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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 632 KB, 563x668, nnm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51303004 No.51303004 [Reply] [Original]

interlinked >>51298399

Listen once per day:

News: https://medium.com/@edwardkim.ek/a-path-to-recovery-for-luna-classic-e7ff076b28ab

For WLUNA Holders: https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/f14b7fc184b74237a9e68796a2939dec

How to STAKE for newfags
>download terra station on your phone
>create a new wallet
>go to settings and switch network to classic
>withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!)
>once you receive your coins go to stake screen
>choose a validator and delegate to them
>withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins

it's literally that easy.

>helpful links

>Worm hole for Wluna
>Staking rewards calculator
>Terra Shuttle sun setting video
https://youtu.be/HMVLiZpbpeo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>HCC video on delegations
https://youtu.be/EtrHi-kuDsc [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>HCC video on changing coin rewards
https://youtu.be/TZFqryj4ee8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Learn to stake on Terra Station

>> No.51303025

when poompa?


>> No.51303026

tfw i literally bought at the top (.0004525) trying to swing trade. someone hand me a rope

>> No.51303027
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>> No.51303038

$1 EOY

>> No.51303039


>> No.51303040
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>> No.51303047

relax and look at the daily chart. you'll be fine. can't wait a couple days zoomer?

>> No.51303049
File: 755 KB, 800x966, cdb51aa8cfc9a961086df29e56138ce0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gate.io insider here. i obviously can't reveal my identity, but guys are cool so ill drop a tip.

get out of lunc, NOW. there's going to be some serious havok reaked in the next few days. tl;dr cz binance got spooked from all the success and is planning on a massive dumping of his liquidity. wondering why the markets are down? thats why. dont say i didnt warn you.

>> No.51303052

give it 2 more weeks.
You'll be able to dump your bags at .00056

>> No.51303053

bussin fr fr. dream it. no cap.

>> No.51303054

This energy is literally me every day knowing that we've made it.

>> No.51303063

Is this the new FUD pasta?
My dad at Nintendo says you're full of shit

>> No.51303069
File: 424 KB, 747x683, pepeLUNC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger here, this guy is my cousin and he's actually a nigger, don't listen to him

>> No.51303078

Don't listen to anything this fool says,

I am the real gate.io insider, I am a tranny and a fag and a black nigger and a tranny

>> No.51303086

Am I screwed if I hold LUNC on BSC?

>> No.51303094
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Jesus lol. I buythis garbage after seeing it shilled for days and it dumps. Just fucking sold...never again

>> No.51303097

>but guys are cool

Thanks ESL fag

>> No.51303101

$1 EOY, $10 2023, ATH 2025

>> No.51303103

gate.io insider here. it's not looking good for luna, binance insiders have just revealed to us that they are dumping all their luna as soon as it hits 80 cents. get out while you still can.

>> No.51303110

here's what i wrote to an anon a few threads back:


i'd bridge it to terra station asap anon, i just did the other day via portalbridge.com

got spooked when they shut down the other bridge and whatever was happening with WLUNA - felt good to get out of BSC - also the liquidity on BSC wormhole is trash, good luck making large sells on that if your stack is huge

>> No.51303116

i can definitely wait, but i felt it necessary to receive some public shaming and maybe give someone a little laugh at the expense of my foolish ventures.

>> No.51303121

Stinky fuckin LINKIES bois!

>> No.51303127


>> No.51303128

so a cunt hair shy of $1, I fail to see the problem here nignog

>> No.51303140

what does paper hands feel like?

>> No.51303144

I fucking hate this so much but I know that soon, while sipping cocaine on the beach, it will bring a slight smile to my lips as I put away the rope one final time and hear it echo softly in my mind while I enjoy my upcoming early retardment.

runcha, we rye. runcha, we rye...

>> No.51303148
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ain't no shame lad you're unironically still incredibly early

>> No.51303160

done faggot

>> No.51303164
File: 8 KB, 542x227, going insane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be my best or worst decision in my entire crypto life

>> No.51303177


>> No.51303185

Checked for best.

>> No.51303186

t. incel retards that haven't heard of gate.io

>> No.51303198

beef jerky

>> No.51303226

So if wlunc is codifiably the erc20 version of 2UNA (ticker: LUNA), can any brainfags explain why the price of wlunc hasn't paired to the LUNA price?

>> No.51303238

>hey guys I'm here for the ride even though I just arrived and expect to make a huge profit

>> No.51303268

name one person who uses gate.io?
Literally who exchange.

>> No.51303272
File: 41 KB, 544x499, 1454198588041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 million
welcome to the club fellow baboona

>t. more than half of a fatman

>> No.51303284

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>"w-we're going to be rich a-arent we??"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>other anons are reassuring you you're going to make it
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>time to make another thread
>”LUNC price prediction thread"
>yeah that's nice... look at all those numbers
>put all the posted numbers and multiply them with your stack
>haha wow, thats a lot of money
>imagine what all you could do with that money
>maybe i'll finally have sex...
>sun peeks through the curtains
>you hear your parents waking up
>hehe, fucking wagies
>the depression comes back
>the dopamine rushes dont last as long as they used to
>time to make another thread
>"is 10m LUNC enough to make it?"

>> No.51303285

Is that why jeets wipe their asses with their hands? :v

>> No.51303296

What is gate.io?

25mil checking in, buy in: .000095

>> No.51303317
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same, same. destiny awaits

>> No.51303319

>What is gate.io?

>> No.51303325

1 mil brokie here
please get this to atleast 10 cents basterds
paperhands do not redeem at 1 cent
have a great night

>> No.51303339
File: 84 KB, 640x896, 16622269425180833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blackrock insider here . we gonna make a 1,000,000.00 $ investment into lunc on 9/11 at 06:10 AM EST . do what you want with this information

>> No.51303344

Sorry you lost the swing money breh. See you at $1.

>> No.51303364


>> No.51303369

sorry 100,000,000.00 $

>> No.51303409


>> No.51303413
File: 92 KB, 1080x1290, Screenshot_20220906-231209_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked for dub of dubs.

Pic related. The portion of my bag that I'm staking. Holding to ATH.

>> No.51303425

Where do you get your information from? Psychosis? I bet you got lied to like a fucking garbage whore brokie. Never again.

>> No.51303429
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>> No.51303441

Gate.io insider here. Anyone claiming to be an insider is lying. The real reason we didn’t implement the burn tax is because we want to attract tons of new users which will then move their stacks over to our platform for tax free trading. What they don’t know is that we’ll be freezing all of their funds once enough have migrated their stacks and we’ll be sending it all to the burn address. In effect, this will be a sacrificial burning, not only of coins, but our company itself and of the lives of greedy LUNC holders who wanted to tax evade.

Watch for these signs
>it will happen in a significant date after the tax is implemented on Binance
>pretext of hodl funds
>do kwon will be mentioned
>the bear will come out of its cave
>the belly of the dragon will drip water
>cz will shit

>> No.51303453

nigger been in crypto since 2017 and today's the first i ever heard of that shit pile, try harder on your fud kike nobody cares and we'll keep calling you a nigger

>> No.51303466

I have literally never heard of gate.io until they started fudposting here en masse.

>> No.51303493


>> No.51303497

What if lunc becomes the new bitcoin?

>> No.51303508

terra rebels insider here. it's not looking good for luna, binance insiders have just revealed to us that they are selling some of their lunc as soon as the chain is revived and lunc hits a new ATH. get out while you still can, it's gonna be a bloodbath out there.

>> No.51303530

>"What if lunc becomes the new Bitcoin?"

It's better than Shitcoin.

>> No.51303537

i don't feel so good bros

>> No.51303543


is gate.io the tranny version of idex or something?

>> No.51303558

pump signal
same I'm only up 3x now, just fuck my shit up

>> No.51303592
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Hol up

>> No.51303596
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>> No.51303603

$1 eoy checkem

>> No.51303608

My uncle who works for Nintendo also told this story.

>> No.51303610

fuck off steve bucsemi you google eye faggot kike

>> No.51303635
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>> No.51303641
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>He calls it LUNA C

>> No.51303647

It's over now we dump forever until we reach infinite 0's

>> No.51303655


>> No.51303658

This is absolutely bullish.

>> No.51303670
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big if true i don't have tranny discord anyone able to confirm?

>> No.51303692
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>> No.51303701

Kek. You're going in the LUNC sagas as "OG" from your ID.

>> No.51303723

Why are you speaking so low into your mic? Is it so that your parents won't give you shit for being up past your bed time, or is it some sorta ASMR shit?

>> No.51303727

Uhhh sirs why the fuck i get rug? I buy .0004 because you saying we hit $1. Now i check price it .00034 why fucking scam?

>> No.51303728

What percentage of your stack will you cash out in fiat vs other assets/crypto? I'm wondering about the great reset and the supposed imminent devaluation of fiat. Obviously xrp and other iso2002 coins would be a good option. What do you guys think?

>> No.51303735

For me it's more bad than good news because if DK joins the team I think CZ will not implement the burn because he hates this guy

>> No.51303739
File: 218 KB, 1440x1800, 296178835_10227013517981054_6242097640385760284_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you whispering kid ? afraid not to wake up mommy ??

>> No.51303754

>biryani brown ID

>> No.51303759

>If you keep me safe, I'll keep you Wild.

>> No.51303771

only a pajeet would buy during a peak and not during the correction, what a retard

>> No.51303780

>there was a conversation about what can be done together
I fucking hope the "what" to be done is sending DK off to best Korea to experience their premium prison life

>> No.51303786


>> No.51303797

>Cz ID on my post shitting on Donkey Kwon
The memes just write themselves don't they

>> No.51303799
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>and lunc hits a new ATH
So LUNC going above $119.18 confirmed, WGMI Lunatics!

>> No.51303805


>> No.51303823

Word on the street is that Vegas convinced Kwon to meet him irl. That's when Vegas will murder Kwon using nothing but the funkopop he uses as his avatar.

>> No.51303826

If i actually manage to get the $4 mil off my ladder i will
>give (((them))) their cut
>with the remaining 2.3 mil
>500k back into crypto assets (BTC/ETH/LINK for me)
>$1 mil into real estate and other "safe" tradfi investments
>$500k to stop waging and live on until next bull run

>> No.51303835

>paying taxes

>> No.51303838


>> No.51303841

Checked. It was just a dip.

>> No.51303856

Kek imagine
there were some swingies that sold the previous dump, and bough back in due to recovering, and now we dumped again.
Just hold this is a dangerous swing fellas

>> No.51303858
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And then CZ will personally deal the finishing blow.

>> No.51303877
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Buy the dip sirs....

>> No.51303892

Anon i hope you realize most anons here are memeing when they say they arent going to pay taxes. I post about fucking off to live my life fucking thai lady boys after i make it as much as the next anon. But the truth is I like my family and I would hate to never be able to return to my home country.

>> No.51303908

>loves his family

>> No.51303926
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>> No.51303936


>> No.51303937

It is my personal life mission to give the IRS immense amounts of suicidal grief.

>> No.51303966

>people selling because they lost some beer money

>> No.51303974

Hello admin why price doing? Why not green today, any news?

>> No.51303983

>only a milly
If Blackrock went whole hog on LUNC, not only would they fucking moon it themselves, they would unironically have a project to invest in and build on that could go a multitude of directions.

>> No.51303998


Holy shit that would be insane man.

>> No.51304020
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The new LUNA doesn't have an ERC-20 version... yet.

>> No.51304037

Is this setting up to crab at 40 before the next leg up? Because it sure looks like it.

>> No.51304048

Just spelt LUNC while pissing in a urinal WAGMI

>> No.51304049


Unironically it is

>> No.51304057

That's been the trend for a while. Every time it does a leg up it's steep and then spikes up and down killing all the shorts.

>> No.51304084

Could we start spreading fud on reddit?

>> No.51304085

Listen. Its hard as shit to get ahead in life now, not just working 9-5 for the rest of your life .The sooner you start investing in the right items, the sooner you will be better off.

LUNC is a meme started by 4chan to lead people to financial ruin. Don't let your saved wealth be thrown away over night.Vitalik the creator of ethereum said himself the days of making x1000 or x10000 are over, that right the guy who created the second most popular crypto said those days are over.

Now 4chan is trying to get people to lose even more money after the 2018 bloodbath.

Think XRP when you think LUNC. The company ripple (smartcontract.com) is doing well but the coin's holders XRP schizos are insane bagholders. Considering what Vitalik said "The days of x1000 or x10000 returns are over." LUNC needs a 400,000% increase in price over the next months to reach $1 this is ludicrous. Don't fall for it, LUNC its a meme to fuck you over.

This is a 4chan meme to siphon money out of the hands of the already vulnerable.

Please be careful with your money. there is a common pattern of heavy shilling when this pumps, and after early 4chan whales have sold, silence for months. generally, this happens 1-2 times a year.

You may wonder why it's shilled so hard? its to create artificial demand. You have no idea how many 4channers scooped this up early, when absolutely NOBODY else was interested in it. while it was at dirt cheap prices.They simply take advantage of up coming news and pump/dump with their massive holdings. It's a meme that got out of control.It's also why the "10m make it stack" meme is shilled so heavily. they want people to accumulate while it goes up and they dump on you, telling people to simply just buy LUNC wont create enough volume for them to dump it. pushing this 10mil meme ensures people dont just buy, but continuously buy, and drop their wages in with regularity so these scammers can slowly cash out.

>> No.51304088

Yes. We just pump, pull back, consolidate, and then pump again. Get used to it. It's a long way up.

>> No.51304115

>financial ruin
It's only $500 dude.

>> No.51304123

Leave this general and never return.

>> No.51304124

but blackrock is part of the followers of the antichrist

>> No.51304126
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>> No.51304128

I'm not reading that wall of text.

>> No.51304134
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good morning

>> No.51304157
File: 531 KB, 750x1334, B43CE995-C4EA-480A-A868-A4C0D1D45FD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck these plebbitors have so much money to play with? Im jealous

>> No.51304165

They never learn, apparently.

>> No.51304177

It’s only a matter of time till more do the same and take out loans and pump our bags to $1

>> No.51304185
File: 219 KB, 750x1334, AC3D01A1-9915-4B21-8C50-5610D26C50E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShOrT sQuEeZEeeeeeee incoming

>> No.51304201

I pulled out of all markets when the war started prior to the huge dump but I realized I had like 100 bucks in some crapper coin that I put for 325k LUNC

am I gonna make it bros...

>> No.51304211

Speaking of Reddit, anyone have an screencaps from the initial crash? Just figured a trip down memory lane would make for a good laugh.

>> No.51304213

>poo id
that's gonna be a no

>> No.51304247
File: 885 KB, 2560x1440, 20220404_175111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you realize bizlets are all just poorfags whose entire investment into lunc is the lunch money of redditors. kek they probably haven't even seen such a car before in their villages in mumbai

>> No.51304261

Oh well, its just 100 bucks lmao

>> No.51304263

>they think news is fud
basically just ostriches burying their head in the sand at this point.

>> No.51304264


you realize people on reddit and biz are just like people you see day to day outside? everyone here is no different than the real world. some have lots of money and some don't

>> No.51304294

>not investing during war

>> No.51304347
File: 26 KB, 463x662, C216D797-065B-433F-973A-AB75F6AC2215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hold your LUNC because you want to go to the moon.

I hold my LUNC because I cannot remember my KuCoin trading password.

We are not the same.

>> No.51304407

>I just had a dream Luna sisters!

It was about Lunc and was my first.
In it Luna rised so fast that green candles were just zooming past.
I know there is no way candles can zoom as they are time based but it was like that in the dream.

By the time I was able to raise my take profit it had already 2x and 3x the value.

>> No.51304425
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>> No.51304458

that might hurt in a little while

>> No.51304473
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>> No.51304501
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>> No.51304506
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Frens where can I read about the bridge being closed from a trustworthy source? All I see are anons repeating it but where is this news coming from?

>> No.51304510


>> No.51304528

some random twitter that had only 13k followers and that was it's only post. Binance will no longer let you trade anything but real LUNC though, this makes sense if they want to maximize on chain transactions and will implement the burn

>> No.51304584

>biggest LUNC holder by a large margin
>spooked from success of his holding
Are you dumb?

>> No.51304601

20x tf is wrong with you

>> No.51304666

chinks. I went into their telegram and it's just moonspeak. what are the main exchanges chinks use? is binance banned for them?

>> No.51304706

Holy based. Wish there was 100x available for lunc futures.

>> No.51304796

One must expect FUD to escalate and reinvent itself in multiple ways. Stay focused anons. War is on.

>> No.51304819

Nah, CZ wants his money back. He also wants to price out fools before the burn is live.

>> No.51304844

which platform?

>> No.51304860

apollox/pancake swap

need a vpn and metamask. no kyc

>> No.51304865


CZ's UST and LUNC holding come from trading fees, not investments. That's the thing all fudders should know. CZ has not lost any money from this and even if he did, he has already made it back from LUNA2/LUNC trading fees.
What he is now left with is 1 billion in unrealized profits. You have to be a real poorfag to think CZ will collapse such a profitable trading coin for 1 billion.

>> No.51304885

I concur.

>> No.51304906

Guys if lunc goes to $10 who's down to donate to them a new 100,000 seat stadium with a big scoreboard and luxury press box


>> No.51304930

It's like he actually wants to stay poor

>> No.51304940
File: 43 KB, 602x453, main-qimg-fb2caf9f9bb2e6a1ad38644217933ae7-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51304946

Makes sense. There's no way any of the big exchanges want it to collapse considering the amount of volume it's generating in the midst of such a shitty general market.

>> No.51304973
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Woke up and thought the widget said 56, goddamn.

>> No.51304980
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Volume has slowed down. Looks like the price is stabilizing between 00035 and 00038.
We might see another pump if BTC manages to come back at 20k.

>> No.51305001

probably won't see another leg up until btc stabilizes. been about 3-4 days between legs up so let's see where it goes

>> No.51305031

P for pajeet + brown id + esl

>> No.51305039


>> No.51305053

1.2% burn 100% confirmed full implementation sept 20

>> No.51305087

>1.2% burn 100% confirmed full implementation sept 20
Sorry but trading won't be part of the burn. So volume won't be affected by the tax. Which makes the coin completely useless.

>> No.51305109

It will be within weeks of the burn. Every CEX will implement.

>> No.51305118

Fuck bros it's dumping. It's all over.

>> No.51305122


>> No.51305128

look at me. fuck bitcoin. we are the bitcoin now.

>> No.51305143

sorry but you are a complete fucking imbecile.

>> No.51305144
File: 62 KB, 680x521, 1630904351526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we just ignore the bearish divergence in the D chart?
Or I should just give up to apply TA to a coin where 90% of the people ape in because green candles go brrrrrr without even knowing what it is?

>> No.51305156

the bearish divergence is fucking playing out and has been since we hit the top. what do you think this correction is showing. jesus some of these comments recently.

>> No.51305171

This and this.
I expect a sell the news event, a crash when people realize that the proposal is not for exchange trading volume. Capitulation and then a pump again when CEXs apply their own tax burn.

>> No.51305173

Brain-dead, mouth breathing, mongoloids. Or paid shills. One or the other. Kek.

>> No.51305175

It's literally identical to the last

>> No.51305179


>> No.51305191

>It will be within weeks of the burn. Every CEX will implement.
CEX are already saying that they're not going to implement it for trading. It's only for transactions. It will take decades to burn one single trillion.

>> No.51305194

for real, anon. and the ta idiot also fails to realize that all this selloff is doing is painting hidden bullish divergence on the same daily chart. we are going to rip in a few days.

>> No.51305204

really? what about mexc you fucking idiot.

>> No.51305206

Medical bills have meant I can't buy anymore LUNC. Stuck with 2 million, this blows.
I was hoping to get to 20.

>> No.51305222

Goes like this
>pump, correction, people try to short, astronomical pump and kikes liquidated
rinse and repeat

>> No.51305230

I know that's what they are saying. They are going to change their minds within several weeks.

>> No.51305235

>paying medical bills
Dude just goto jail.

>> No.51305242

Zaka Signals, HCC etc...

>> No.51305261

$10 is viable DCA for LUNC. I'm a poor far too. Ladder your millions as best you can but I have a little reality stack of $200k from staking and poorfag DCAing set for $1. We talk hard about making it here and so we should but don't forget your roots mate and don't sneer at 50 or 100 thousand.

>> No.51305267

Technically that's a promotional, time limited, burn fees event. When it ends MEXC will ask feedback to the customers to decide if they should extend the burn or not, as said in their announcement.

>> No.51305316

it's forming the same pennant the last one did before this leg wtf are you on about. The day chart is beautiful fuck off.

>> No.51305320

Oh, and MEXC has 0.6% of the volume, they burn every day less LUNC than the coins that a random /biz/ degenerate bought in May for beer money.

>> No.51305328

meant for

>> No.51305337

In my country you just die if you don't pay aha.
Good idea anon, I can make a few dollars while in bed doing those online survey sites.

Worst comes to worst I'll get the kneepads out

>> No.51305339

gotcha. no worries.

>> No.51305351

oh, go fuck yourself and your fudding, both hard and soft.

>> No.51305353

No LUNCers don’t understand, this ain’t no pump and dump it’s a dump and pump.

>> No.51305360

I know bro, but I don't thing this is going on forever.
Maybe another leg up, a shooting star on a big time frame or something but at some point there will be a massive correction.

>> No.51305393

the massive correction comes at no less than one cent.

>> No.51305412

ratcoin did 1500x last week, let that sink in for a bit

does vitalik know about every memecoin/shitcoin out there? He was saying that shit in like 2017 and we all know how many coins have blown up since

>> No.51305436

So, going straight to a market cap of $60,000,000,000, higher than BNB.
Not trying to FUD, but...

>> No.51305439

Checked. Lunc is such a comfy hold.

>> No.51305446

I think I'm gonna stake my entire 4 million stack bros. Something tells me the rewards alone will make me rich when it's time, and they'll keep pumping for the rest of my life.

>> No.51305452

Except it's barely hanging on and probably going to dump.

>> No.51305505

You honestly don't know shit

>> No.51305526

we're not here to convince anybody not to sell. paperhands all you want.

>> No.51305529

considering how the markets look its doing really good desu

>> No.51305549

Look at the hourly. It's barely hanging in there now. All the BTC bullshit has fucked it.

>> No.51305565

t. paperhands

>> No.51305572

we are dumping you bastards

>> No.51305574

I'm see the same thing anon. Don't listen to these retards.

>> No.51305577

I'm considering it because past experience tells me it's going to dump.

>> No.51305594

where can I see this? I searched ratcoin but the one that came up didn't have that kind of pump in the chart

>> No.51305611

so fucking sell then what are you trying to do convince us to sell too so you don't feel stupid and alone after? You're wasting digits here

>> No.51305616

I see so many ropes in the future, it will be beautiful.
Wagmi brother

>> No.51305626

I’m a raven coin holder and a lunc holder

>> No.51305633

Just looking for input beyond religious statements. Propose anything contrary to the token bearshit or bullshit and you the only responses you get around here are insults.

>> No.51305636

You’re full of shit. Gate.io is full of ESL talk. You have none.

>> No.51305640

t. sold at 0.0002

>> No.51305644

fuck off dumbass. if just trying to help people make informed decision

>> No.51305657

Well I don't know how much intellectual debate you expect when an entire community is formed around the statement "don't put in more than you can afford to lose"

>> No.51305665

>if just
Thank you sers

>> No.51305667

honestly, i mean this with all sincerity. you are an idiot who doesn't understand what the fuck is going on with this coin AND that crypto marketcaps are a fucking meme.

>> No.51305670

suck my dick Gagandeep

>> No.51305684

take your bullshit hourly and look at the 5 day daily moving average. we are going to bounce there like we've been doing over and over for weeks now.

>> No.51305710

The hourly per daily over the past 5 days can't be compared to now.

>> No.51305737

bro it must be mad stressful to be you. Fuck the hourly take out however much is gonna make you stop stressing and let it ride. Something like this can't be analyzed to the degree you're trying to.

>> No.51305750

How broke are you to stress over losing a few hundred rupees? Just sell already and move on with your life.

>> No.51305757

Because these questions have been answered time and time again, we are here to hang out, not to convince you of anything, if you don't wanna buy, don't, I don't give a fuck. I'll ride this shit to ath or to zero, reason? Because I fucking want to.

>> No.51305765

the fuck are you even saying. i'm telling you the daily has much more significance over the hourly. go back and learn more.

>> No.51305768


>> No.51305780

In a strong uptrend, divergence means a retracement to an average value.

>> No.51305781
File: 85 KB, 1280x960, 1662301602797078[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh herro! It me again, Donky Kwong! Me so rearry sorry that I did fuk up maw-neeeh wit *your* Runa?! Me stupid ! Ha! Haha! Hah! Glim Leperu Squad ask me to tell you I'm very rearry sorry! I new man now! And Runa Crassic go back to wan hundred soon, hehehe... Wut that? pra-jeet frud-das , you say? Idiot waguk! I will help Tella Rebers save *my* poket! Bwahahaha! It's my faurt tho, I don't rike to cry - was my genious plan arr this time! We wrill have 90,000 beet-koooin, arr gonna paying off dirty benchod jeet to GTFO too! Go back to FUD everrywhere in their shit street, make soiboys FOMO ! Hihihihihi, master of stabrecoin I am again - Runa Crassic now stabre... stabre at *$100.00*, forever! GAHHAHAHHAHAHA! We win again! But that OK, you *rike* getting maw-nee! This is best of arr, make us even more maw-neeeh! Sold bags to dirty peasant redditpoors again and again and again while furking mah waiyf in expensiiiive kondo! We in Singapuru, riving dat birrionaire lyf! Because Donky Kwong rich! And you poor! And now that Runa Crassic rice, Runa 2.0 *only* dead! Sukk my rittle yerrow peenor you 개새끼! Donky Kwong win again! Hah! You 좆됐어 now! GET FAKKT GANGAM STYLE! BI-YATCH!

>> No.51305796

I read this in that Chinese restaurant owner from South parks voice. Shitty Wok I think it’s called

>> No.51305825


>> No.51305841
File: 85 KB, 400x380, 1657710777681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish Indian fren pls define "get out of lunc, NOW." because it was very fuzzily sayed. U type and post like king but ur thoughts is like of a peasant in this moment. U adviced to studying eastern philosophies and western ancient nowledges and come bakc in a year to clarify. Satan is not real and ur hole religion is fake. Only god and ayy lmaos is real. U wasted ur lifes and lifes of people for nothing because u stupid.

>> No.51305854

It'll be a marketcap of $69,000,000,000, dumbass

>> No.51305965


it is imperative that we listen to the vocaroo at least once every day. the more people do it, the more lunc will moon. spread the word


>> No.51306078

Actually, after the dump few minutes ago I turned bullish, at least for another leg up.
I'm not even here to convince to sell or secure profit at some point.

>> No.51306136

((((Someone)))) really doesn't want people FOMOing into this coin.

>> No.51306152

Lunachads, $1 is the floor. Assuming we make it there, LUNC will be reconnected to the stable coin and its LUNC burning system. You're destined for true wealth - half a billion to a billion or more. Don't throw your gold away for upper-middle class money.

>> No.51306153

Which dump a few minutes ago? You guys really have to zoom out and look at the daily and weekly charts.

>> No.51306162
File: 65 KB, 564x657, 1662010875416083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaking out paper hands, this is all part of the process. I'm not going to try and convince anyone why holding or buying this is a good idea. Those who get it are already in and can see where this is heading. Stay comfy lunchads, this isn't even the beginning, remember that, and keep seething fudcunts.

>> No.51306187

exactly what i've been saying, anon.

>> No.51306203

It will be fun to be called a lunc whale a few years from now

>> No.51306210

Wahhhhh I can belive I’ve only tripled my investment

>> No.51306237

I literally don’t see where this is going. I’m genuinely a self admitted retard when it comes to crypto. I just generally believe meme magic is real and schizos have been right about everything.

>> No.51306248

Stinky linkies thought it was funny to fud redditors as well. Look at what happened to link.

>> No.51306283

fuck 'em. they don't wanna be saved lol.

>> No.51306291

topkek 12 weeks for 350%? HARD PASS

>> No.51306322

This is a valid point

>> No.51306343

here is my take, In business they say a customer with a positive experience isn't as loyal as a customer who had a negative experience that you worked really hard to make up to them.
Luna crashed hard, but if it makes a comeback, the trust that people put in it will be insane. It will spread out to crypto in general and bring in a lot of people that were hesitant to enter the market before.
Furthermore it isn't the original dev spearheading this, it is the community, which captures the spirit of all of this really well.
As governments continue to make dumb decisions and push their populations around, seeing currency that is controlled not by a central authority but by the very people who use it, and seeing that this system can actually fix problems, will be seen in 1000 years as the event that lead to the death of fiat.
in a year people are going to be able to directly compare their government's fucking up inflation with a decentralized group fixing zimbabwe tier hyperinflation.
This also has a lot of other good signals. The burn itself is simple supply go down so price should go up, then seeing price go up in a bear market will cause more people to jump in to hide from red candles elsewhere, which means demand goes up so price should go up. the previous problems will dissuade paperhands so the climb up will be healthier as there are less idiots that will dump their entire stack the moment they x2 their investment, meaning less resistance at common entry/exit points. Potentially repegging the stablecoin will be also be a huge catalyst, it would almost guarantee the price to return to a significant fraction of all time high.
I'm not as well versed in the technology, but it also seems like it offers much more utility than other coins, with better transaction times and scalability. I'd love to hear more about the tech behind it if anybody

>> No.51306360

I couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.51306409


>> No.51306436


>> No.51306448

kek. we may never know what.

>> No.51306460

Well said fren. You're standing on the right part of the bell curve.

>> No.51306461

Will need a new baker for the next thread. I'm going to sleep. Have a good night lunchads.

>> No.51306467

He accidentally the post.

>> No.51306475


>> No.51306481


>> No.51306485

thanks for baking this one, anon.

>> No.51306496


>> No.51306506

>verification not

>> No.51306524
File: 149 KB, 1922x714, luncmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running outta juice

>> No.51306526

Fuck we need some price action just to get the threads bumping all night again. It legit feels like I'm an addict coming down and dopamine sick when we do these *long* consolidations. Gonna miss this when it's over and we've made it.

>> No.51306527

When I saw he accidentally the post I turned 360 degrees and walked away

>> No.51306531

How long will the staking rewards be this good?

>> No.51306533

whats happening? is candlejack he

>> No.51306537

>360 degrees
then who was post?

>> No.51306542

probably until

>> No.51306543


>> No.51306550

until they don't be how they do

>> No.51306561

Rat boy on BSc, called at 2k and landed at 2 mill

>> No.51306568

I work legal at one of the major exchanges. I will not say anymore than that to avoid being traced.

Lunc is about to get swapped and pegged to $1 with usdt. They are implementing a "triple beam" balancing tactic and terra 2.0 will be on the other side to fluctuate as their balancer. A very very large bank is getting involved too, and they are taking over a few big names in crypto.

>> No.51306628

Holy shit

>> No.51306629

how many confirmed Jews do you know are involved in this project

>> No.51306631

wow thats based, thanks anon

>> No.51306633


>> No.51306634
File: 26 KB, 884x484, ithurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51306642

>cz ID
Ahhhhhhhhhh we rye

>> No.51306645

Kwon 5 CZ Terra Luna Moon $1

>> No.51306652


>> No.51306662

Finally some good non FUD pasta

>> No.51306664

its over bros... Bleeding to death

>> No.51306666

read what cz wrote

>> No.51306686


>> No.51306709
File: 26 KB, 647x404, 1662421181589112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at the fud just cause something is going up

>> No.51306716

Quads command to read.

>> No.51306722

Dear sir I am pleased to be checking your digits.

>> No.51306728

Really enjoyed the new HCC episode with Vegas and their talk about onboarding CEXs

>> No.51306740

Someone post an inv link for the TR discord please

>> No.51306743

nice digits, lunc sisters

>> No.51306769

I just dumped another $300. Deal with it

>> No.51306781

kek pls make it true

>> No.51306818

>they are taking over a few big names in crypto.
Dude, LUNC is a shitcoin with ZERO printing limit, an insanely retarded way to create new coins, and a lot of other bullshit.

Sure, there is a way to make LUNC to $1 per coin, but it's literally by removing like 5 zeros from EVERYONE.

Long story short: You won't make gains with LUNC and the best thing can happen is literally changing nothing, but instead of owning 1,000,000,000 coins for $1000, you will now own 1,000 coins for $1000.

>> No.51306853

i will own 1,000,000$ for 100$

>> No.51306862


>> No.51306907
File: 269 KB, 4000x4000, 4k pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically I need to make at least $100k profit with LUNC. I am at my wits end, buried in over 50k debt, my parents are both ailing, my car is falling apart and barely works, I've been working a factory job for the past 4 years that I fucking hate. And now that business is down my boss is looking to fire anyone who steps out of line, it feels like I go to jail every day. If I don't make at least $100k out of this shit I don't know how the fuck I'm going to fix my goddamn life. This is it. I've made many bad decisions to get up to this point, missed so many opportunities in crypto before, I just need this one thing to fucking work out so I can get my life in some kind of order. I tossed a few hundred into LUNC early out of desperation, this profit so far is great but I actually fucking need this shit to moon by end of the year. I fucking need to shit to work out and I don't have a backup plan.

>> No.51306949

This sounds like complete bs, please break it down a little further and explain things to me as if I am retarded.
>Lunc is about to get swapped and pegged to $1 with usdt
Swapped for what?
How would it be pegged to $1 without reducing the supply?
>They are implementing a "triple beam" balancing tactic
What the fuck does this even mean?
> terra 2.0 will be on the other side to fluctuate as their balancer.
What is terra 2.0? 2UNA?
> A very very large bank is getting involved too, and they are taking over a few big names in crypto.
Why does it matter if a bank is taking over large names? Are you talking about them purchasing exchanges or projects outright? How would that even happen without them buying up a large % of a coin and therefore put themselves in the crosshairs of various enforcement agencies for market manipulation?
How would the bank assist with pegging LUNC to $1?

>> No.51306957

Best of luck ser. How big is your stack?

>> No.51306959

Did Do Kwon actually abandon Terra2?

>> No.51306961

See >>51306568

>> No.51306963
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, 1ofivy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no verification requiredPRPWSV

>> No.51306970

You will make $1 per one lunc you fucking whining faggot
Just stfu and stop being a bloody bitch and let me fuck your mother you group bitch fuck

>> No.51306977
File: 165 KB, 828x1004, Nigga419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill out ya fucking schizo

>> No.51306983

You're gambling your life on something that will almost definitely not work out. Time for a better plan.

If you're working at a factory, any other job will probably pay more. So just work on getting a better job man. You don't sound stupid so don't act stupid.

>> No.51306982

A measly 4 mill. I hope to take a little profit if we can hit $0.01, just cause I really need the money. If we ever get to $0.10 I will sell one of my stacks and save the rest. I will be happy just to hit $0.10 and be able to make that $100k to fix my fucked up life with. And if we go to the moon, I will keep my last millistack until $10.

You're right man, I just needed to vent a little. Sometimes the pressure of life just gets to ya.

>> No.51306989

>gambling my life

I already gambled my life and fucked it up, ser. Right now I'm gambling about $500.

>> No.51306994
File: 418 KB, 750x1050, 0ADA8102-A0B1-40CC-8DB1-C72409E760A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51307003
File: 718 KB, 480x854, 1662150757040596.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work fudding, mere mitr
Now it's feeding time again , achchha khaen

>> No.51307004

It looks like the head of that famous cartoon character

>> No.51307009

Let the $500 ride but do something else to get your life in order

>> No.51307014

ha egg kek

>> No.51307025

Thanks for the good advice. I'll start looking for a new job cause this shit is just slavery.

>> No.51307032

be patient, hermanita de lunc. your little face is going to melt on Sept 20, mark my fucking words
>Verification not required.

>> No.51307048

Thanks for reminding me time to buy more.

>> No.51307079

Hey bro no worries, those last years have been pretty harsh for me too because COVID restrictions fucked my business up and I still have a lot of unpaid taxes pending. So I need some meaningful gains to go through the winter and inflation here in Europe. Only 7 millions LUNC.

>> No.51307114 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 864x1872, soysdisbelief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

news and updates:
>LUNChads read this
>1.2% burn tax proposal
>WLUNAbros read this

Helpful Links

>How to stake on Terra Station
>Staking rewards calculator
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Terra Shuttle is shutting down
>Bridge and unwrap WLUNA back to Terra
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

The LUNC community stands with the victims of LUNA and Do Kwon, help us help them get back on their feet and recover 10% of their losses, or $10 per LUNC, go to https://terralunaclassic.com/ to see how you can help!

>LUNChads anthem

Interlinked >>51303004

>> No.51307116

top kek
fucking peas

>> No.51307145



>> No.51307266
File: 47 KB, 828x465, WHITE_POWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically dead serious when I say I'm not paying taxes.
>pic related is the amount I am going to pay

>> No.51308549

Can somebody explain what wrapped luna is on my coinbase account? Bought 25€ of it a few months ago