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51320233 No.51320233 [Reply] [Original]

They've completely lost it. Post a frog anywhere on /a/ and you get banned there. Go ahead, try it, make a thread with a frog and make the text content of your post entirely anime related, doesn't matter it's 100% about anime; your thread WILL get deleted because of the frog, and anons will be seething at you with immense anger. They call any Apu or Pepe a "reddit frog" and say only trannies post frogs. Not making that up: according to /a/ frogs are tranny symbols redditors use. It's funny how the modern /a/ culture and their warped "reality" is the polar opposite of /biz/'s and that of other boards.

>> No.51320254

>/a/ posters
>Calling anyone else trannies
Lmaooooo the primary audience of anime outside of Japan is Mexican teenagers watching shonens and 33 year old trannies

>> No.51320314

Exactly. It's hilariously insane. I recently frogposted there just to annoy them and one anon said:
> There "he" goes again, posting the fucking frog again.
with "he" in quotes, implying I was a tranny.

>> No.51320320

But Pepe is a hate symbol

>> No.51320339

/a/ is trash because like /v/ if you have any critiques of anything popular they sperg out

>> No.51320392

99% of their catalog is a about new shitty anime or just bad anime in general, very very very few threads about good stuff or old stuff.

>> No.51320426
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/a/ is 90% moeshit and 100% autism, but I gotta hand it to them, the general population and the moderation are on the same general page, and you have no power there Pepe.

Your posts cannot live there.
Your banning is most assured.
Go Pepe somewhere else.
As the wise (future) bard once said (in the future): "Just walk away, just walk away".

>> No.51320437

They are all trannies what do you expect genius?

>> No.51320445

>/a/ is 90% moeshit and 100% autism
so 100% pacification glow-op

>> No.51320452
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I believe he expects to mildly harass them, but lo, they are completely safe from his acid wit and dank memes there.

>> No.51320467

Who's down for a /a/ raid?

>> No.51320468

/a/ is full of autistic dweeb faggots that cant even handle bantz. i made a "anime is for faggots" thread once and was instantly banned.

fuck that faggy board full of fucking queers. and fuck anime

>> No.51320479
File: 26 KB, 393x387, soronery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really it's nothing more sinister than ronery Weebs completely in thrall to there 2-D waifus, and endless Wan Piss threads.

>> No.51320492

Based /a/ mods, frogposters need to stay out of Cirno territory.

>> No.51320494

imagine being an anime fanatic in your 20s. 99% of them are kids shows and the 1% is pretty garbage anyway.
>le epic JoJo xD Wow so cooool I am so adult for watching adult anime

>> No.51320495

It has been a long day at work.

>> No.51320543
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4Chan is first and foremost a weeb safe-haven, you stupid-ass Alt-Right tourist. Always has been.
Stay salty that you will get mod boot up your ass for disturbing their (pathetic) peace, nothing will change.

>> No.51320560

Search google for 'pepe' and 'anime' or similar combinations. Find one with an anime character and pepe in the same image. Ask them for pepe related anime. Post results.

>> No.51320584

This. Be nice, polite and behaved and they may choose to tolerate your mildest shenanigans.
But don't count on it. You are there at their sufferance.