not talking play to earn, but playable like MTG online.
Right now it is just a antivax card parody with no purpose and a botched launch.
I do like the style and flavor, but that's about it.

>> No.51318760


u wot?

>> No.51318883

What the fuck is this thing?

>> No.51318901
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I got this really weird one

>> No.51318954

i only buy nfts to profit and sam hyde's shit is way too niche to profit from

>> No.51318981

what does that say in code?

>> No.51319012
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>> No.51319025
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>> No.51319040

now thats more interesting

>> No.51319062


the last part says "i know the first three numbers", the picture to text shit out a bit at the end

>> No.51319145

I didnt buy one and it makes me feel like a big smart man

>> No.51319230
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>> No.51319273

you should consider suicide, you vacsed retard

>> No.51319554

Daily reminder Sam Hyde Jet Neptune and Johnny Neptune are wel known scammers on /biz/ and other boards. Sam has been astroturfing this place for years. Now he bankrupted a bunch of McDonald's wagies with NFTs and gets them to shit up this board.

Does anyone have the picture of him with the underaged girl? Does jet Neptune's dad still live in Georgia after getting arrested for attacking people on a meth bender? Does anyone have any info on the rest of the team? Or is it just the poorfaggkfs that got rugged that are shilling here?

>> No.51319634

Right on time bunker tranny

>> No.51319662

Buy a fucking advertisement you niggers just rugged 7 figures yet you gotta shit up this board.

It's not like Yale bro, if you give gook moot 250k he will let you in. No gatekeeping Yale meanies here. No one's gonna cancel you here. No one's gonna hack your smart contract and fuck up your mind here. No way faggot.

>> No.51319704

LOL this shit is the most obvious scam i've seen in a while. I lurk the discord and watch them fall victim to phishing scams, slowly waiting for them to realize that they were all fucked

>> No.51319720

Seriously nigger ask your dev about his fucking dad and infinity chan. I dare you faggot. You don't realize how big of glowniggers you're working for. These guys are the lowest trash federal informant to stay high type.

>> No.51319770

>contract exploited

what happened?

>> No.51319842

They didn't know what chainlink did and now they're pretending to be oldfags to shit up the board. Something doesn't add up.

>> No.51319949

You people are literal schizophrenics. I just wanted to talk to other biz nigvers about mondos and if LINK would fix the problem.

Suicide is probably the answer for some of you. Get a grip.

>> No.51319960

why is the mondo website so F888ing annoying? I click the links and shit doesn't load sometimes ffs, I click deck/market place and it's stuck on loading...

>> No.51319982

You are literally shilling for someone's who's dad's job it is to kill infinity chan after getting arrested and blackmailed multiple times.

I'm schizophrenic? This is open source information. Google Johnny Neptune.

>> No.51319988


They have a mint function in the contract that doesn't seem exploitable, wonder why they didn't just use that one for the rest of the mint with slightly increased gas

>> No.51320019

The exploit was that none of the cards had any rareness. You could double send transactions until you picked whatever card you want. The team probably did this shit considering this isn't their first rug. They probably minted the rares this way. There is no way to prove it now. They covered it up for hours on every platform but 4chan because they're power tripping faggots who are either malicious as fuck or retarded. Either way for a mint this size to fuck something that REMEDIAL up takes a special sort of retard.

>> No.51320052

I'm not gonna lie I already hated the wigger-krew for being degenerate losers, and I noticed that bicflame was a weird shit eater. But I read this dude's 8kun thread about johnny neptune or whatever, and that dude is just as bad, if not worse. How do you even become "known" on /r9k/ I don't understand. The board is anonymous right??
Anyway, either way - they spend wayyy too much time on 4chan.

>> No.51320091


I understand the double spend, but there seems to be an advanced mint function that takes a _expiryTimestamp. This seems like it has something to do with limiting tx, it seems like they had a fix for the issue in the contract, and then never used it

>> No.51320111

>Anyway, either way - they spend wayyy too much time on 4chan.
Google his name and results from the site 8 kun. The results for this fucker shitting up a dead Nazi board for years is almost never ending. These are the kind of faggots who are trying to rug you biz. Literal methheads.

Hey Jet Neptune when you coming back to Georgia nigger? Your pops nearby

>> No.51320143

Oh probably because there was no momentum and they have no precense anywhere outside of their circle jerk gpt discord bots and Hyde's YouTube videos. No other platforms like this guy. Hyde gets billed on acts for being a based 4chan interpreter. The guys grifting this website. Imagine being 37 and having so little going on you pick a bunch of fights with literal whos to impress the 14 year olds you're about to rug. Fucking Sam Hyde nigger.

>> No.51320171

No one cares about some Nazi NFTs that are going to become worthless.

>> No.51320173

The team has confirmed they read these threads by the way. The last big one cost them the remainder of their mint.

If any of you anons ever wanted to let any of these personalities how you feel, feel free to use this thread! They're reading! This is their full time business!

>> No.51320199

Is Johnny neptune in the thread with us right now?

>> No.51320224

MDE is really funny but EVERY TIME they put out a product it is a huge cluster fuck if you’re a long time fan you saw this coming miles away

>> No.51320289

Ask the guy whs paying you to shill. Tell him the schizo prompts died last year and you all have addresses

>> No.51320316

yeah I mean the stonetoss NFTs are worthless af now, there's no point in buying this trash.

Problem with NFTs is that there's no application. You need something like csgo skins so people can show them off in realtime 3d online

>> No.51320340
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no refunds :^)

>> No.51320529

Im long time mde fan, I do pay for the gum road because I like the podcast with Nick.

So maybe I'm a little biased in thinking these are cool but it is without fail that everyone that someone mentions Sam, you run into thread and start going fucking crazy about Johnny neptune and getting scammed by Sam. Did Sam like scam his fan base out of bunch money or something? Like what am I missing?

I just thought these nfts were funny and good quality compared to beetle shit and bayc.

>> No.51320547

>Did Sam like scam his fan base out of bunch money or something?
Yes. Multiple times.

>> No.51320552

When? T-shirts?

>> No.51320682

He scammed some my little pony faggots. This guy probably one of them.

>> No.51320700

Cometh already did the card game thing

>> No.51320990

I bought 5 cards and already flipped 3 for some quick profits, so the idea that everyone who bought got rugged just isn't true.

The exploit is retarded but the NFTs have value because retards still love Sam and will continue to buy them. Not selling my last two for awhile at least.

>> No.51321328

broe it was literally .25eth to mint a fucking card. are you that poor?

>> No.51321372

Thanks for hanging in the threads guys. Did you send Ziggy your address yet? Dm him if you still need payment. You both still good to shill tomorrow or are you busy with your dayjobs?

>> No.51321392

thats cool bro im here to make money not bicker and gossip like a teenage faggot.

>> No.51321422

yeah and grats your rep is now down the shitter. Too bad you braindead wiggers took 3 years to make this garbage, if you actually released this back when people had money, you woulda made some stacks.

>> No.51321444

No you're here to scam /biz/ out of your bad investment. You are not a board native. The shilling presented by you all is clearly not organic or supported by the majority of the board. Sam Hyde is a fuckin glownigger grifting faggot if he wants to shill here with his meme rap blackmail zoomer bussy jet Neptune and his families business of shitting up image boards on salary I will kindly let biz know of the organizational structure behind their business that you are advertising for almost no money. You're a goyim slave.

>> No.51321458

> im here to make money not bicker and gossip like a teenage faggot.
Why are you here?

>> No.51321464

It's his fuckin job. He just said it.

>> No.51321834

Obsessed. You literally cannot fathom that these nfts might make money and you just want gossip about shit that happened to an eceleb years ago. Fucking Obsessed.

>> No.51321899

The eceleb is fronting the fucking project idiot he's been hyping it up for months you absolute double nigger kike you've been helping him plot this.

Do you actually think anyone is that fucking stupid? Nigger if you love Sam Hyde this fucking much for his NFTs you're honestly just a fucking faggot I almost would prefer if you were to be a paid shill over being an absolute cuckold of a man who's going to shit up a business and finance board because he's roped into a fucking ponzi scheme by a middle aged failure Upper Middle Class man childs ponzi scheme. You're absolutely pathetic if that is the case. He's staying "hands off" the project which means he's letting literally methheads who get paid to fuck with infinity chan to advertise this for a cut. Literally get the fuck off my board you fucking NIGGER


>> No.51321904
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>> No.51321919

It seems like I should avoid this project

>> No.51321937

Fuck you Hasan

>> No.51321982

Fuck off with your eceleb content Hasan is also a broke ass grifting faggot no one cares about either of these absolute fucking assclowns besides their botted social media audience and stray 100+ fans

It is a fucking facade. Learn who Sam Hyde has been working with this whole time. It's controlled op fake news type demoralization garbage that just cost all of his fan base he's been milking because he actually has no employable skillset their lunch money. He's fucking robbing poor people and making troll videos playing dumb about it. Fuck this grifting faggot and fuck you for shitting up this board with one sentence spam promoting an endorsing these faggots and their grift.

>> No.51321992

u guys keep shilling and I will drop the pic of sam suckin off a bald guy

>> No.51322003

You have my attention

>> No.51322096

i'm a mondo man, i'm happy with my investment. coolest nft's in the game, truly art. the exploit only increases the rarity
hi jon

>> No.51322104

This is this faggots skill set btw. He's a propagandist and a creator of digital media with the intent to gain money from you without him actually ever providing a service.

He larped as a fighter for the last 6 months and basically came out as a fucking beginner level fighter. That's the guys while shtick. He dances like a puppet up his ass for Jews and he works with literal methheads to shill his decentralized scams for side income. I lost all respect for the motherfucker watching him talk all the game and then come out and get fucking gassed out. It shows alot about your character Sam. Fuck off of this board you collosal faggot

>> No.51322155

man, get outside. you're unhinged from reality.

>> No.51322163

Yah mine too but that could be the shill bumping the thread

>> No.51322168

Look, I get it, but I have hope that this might be playable in the future, is that so bad?

>> No.51322187

The exploit doesn't increase the rarity you fucking like all it does it show that the game is also a fucking larp if the card distribution is organized to the point it's safe to remove a quarter of the originally plotted cards. The exploit just shows they didn't have time to audit or find a good developer that knows literally basic shit about rng. It's more probable than not to assume they were aware of this exploit and had been clandestinely and anonymously exploiting it considering for half a day all mentions of the exploit were banned from discussion anywhere but fucking biz. Get fucking real. It shows weakness. There wasn't enough interest to mint out to begin with so they ran with blaming the exploit which shows even more weakness. It lost them capital and destroys this Jews narrative that he spent a lot on fucking labor for cards. Clearly he did not if they were that easily disposable. Legally the way everything is phrased he can likely abandon the project right now and be fine. That's very likely the play. Get fucking fucked. Sam isn't rich enough to play NFTs. Priced the fuck out. This isn't his passion project this is his fucking income. Art students amirite or amirite?

>> No.51322186

how could you know which card you would pull through double spending? also the rarest card wasn't pulled.

>> No.51322198

I thought Time Cube got pulled which was the most anticipated and rarest

>> No.51322203

lmao not reading that. reeeeeeeee is all i see. i'm a happy holder of my Mondo Megabits. they're cool

>> No.51322212

Seek help. Im just a guy who spent .75 eth on minting NFTs. You show up in every single one of these threads to go insane about this shit. Its actually impressive how rabid you are. Who the fuck has the time to be this hateful?

>> No.51322222

no, i think the weed variant was the most anticipated during mint, at least it's the one i wanted

>> No.51322233

Read the thread yesterday. I know this is inorganic shilling because you haven't lurked long enough to use a fucking archive. Fucking NEWFAG scum kys

>Ok guys so about the 4chan fudders? Yeah just call them schizophrenic. It's funny and people will be like hahaha and not look into it because we seriously sort of have to advertise here considering it is a major hub for crypto investors.

That's your discord circle jerk rn faggot
I know you're not. you're not here for conversation you're here to shill a scam cuz the dev have you some shekels you fucking scum or you're just literally a goyim which in case my bad stop being poor though
It was
Im on biz alot in many threads. I don't create these threads. I am a biz posters. I see these threads and exchange my thoughts on the subject matter. You're a paid shill or someone who can't stomach freedom of speech without resulting to ad hominem insults to an anonymous figure. Fuck yourself

>> No.51322234

Holy shit checked

>> No.51322252

MDE haters are OBSESSIVE

look at this freak:

I go on sperg rants like any poster, but being completely obsessed with someone you supposedly hate, to the point where you know everything about their personal life.... that's Discord tranny dedication

>> No.51322257

damn i shoulda minted that one more, it would have been mine

>> No.51322264

Keep acting like it's just one or two people you pissed off. Everyone watch you take this fat L and everyones watching you lie about it in real time motherfucker.

>> No.51322273

i didn't need to go on /biz/ during mint, missed the thread. oh well. i'm a mondo man what can i say

>> No.51322282

I saw you posting yesterday in a MM thread. You said something along the lines of "Sam fucked around in the wrong circuit now he's gonna pay."

I literally just wanted to talk about the cards

>> No.51322285

hope you got your flood pants and your pool floaties because we bout to get flooded with dollars

>> No.51322308

I literally didn't look into this shit or any of these fucking grifting assholes until yesterday when it occured to me the only thing the team or staff is doing js horrible social engineering attempts on 4chan by recruiting their community of gatekept faggots to shill. Show some fucking money, buy an advertisement. You're not welcome here.

All of this is open source information. I can read the discord and cross reference posts of you guys coming in here specifically just to shit up the board and be faggots. It's board raiding.

>> No.51322333

i'm not apart of any team, organization, group, or association. i'm a mondo man. i like the art and it's aesthetic, sam's the man and i've been following his work for years.

>> No.51322350


Yeah the guy rugged his fans. What the fuck I'm just saying what's obvious. The damage control is unreal. Me? I just don't want to see this fuckin faggot on biz shilling his scams. His grift seems to essentially be like an inefficient Andrew Tate schtick but with NFTs for a slightly more technical crowd and he gatekeepers a different caliber of people that Tate, mostly he pretends to have good advice. It's all a sham because he knows people are depressed. He's a conman. It stops being comedy when you make troll videos about how you don't understand metamask when you claim to be an early crypto adopter. Fuck you Sam I'll shitpost all I want in your pajeet rug threads. buy an advertisement.

>> No.51322375

Go back to Jet and tell him your cover is blown

>> No.51322387
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checkem. zoz

if people want the nft, they're gonna buy the nft. there's people buying goddamn pixel art for hundreds of thousands of dollars and sometimes millions. let people enjoy themselves

>> No.51322399

Omg pls fuck kff

>> No.51322410

That's cool bro. Hang out with this retard for his epic lulz and maybe if you're lucky you'll break even eventually! Sam's probably gonna take this money to pay off some debt he's accumulated getting wrecked while being over leveraged.

Daily reminder this nigger is a fucking minor celebrity. It takes ten minutes to find information like this out. If he wants to keep his celebrity status that's fine but I'll let niggers on biz know the guy is a controlled op shill who's now venturing into scamming Ethereum projects with his brand for once. If you actually fell for this well I hope you somehow make money unironically but the guy running the project is filth. Sorry sir, I've been here longer than you and I'll probably be here after you give up trying to persuade a board who's average IQ I estimate to be 15 points higher than yours at minimum.

>> No.51322421

Bro its good art with funny little captions. Youre gonna get upset about fucking scams and rugpulls on Biz? The place that has 30 fucking pajeet nigger fly by night rugpulls up at any given time?

People actually like the cards, I like looking in my opened account and looking at them, reading them whatever the fuck its like a neat little collectible. Why are you going out of your way here when there's a poster in every thread shilling something totally unrelated to the thread or fucking dedicated threads to complete scams? I dont get it? People are actually in profit here.

This is like being a Karen over someone parking in a handicap spot while a nigger literally rapes someone at knife point two parking spaces over, what the fuck?

>> No.51322428
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i wouldn't know where to start man, i live in a completely different nation than that country bumpkin. i'm happy to own some art on the blockchain that could or could not gain value. i really don't mind what happens- you seem more invested than me.

>> No.51322429

Buy an advertisement

>> No.51322442

>Buy a fucking advertisement

Lol literally nobody does that. You literally have bullion dealers posting links to their online shops let alone all of the shitcoins

>> No.51322459

It would be more effective than making these pajeet threads and probably less in labor costs to just get a footer ad with his budget if they want to advertise on 4chan. This is financial advice for the team who I know is actively reading and responding to every shitpost that gets typed in here.

>> No.51322463

>My IQ

You literally lost any good faith anons would have in your arguments. Literal Reddit response. Kill yourself.

>> No.51322466

Shut up faggot. Go cry about shilling on leddit

>> No.51322494

Trolling is a art thanks for the on topic Sam Hyde discussion sir. I hope you learned all about his relationships with Johnny Neptune and the dev Jet Neptune with his memerap videos promoting violence like he is some sort of hoodlum who is experienced dealing with conflict. I fucking doubt it desu. Quit larping niggers. This is literally a bunch of north Eastern wigger faggots scamming biz for exit liquidity

>> No.51322509

>17 posts by this id

It’s time to take your meds

>> No.51322544

alright i changed my mind, i'm gonna go buy 5 MMs rn

>> No.51322545

>its just that this is the most interesting NFT project to date
It's still garbage.

>> No.51322546

You've posted one sentence per reply with absolutely no input other than ad hominem monkey brain tier insults because you know I'm fucking right. Go fuck yourself. Gaslight your YouTube fan base you fucking FAGGOT fuck off of 4chan

>> No.51322576

YOU are the thing you hate. You're literally like those disgusting trannies and communists that run into a forum of people speaking they disagree with and screaming so no one can discuss anything.

>> No.51322581

Cope. This board belongs to mondo megabits chads now.

>> No.51322595

>Waaaah let me shill my bags I over invested in without opposition

Fuck you buy an advertisement

>> No.51322606

checked and based.
you must be every one's favourite hang. you have no sense of humour, irony, art and no concept of infamy. and on top of that you're a miserable unlikable person.

>> No.51322616

making 1/5 of the posts is not a Good Look

>> No.51322624

Hiro makes plenty of money selling manufacturers of anti-psychotics your data. Your mental illness is more valuable than any NFT banner ad

>> No.51322634

0.25ETH to mint was chump change. I'm a mondo man

>> No.51322684

Then why did you unironically get hacked by 4chan yesterday? Unironically that happened. That would actually be an insane headline if the dev team didn't cover it up. You literally came to shill on 4chan, and random anons had you shut down your mind/money faucet and told you to show fucking money. You're a fucking bitch nigger buy an advertisement

If you own the board how come it costs the niggers organizing these threads in lieu of advertising hundreds of thousands of dollars that would've gone swimmingly? They censored every other mention of it.
I don't give a fuck, they're literally raiding this board as unironic discord faggots right now pretending that everyone likes this garbage project. The volume doesn't represent such. It's bullshit.
>Just call the guy pointing out this is an obvious scam and is actually detrimental to people on a board looking to make money schizophrenic and gaslight him
The point of buying the ad isn't that you need to buy an ad. The point is that you need to quit making curry threads.

>> No.51322695

>i like the art and it's aesthetic, sam's the man and i've been following his work for years.
Not /biz/, do your job and clean it up jannies. NFTs are for quick flips, not queer art discussions.

>> No.51322710

i don't have discord

>> No.51322727

nah, he's right.

>> No.51322734

I’m not reading all that shit you maniac

>> No.51322737

Good for you. There's mentions of biz all over his fucking discord with people literally point blank intending to raid here. That is his threads audience. It is a raid, an immigration of people. It does not belong on biz, so I will shit up these threads with basic information on how the guys a controlled op faggot grifter nigger just so that no newfags are left out of the loop. Consider it a public service.

>> No.51322754

keep going

>> No.51322765

If you can't quickly dissect a paragraph or two of information relevant to any conversation you've been engaged with for hours you're a fucking idiot. Why did you even post that? Your contribution to this thread is saying that you're not going to read something relevant to the thread? Do you have mental damage? Had to pick up an extra shift after Sam rugged you for the OT check? Paid? Fuck off my board you don't belong here

>> No.51322775


>> No.51322796

>so I will shit up these threads with basic information on how the guys a controlled op faggot grifter nigger just so that no newfags are left out of the loop. Consider it a public service.

And don’t forget that you do it for free

>> No.51322797

no i think you're a spaz. let people enjoy things

>> No.51322816

i got the GOATSE nft and two others not as cool.

in their disc announcement they mentioned specifically my goatse nft and it is rarer than anticipated :) based sam making me rich kek

>> No.51322825

most prices on opensea rn are over mint price, weep about it. r4's selling for 1eth today. seems like a healthy market idk

>> No.51322833

you know you can just ignore people you hate right?

why does it upset you so much that other people like something you don't? have you ever explored this question honestly?

>> No.51322834

Look up Sam Hydes relationship with Johnny Neptune and then who Johnny Neptune is and you found the developer who's likely organizing these threads and moderating the discords son. It's a family business. This is literally a pro shill job by a family who gets paid to do meth and shitpost demoralizing garbage in any board they can gain jannie access to. Sam Hyde is not your fucking bro. He's a fucking grifter who wants you to mint his scam and watch his nihilistic monologues for a fee while loosely championing to pol for at least half a decade. This guy is the oldest irl namefag who's still around that I know about. That's what he is btw, that's the extent of his character. He is an irl namefag who shills himself on fucking image boards

>> No.51322846
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>> No.51322871

how much does it cost to subscribe to his gunroad or whatever? I feel like giving him money after seeing how mad he makes trannies.
>That's what he is btw, that's the extent of his character. He is an irl namefag who shills himself on fucking image boards
Calm down Hassan. You've claimed multiple people in this thread are Sam Hyde or one of his cronies. Are you sure you're not just mentally ill and obsessed? (you're not because you are)

>> No.51322877

Lmao seething

>> No.51322888

He wasn't Jewish enough to play ball with media companies but he wasn't enough or a retard to get involved in alt right politics other than indirectly. His job after being blackmailed I'm assuming is literally

>Make content for depressed kids on the internet
>Fill their heads with absolute bullshit, literally make nonsensical content
>Slowly grift them out of money
>Keep them distracted from progressing and realizing he too is a cog in the machine

He gets the part cuz his daddies rich. He's a fuckin man child. Zero accomplishments outside of being a namefag, a fraudster, and a "comedian" who is only funny because he is the only one allowed to push his brand of humor to his target demographic.

>> No.51322896

$5/mo USD i believe.

>> No.51322908

He probably watched the mondobits ad and actually thought he'd get a 10x on his stupid NFT

>> No.51322924

I think sam is funny and I own some shirts, book and older shit like the clown blouse and alpha card
The stuif makes me lol and I'll keep buying the crap probably
fuck the gum road sub though, I steal that shit
also gave sam like 5 ltc for super money back in 2013 lol

>> No.51323038

Oh I missed this thread.

Hate is the wrong word. I don't have any of these people. It's just transparent what's happening in terms of how poorly this scam was coordinated opsec wise so I'm letting niggaz know fosho fosho

>> No.51323051

You’re proud of that?

>> No.51323072

Reminder this project is a cash grab, and all threads are created by the mondo team, specifically the fat bald cancer patient jet.

This is a scam. Sam has not promoted this project during any of his fights. Sam does not engage with the project. This should be your biggest red flag.

>> No.51323112

Sir on Sam hydes Instagram he posted it and his last 3 YouTube videos....very poor trolling

>> No.51323121

I actually was posting some smack on supermoney back then. We're talking 10 years of shieeeeeeet talkin, boy. Come back when u got a good project(anudda 10 years??)

>> No.51323142

Oh I missed this one also. I'm enjoying this. So I think you're right, I'll let myself enjoy this more. I enjoy telling you to buy an advertisement and I enjoy shitting up this thread to let you know this is fraudulent until you literally won't post here. You are a paid shill for someone who doesn't give a fuck about anything he preaches. You should feel low.

>> No.51323164

> you seem more invested than me.
> 18 posts by this ID

>> No.51323178

Take your meds schizo he's just a normal board user. Nothing to see here, carry on. Definitely nothing inorganic here no way.

>> No.51323186

there's no leaving 4chan. don't forget you're here forever. stuck with me.

>> No.51323194

What does Sam's cum taste like?

>> No.51323195

Reminder this project is a cash grab, and all threads are created by the mondo team, specifically the fat bald cancer patient jet.

>> No.51323203

i honestly just popped on to see what /biz/ was saying and you gave me some (you)'s. what can i say, i'm a mondo man.

>> No.51323221


>> No.51323269

but they look cool :-)

>> No.51323272

Does he excrete extra cum down your throat because of all your hard work shilling in this thread? Does he give you an extra load? You beg for it? Or you just trying to get his attention and save his face for some shekels? You eat alot of this man's cum and it shows by how you type

Captcha GOYSP

>> No.51323326
File: 1.72 MB, 250x188, 2ABAB093-9968-4036-A31D-39834D9E76F7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 pbtid

>> No.51323377

sus id changing to win a 4chan argument

>> No.51323423

There's no argument to win. They're sending in retards who got rugged on discord being kept entertained by conspiracy theory spamming gpt bots or drug addicts to come in here. There best course of action is to find somewhere else to advertise their scam besides here. Anyone who gets sent here is gonna get demoralized after reading basic truths about this projects operation. They assumed 4chan would have their back. Fuck out of here.

>> No.51323474
File: 27 KB, 565x255, Picsart_22-09-08_11-25-47-554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reason they are shilling
mint for one of these blender cards was 0.25eth ($450 USD) btw.

>> No.51323564

I'm not a shill I'm just a retard who actually bought 5 Mondos and actually made a profit so far

>> No.51323677

i've got 8 of these lil niggas

>> No.51323681

>sus id
Fuck off, zoomer baby. I probably have posts on this god forsaken website older than you.

I haven’t even minted a NFT but I might now just to spite you.

>> No.51323784

kys faggot no ones donating more liquidity to you

lol cow .
farm / snow/ res/ 111 9974 . h t m l

>> No.51323915

u guys should honestly just stop popping up on the internet, you've lost the mojo. As soon as you start making money, you become a fakenigga - every time

>> No.51323986

you sound like a sterilized faggot

>> No.51324006

“Your mom is hot”