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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 281 KB, 1124x1108, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51315100 No.51315100 [Reply] [Original]

its all thanks to Sandeep

>> No.51315177
File: 405 KB, 958x946, gm sers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will make unironically

>> No.51315232


>> No.51315277

its the 2nd best performer in the top 20 after ETC btw

>> No.51315304
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>> No.51315324

real question. how is their economy perfoming so well when their country is shit?

>> No.51315374

India is actually a very nice country despite all the memes on biz
They have slums like every other country (US, UK, France, Germany)
I lived there for 8 years and depending on where you choose to live, its a really nice country to live in.
There's ton of tech, services, prices are cheap, women are hot and food is great (not the street food though)

>> No.51315585


>> No.51315607

>1.4 billion people vs 70 million people

>> No.51315672
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>> No.51315738

>basing economy growth on population
you have zero idea of how economies work
also you do know that the vast majority of UK wealth is extrated from colonies. this is why theyre getting fucked right now. they have no real source of income other than textiles

>> No.51315779

Eth becomes pos and matic becomes worthless

>> No.51315793
File: 202 KB, 1062x1356, how dumb do you feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if you noticed but the entire crypto market is fucked.
im not MATIC stan nor do i hold any cause my bags are all tied in LINK but i have to say that the way MATIC held on to its value is so fucking impressive

>> No.51315811

1 Indian (ticker: StreetShitter) = 1/20th of an UKer (ticker: Nord)?

>> No.51315818

so we movin to india now?

>> No.51315859

says more about the uk than india desu

>> No.51315924

time to realize that these motherfuckers are indeed taking over
>CEO of Google is Indian
>CEO of Microsoft is Indian
>CEO of Twitter is Indian
>>CEO of Adobe is Indian
>CEO of IBM is Indian
>CEO of Onlyfans is Indian
>CEO of Mastercard is Indian
>CEO of Pepsi is Indian
>CEO of Chanel is Indian

>> No.51315956

Sandeep really out here making moves
I don't see any other founders doing as much work (other than Vitalik)

>> No.51316008

Do Kwan rugged
Justin Sun is pumping scams
Charles Hoskinson hasnt developed shit for Cardano in years (he's also still very fat)
Anatoly Yakovenko went down with Solana
Sandeep and Vitalik are really the only ones in the spot light right now

>> No.51316059

lmao who even knows these companies

>> No.51316090

That's cool, what's the gdp per capita

>> No.51316132
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Seethe harder, bong. The UK is old news and soon your economy will be Spanish tier while the Indian Superpower plants toilets on the moon and mars.

>> No.51316514

nice try faggot but we all know who's really in charge around here: emin gun sirer

he regularly schools both sandeep and vitalik and sandeep thanks him for it

polygon is a shitty 5-of-8 multisig

imagine running a fucking blockchain by trusting your money to 5 curry niggers not to fuck it up, steal it, get mugged or get rolled by the SEC and the Indian equivalent the Shitting Elephant Council

>> No.51316789
File: 150 KB, 1124x830, screeshot of Emin seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one time Emin got so fucking salty when Polygon announced their zkEVM

>> No.51316830

emin has been steeling rivals' tech after he employed that faggot ass lawyer who systematically sued competitors to get access to insider information

>> No.51316869

doesnt Emin have an impending lawsuit set on him?

>> No.51317093
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>he WILL drop the soap

>> No.51317189

imagine trusting a scam blockchain that double minted and passed it off as a "bug"

>> No.51317284
File: 162 KB, 1044x1256, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fortune 500 companies like facebook, stripe, disney, coca cola, bentley, htc, nothing phone, adobe, e&y, d&g, espn and many more trust Polygon with BILLIONS of dollars

but sure, lets not trust Polygon because some faggot nigger retard slave on 4chan said so

kill yourself in the slowest, most boring and uneventful manner

>> No.51317341

i fucking HATE how there avax niggers pass it off as a bug when in reality its literally a scam
anything that doesnt fit their narrative is a "scam" but when their own blockchain is criticized for publicly double minting its just a "bug"

>> No.51317366

yo chill. who the fuck hurt you

>> No.51317404
File: 52 KB, 640x523, 740D0253-8314-4C6F-9293-FBE463FFBEE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th biggest economy
>still eat off the floor

>> No.51319493
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>Not even in the DEXT Top 20
Lmfao pajeet coins carrying India since 2017

>> No.51319516
File: 8 KB, 192x171, 1446924768241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world super star Mega Power 2023 Sandeep ser

>> No.51319522

Matic is an algorithmic stablecoin and that's that anon

>> No.51319538

>5th biggest economy
>still shit on streets
>still believe in a caste system
>still eat off the floor
>still bathe in cow piss
India is a complete mystery.