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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51309530 No.51309530 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my early 30s. I'm an ugly beta male. I've had no friends since school and no experiences with women ever (dates, even flirting, or had any interest shown in me) apart from prostitutes.

I become the beta male at the bottom of any social circle I come in contact with. This includes being invited to no parties and not going to prom or school leaving parties during the final days of school. And having no social life at all during university. And being the ugly beta nobody talks to during all of my part time jobs in university summers and later full time jobs after university.

People are repulsed by me.

I have no interesting hobbies or passions in life. My main hobbies for the past 5+ years have been mindlessly browsing the internet, exercising, binging on junk food or coffee, or driving and going for aimless walks. I've read more books than the average person but I'm not overly interested in anything.

I failed an absolute shitload of graduate intern and job interviews and was in menial work after university. I eventually managed to get some good jobs and now I'm paid an ok salary (much more than the UK average but that is shit tier, so it's not saying much; and not high at the company I work at).

I'm not a posh person or a generic middle class person and do not fit in with these people. I am not a lower class person and don't fit in with these people.

I can tell from my jobs that people think lowly of me, no matter what I do. In my previous job I had multiple managers treat me like shit and tell me I didn't fit in.

I managed to escape to my current job, which pays more. But I can see myself not being promoted ever. The workplace is also more ruthless, so I could potentially be treated worse than before if people dislike me.

Normies fit in effortlessly and easily glide through normie filled institutions where they're judged solely on their normieness.

I'm not stupid enough to believe in any religions or any philosophies of life.

>> No.51309557

who asked tho?

>> No.51309580

sounds like a fun life.

>> No.51309594

Every time you have an instinct to do something, do the opposite

>> No.51309650

How does this have anything to do with /biz/ idiot? wrong thread. If it's not discussing Ethereum or bitDAO then get the fuck out.

>> No.51309683

ok but why are you wearing that silly hat anon ?

>> No.51309708

Bro just go to Africa and yolo and have fun

>> No.51309748

unironically this, as a wealthy white man there you will a king

>> No.51309902

Business & Finance?

>> No.51310037
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>> No.51310318

I have been seeing your threads for years and I concluded your problem is that you’re extremely mentally ill and have a giant victim/inferiority complex.
Going for walks, lifting, reading honestly sounds like a good simple life and the fact that you think it’s all worth nothing shows your insecurities. Maybe you are ugly, I don’t know. But I think how people treat you has more to do with your complete inability to appreciate life and assume a shred of responsibility for your happiness.

>> No.51310340

Youre autistic, Im the same. Difference is my country has autismbux and doesn't force us autists to deal with normalfag shit

Got a autismbux payrise because of inflation btw, now i get over $2k/month clear now.

>> No.51310363

Sounds like you’re driving yourself crazy. Stop caring and have some fun

>> No.51310374

you could work out and lose weight to at least get as attractive as you naturally can. if you read books that is definitely a worthy hobby. friends only matter if they aren't shit. dunno what else to say. hang in there bro

>> No.51310395

me too, how can i get a gf as a wfh /biz/?

>> No.51310430

Here's a secret, people like other people to have flaws. If you don't have some rough edge normies feel they have nothing to work with and will feel like you're judging them which prevents them from opening up. You need to be intentionally abrasive within the first minutes as paradoxical as that sounds. I know an vocal Hitler admirer that does well socially for instance.

>> No.51310467
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take the nondualism pill. bro atleast you know you are the plebian. you can only accept it and try to live your life. maybe next iteration you'll be granted a better body. good luck

>> No.51310479

>Got a autismbux payrise because of inflation btw, now i get over $2k/month clear now.
nice, which country?

>> No.51310485

which country?

>> No.51310489

Delete this

>> No.51310541

Have you ever thought why you don't fit? Why nobody likes you?

>> No.51310622

Post pics

>> No.51310731

Lose weight you fat fuck. After that life will become easy, even for you.

Seriously. Go lose weight. I don't take fat bastards seriously. Your weight tells me a story about you and that information tells me you are below me, everyone thinks this.

You can be fit and retarded and people will still talk to you and hang out.

Lose weight you fat fuck.

>> No.51310812


Because he is fat. Im sure his face isnt deformed, he is just overweight.


Seriously. Tell us your height and weight. I am tired of seeing your shitty threads, this time we are going to give you the direction you need. If you dont and just come here to seek attention without actually wanting to change then you can go jump off a cliff because you are wasting our time and your time. I am so tired of these 1 post ID's, typing out these essays and never following up when a ton of people attempt to help. Come you motherfucker, let us help you.

>> No.51310883

NTA but I'm /fit/ for nearly 8 years straight now, lift and eat better than anyone around me. Basically never fat in my life to begin with.

Never even kissed

>> No.51310931
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breh if you are bottom of the barrel. there is no help. some souls have gotten absolutely horrible bodies to live in. if they play it right maybe they will get a better deal next time. if you play bad now you suffer next iteration. atleast that's what I believe.

>> No.51310963


Then your issue is you arent even trying or you are deformed. I seriously doubt it is the last one.

1. Hire a photographer. Make him take pictures of you in various settings. Should take a couple of hours and cost 100-200 bucks.

2. Download Tinder.

3. Congrats, you can now fuck random uggos between 4-6 with ease and have shots at 6-8s. It really is this easy.

Bonus: Join a mma gym, pick any sport there.

5. Dont reply to me, I just want to help the main faggot, OP.

6. Dont reply. Idc, put in the work.


>> No.51311015


I have seen 1 deformed guy the past year. He looks like a cross between downs syndrom and I think he has been in an accident, the top of his head is flat and the head has all kinds of shapes. This is the only acceptable dude I have seen who can whine and i'd give with sympathy, because there is no way for him except to go to Asia.



>> No.51311041


>> No.51311053

a 4/10 with good photos aint gonna get tinder hookups

>> No.51311058

I have already tried dating apps, it's just bots for the most part and the rare actual real human match the girl doesn't even reply.
I'll try more in real life as I already am trying

>> No.51311064


>184 cm
>108-109 kg

But I lift heavy weights so I probably don't look as fat as you think.

But I was thin during part of university and that didn't matter.

>> No.51311157
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the usual path from here is to start transitioning

>> No.51311221


If you are ripped you are not a 4/10.


Yo, respect for replying. Thanks.

Sorry, you are fat. I am 188, I was 115 kg and I thought I didn't look too bad. Chicks didn't look my way even though I was very strong and had great lifts. I continued to approach like I used to, but no luck. Thing is, I knew the difference. When I was 80-85 kg I looked good, still 20% body fat, but thin enough to feel confident. I felt just as good at 115, but it didn't matter. I am now down to 75 kgs ripped. Still have 5 more kg's to go. Yeah, I know, it sounds very low, I thought the same, but it isnt.

My friend, get on keto, progress to fasting, count calories, the ONLY thing that matters is low bodyweight. I promise, if you try now, you will be sub 100 kg in 2 months. Just do it bro.

Search this on Google: rntfitness how heavy will you be when lean.

You will be shocked. And I promise you, if you do this, in 6 months you will feel incredible, people will smile when they see you, your interactions will be awesome etc. Dont be down buddy, it truly is the magic pill you are searching for.

I hike 3 times a week and gym 2-3 days. Most important is to cut out carbs, you will plummet very quickly, it is the magic pill. If you dont believe me now, do it for a month, I promise you will believe me because the results are undeniable!!

Oh, and to compare, I got around 30 eye contacts on my hike today, two of them were 9's (Norway 9's). Two years ago I wouldnt even get a look. U can do it!!

>> No.51311259


Regarding uni, have you seen most uni guys at 18-21? Most of them are goofy lanky looking. Chicks dont dig that, but they sure do like it when you have grown a bit into your skin. Gl hf, please follow through, it will change your life, I believe in you!!

>> No.51311464

make money, invest. keep reading, excercise, lift. if you spend the next 10 years compounding financially, mentally and physically, you will be in an extremely good position to create a family. at least that's my plan as an autist, you need to be able to compensate for your loserness with intellectual, physical and economical prowess.

>> No.51311833

stop being autistic

>> No.51311858
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you think the guy on the right can get above 4/10 with muscles?

>> No.51312347

>The workplace is also more ruthless, so I could potentially be treated worse than before if people dislike me.
Light up the mood around you by organizing an online Gamenight with those moffos on GameStar+. The gaming experience might be all you need to set things right over there. You are welcome :)

>> No.51313766

/r9k/ seems more appropriate

>> No.51314590

Thank you for being my social bags to drop on.

>> No.51317895

Bodybuilding unironically improves your face, it makes your skin look healthier and low body fat percentage makes the masculine skull more apparent. Steroids can also cause the muscles in your face to build up and improve the shape.

>> No.51318752

>I am 188
lmao even

>> No.51318831

And society expects your participation

>> No.51318903

OP you gotta let me know earlier in the Livejournal entry that I'm supposed to be reading it with a British accent.

DESU at least you were able to get a good job. I have to resist the urge to shout my SAT score constantly because people look at my unkempt long-haired black ass and assume I'm stupid and not capable of anything professionally. I'm working a horrible retail job that I slack off at because I now know better than to try to impress people in hopes of promotions or raises (because lord knows that shit's not happening), just hoping that I can hang on long enough to qualify for unemployment when I inevitably get fired. I know I'm about to trigger some people but white privilege is real.

>> No.51318908

This. Nobody wants to be around some faggot who drags the mood down by always seeing the negative in everything

>> No.51319005

>white privilege is real
It’s a class thing, not a race thing, you dimwit. A poor white man is ten times more fucked than you are because there aren’t government and corporate initiatives to help him like there are for you

>> No.51319429

Nah bud, both my parents are lawyers, I talk regularly to my dad's millionaire frat bros, it doesn't mean anything because they know that sticking their necks out for me could be a death sentence for them if I fuck up. Even extremely successful black people don't fail up, they just fail out. I carry myself as as upper middle class as an autistic fag can, but unlike with lower class white dudes who get respect for engaging in "fake it 'til you make it", it just pisses people off. Seriously think. Pretend you're a normie. You see a black dude with fugly hair; Uniqlo and Sperry's. He kind of drawls but he also uses annoyingly big words. He doesn't worry about student loan shit, because his merit scholarship paid for his bachelor's degree. Why is he stocking shelves? No network, no certifications (Why the fuck would phe ay for a piece of paper that won't get him hired? He already has one of those and it's done jack shit.). Why isn't he homeless? He used the gov't programs that are open to everyone, actually. This shit is unnerving to the normie. They can't put me in a box that I'll stay in. So they're definitely not giving me the benefit of the doubt necessary for me to get into a decent job with a good chance for advancement. The whiplash from, "This dumb nigger," to, "Holy shit he could be coming after MY job," is too great.

White dudes don't have to worry about that shit, you just go have a beer and watch a football game together and don't make the boss feel bad about the way he's lived his life, and they're ready to hire you for $60k/yr. DEI doesn't mean shit if all the women who run those programs hate you on sight for reasons they can't explain.

>> No.51319546

>there aren’t corporate and governor intiatives to help them
How does not getting your ass beat by the police and non discriminatory drug policing sound bro
>crack! Life in prison black male
>opioids? My poor white baby let’s fund some health clinics

>> No.51320003

If you look like a bum you get treated like a bum. Black, white, brown or asian. Simple as, spergyboy

>> No.51320036
File: 42 KB, 463x662, 4chanIncel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in my early 30s. I'm an ugly beta male. I've had no friends since school and no experiences with women ever (dates, even flirting, or had any interest shown in me) apart from prostitutes.
>I become the beta male at the bottom of any social circle I come in contact with. This includes being invited to no parties and not going to prom or school leaving parties during the final days of school. And having no social life at all during university. And being the ugly beta nobody talks to during all of my part time jobs in university summers and later full time jobs after university.
>People are repulsed by me.
>I have no interesting hobbies or passions in life. My main hobbies for the past 5+ years have been mindlessly browsing the internet, exercising, binging on junk food or coffee, or driving and going for aimless walks. I've read more books than the average person but I'm not overly interested in anything.
>I failed an absolute shitload of graduate intern and job interviews and was in menial work after university. I eventually managed to get some good jobs and now I'm paid an ok salary (much more than the UK average but that is shit tier, so it's not saying much; and not high at the company I work at).
>I'm not a posh person or a generic middle class person and do not fit in with these people. I am not a lower class person and don't fit in with these people.
>I can tell from my jobs that people think lowly of me, no matter what I do. In my previous job I had multiple managers treat me like shit and tell me I didn't fit in.
>I managed to escape to my current job, which pays more. But I can see myself not being promoted ever. The workplace is also more ruthless, so I could potentially be treated worse than before if people dislike me.
>Normies fit in effortlessly and easily glide through normie filled institutions where they're judged solely on their normieness.
>I'm not stupid enough to believe in any religions or any philosophies of life.

>> No.51320058

Read The Rationale Male OP. Sounds like you are already brutally honest with yourself so you'll receive it well.

>> No.51320081
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Also pic rel

>> No.51320298

So it evens out. Poor people of all races get fucked in their own way. But people like you and the rich black lawyers kid are easily tricked into the divide and conquer game

>> No.51320527

Protip, stutter intentionally.Then people instantly think you are a retard and take pity on you and also let their guards down. Also helps if you are sort of retarded to begin with so you don't say anything too smart sounding which has the effect of making people feel insecure

>> No.51320528

But muh Sperry's (I stopped caring about my hair because keeping it neat never meant anything; it's clean and whatnot I just don't drop money every two weeks to get it cut).

>> No.51320638

The only reason I'm still on here after... jeez it's been 15 years, fuck... is because I believe most people on here would be decent if given the chance and could be convinced to really introspect and act on the effects of colonialism et al. All the fucking abuse I've taken over the years, that's my only excuse for not cutting and running long ago. And desu the seeds are there; the fact that people are finally convinced that the elite is trying to divide the lower classes is a 70's BPP member's wet dream. Now it's just about making y'all recognize that you're as much a target of the division psyops as Jamal (maybe even more so, considering the outsize political and economic power Flyover Americans wield). Every time Kyle complains about woke-ism an coastal investment banker does a hit of blow.

>> No.51320656

*the elite are

>> No.51320681

*a coastal
I'm fucking tired.

>> No.51320683
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>> No.51320693

i read this in bateman's voice

>> No.51321186

Embrace it and learn to exploit it

>> No.51321238

haha /p/ bro getting his pricing in, based

>> No.51321595

Are you white?