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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51317855 No.51317855 [Reply] [Original]

how to keep other people from patenting your invention while broke? i made a fuel cell that can store 2.3 gwh per kg, i don't intend to sue anyone but i want to prevent other people from gatekeeping it and/or suing me. i live in indiana if relevant.

>> No.51317890

No idea and I have the same problem, I solved Balding and found a way to increase Penis Size by up to 47%.

>> No.51317968

you aren't the first on either of those, but i'm actually serious here and looking for a non sarchastic response. idk why i even bothered on 4chan though.

>> No.51318246

I‘m not joking and nobody does what I discovered.

>> No.51318318

Who generally invents stuff anyways? That's not rhetorical, I kind of figured nearly everything was just done by corporations. Maybe this is a thing of the past, but if you're lucky, some professors at universities could give you some tips. I'm sure you can find some who have designed things. Find some prestigious engineering school and reach out to them.

>> No.51318393


Tell no one, destroy evidence of it existing.

Patent a part that's unique to the design which if not implemented won't make it operational/functional.

Sell to the biggest manufacturer who will pay the most money.

t. From the future, I use your product.

>> No.51318446

really? what's the working fluid then?

>> No.51318541

btw, this was rhetorical, there isn't a working fluid or really any fluid for that matter. time travel self corrects so a traveler wouldn't be able to share intel and expect people to remember it. also humans tend to not last after the transport because there is too much ionizing radiation.

>> No.51318878

Jelqing on crystal meth?

>> No.51319217
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>i made a fuel cell that can store 2.3 gwh per kg
pills. now.

>> No.51319765

No its an entirely organic process.
It requires a bit of set up and some materials that I dont want to specify to not give my idea away.
I build a prototype device for the penis extension and I managed to speed up the balding reversal by a magnitude of several months.
I‘m content my products are worth trillions.
I could enlarge your dick by 47%, how much would that be worth to men on average?
How many Men want to reverse their balding?
How much would they be willing to pay?

Thats another dilemma of my invention, if the word gets out they will hunt me and destroy me and steal my idea and possibly make it illegal.

>> No.51319897

well you can just say here on this god forsaken thread where everyone thinks everyone is either a schizo or a glowcel

>> No.51319910
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Find an investor and start a partnership with him. Have him front the money for a lawyer to draw up a contract and file for a patent and then cut him in for a percentage of the company and/or future revenue.

>> No.51320097
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Fuck I forgot to mention - hit him up for money to make a proto-type as well, but know that the more money and time he invests, the bigger he will expect his cut will be.
Or she....KEK just kidding! Never go into business with a woman unless she is a prostitute and you are her pimp.

>> No.51320166


I writing this from the future dopey.

Everything turns out to be a nothing burger before you ask. End.

>> No.51320687

Only the inventor can patent an invention. If all you want to do is prevent others from patenting it, just publish the design with a date stamp. Then nobody can patent it and, after a short period, anybody can use it. .