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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51320881 No.51320881 [Reply] [Original]

Countdown to economic crash now. . .


>> No.51320890

this is bullish you retard, means everyone is short

>> No.51320914

this doesnt mean anything, its only 8billion and theyre just hedging older positions

>> No.51320923


>> No.51320929
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, 087CFADA-19B5-4ABD-AB63-3AD30EA2A736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom is in

>> No.51320936


>> No.51320947

What are put options? And why are they bad?

>> No.51320956
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>> No.51320972

explain it to me like i'm retarded (cuz i am)

>> No.51321009

The same people that though the market will go up 10 months ago, now think that the market will drop like rock.

>> No.51321047

The Fed pause is coming up in November or December. We will go down a little until then, but there isn’t going to be a precipitous drop. And lord help you if you’re on the wrong side when Powell starts talking about a pause. The melt up will rip faces off.

>> No.51321116

>the market
you mean speculative assets?

>> No.51321567
File: 111 KB, 600x594, its_over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish. Notice they bought more puts at the bottom in 2008.

>> No.51321722

everything is bullish on biz apparently lol

i have no shorts or longs open so stfu im unbiased, but this place takes bulltardism to a whole new level

its been near almost 1 year almost of u cunts spamming how everything is bullish despite everything decaying

this decay could go on for years you dont know

>> No.51321780

>Be greedy when others are fearful be fearful when others are greedy.
Everyone is short right now which means (((the ones in charge))) are going to liquidate them causing a cascade.

>> No.51321856

You really think we’re gonna flip to bullish with oil reserves draining, supply chains fucked, Chinese housing imploding and Europe about to freeze to death?

>> No.51321888

well at least I'll have the satisfaction of seeing a bunch of retards proven wrong once again before I starvefreeze to death

>> No.51321908

Bullish post

>> No.51321918

I don't know what to think.
Half of you fuckers are saying this is good, half you are saying this is bad.

>> No.51321955

no one is saying this is good
/biz/ is always contrarian and trying to play against consensus
shit is so bleak right now that they can't even fathom the drop from here so they engage in mental gymnastics to arrive at an imaginary bull case

>> No.51322000

It’s a controlled demolition and the (((institutions))) are shorting everything because it’s all coming down. This seems worse than 2008. At least everything came down fast, but there was a fuckton of denial back then too. People thought the market was gonna bounce any moment.

>> No.51322007

Super shemtiah look it up there is a thread

>> No.51322035
File: 108 KB, 670x554, 1649271119687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of you fuckers are saying this is good, half you are saying this is bad.
It's bad for most. All of us here anyway.

>> No.51322082
File: 78 KB, 249x249, 1637354455828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the thing is, if you look at the big winners of the 1929 crash it was guys who were shorting the market.
But now, everybody knows that and sees a mega crash looming on the horizon, so everybody has the same idea; "Short the market just like they did in 1929!"
(((Insiders))) are always two steps ahead of the game though; I think the bizjack that was saying all these shorts are gonna get rugged by jews is probably correct in his assessment.

>> No.51322093

How can you rug puts when the economy is guaranteed to shit though

>> No.51322119

>The S&P500 has never lost ground.
I'm not saying it will but,
>past performance is not a guarantee of future results

>> No.51322137

literally a gorillion dollar question

>> No.51322184

The financial dating committee or whatever they're called historically only declare a recession after its already peaked or ended.
If everyone is thinking this is the end to end all ends then I'm going to keep investing in BTC that I will likely never sell

>> No.51322188

>How can you rug puts when the economy is guaranteed to shit though
My guess, It would vindicate the experts that have been warning the stock market is mostly if not completely disconnected from the real world.

>> No.51322271

hey guys word on the street is that oil reserves are draining, supply chains are fucked, Chinese housing is imploding and Europe is about to freeze to death. I'm going to sell right now.

>> No.51322340
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>Countdown to economic crash now
how many fortnights until said crash?

>> No.51322394

Have fun. You might get one more bear market rally before the massive crash, but crash it will. Screencap this

>> No.51322404

Dammit biz we gotta circle the wagons and learn to think like jews here. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a whole lot of money if we can figure out a game-plan to buck the system.

>> No.51322469
File: 620 KB, 1144x1208, 8C8D9694-2B5B-4A35-895D-2FE51776A3E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely one book. $8B is lol for institutional as a market participant class.

>> No.51322499

clear bottom

>> No.51322520


>everything is risk/ reward.
>the risk of of betting on an economic collapse has to reflect the reward you get shorting.
>The more shorts there are means the reward you get drops
>at a certain point the reward/ risk ratio flips and it becomes better to long
>normally when the masses start swinging into one direction soon after the opposite is actually the better play and thus the more likely outcome.
>the question is if enough people have now swung into short (bear market) that now it's actually time for it to swing back to a long position (bull market)?

the data suggests that shorts are over saturated and therefore there needs to be a correction (pump) or that the bear market is near end. either way its short term bullish.

>> No.51322539

Its priced in

>> No.51322599

the 8b represents a lot more as it's a derivative

>> No.51322608

>Dammit biz we gotta circle the wagons and learn to think like jews here.
Don’t fight the jew until you’ve significantly profited off its trades

>> No.51322696

even if they are levered up and buying degen options that represents a fraction of daily trading volume

>> No.51322728

Rise so high, yet so far to fall
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Political breakthrough, euphoria's high
More borrowed money, more borrowed time

Backed in a corner, caught up in the race
Means to an end ended in disgrace
Perspective is lost in the spirit of the chase

Foreclosure of a dream
Those visions never seen
Until all is lost, personal holocaust
Foreclosure of a dream

Barren land that once filled a need
Are worthless now, dead without a deed
Slipping away from an iron grip
Nature's scales are forced to tip

The heartland cries, loss of all pride
To leave ain't believing, so try and be tried
Insufficient funds, insanity, and suicide

Foreclosure of a dream
Those visions never seen
Until all is lost, personal holocaust
Foreclosure of a dream

"The Congress will push me to raise taxes, and I'll say 'No, read my lips
Read my lips!"

Now with new hope, some will be proud
This is no hoax, no one pushed out
Receive a reprieve and be a pioneer
Break new ground of a new frontier

New ideas will surely get by
No deed, no dividend; some may ask "Why?"
You'll find the solution, the answer's in the sky

Rise so high, yet so far to fall
A plan of dignity and balance for all
Political breakthrough, euphoria's high
More borrowed money, more borrowed time

Foreclosure of a dream
Those visions never seen
Until all is lost, personal holocaust
Foreclosure of a dream

Foreclosure of a dream
Those visions never seen
Until all is lost, personal holocaust
Foreclosure of a dream


>> No.51322739
File: 233 KB, 1080x1350, 1662522194392547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you payed any attention the past few months, you'd know the ultra-kikelords emptied the gold and silver vaults used to back their ETFs and are about to default on comex/LBMA/CME Group deliveries.
(((They))) are about to rugpull the world by retransitioning back from an illusion of wealth fueled by fake digital assets -completely disconnected from the real economy- toward an economy based on commodities.
Stocks, unbacked currencies, shitcoins, bonds,... all the talmudic alchemical wealth created from nothingness will get destroyed. Or more accurately, transfered.

Putin literally warned you back in June it was about to occur before EOY.

>> No.51322781

So buy ICP

>> No.51322848

Shemitah ends 9/26.
> Farmers in Israel are required by Jewish law to keep Shmita, letting their fields lie fallow for a full year, once every seven years.
This year

>> No.51322905

Is Puts new? I can't find this coin on any exchange I know of.

>> No.51322934


>trying to buy gold
>gold keeps dumping

>> No.51322967

Among the countless options i have to park my fiat in, icy pee would literally be the very last one.

Yep, it also remind me of the really hermetic speech Lagarde made about the magic number 7 in 2014, and how we would have 7 years of prosperity, followed by a collapse. She is really high in the masonic/templar spheres.

>> No.51322992

Now I know you’re gaslighting

>> No.51323046

A single fortnight more, brother. Prepare every needful thing.

>> No.51323060


>> No.51323073

This is so much bigger than Powell and the Fed at this point. The Euro and Yen are collapsing. We're seeing a fire sale of U.S. treasuries which is only going to accelerate. The Fed is helpless. The idea that they're still in control of the levers in this market is the height of midwitery.

>> No.51323087

Inflation will come in cool causing a pump
Fed may raise 75 causing a dump
Then we have a bull run until the end of the year before we start dumping again

>> No.51323091

Meanwhile i already knew you were desperatly shilling your worthless bags of piss.

That's the entire point. Since the banksters want to settle the SLV/GLD contracts for cash, they want to tank it to the lowest point possible before declaring effective default (on physical deliveries).
That's why the registered accounts are currenctly so low in the comex, all while those same entities are full short positionned.

This is unironically the opportunity of a lifetime. You buy gold for a giga discount the kikes created to rugpull the world.

>> No.51323099

>invent an arbitrary statistic
>Holy shit guys, check this out!!

>> No.51323122

Came here to say this

>> No.51323128

Those are protective puts, you retard.
Those aren't naked puts where you profit if market falls, they just want to protect value of their stocks. They don't "gain" from fall, they only "don't lose" if stocks fall.

>> No.51323465

Yeah but that graph isn't normalized for the growth in equity market cap, which has gone from $10t in 2008 vs $41t today... so it's not 3x more, it's actually a good bit less.

>source: mrblonde

>> No.51323495
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how do i profit off this?

>> No.51323946

That would be the case except retail are still hodling stocks. The wealth transfer is just beginning

>> No.51324615

Profit what? Paper assets?
They will all be worthless.
You can only hedge at this point.
Take your paper and buy necessities needed to live. Shelter, food, water. If you’re completely stacked on that then you can buy precious metals, but these are likely not to help you.

>> No.51324926

>If you just redraw the lines then my made up shit is true. I predicted the future!
I hope this guy goes in 10x long

>> No.51324934

The fact that YOU think its guaranteed to shit, is how they do the rug pull. What made you from this opinion of everything about to shit?

>mainstream media

All these could be real sources showing you real information, but the information they choose to highlight is what creates the narrative. Thats the rug pull.

They can't control the entire market but they can control what narrative the public gets to hear.

>> No.51324966

It basically means that they're betting that the market is about to crash.

>> No.51324978

2008 was the false alarm. 2022 is the real deal. Screencap this.

>> No.51325011

It means they're betting on a sharp dip and recovery. Otherwise they'd sell the assets they're holding rather than buy insurance against their value.

>> No.51325341

Not gonna happen. Bailout already on table in UK. Announcement expected soon. Can will be kicked further down road

>> No.51325376
File: 107 KB, 1920x1080, Venezuelan-Stock-Market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People shorting are going to get liquidated cause Inflation makes stocks go up faster than the money printer

>> No.51325439

They can’t sell. Corporate debt needs to be sustained at all costs.
In other words, they’re trapped and fucked

>> No.51325459

Buy signal if I’ve ever seen one

>> No.51325487

Quintessentially bullish

>> No.51325495

Yup, 99% of everything is going to fuck, completely

>> No.51325500

its easy to spin the narrative too
just announce promising Russia/energy market/covid shit

>> No.51325532

Actual good take. Ive been wondering why commodities saw no spike even when everything else dumped.
It should have at least created a support but no that shot keeps dumping

>> No.51325546
File: 76 KB, 1279x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yep, it also remind me of the really hermetic speech Lagarde made about the magic number 7 in 2014, and how we would have 7 years of prosperity, followed by a collapse. She is really high in the masonic/templar spheres.
interesting, this must be it:

>> No.51325564

look honey, if the country needs X amount of energy (TWh/PWh/EWh) in X amount of timeframe and Y amount of energy delivered is lower than X then X-Y=Z and someone will NOT have Z. You can print money all day long, it will not produce Z. You need to generate Z and it won't come out of thin air.

>> No.51325567

Using the word retard conveys a lack of confidence in your ideas.

>> No.51325696

> Icey pee would be the very last one
That's why you won't make it, for some reason the investment feels so retarded it's guaranteed to pump.

>> No.51325729

bottom signal

>> No.51326124

thanks just went all in

>> No.51326141


>> No.51326246

Just liquidated all my short positions

>> No.51326325

stop falling for sensationalized headlines

>> No.51326361

wrong. you have it perfectly backwards.

>> No.51326451

Some high up Citi employee went on CNBC and said that the summer pump was just to liq late shorters. Like 2 seconds after she said that they abruptly said “oh sorry, we have to go!”

>> No.51326501

Thats not the case, sure venezuelan stocks rocketed higher but the currency lost value faster.

>> No.51326531

>I'm going to keep investing in BTC that I will likely never sell
You'll never sell because bitcoin will be worth nothing soon.

>> No.51326572

Bailout for what? Does bailing something out print new oil into existence? Why do you think the prices are rising retard? The oil is running out. Until they’re printing oil your bailout means nothing, retard

>> No.51326599

>modern markets
kek, zoom out, faggot. The modern markets have never had a post-pandemic globalist agenda trying to butcher its citizens en masse

>> No.51326622

>investment feels

>> No.51326957

if i owned that i would probably stick my dick in at some point

>> No.51327001

Holy shit. How delusional can you cows be?

>> No.51327447

I’m getting exposure to the precious metals gains caused by a comex default by investing in junior mining stocks. Unironically aiming for a 100x.

>> No.51328718

>really hermetic speech Lagarde made about the magic number 7 in 2014