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51307104 No.51307104 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, the Ronin and Nomad attacks have shown us that cross-chain bridges and protocols may not be worth the risk despite scalability. According to Vitalik, cross-chain bridges wont be a part of the multi-chain future. Yet, we're seeing an increase in cross-chain compliance and cross-chain fundraising. What proves the paradoxical characteristics of crypto more than this, and why do you guys think we're still seeing adoption for cross-chain fundraising

>> No.51307188

It's one of those products that have both an equal amount of pros and cons, that's why.

>> No.51307204

What are the pros, in that case, pajeet. Because the hacks say otherwise

>> No.51307250

For one, gas costs are lower. Transactions are faster. More privacy.

>> No.51307283

Also, A higher user experience, more usefulness for cryptos that already do exist. It isnt rocket science, anon. Everything has a good and bad side.

>> No.51307335

They literally use smart contracts to manage their asset swaps and to minimize reliance on trusted intermediaries.

>> No.51307361
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Biased. Smart contracts have many flaws. They're only as "safe and secure" as the developers make them. And most cross-chain bridges rely on these very smart contracts instead of the security of a blockchain.

>> No.51307406
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At the end of the day, they help users seamlessly move assets between different blockchains, and allows them to benefit from earning mechanisms like staking, lending, yield farming.

>> No.51307421

Besides the so called interoperability between blockchains, i don't consider them to be secure enough. They need a lot of greater defense mechanisms to reduce these hacks then.

>> No.51307463

This, That doesn't make them inherently bad. As all crypto products, there are risks associated but the benefits outweigh them. It's a work in progress, inevitably. More security, more safe smart contracts etc are required.

>> No.51307499

chainlink (ticker: LINK) fixes this problem

>> No.51307548

Not the only issues that need to be fixed. Problems like growing centralization, liquidity issues and of course the security risks need to be solved too.

>> No.51307571

How does that fix it, pajeet

Exactly. We're far from interoperability being actually fully realized.

>> No.51308177

Just saw even Polkadot is glad to introduce cross-chain fundraising. They're one of the top cryptos with great web 3 involvement.

>> No.51308639

This is called interoperability. It's one of the key features cross chain bridges offers.

>> No.51308694

Polkadot is actually one of the top cryptos involved in Web3 development. Didn't know they have already started cross chain fundraising.

>> No.51308731

It's decentralized, scalable and offers privacy.

>> No.51308733

It hasn't reached its full potential yet though, a long way to go

Read something about Peaq being integrated into Fundrs to allow for cross-chain fundraising within Polkadot

>> No.51308792

The hacks are making it lose it value. That is why efforts has to be made to increase maximum security.

>> No.51308829
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>What are the pros
The fuck? Are you typing from 2010? How don't you understand the role of interoperability in the what the future holds?

Cause of a few negatives we forget all the positives?

>> No.51308848

It hasn't actually but it's on the right track .

I haven't seen such but it's a welcome development and other ecosystem should also join.

>> No.51308939

I presume many lack knowledge about interoperability that is why they neglect what it can solve and do.

>> No.51309524

Boils down to lack of proper research into DeFi.

>> No.51309781
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Yeah, I think this might benefit all 3 parties. Peaq, Polkadot, Allianceblock.

>> No.51310146

Allianceblock launched Fundrs and peas which is part of polkadot ecosystem got integrated right?

>> No.51310166

You would be surprised many lack basic knowledge about DeFi. Glad this will help educate many about the concept of interoperability.

>> No.51310826


lots of project like sylo are decentralized, scalable and also offer privacy. Soon this would be the new norm.

>> No.51310862
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Why are Link holders called Marines?

Because their bags are always under water.

>> No.51311351

> why do you guys think we're still seeing adoption for cross-chain fundraising

Because we ha ve so many blockchains built for different purposes, and they need to interact with each other to create the perfect ecosystem.

>> No.51312359

Interoperability cannot be trivialised in any way, especially if wide adoption of the space is in question.

>> No.51312467
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>More security, more safe smart contracts etc are required.
More secured cross-chain functionality, in identities management is important as well. When users can maintain a secure identity regardless of the number of chains they are interacting with, that will be a big positive.

>> No.51312890

SYLO is a dead shit that doesn't offer any product. Go get yourself with project with usecase that is useable by another project just like the DeFi terminal of AB

>> No.51312944

Yes that is right. Peaqnetwork is the first polkadot project that got integrated into Fundrs. I'm certain others would follow.

>> No.51312993

This is why interoperability is necessary. A bridge that offers it alongside with cross messaging protocol is the new deal.

>> No.51313109

It seems there are so many products this project offers. I have heard of the CV summit the CEO would be a guest speaker.

>> No.51313211

Irrespective of the hacks that are present, the benefits clearly outweighs the risk.

>> No.51313269

What about NFT bridging? Do you know any bridge that offers such?

>> No.51313424

Benchod, you should get your facts right. I am using the smart wallet. Now tell me how is that a dead shit?

>> No.51313513

Exactly! This right here is where everyone should be focused on.

>> No.51313636
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What do you think about ORE that enables dApps users to get things done with few clicks regardless of the number of chains being interacted with.

>> No.51313791

> We're far from interoperability being actually fully realized.

That's where Polkadot ecosystem comes to play.

>> No.51314626

Allianceblock Bridge offers cross message protocol, interoperability and NFT bridging.

>> No.51317144

Does ORE now have a bridge as well? Last i checked they arwe in this space for identity management.

>> No.51317440

> NFT bridging.
This could be a major turning point for NFTs as this could help increase their adoption.

>> No.51319821
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Based.. attacks are expected in Gamefi kek.

>> No.51319857

TF do you mean increase adoption Moron

>> No.51319924

A pleb spotted, Link shiller
Why do you think Ronin attack gonna steer adoption in Defi?

>> No.51320451

IMO, introduction of private NFT auctions is vital for the adoption. This is probably why privacy protocols supporting NFTs are well positioned

>> No.51320503
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Trading without intentionally shielding the transactions is a clear proof of lack of basic knowledge in DeFi. I wonder how decentralization is absolute with privacy

>> No.51320532

It does. Over 5 chains already supported by it. You don't expect it not to have a bridge

>> No.51320556
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Well, when we talk about interoperability in terms of cross-chain identities and rights, then ORE network is the main player

>> No.51320933

>This is probably why privacy protocols supporting NFTs are well positioned
Like Railgun and Secret Network. So far, those are the only two I know with that functionality even though the implementation is yet to take place.

>> No.51321662

What does it look like, he meant retard? If it's taking you so much time to understand simple sentences, then it seems you are short on breast milk.

>> No.51321774

That's a great place to start, does the bridge support NFT bridging like that of Alliance Block?

>> No.51324330

>How does that fix it, pajeet
he doesnt know what ccip is

>> No.51324536

this, believe is the most important. It's needed for DeFi tools to function together, irrespective of the blockchain.

>> No.51324687

Yes, but I think Alliancebock has a clear shot at interoperability... They made almost all of their products multichain for a reason.

>> No.51325119

Interoperability is something that the space should embrace now, though we got a few projects pushing n that direction already.
You know I have this believe that this product Fundrs will bring in a big change in the deFi space.

>> No.51325465

This is one of the innovations that came into AllianceBlock, the fact that you can have your NFTs bridged from one network to another, provided the networks are supported by Allianceblock.

>> No.51325873

This interests me, cause as a gamer, Polkadot is one network that has loads of gaming projects on it. with Fundrs, I expect to see better games with better gameplays.

>> No.51325950

Possibly there may have gone through a shitty ass start I mean cross-chain bridges, but they could actually scale through you know, even DeFi gems like Evmos, Ride, Juno, CRO are still being fudded for price dump and one of two technical faults but that doesn't mean that ain't got no future nahh, it's just a matter of time and we fucking going back on track. Same applies to cross-chain bridges

>> No.51325979

Neatly stated, Nomad attack made me go gaga but yet I be on inshallah.

>> No.51326084

And what change is Fundrs bringing that I'm not aware of?

Lately, privacy has taken a big toll, and I be head bent into it coz I don't understand why hacks keep spiking up. Reasons why Zkp, Qredo, Sylo be hitting charts of must-have privacy gems for me, with the latter being data privacy conscious and against mismanagement of it as well.
>Also firms like losslessdefi be doing the most in terms of hack mitigation I hope other of holdings including the aforementioned partner with them though.

>> No.51326127

I think you making a point there.
Smart one at that.

>> No.51326215

Lol, granting startups and new projects access to funding in form of either capital or expertise, I feel we'd see great projects rise from here.
also that the TIDV trustless KYC will be first launched on Fundrs... I bet DeFi is experiencing a bigger change.

>> No.51326223
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Speaking of liquidity issues, FLUID be bringing in the future of liquidity aggregation to the space; Sylo building incentivized node network where wallet addresses can interact and even PFP to PFP connections without reliance on centralized parties, more like end-to-end encrypted. Now you tell me if that ain't some privacy based shit.
There are lots of alphas but we can't decipher coz we damn on Degen plays.

>> No.51326265

Fact and that is one truth I'm not disputing, the reinvention of TradFi is what DeFi be all about.

>> No.51326295

Speak of the devil. Kek

>> No.51326364

You can't even give a viable fact how Sylo is a ded shit, I guess you still in the 2020 era where it was all about its smart wallet, now go see how vast it's becoming the decentralized communication network protocol of the mf metaverse and stop capping baselessly, and wtf is AB? noobs be doing the most nowadays, cringe.

>> No.51326374

NFT bridging?, plebs don't cease to amaze me kek.

>> No.51326386

That's understandable to say the least.

>> No.51326682

This is the goal, TradFi will learn and Integrate DeFi...
you're short-sighted anon, Imagine having your NFTs switched from one blockchain to anther, provided the blockchain is supported by AllianceBlock.

>> No.51327032

I think, for now, only AllianceBlock supports NFT bridging as a product... with their multichain system, they make it easy.

>> No.51327436
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Do you pajeet faggots unironically think that your 'discussion' looks natural?
To all newfags: these pajeet faggots constantly swarm this board with inorganic 'discussion' about buzzwords like privacy and interoperability. Notice how completely dry and shallow and inorganic their statements or questions are.
Do not invest in ANYTHING that is mentioned in this thread - why the fuck would you ever consider putting your money near a project that has to pay people to pretend to naturally talk about it?
Dont be a retarded faggot like the pajeets in this thread