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51305902 No.51305902 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC is nearing the June bottom again
>ETH is still almost twice what it bottomed at then


>> No.51305933


>> No.51305941


>> No.51305942

The flippening is very real and will occur before end of year. Mickey Saylor will commit sudoku

>> No.51305952

bitcoin has nothing happening over the next year, its a bear market
ethereum has had something on the horizon over the past year, but after, its still a bear market, and will settle back down

its funny that people still believe this when it's close to being the futhest away it's ever been in absolute marketcap terms for over 5 years

>> No.51305953

Dont you worry anon, the merge will be the biggest sell the news event that we will experience.

>> No.51305963

Flippening will occure at 10k 1600!

>> No.51305976

>its funny that people still believe this when it's close to being the futhest away it's ever been in absolute marketcap terms for over 5 years

>> No.51305979

it's likely that if it was going to happen, it would have in 2017,
when buying eth was mandatory for all icos (now icos are vc only and not paid for in ether),
the marketcap of both were a lot lower when bitcoin was under 10k (now its likely 10k is the "bottom" of this cycle if not higher),
and bitcoin was dealing with chink miners trying to take over development (now all the forks have entirely failed, and there's nothing else on the horizon).

>> No.51306020

ultimately the strongest eth as an asset has ever been was in 2017, and when it had the most financialized narratives. today eth has more narratives, but now there are stablecoins, wrapped assets, and tokens that have matured to eat into the market on ethereum that before only eth was able to fill.
staking is obviously eth exclusive, and nfts are still heavily eth-priced, but almost everything else has moved away from eth as a unit of accouunt on its own chain due to the flourishing mature token market ethereum has created.

>> No.51306025

>ignores defi, nfts, eip1559, pos, rollups, adoption
>cant read a chart to save his life
ETH was giga high for like 1 wick, stop pretending BTC isn't bleeding out relative to it - there's only a few months in the entire existence of ETH where it was better to buy BTC

>> No.51306059

it wasn't one wick, it was the whole summer when eth hit the peak of the eth is necessary for everything on ethereum narrative. since then the whole ecosystem has changed.

>stop pretending BTC isn't bleeding out relative to it - there's only a few months in the entire existence of ETH where it was better to buy BTC
sounds like meaningless cope to me. nobody is actively trading it, if they were smart money they could have sold the 0.15 perma-top and waited 8-12 months to buy back at 0.02. so, like everything else, alts outperform bitcoin in a bull maket, and underperform in a bear market.

>> No.51306062
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On the other hand at that time Bitcoin still seemed like it might be useful in real world commerce. Now we know that Bitcoin has been nerfed to be entirely useless for any real-world useful application, missed it's window of opportunity to entrench on merchant adoption with fast and easy to use software, out-competed on all fronts. Even ETH will be a better digital cash once fees drop, and ETH is likely to continue to dominate defi, NFTs, and new smart contract based applications as well, giving it far stronger support as a store of value. BTC will hold some value as a collectors item, but will be a faint candle to ETHs bonfire as demand comes in from billions of people trying to do real things in real life and finding that ETH has superior performance on the things that matter to them.

>> No.51306063

absolutely delusional wtf
just drop your bitcoin bags already, this is shameless cope

>> No.51306080

bitcoin hasn't really changed any narrative at all in that time. nobody is using ether as digital cash, the tiny amount of crypto retail usage is almost entirely btc, still, to this day, but it's a meaningless amount of volume compared to speculation.

i own more ether than you, why are you late adopters always so defensive?

>> No.51306082

>it wasn't one wick, it was the whole summer when eth hit the peak of the eth is necessary for everything on ethereum narrative. since then the whole ecosystem has changed.
I was here, it wa s POS migration hype back then with casper and sharting too, now we are at least moving to POS.

>> No.51306093

it was much more influenced by bitcoin's weakness under threats of forks by chinese miners than proof of stake hype. you're forgetting the summer was entirely driven by the ico hype in the first place.

>> No.51306107
File: 52 KB, 987x624, learn-to-read-a-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? you have to be. pic rel.

>i own more ether than you
like clockwork, the classic Bitcoiner seethe defense
"BUT I HAVE ETHER TOOOOOOOO!" who gives a fuck, you're still retarded enough to not shift out of it - I shifted my last BTC to ETH in 2017, I am something like 8x on that trade, and ETH is still disgustingly undervalued relative to BTC

>> No.51306132

Cringeworthy and I bought ETH in early 2017
ETH will never be money, it’s Defi oil
You can’t compare bitcoin and ETH and act like either one can fill the others shoes

>> No.51306133

Yes, then it dumped much more than btc because year long eos and absolute useless shitcoin "projects" dumped it like no tomorrow, and yet we are bach here at 08.

>> No.51306150

you guys are all the same. 8x in over five years is exactly why you remain so emotionally attached to this alt. that first pea represents ~2+ months over a value it failed to get close to for an entire bull market. if you don't think that's significant then you aren't paying attention.

yeah, we're back here because the ponzification of eth has been working well. 1559, dropped issuance commencing, and hopefully locked deposits for at least 12 months have changed it's curve significantly. that doesn't change the fact that 2017 remains the strongest year.

>> No.51306155

You’re so fucking retarded and short sighted
You’re bragging about going all in and all out of trades like it makes you smarter than gambler.
I’ve been stacking ETH for years but the failure to scale stopped me
BNB is a better smart contract platform than ETH

>> No.51306168

>dude they dont compete
except ETH is a superset of Bitcoin; BTC is literally worse even at its own narratives like "le sound money" - unsustainably monetary policy, shits on the environment, zero utility and composability, zero use, non-existent throughput (literally many orders of magnitude worse than Ethereum when fully rolled out)
>b-b-b-ut its decentralized
shut the fuck up, so is ETH

>> No.51306189

>that doesn't change the fact that 2017 remains the strongest year.
Devs and buttermint lost a lot of trust in the past 5 fucking years when "pos was at the corner™", but looks like they are catching up(for now), I predict flippening this year, except if it is a brutal recession and btc goes under 10k, then ofc eth is "dead" too!

>> No.51306193

those that bought the top, or are looking at a projected return of ~<10x if eth's cap equals bitcoins have to delude themselves into thinking eth is somehow able to complete with bitcoin as "money", because it's the only way those kind of marketcaps become sustainable long-term. like those who misunderstand the entire market and think ethereum can be a superset of bitcoin when bitcoin remains the only unique asset in crypto. eth can simply never be money, for many reasons, but it's the one thing that draws an impenetrable line between the money markets, of which bitcoin is one, and the rest. it's all driven from the same place, while smart money already sitting on 1000x don't really care what happens, they've already won.

>> No.51306209

maybe it can, but i wouldn't want to put myself in a position where my wealth depended on amazon's marketcap becoming greater than golds, for example.

>> No.51306217

how is it gambling to shift out of a fundamentally and blatantly worse version of the same thing?
ETH is like an index fund for crypto; by far the best risk adjusted asset in the entire space, and its still undervalued relative to BTC
diversification is for people who don't know better, but honestly the bar is not very high to realize ETH is the best risk adjusted play in the entire space and has been since 2017

>> No.51306233

I just can't wrap my head around how conditioned and retarded the bitcoin demographic is when I read shit like this

>> No.51306234

bitcoin remains the only index fund for the space, precisely because the market moves up when bitcoin does, and down when bitcoin does, while ethereum's pump for the merge affected little but itself.

>> No.51306247

i'm not the one trying to call a fee token for a tech-bound smart contract platform a superset of bitcoin, though. you're here wishing for a reality that doesn't exist, while i don't need to.

don't forget early adopters already own most of the ethereum supply.

>> No.51306249

wake the fuck up, this entire run was led by Ethereum - Bitcoin is an anchor at this point, it was literally ETH goes up and BTC rubber bands the market back down continuously because people are trading the ratio

>> No.51306273

I dont understand why you are saying this anon :D


>> No.51306274

>understands ether in platitudes only
unsurprised, ether is a gas token, but it has better monetary properties than BTC - it might help if you looked at what things *are* instead of referring to dumb platitudes like "le oil vs gold"
native token of web3, natively programmable, economically/environmentally sustainable, superior monetary policy, less issuance, scaling/forward trajectory making a joke out of Bitcoin

>> No.51306285

Absurd ethfag delusions at an ATH. This thread will make a great gem to look back on in 2 years

>> No.51306305

Screencap it and post it 2 years later! :)

>> No.51306321

yeah you can hang it on the wall like a shrine to your regrets
imagine just being minimally blockchain literate in 2017 and by doing nothing else being up 20x vs BTC by 2025

>> No.51306383

You’re actually retarded
ETH will never be sound money, it’s supply is massive and it’s even more manipulated than Bitcoin
ETH is also less decentralized thee we n Bitcoin but it doesn’t matter because ETH is oil for using smart contracts but you’re too wrapped up in ETH vs BTC they you miss the big picture
They’re apples to oranges. One is like gold, the other like oil, monero is like private cash
Don’t be dense

>> No.51306398

Can confirm that I will deeply regret missing out on the next hot jpeg collection or very useful governance token dropping soon

>> No.51306400

>it’s supply is massive
stopped reading here because it was too stupid to keep going

>> No.51306408

This, imagine not shorting BTC and closing it the day before the merge and then shorting ETH

>> No.51306418

How is investing gambling? Because it can go either way and the outcome is unknown

Bitcoin and ETH are nothing a like
Bitcoin small supply and focus on security make it like nerd gold. ETH is literally the gas that powers DEX trading
BNB is a much better investment than ETH by your standards. Better performing version of ETH with more room for price growth. Launching meme coins on ETH is dead. ICO’s was always the best feature of ETH and the SEC and high gas fees killed that

>> No.51306435

i like bitcoin

>> No.51306437

this guy is obsessed with posting in this thread

>> No.51306513

>Bitcoin small supply and focus on security make it like nerd gold. ETH is literally the gas that powers DEX trading
if the way you understand crypto is through toddler tier youtube influencer platitudes then I can't talk to you - if you refuse to (or can't) look at what things *are*, there's no point - you simply aren't qualified to have this discussion
Its absolutely trivial to argue that Ether is better money based on its attributes: monetary policy (minimal viable issuance), issuance (min viable issuance + burn), utility, adoption, composability, programmability, scaling, environment, etc..
convince me Ethereum isn't decentralized enough to be money, and we can talk; hardmode: no schizo arguments like Vitalik is the CEO of Ethereum.
what the fuck could your point possibly be?

>> No.51306522

stop posting retard

>> No.51306523

That you sound like a meth head schizo

>> No.51306545

No crypto is ever going to be money
Bitcoin is 1, ETH is 2 and that’s how it’s been for years
You flippening retards should be shot

>> No.51306548

seethe :^)

>> No.51306559

anon, you make eth look bad, and make me want to sell all my Ethereum now

>> No.51306573

some dbag always loses his shit on biz
this idiot forgot what makes all of our shitcoins go up, BTC/USD

>> No.51306604

We are approaching the end of the year already>>51305976
Ethereum has been developing over time with a lot of advancements in technology and loads of projects rolling out on a regular basis and with solid fundamentals. i am so particular about the new launchpad Uplift

>> No.51306612

blatant bitcoin cultists larping as Ethereum holders because it is literally impossible to argue for Bitcoin
another classic

>> No.51306914

hey never think of selling your ETH right now rather think of adding more

>> No.51306978

He's a retard.

>> No.51306997

Your threads are by far the worst here. Can you please stop making these retarded threads and go spam in link threads instead?

>> No.51307018
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Why the compare anon? Both have unique utilities and are already been used as payment solutions. More adoption in that area is coming to projects like CryptoXpress and utrust. Fingers crossed.

>> No.51307035

Don't be a retard. That will never happen. Would rather spend my energy studying payment solutions than replying plebs. Kek.

>> No.51307356

Sell. Everything is going to shit. You heard it here first.

>> No.51307364

What difference will that make? You need to sell and go home. It's over

>> No.51307403

You have a point anon. Both have a role to play. Why the constant obsession tho? Low caps give the most gains in a green market. I prefer to buy and stake Xpress and wait for pump, going all in on either and earning a few bucks in the end.

>> No.51307415

Stfu if you have no idea about a thing. Payment solutions are the future. You must be dumb if you can't see that.

>> No.51307546

Nerve gas