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File: 105 KB, 800x950, image-w856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51300499 No.51300499 [Reply] [Original]


If you're a nft enthusiast like me, i dont need to explain why it's so bullish. Just enjoy the alpha, right now almost no one in the nft community knows about it, it's just his fans shitposting in discord.
I recommend you browse the site on a desktop, with volume on.

>> No.51300590

Go away sam.

>> No.51300636
File: 342 KB, 578x712, 1659477047280396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Someone is exploiting the contracts poor random number generation using a smart contract of their own.
Wallet: 0xd128774d8EC88De49C9AE9BE2F86A010fe83b057
1 hour ago deploys contract
30 minutes later pulls highest rarity.

It's over mondo faggots

>> No.51300651

Sam you're a fucking idiot for not minting that shit out of pocket . It's not even profitable waiting for it to hit rug prices if it doesn't sell out.

I don't know if Sam got knowingly scammed by discord zoomers and is playing coy or if he's gonna let them take the heat later after his comission but this is a fat fucking L regardless of how inexpensive the operation was.

>> No.51300665

For those of you that aren't aware, the insane Upw𝐚rd Potenti𝐚l™ of this project is explained in this promotional video:

>> No.51300714

Wow how fucking organic. I can't believe someone came to post that. This clearly isn't organized shilling.

Tfw Sam Hyde rugs then pays out Indians flips and zoomers to shitpost on the finance board

Hey Sam don't you have some trustfund kid shit to be doing like heroin? Fucking nigger pedo quasi kike scumbag your content isn't fucking good dipshit you were born rich enough to fuck off and not have to get a real income while you fucked around with "art"

Literally thousands of people are funnier and more creative than this attention starved prospect less ass clown on these boards but daily reminder sam Hyde is paying fucking brown people to shill this shit while being controlled opposition for literal nwo

>> No.51300721
File: 41 KB, 468x576, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord jannies banning anyone from server mentioning this.

>> No.51300729

Holy fuck it's not a larp. GG megacunts

>> No.51300736

Oy vey goy remember to subscribe to gumroad so my parents think I'm an entrepreneur

>> No.51300751

>Sam got knowingly scammed by discord zoomers


It's almost hilarious how bipolar Sam's life is at times. He goes overseas and TKOs some Aussie cunt while calling out Piker. Now he's peddling absolute ass.

>> No.51300767

If by tko you mean run out of fucking breath in an amateur sparring match vs a guy with no reach on you who literally doesn't fucking fight then yeah he did fucking great

Sam ain't got hands he's a grifter grifting low hanging fruit.

>> No.51300773

sam seems reasonably intelligent, i wonder why he got caught up in the nft shit

>> No.51300805

Imagine having a dad rich enough to donate a quarter million dollars to Yale and you don't even get in. Why would I send this jew even more money to piss away.

>> No.51300815

Why don't you ask him? He's in the game nigga he's 100% reading this thread. He claims he doesn't have a business outside of being an ewhore and now his ewhore platform shifted to shilling NFTs after every small eceleb grifting event meant to distract you from your own life. This is his business now. seriously, ask this dude whatever you want in this thread

>> No.51300834

Most of these threads relating to him get pruned. More keep getting made. The project has no volume. Someone's getting paid to write this or they are desperate to help fill 2000 mints worth for their own.... 0.25 eth purchase? Naw bro. Buy a fucking advertisement. You got the money for it now.

>> No.51300842


Look at this contract and decompile the code... Clever cunt. Discord trannies and programmers still in denial about how stupid they are.

>> No.51300873
File: 343 KB, 1200x1200, 1661943810615515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 designs for more than 4000 cards at .25 ETH? You got too GREEDY Samuel

>> No.51300879

Wow nice narrative Sam. Oh boy an epic hacker took a liking to your project and exploited something that let's him mint your project competitively!!!! Wow that would've been so fucking cool yesterday at launch and not on a project with 22 eth trading volume. I thought you were rich Sam what the fuck is this peanut shit

>> No.51300883

That’s why you don’t generate random values using user supplied input (e.g. timestamps)

>> No.51300895

Discord link?

>> No.51300906

kek another thread dedicated to this piece of shit project

>> No.51300911

How many vpns do you niggers have? Fuck this thread this is a fuck Sam Hyde thread. That nigger still in fall rivers? Heroin town?

>> No.51300951

Hey Sam if you don't have the money to mint your own shit out you don't have the resources to continue shilling this beyond your own channel which just pumped and dumped after niggers found out your fight game was all talk. This shits garbage. Enjoy the money for sure but you looked like a cool dude before this. You're gonna have to adopt a new fan base of people you didn't rug over a few years now to pull this trick twice. Early link investor my asshole. Did you spend all your money on fucking T?

>> No.51301050

Fucking brutal and 100% true.
I called this back in May.

Mondo will be the end of Sam.

>> No.51301107

The niggers fucked. If he bought the supply out yesterday this would look powerful. Unironically giant missed opportunity. If this Jew can't shell out 100k out of his cut to make his project legitimate he's a fucking scammer. He assumed his staff would run the project swimmingly by making threads like this. Fuck your stuff fuck your team lousy ass niggers keep trifling. If he mints out now it looks like no one wanted to buy it which is the truth either way. He fucked up. Make troll videos about it dipshit. Enough of us are rich and autistic enough to sit here and fuck your name up nigger have fun with them KSI Jews and niggers race training scumbag trustfund pedo kike

>> No.51301135

Ayo jet Neptune my nigga have you never heard of fucking washing volume or are you also too poor to expend enough to mint out this fucking collection Jesus Christ of Nazareth I didn't even lose money on this shit but fuck you trustfund doxxed faggots pick a different circuit fuckin wanna be eceleb insecure molested as a fucking mid Sam Hyde ass I see you playboy you a fuckin poor grifter with a hand in your asshole

>> No.51301162

It's a cash grab bro cbf washing volume just wanna get the mints done so we can abandon this shit

>> No.51301190

Y'all are fucking poor as fuck considering you represent a brand if a guy who larps as an early Bitcoin and link investor. This should be lunch money to finish minting this out. Sam Hyde is currently living of his subs and also his cut off what he makes off this. This niggers a LARPING faggot.

>> No.51301212

Lmao they did rng on chain

>> No.51301220
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>> No.51301229

I figured it out after some musing.

That's literally what this is.

Sam Hyde is broke or in debt somehow. Otherwise this should've been minted out. He assumed he had enough pull to siphon 2 million dollars worth of money in a bear market after 7 months of preparation with a platform he built for years but alas instead he's paying brown people and zoomers who are scared of their association with this project now to combat anonymous trolls, in order to keep the facade going that this guy is anything but a giant grifting broke ass daddy's money won't bail me out no more faggot

Quit giving financial advice Sam. You're fucking BROKE

>> No.51301257

Isn't Mr. Heidenstein known to run scams? I'd sit this out. On the other hand this schizoposting is pretty funny.

>> No.51301302

>estimating someone familiar with defis networth by how much money they can afford to run a project
pick one

>> No.51301340

Is that bad?

>> No.51301451

no it means you can selectively mint any card you want! i guess its bad if you thought your r6 was rare, but now anybody can get an r6! its epic!

>> No.51301567

All blockchain transactions are deterministic. You can just make a script that calls the mint function and checks what result it receives. If it's a common, just cancel the tx. If it's a rarity you are happy with send the tx. Super easy to exploit

>> No.51301568

not as easy as you think unless youre a miner theres not 100% certainty its going to work, either way its fucked they had an exploit like that, unironically link fixes this issue LMAO.

>> No.51301575

figured someone would code it
looking at the contract its possible a miner did the exploit because there's 2 separate tx in same block

1st tx mints the card
2nd tx sees what card is minted
if its not a specific rare Id both txs are dropped

wouldn't surprise me

>> No.51301593

except theres immutable proof that is does. see start of this thread

>> No.51301743
File: 129 KB, 281x375, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not quite sure how the exploit worked, though I understand it in principle. The mondo contract doesn't allow a contract address to mint, so it wouldn't be as simple as writing a new contract that accesses mondo's tokenPool state and doing
if rng(block.difficulty and block.timestamp) is superRare, then mint().
Anyway, even if a contract could mint, that method would lead to a bunch of failed transactions and eventually a successful mint.
Does this guy have to be a miner? I don't know enough about eth's bytecode to understand his exploit disassembly.

>> No.51301792

mother fucker ran an exploit and got the Timecube, best card in the whole deck... this makes me want to rope


>> No.51301791

Fuck you, Sam.

This is karma for all the people you've fucked over.

>> No.51301816

I'm watching eagerly for a full breakdown of the exploit....

>> No.51301821

he doesnt have to be a miner, no. purely by calling the mondo contract he can receive the mining information which the rng is based off. rookie mistake and easily spotted by anyone with half a brain

>> No.51301859

he was on instagram a while back asking for big brain people to look at the contracts as a kind of audit.

Kind of a bad place to go and ask for an unbiased opinion of your code IMO

>> No.51301906
File: 49 KB, 786x909, mondo mega gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've used Chainlink VRF.

>> No.51301919
File: 24 KB, 722x252, mondo mega gay 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to be a miner to exploit this.

>> No.51301920

Lol did you mint cards?

>> No.51301961

He mentioned how he took out a big loan against his BTC on coonbase back when it was $50k.
He was crowing about it on his lame ass podcast like it was free money and tried to get Nick to do the same thing to finish his barn.

He’s obviously fooled around with his crypto and now he’s trying to make ends meet with all these little grifts and licks like that god awful podcast or the bottom of the barrel delusions of grandeur fighting

>> No.51301977
File: 576 KB, 2477x837, muh deck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes lol 5 of them... Sam always shits gold, threw my crypto holdings straight into the mint. Money I could afford to lose if it goes to fucking zero. No one on Discord talking about any of this, I do still think it'll mint out.

The question now is whether to panic sell every card or just grin and bear it and hope I didn't get completely jewed

>> No.51301981

Sam you ginormous fagget I might be only 5"6 but i would rear mount you and Hasan piker 1v2 in the octagon like the soggy bottom boys you bitches are

>> No.51302012

almost positive its a miner
the 2 tx were probably private tx and not broadcasted so its just a matter of being lucky enough to mine a block that a rare would be selected in

the bytecode only uses balanceOfBatch and reverts if a rare wasnt minted
so if it reverts the miner will just drop the 2 tx and just mine the block without the 2 tx and try again in the next block it can mine

oddly enough it looks like he wasnt trying to mint that exact card
>mem[3940 len 1216] = 131, 40, 41, 46, 50, 74, 82, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130

it wouldve minted any of those ids if they're still in the tokenPool

that would only be possible if the contract allowed contracts to mint

>> No.51302023
File: 49 KB, 770x767, cannot-hyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he get the mining information before the block's ever mined if he isn't a miner though? He submitted the the mint txn in the same block as his call to the exploit contract. I can't really tell what the exploit's doing, but it's got a reference to the mondo contract. I'm guessing at least looking up the state of tokenPool since that gets mutated with each mint (therefore index of desirable tokens changes).

>> No.51302027

damn trannies mad

>> No.51302044

he got the fuggin timecube tho, the whole Mondo discord has been going nuts waiting for that one to mint

>> No.51302086

see >>51301919
does not need to be a miner. anyone can deploy this contract and rape the project for every rare.

>> No.51302100
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, stein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, brother, you clearly know what you're talking about. Yeah, those ids correspond to every r6. do a sort -h | uniq -c and you'll see that each of those is unique, while every other tier isn't.
Timecube was luck. But only like a 1/12 chance since this nigga b minin.

>> No.51302113

yes but if you arent a miner its not 100% garuntee that guy still had some luck unless he was a miner.

>> No.51302121

does this doom the project? panic?

>> No.51302135


>> No.51302187
File: 1.84 MB, 694x1159, jaihoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these retards are still buying and they purged the discord, but idk how they'll drum up anywhere close to equal enthusiasm for later releases regardless. Did you know about those? I think this is only supposed to be like 1/50.
Glad I stayed out of this despite being a 100% legit howtobombtheUSG holder.

>> No.51302240

37 "unique" cards out of 1750 if the PNGs are to believed so like ~1/50. Did they make all of those or were they spending all this time just on the 37?

>> No.51302283

Purged discord?

Oy vey!
Mr. Hydeberg must be throwing a childish temper tantrum right now.

>> No.51302365
File: 17 KB, 480x360, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sad I couldn't exploit this myself. Evidently a few people were trying. Looks like this guy is trying now https://etherscan.io/address/0x0206e1Db86b852a4d1dd5926AB07B2F9117fa115

>> No.51302389

lmao shits about to go to zero

>> No.51302416

You should have minted on hedera...

>> No.51302446

KEK its one of the dudes who was trying to bring this to the mods attention is discord and got banned. hes gonna fucking roll them

>> No.51302519

Marry rape kill

>> No.51302569

I hope it is him, he was trying to help. I was gonna message him but they banned him before I could get the name

>> No.51302579

Just read contract, has nothing to do with mondo :(((

>> No.51302650

>he bought an NFT after the bubble popped months ago
what a retard

>> No.51302663

buy when there's blood in the streets pal

>> No.51302667
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Yeah you're right. too bad.

>> No.51302679

yes, you buy things of value like property or stocks, not a link to nothing that nobody wants

>> No.51302699




>> No.51302714

>buying higher taxes for yourself
yeah real smart

>> No.51302741

Fuck you, Sam. Go shill your shit comedy somewhere else.

>> No.51302754

do you think sam or any NFT shiller is spending your money on MORE NFTs?
Hes not buying NFTs with the money he made, hes going to buy land or stocks

>> No.51302769

buying land is buying a higher tax rate

>> No.51302968

Sorry babe, re-read the code, it's targeting specific cards... these ones..


>> No.51303045

its a modified version of the other contract
the contract only seems useful to a miner

I never heard of a tx reverting and causing a previous tx in the same block to revert too

>> No.51303083

the amount of straight up fags in this thread are crazy lol
people going out of their way to hate on sam hyde for no reason cuz their lives are miserable
unironically cope and project harder, this is why i never browse this website

>> No.51303108

11hrs ago that same address deployed a similar contract to the one mentioned in >>51302365 targeting 82... the time cube card. I dgaf if my 2 cards drop to 0 exploit anon RIP AND TEAR

>> No.51303115

no hate bro but the contract is literally exploitable, regardless of the fags in this thread. you have blockchain proof at the top of this thread. idk how you could cope more

>> No.51303195

>If you're a nft enthusiast like me, i dont need to explain why it's so bullish.
This reads like a joke or Hyde skit, and this video
Is clearly a joke.
Sam probably is here trolling around, why not so is Piker lol.
The Sam seethers always come across like they know Sam personally or have been personally offended by him.
My point? If this is a scam it's aimed at normies more than his own fan base, MDE and Irish Candyman was/is both funny and entertaining.

>> No.51303199

The last R6 just minted to a regular person.

So much for that 'exploit'.

>> No.51303224
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, the-johnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards in mondomegabits discord asking if it's real. Ah geez dude, you want me to read that contract? Here's 2 eth instead, just gimme my url tokens bro. U said 350 each, right? Gimme my rare weed and snowglobe R6s. I needa lie down.

Is rekt.news going to write about it? No, not big enough. Is it an obvious prng exploit, yeah. Did someone exploit it, yes - 0xd128774d8EC88De49C9AE9BE2F86A010fe83b057 did. Could he do it again? Yeah. Are future releases going to have the same issue? Yeah, unless they upgrade the contracts or pre-mint. Did devs lie about this on the discord and ban early mentions of it? Yes.

>> No.51303227

are the odds of a rare dropping in the block not very low? how consistently can one guy mine a block?
do he gotta mine the whole thing by himself? Trying to better understand.

>> No.51303243

straight up false. the most recent r6 minted was the timecube card done so through the exploit. continue to cope

>> No.51303266

regardless, the exploit does not prevent average users from getting lucky with an r6, it just means someone smart enough to deploy the malicious contract can choose whichever card they please.

>> No.51303274
File: 60 KB, 638x1000, 1547077216914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regardless, the exploit does not prevent average users from getting lucky with an r6, it just means someone smart enough to deploy the malicious contract can choose whichever card they please.




>> No.51303277

literally lol...this is one guy trying to get clout by pulling off a hard exploit one time while being a miner

>takes 11 hours to snipe
>stops exploiting it after 1 success because it's so improbable to pull off

give me a break guys, if u actually knew literally anything about how any nft launch went in detail you'd be shitting yourself at how well this actually went relative to other projects...you have no idea what you're talking about and it's obvious. out of thousands of cards one exploit occurred and you're acting like it's over...fuck off i'm taking my chances, this is an insane opportunity and is obviously way higher quality than literally any other nft project, give me an r5 and i'm happy fuck off i'll still make a profit

>> No.51303302

there is another wallet which deployed the contract about an hour ago, chasing two specific r6s. this contract can be copy pasted and deployed by anyone to mint whatever they choose. comparing this launch to a successful project is laughably retarded

>> No.51303320

Spotted the fucking team coming in to do damage control. Got a hooker yet?

Considering you spent 7 months hyping it up and didn't mint out instantly with that level of recent celebrity endorsing it makes it a collosal failure.

>> No.51303323

Sucks you didn’t exploit it first, why are so low IQ?

>> No.51303350

it' not worth it to finish minting out the rest of the r6s via the exploit because they know since they're able to it devalues them and the rest of the project compltely. just a waste of eth now

>> No.51303361

You have fucking sub 30 eth in trading volume. The only successful thing about this launch is that the team made money. Everyone else got fucked. GG wp.

>> No.51303394
File: 76 KB, 720x720, auguste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah looks like it. I assumed unrelated since I didn't see a reference to the mondo 1155 contract.

>> No.51303500

Why would the trading volume be high while the mint is still ongoing? People would rather gamble then buy anything sub R5.

>> No.51303520

why would people mint when even the already minted cards arent going for a profit

>> No.51303550

it's not an exploit it's working as intended
incompetent devs != exploit when they're just lazy

>> No.51303556

because they are monke

>> No.51303575

Outside of the discord circlejerk of poorfags and grifters, and the admin circle that watches these threads no one gives a fuck about the r5. You don't have trading volume because you couldn't mind out. That means everyone got fucked that bought. Everyone. Literally no one is in profit. They won't be for a while. Calling this successful is a joke. The only person who would call it successful is someone involved who profited from it or is getting paid to shill it now. Buy a fucking advertisement.

>> No.51303602
File: 53 KB, 638x960, hail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail Sam and hail 0xd128774d8EC88De49C9AE9BE2F86A010fe83b057. My hombres are telling me this is weev.eth himself. I have no hate for them.

But just sayin bros, minting rn is negative EV. If you want a bongobegalbit, you should just buy on opensea - sammy will still get his 5%. Or you can try getting an r6 with that contract. That's probably positive EV.

>> No.51303605

Because when the mint eventually runs out all cards will appreciate in value. The prices for medium/low rarity cards are expected to be at their lowest during the mint. Why would anyone pay the mint price on the second hand market instead of just minting their own unless it's an r5 or r6?

>> No.51303619

How much do you get paid. Seriously wondering.

>> No.51303624


explain this to me like i'm 5

>> No.51303626

nobody minting nfts knows what EV is, only gambling feel good.
there is no evidence to suggest all cards WILL appreciate in value. this is retarded thinking. 0.25 eth was so high its not even worth exploiting for an r6, as even those will go below mint price at this rate

>> No.51303632

I won a megabit for free, so when it sells I will be the only one profiting.

>> No.51303640

Not everyone is expecting a 2x in an hour, spastic. I expected it to take several days to mint out given the market.

>> No.51303659

Fuck off whore

>> No.51303663

proof of stake is a scam

>> No.51303707
File: 74 KB, 1540x880, nothin-tastes-better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a shill. Check my other posts, fag. I wouldn't buy *at all*. Are the discord mods running disinfo ops now to muddle the message?

>> No.51303756

Basing your opinion on whether or not it sells out in 5 minutes is extremely low IQ. Nobody can predict the long term trajectory. NFTs may completely die, or they might heat up again raising the entire market with it. Sam could suddenly become really popular. MM might make it as a regular board game, making the nft's more valuable by proxy. We could be nuclear ash and none of it matters. I didn't spend my life savings in it, so it hardly hurts my feelings either way. I'm just saying that the value proposition of minting is that when the mint eventually runs dry, the only way to get them is second hand. If you think it'll exceed 0.25 eventually, making the gamble makes sense. Practically speaking, the low value of minted cards is precisely because the mint is placing an artificial ceiling on the market. It obviously isn't the hottest thing in the world, but being more than 2/3 done would suggests it'll sell out in the next few days.

>> No.51303755

nah, I spend most of my time in dextools like a kid in a candy store waiting for his mother to buy him something because he has pretty eyes

>> No.51303769

calculate the expected value of minting versus buying on a secondary market like an average IQ investor would and come back to me with your brainlet larps

>> No.51303770

>everyone that disagrees with me is a paid shill

>> No.51303774

mfw card wars has more depth than MM

>> No.51303800

Do the same for loot crates and then put a price on the dopamine hit. People would rather roll than buy an R4, despite it being well in the top 50% of cards. That's more a referendum on human nature than anything else.

>> No.51303801

Don't play me nigger I been to your Portuguese ass hood it ain't shit

>Im sucking Sam Hydes dick for free

You're a fucking cuck. If he's not paying you for this you're busted. If you invested you lost money.

>> No.51303811

loot crates ever make anyone else rich other than the creators? retarded argument

>> No.51303842

When Sam Hyde shoots Hasan in the head on Livestream they'll be worth millions. I bought a single card because I wanted to support the guy, I couldn't give two shits about profit. That aside, you guys still have brainlet opinions.

>> No.51303853

>Caring about ecelebs

Ask me how I know you're a fucking NEWFAG

>> No.51303897

pretty sure an r6 has already sold for like 2 eth tho

>> No.51303916

again, calculate expected value. use the maths abilities i know you lack to determine whether this is worth trying to mint for

>> No.51303932

You have no abstract thinking skills. Two things can have common features without being identical. Loot crates have an infinite supply, limited only by drop rate or how much someone is willing to buy, so the market saturates quickly. NFT's are finite supply. That is why despite having similar dynamics early on, nfts tend to appreciate in the long term while loot crates don't.

>> No.51303933
File: 30 KB, 540x720, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additionally, this isn't the only mint. They've got at least three others planned according to their website's "lore" section. And by the x/1750 number on the card, they've got room for 46 more if their next mint dates are a repeat of this one.
Never have I been so insulted.

>> No.51303951


LMAO not wasting my money on this fucking trash. Sam Hyde and his gaggle of groupies are all fucking reprobate retards. The fucking semitism is strong with (((Sam))) also. Not going anywhere near this bullshit.

>> No.51303955

no, nfts, on average, do not appreciate in the long term. only the most most successful do, which sell out almost immediately. this project has failed to reach these standards within 24 hours of going live, and includes fundamentally flawed code.

>> No.51303962
File: 103 KB, 320x253, 1660396231319577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think sam is funny but these people that worship him are insane. MDE was and still is great but he was 1/3rd of what made it so funny and also the reason it collapsed. while i respect the grift and the cunny hustle, his current output does not deserve much

>> No.51303993

I doubt the subsequent mints will be worth much. Though I believe they're supposed to be smaller and with lower supply than the first. I think the initial mint will eventually go above break even.

>> No.51304005

Sam Hyde?

>> No.51304009

The minting code and the time to sell out become meaningless when the mint does eventually sell out. Your metrics are as retarded as you are.

>> No.51304067

you're a dumbfuck. if what gives the nft "rarity" is so easily exploited that technically competent people can game it 10/10 times, it's no longer rare

there's no buy pressure to begin with though, so its unlikely the exploit will even be taken advantage of. they hired a shitty dev

>> No.51304079

you obviously havent been around very long. the time to sell out is the best indicator of a whether you should expect a return on investment or not.

>> No.51304116
File: 11 KB, 336x188, still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why the prng issue matters at all. r6 might be worth acquiring at mint price - maybe. And if you can predict the outcome of a mint like 0xd128774d8EC88De49C9AE9BE2F86A010fe83b057 then you're winning.

But when you're just some claw-machine playing minter, you're losing.

Those other r6 holders who got one through luck? What is the sum cost of all your mints? What is their total value? What is the probability you'll even get an r6 if you spend 2ETH on a batch mint? How many other rounds of this are we getting?

Oh, you got whitelisted. Congrats. You earned it. Better mint a few, right? Few people have this privilege right? right?

This is just the my little pony grift but way more successful and some fans got torn up in the process. They deserve it. Sam is still a king can wield some power.

>> No.51304203

Maybe when the market is hot, but when sentiment is way down from what it was the standard for "success" goes down as well. Assuming the market ever recovers, the people looking to buy the NFT's will be completely ignorant of how long the mint took to sell out.

>> No.51304233

this was my first foray into crypto shit since getting a high-paying job and i'm regretting it. current rationalization is "i like this wacky art and i want to support the creators lol"

>> No.51304235

Please explain in detail how this was successful for anyone but Sam Hyde and the Devs and you getting paid to write this garbage on business and finance image board in lieu of buying an advertisement

I was under the impression successful nft projects made their investors money also, not just rugged them for nearly a mil then call opposition schizophrenic

>> No.51304281

It's been like a day and a half in an nft market that's running on fumes. ~3/4 of the cards have sold. The mint will sell out, the rest is left up to long-term momentum. Nobody is going to flip it in 2 hours like some retarded auto-generated pixel face nft from 2021.

>> No.51304343

>the contract is exploitable
>it was hyped for half a year
>it did not sell out instantly
>no one has made money
>the team has done nothing but encourage users to shitpost on 4chan to control a narrative

you lost mony.

>> No.51304390

if you were literate you'd have noticed that literally all of that has been picked apart in previous posts. go use the exploit then.

>> No.51304416

there's no buy pressure so obviously i wouldn't but part of the reason there is no buy pressure is because of the exploit.

basically its fucked. how many did you mint? happy with your purchase?

>> No.51304476


Announcement incoming

>> No.51304565
File: 216 KB, 220x220, joker-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcement done

>> No.51304578
File: 124 KB, 1345x855, announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51304588

nah, team admitted there was an exploit. they shut mint down

>> No.51304592

Thanks jet, congrats on scamming these fags.

>> No.51304595

Exactly 1, and yes. Btw, mint closed.

>> No.51304604

thank you for scamming these retarded zoomers with 10 minute blender renders Jet

>> No.51304617

What a fucking embarrassment

They've decided to burn the rest of the failed drop now

NFTs are garbage in the first place but then fudging the code for the first mint is tragic

Just another cash grab to fund Sammy's next school shooting

Also devs are weak-ass betas who Sam dominates every night, I can feel it. That poor schmuck jet even shaved his head so that Sam is reminded of his crackhead gf when he grips his homie's Dome for dick leverage on the return stroke

Hard pass on this shit and RIP for all 'iNvEst0rs"

>> No.51304629

What the fuck do you mean weighted down by paper hands? There's no floor!

So this is basically the "thanks for the money" post.

GG well played buy something nice my dude I hope it was worth scamming a bunch of white people

>> No.51304633

They employed only the finest epileptic artists, so each card took at least a few hours accounting for seizures.

>> No.51304716
File: 86 KB, 900x900, never-dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reposting for progeny. An elegy written in a discord server



Important Announcement

If you're worried about recent news of a RNG exploit, read here:
Your cards are safe, the problem has been identified, and is now fixed; and thus your cards are now rarer than they would've ever been. Here's the situation.

It's true, a Tantillo Systems HACKER has exploited the contract and minted 2 r6 cards. This happened right around the #2950 mark (6 hours ago), meaning every mint prior to that was fully legit and fair rng. Every mint going forward has a chance to be unfair, so we have decided to shut it down.

This hack was incredibly difficult to pull off, he ran out of ETH doing it, drained his wallet to 0 and took a loss doing it LOL. In a way, it did have crafting. If you think about it. As best as we can determine, only 2 cards, or 0.07% of the total minted supply, were obtained through exploitation, as of the time of writing.

Get a good look at this guy, this is the guy that burned the world down.. (see attached Joker gif)

How the team sees it, 3000 NFTs minted at ETH $1600 is a massive accomplishment. Our goals are to fund a game and get physicals in your hands. I think we have the capital to do that. Going further isn't warranted.

We are stopping mint.

This is to protect the investment of all of our supporters, maintain distribution integrity, and most importantly it's simply the right thing to do.

What does this mean?

Your Mondo cards are no longer weighed down by paper-hands, the collection is complete, mint is complete. Additionally, 2 (true) r6 cards are lost in the ether (they have not yet been minted). Drop 01: FAKE TECH was always meant to be low distribution & high rarity, it is now rarer.

Yes, the team loses 25% of total mint, but it's worth it. It's a no brainer: protect Mondo Men at all costs. Thank the Joker for increasing your rarity!


>> No.51304718

Apart from some egg on their face from fucking up the contract, how is it functionally any different than them just minting 3000 cards to begin with? There were only 2 cards minted via the exploit and only ~50 cards sold while the exploit was active. The damage was as minimal as it could be.

>> No.51304735


Literally there is no way you would still be in this thread if you're not getting paid to defend this fucking garbage rugpull made by an eceleb grifter pedo trustfund faggot. You know this motherfucker isn't paying you enough. Ask him for more, homie just made a band or two.

>> No.51304750

Is it really Hasan spamming this thread?

>> No.51304770

>post bad take
>accuse anyone questioning your bad take of being a paid shill

Lol, don't you have your logic backward? If I were getting paid for something it would be trying to get people to mint cards, not running an abstract pr diversion where questioning some retards shit-quality opinion somehow helps the project indirectly.

>> No.51304777


hes right you know

>> No.51304792
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, joly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This hack was incredibly difficult to pull off, he ran out of ETH doing it, drained his wallet to 0 and took a loss doing it LOL.

What did they mean by this? .2965ETH added to 0xd128774d8EC88De49C9AE9BE2F86A010fe83b057 (kraken takes a .0035ETH fee)

some spent deploying contract. .25ETH spent minting one r6 mondobit. Where's the loss niggas?

>> No.51304794

>Assuming the market ever recovers, the people looking to buy the NFT's will be completely ignorant of how long the mint took to sell out.
>The mint will sell out, the rest is left up to long-term momentum

>this guy says other people have bad takes

>> No.51304814

Big seething, looks like you’re losing the narrative pal.

>> No.51304834

Sounds like a lot of cope, muchacho...

You're just mad because you aren't as cool as Sam.

>> No.51304850

The second post is technically correct, technically. The former is something that assumes that the project is able to simmer in the background until the market heats up again.

>> No.51304851

You retards really stopped minting because of this thread.

Anyone who is not a paid shill by Sam Hyde that is potentially new to crypto should be made well aware this is being run atrociously. You literally stopped minting because of a shitposter on 4chan you fucking ass clown imagine getting scared by words nigger

>> No.51304872
File: 47 KB, 720x406, huh?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore Hasan mentioners and anyone calling sam a grifter pedo. Obvious controlled op. A grifter grifts like a dog barks neega. But you're not a part of a wolf pack just because you spend $400 on a gif that isn't even unique and dabs on the buyers.

>> No.51304881

hey, we get sound effects too

>> No.51304890

What are you talking about?

Do you honestly think the devs are reading this thread right now, talking about every post?

That would be insane.

>> No.51304896

is the discord open on your primary or secondary monitor?

>> No.51304904

u guys need to get jobs

>> No.51304917

>Do you honestly think the devs are reading this thread right now, talking about every post?
Yes actually about twenty minutes ago one of the devs even posted about /biz/ in here. I believe it was the hardcore white meme rapper Jet Neptune posing hard with his newly acquired wealth. How much is he giving you to come talk to me now, someone who wants to avoid seeing more people get scammed?

>> No.51304933


I was the guy that reported the issue is rogan ally and the mods basically called me a lying faggot retard and banned me

>> No.51304934

secondary, obviously

>> No.51304935

what does NFT even stand for... gay? lmao

>> No.51304962

Dude... You weren't supposed to admit it... C'mon man who the fuck put you on?

>> No.51304992

I got to this thread from the discord chat. literally the only reason I would ever step foot on this shit board.

>> No.51305015

Fucking leave then and buy an advertisement if you're not a native you are shitting up my fucking board being a literal shill for a kike who doesn't give a fuck about you and probably got blown the fuck out and needs money bad

"Good goy, post on the anonymous image board for me you fucking FAGGOT thanks for the money" - next Sam Hyde video

>> No.51305016

what's on your main monitor? Gay Sex?

>> No.51305021


you can use flashbots to have a miner only run your mint tx if your contract tx that. heck if you got the rare also succeeds

>> No.51305042

I clicked out of curiosity and caught caught up in the shitflinging. I only said things that I think are likely to be true. I mentioned before, I own a single card, so it's not like I stand to benefit a whole lot from any of this.

30 hour sissy hypno playlist

>> No.51305061

>I mentioned before, I own a single card, so it's not like I stand to benefit a whole lot from any of this.
Ask the devs what the fuck they're doing. So far it's been cancel the mint, change the gameplan, and get retards to defend their optics

>> No.51305086

Watching Sam emotionally yell at his Mom like Bam Margera "as a joke" was cringey. Calling the car dealership was funny though

>> No.51305094

He made a million bucks off idiots

>> No.51305134

someone post exploit writeup

>> No.51305140

Schizos can’t make up their mind if this le epic hack was the end of Mondo Megabits or if the mint got shutdown on false FUD. FUDtards have not concept of MVP software development. The customers seem to be satisfied at this point. Now we will see what the next step is.

>> No.51305141

i made 1.25eth from flipping cards during first hour and i have 6 cards on top of that, ur all mad because u didnt get in early enough XD

>> No.51305152

I can't really imagine they had any other options given the situation. New mints seemed to be at a standstill with people talking about the exploit. I don't see any mention of anything else in their roadmap changing, so my guess is that they lick their wounds and fix the contract before they drop anything else. I think by the time any significant price action happens, people will have forgotten about it. Also, the project it shilling itself, devs aren't the ones posting the threads.

>> No.51305182

Yeah the size disparity was screamingly apparent. Sam was much taller, but also bulkier. I don't understand how there was only a 10 pound difference

>> No.51305187

theyre just saving face
its possible 0x0206e1Db86b852a4d1dd5926AB07B2F9117fa115 did a miner exploit too since he minted an r6 after deploying that shady contract or he just got lucky
I dont really care enough to dig deeper

since its over
tell us how you did it...

>> No.51305189


- the list of rare ids was known in advance
- ids are selected during minting by using deterministic information based on the last mines block
- So when block X is mined anyone can see what the next N ids that will be minted are trivially
- Someone can just check this and mint and hope they get mined first in the next block
- Someone could also use a private tx API like flashbots to send a tx bundle that mints N nfts and then calls a function on a contract that will revert if the minter doesn’t own a rare

they have absolutely no way of knowing how many rares were minted using the first technique. The example in this thread and the reported one was just obvious because it used the second method.

I’m banned fro their discord but someone else should post this so people understand they’re still full of shit and probably most of the r6s are cheats

>> No.51305253

It's just cards for a TCG?
Will people even play it?

>> No.51305254
File: 965 KB, 704x890, 1653946908022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, I haven't seen this many trannies dilating at the mere mention of Sam in a long time. keep on seething, YWNBAW

>> No.51305266


Contract was not public uintil shortly before exploit, most rares minted normally

>> No.51305288
File: 321 KB, 608x571, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I was the guy that agreed with you and got banned too. Were you attempting the non flashbot method when you successfully minted the snowglobe?

>> No.51305298

thanks anon

>> No.51305306


yea that was me. I wasn’t a fucking moron like the guy that minted timecube and was faking “trying to get a rare” but was actually minting using a script that just checked if the next block would give me a rare. some attempts failed before I got one. Overall I came out even because I figured once timecube cheat happened project was dead and fire sold my r6

>> No.51305308

Most of the sales happened in the first few hours, so no way in hell anyone managed to deploy anything that quickly. I'm not sure I understand how well the first approach would work. Based on the description, it seems like it would only give an advantage, wouldn't they still have to pony up the 0.25 Eth and risk not getting mined first?

>> No.51305313

considering they just made 1 million usd but still cant afford to buy an advertisement i dont think this will do well

looks like a cash grab by a shitty dev who fleeced an aging grifter

>> No.51305314
File: 69 KB, 605x586, 1634325051550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He scammed a mate of mine out of 250k lol

>> No.51305347


it’s not a hard thing to exploit. I had a script up in like 45 minutes


Yea there’s risk but it was easy to flip misses for like .15-.25 so EV very positive

>> No.51305362

>thread full of wannabesmart r*ddit spacing troons
go back

>> No.51305367

Time Cube card that got stolen just sold for like 4 eth.

>> No.51305383

Just blacklist those nfts from the marketplace and keep going.

>> No.51305398


there isn’t any way to know which are “legit”. you don’t even need to deploy a contract to use the check block n+1 method.

>> No.51305413

lmao, well played. I would have been greedy like timecube if I had succeeded. I didn't notice your activity as suspicious, but his sure as hell was.

Can you explain in more detail the non flashbot method? I didn't quite see how block.difficulty and block.timestamp could be deterministically obtained. Sure, difficulty would be close to last block and timestamp could be closely timed within a second.

>> No.51305430

the prng used the current block info not the previous though
maybe you just got lucky
looks like you minted around 25

>> No.51305453

Sam if you are really in here I guess this is karma for being
'a whole ass woman'

>> No.51305454

Yeah, that's the part I didn't get.

>> No.51305476

Anything that popped out during the whitelist mint would be kosher, I think that was somewhere around 1350 cards. The minting was capped at 5 cards at that point, so the method the other guy used would not have been reliable. Plus, they'd have to have figured it out within 30 minutes. In the end though, I think most of the people that got R6's with advantage flipped the card, so it'd just be in the hands of the highest bidder now.

>> No.51305494

the sissy is spitting

>> No.51305555


ah I guess it’s a little more complicated than i’m giving credit and the risk is higher. There exist utilities for simulating transactions at a particular time stamp given a block that will be mined and since time stamps are very discrete you can try to time broadcasting given enough time has passed (e,g 9 seconds and you are targeting 13 second blocks) especially since you can simulate multiple potential timestamps and if a cluster are successful you have decent odds. mine mostly failed because of very fast blocks happening. That said it is possible i just got lucky. The flashbots method is foolproof and you can’t lose money on it so the admin message is total horseshit.

I was salty because it was kind of a fun challenge before I saw the timecube guy.

>> No.51305663

thanks for the explanation
yeah I just read up on flashbots
I actually thought a miner did it lol
good to learn something new

>Reverting Transaction Hashes
>Transaction bundles will not be considered for inclusion if they include any transactions that revert or fail.

so he bundled the 2 tx together and if the 2nd tx that checked for a rare reverted the mint tx was dropped
surprised he didnt just drain all the rares

>> No.51305680

so its possible every single rare minted singularly was fraudulent? lmao. fucking lmao

>> No.51305708

ignorance is bliss

>> No.51305751

I don't think that's a reasonable interpretation

>> No.51305752
File: 83 KB, 700x395, sure-things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right that makes sense. So in summary, the shitty prng increases the probability of getting a desirable token. How much? Not sure, but hopefully significantly higher than the default - what was it ~1/100 odds of minting r6. This plus ultimate cost of minting being more like .1ETH (.25 buy - .15 sale) gives it decent EV.

flashbot obviously better since it's a sure thing, though more obvious. Especially on an account with no other prior history.

I'm pretty new to this and the flashbot stuff wasn't obvious, but yeah the joint probability of both mining a block - RARE - and the block.difficulty and block.timestamp being desired values seemed unlikely.

>> No.51305769

i think it is very much reasonable. the first method is undetectable and unprovable. bravo to the biz lads who flipped these on the poor zoomer suckers lmao

>> No.51305817

then everyone clapped

>> No.51305833

The contract wasn't public until the whitelist mint began, so the first 1300 cards were likely fair. The first method the guy mentioned wasn't 100% reliable and was difficult to perform when transactions were happening quickly. He even says >>51305555 that he may have gotten the r6 by luck. The other method left clear evidence, and so we have an exact accounting for those. It's impossible to know the actual number, but we do know that it can't be all of the rares. It's less than half for sure.

>> No.51305842

Is this the dev lol you are taking this too personally you must have skin in this

>> No.51305849

yeah dev on damage control or huge baggie. its alright to admit it was a scam if youre a dev, u got paid, these arent getting circulated so commission isnt really a factor, all the dough is in the mints bruv

>> No.51305859

I just reply when people say obviously wrong things.

>> No.51305872

You are literally crafting narratives to commentate around the banter in this thread for hours now you lying kike just because the discord is full of retards doesn't mean you can willy nilly trick everyone nigger enjoy your fucking money

>> No.51305891
File: 1.50 MB, 1873x762, 1987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time cube (flashbotted) sells for 4.269ETH. Not bad. Congrats, anon, but you pigged out.


>> No.51305893


I will say I do think it’s unlikely even most of the rares were minted using an exploit. The point though is you can’t know how many or which ones so it kind of taints it.

>> No.51305903

didn't refute that you were the dev lol
congrats on milking those retards, i respect the hustle
maybe audit your shit code next time?
or even better, do the exact same thing again just to see how much more money you can squeeze from the average impoverished mid-west white trash, for my personal enjoyment

>> No.51305911

Hey, can I shitpost about an nft I bought while soaking in a tub until my phone's battery dies?

>> No.51305939

What do you want me to do, take a picture of my white hands to prove that I'm not some jeet diversity hire that cobbled together a shit rng system for a million dollar nft project?

>> No.51305946

Don't forget a timestamp faggot

>> No.51305950

No, his fanbase really is that stupid and he really has no scruples fucking them over.
I liked World Peace and early MDE too buddy but current Sam Hyde is just a washed up nobody

>> No.51305960

*moons violently*

>> No.51305969
File: 680 KB, 1873x762, ticker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the dev was totally ignorant of the prng issue. Though, may have incorrectly figured only way it could be exploited was by a miner and estimated this to be a low enough probability to not matter. It ultimately didn't matter a ton. I don't think the exploit contributed much to price movement. It continued to slide through launch and only now is seeing a brief uptick.

With enthusiasm waning well before any of the mongoloids in the discord were alarmed by the EXPLOIT, the mint may have been cancelled anyway. Hard to say. The prng leak may have contributed to that.

>> No.51305987

It was basically a nothing burger. Great FUD tho reducing the supply gg

>> No.51306026

>Though, may have incorrectly figured only way it could be exploited was by a miner and estimated this to be a low enough probability to not matter.
it's a dipshit zoomer whos probably getting high with the money

>> No.51306037
File: 293 KB, 408x593, fuckyouimcommitted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got out of bed for this, but I'm committed so fuck it.

>> No.51306040


>> No.51306072

Yes, but not that fat.

>> No.51306086

your thumb looks like a fucking wienie dude. your hand is the shape of a flat foot. now show us your mondo megatits

>> No.51306106

Hey, don't judge a man's thumb.

>> No.51306113


lol.... this guy has the money? hes in providence?

>> No.51306182
File: 527 KB, 660x1269, 1662540446732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No nfts are even more gay than a 60 group gangbang bukkake party full of troons.

>> No.51306211
File: 335 KB, 791x585, 1601372969096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

789 Atwells Ave
Providence, RI
side entrance on academy
2nd fl

>> No.51306331


>> No.51306421

wait a fucking second is this jjohnny neptunes son?

sam youre a fuckin glownigger wtf man

>> No.51306423

This is where he lives? I live in Ny and I’ve never left my city and I’m a loser, maybe I should take the train to here and apply for a job. Do I need to be a sound cloud rapper?

>> No.51306427
File: 240 KB, 299x365, stay classy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods on there are a bunch of power tripping faggots.
Sam is such a fucking idiot for shooting the pillars of support off his constantly failing life.

I said it back in May.
Mondo will be the end of Sam once his fans get fucked over by it.

Hey, at least my face isn't fucking orange.

>> No.51306441

look up Johnny Neptune the infinity chan faggot. this guys son just rugged you with sam hyde

>> No.51306455

>This is where he lives?
That is supposed to be their main studio, but now I'm not sure because they moved to some warehouse, according to this video

>> No.51306456
File: 477 KB, 888x993, faafo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Sam.

Keep pissing off the last few remaining loyal fans you have.

Surely they won't turn on you and turn into the biggest anti-Sam-ites who will pull you apart like a finely cooked pork.

You pissed off the wrong people this time bucko.

>> No.51306458

Update: no one cares

>> No.51306476
File: 31 KB, 601x508, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Update: no one cares
Update: The entire project got shutdown because of it

Suck a bag of dicks faggot

>> No.51306483
File: 454 KB, 2000x1125, FPwkL8lUYBIecPu.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bathanon is absolved of all wrongdoing by the irony of the timestamp and prng(block.timestamp)

>> No.51306497

yeah the mods are fucked up wiggerz, bic flame has a scat fetish, all the nigga would talk about was shit

>> No.51306516

the absolute state

>> No.51306546

8 k . un . top/cow/res /719801 .ht m l

this is the devs dad unironically

you think this niggers kids gonna finish your game? half the mint is probably going to feed his old mans meth binge

>> No.51306605

this has to be ironic, why would he associate himself with the name??

and desu, for a vast majority of the NFT buyers, it was likely to be spent on meth anyway

>> No.51306617

lol ur a faggot dickrider

>> No.51306621

>I don't understand how there was only a 10 pound difference

Sams top heavy, the other dude was built from ground up

>> No.51306667

it's his fucking kid, gg no re

>> No.51306816

>the entire project got shut down
its on a blockchain dude, they can't "shut it down"...

>> No.51306877

lmao Samuhel Al-Hyadh rekt, to be fair you don't get to choose to be controlled opposition

>> No.51306902

>barely any sales above 1 ETH even for the rarest pieces, most sales under mint price
>laughable 36 ETH trading volume
what a complete and utter failure lmao

>> No.51306917

its pretty bad.. they dropped the project at a completely terrible time too

>> No.51306988

You need to go back

>> No.51307027

this mod in the chat is shilling dark brandon token also. these guys are total pajeets. this is their business, they rug /biz/.

i see you sam hyde. you should've stayed anonymous with your rugging.

>> No.51307049

I'm a retard and not into NFTs, someone explain the flaw here?

>> No.51307120

the nft project is a set of cards like a trading card game, think magic the gathering.
some of the cards are rarer than others
the specific cards you get when you mint cards are determined by random number generation. rarer cards are less likely to mint
however, the method of random number generation is flawed, and someone figured out an exploit, and used it to mint the rarest cards.
it's unknown how many were minted using exploits, only 2 are confirmed but it could potentially be more

>> No.51307139

how much money has sam made from the minting?
I'm not going to buy one myself but I hope he and his workers get some good cash.

>> No.51307143


>> No.51307168

what was the mint fee?

>> No.51307181


>> No.51307203

why is >>51300651 saying something about it not being profitable? I don't know anything about nfts or minting

>> No.51307208

from the "cell phone" card lore... is sam acknowledging all the harlots that have tried to get some kind of fame out of posting convos they had with him? loool

>> No.51307226

800k would be trash for this kind of project

>> No.51307227

how the fuck do you know so much about the project without knowing the minting fee? fuck off shill. send someone else. get a new ip

>> No.51307234
File: 517 KB, 765x323, cell phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking forgot my pic of course

>> No.51307248

nigger what are you talking about, i am just looking at the cards on the website, and going off what is posted in this thread. you sound way too invested

>> No.51307264

There’s such a thing as cryptographically secure PRNG. Some PRNG isn’t cryptographically secure. RNG isn’t the issue. It’s more technically nuanced than that

>> No.51307282

even without this shit which completely ruined it these are kind of a disappointment. visually they are pretty cool, but overall they feel kind of low effort. Not as funny as MDE stuff from ~5 years ago. Feels kind of like a rushed cash grab. Somewhat understandable but sad.

>> No.51307299

it feels like a rushed cash grab because it is. they havent even thought the game through, just empty promises of oh yheah its coming and and u make up the rules and and and stuff dude its so funny

>> No.51307311

>Someone is exploiting the contracts poor random number generation using a smart contract of their own

>> No.51307733

lol to call this a cash grab is definitely reaching
its probably the highest quality NFTs available in terms of artistic input
keep your shilling at least vaguely rational please

>> No.51307746

you must be joking aahhahah

>> No.51307821

good way to scam your retarded followers I guess

>> No.51307840

I am not saying they look good objectively
I am saying to call it a cashgrab devalues the term because its obviously got a lot of artistic effort compared to the average nft
having said that, your 29 posts of asspain here will not be rivalled, relax bro where did sam touch you

>> No.51307986


is it really artistic effort to just splurge 'le random' mental diarrhoea onto some epileptic gifs? add some 'animayshun' for extra points

i feel like their pretense of making it into a game is their way of taking the piss out of anyone retarded enough to buy. that will obviously never work out but that's where the effort could have been made, in making it all compatible as an actual game.

honestly half the shit written on the cards is disjointed garbage and the other half is completely nonsensical. your bar for quality must be low af

and then bungling the code on top of that is the cherry to crown the shit pie

>> No.51308023

It's because I participated. I'm not allowed to participate in succesful launches so this shit happens. Every time.

>> No.51308094

bro have you seen the average nft project
even the biggest ones have 1% of the effort that went into this. just look at BAYC. irredeemable trash. there are a few cards here i like. but i'm not paying .2 eth for any of them, that's for sure

also stop reddit spacing. nigger

>> No.51308105

Why do you talk like this anon? It just makes you look retarded and doesn't really insult in the way you want it to, don't lie you have been post "muh freeze peach" for years haven't you

>> No.51308147

So in exchange of 2 extra r6 cards being minted the entire supply was cut by 25%. That's fucking bullish. Those 2 r6 cards would most likely exist if the entire supply was minted but now a LOT of other cards do not exist thanks to these 2 "hacked" r6 cards.

>> No.51308184

The devs dad got arrested for vandalizing a subway on a meth bender. Holy shit. You can't make this up. Y'all just got scammed with Sam Hyde the trustfund faggot with his buddy Johnny Neptune sons who posts cuck shit for years all day on cripplechan

If you didn't know now you know, Sam is controlled OP probably not even making money off of this, probably blackmailed. This was designed to rug you faggots by the literal elites. Get absolutely fucked.

Someone in discord ask about Johnny Neptune. That crackhead is probably on infinite shitposting on meth right the fuck now.

>> No.51308186

These emotional retards are just too stupid to see this is actually really bullish.

>> No.51308202

They're honestly really good. But I suspect by your retarded need to seperate expressions by paragraphs spaces between every one lest your mind be overwhelmed reading more than one thing consecutively without spacial pause, your objection has nothing to do with the project itself and everything to do with you being a seething faggot..

>> No.51308210

There's literally nothing bullish about having to stop minting the cards for your game early because you tried advertising on fucking 4chan and got hacked. Seriously I didn't even think that happened anymore. 4chan is low tier and blew you the fuck out.

>> No.51308245

Problem is, he’s continually getting new younger fans

>> No.51308278

The real Sam Hyde NFTs were always the t-shirts anyway

>> No.51308279

Story? I’ve heard many similar ones of Mr. (((Hyde))) taking people’s work and never paying them.

>> No.51308427

Ahahahahahaha, holy fuck

>> No.51308435

Marry: the negress on the left
Rape: Sam Hyde. Just for the bragging rights
Kill: the one on the right.

>> No.51308481

I dont understand how to actually deploy the script. I literally saw the fucking script but didn't know what to do with it.

>> No.51308548

elites crafted the perfect 1 MILLION dollar rug! darn those elites!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.51308599

the number of post-idubbz fans dwarfs older fans (pre world peace) now anyway
the worst part is reading the pozzed youtube comments on every new clip from the podcast. plus i am completely shadow banned from youutbe (probably for saying the n word) so i have to just watch. its extremely cucked

>> No.51308647
File: 1.10 MB, 425x560, 1598257380683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't see it you can't see it

>> No.51308671

FUCK I wanted to mint another.

>> No.51308712

the "le random" stream of consciousness is the aesthetic.You might not like it but it's objectively more quality than e.g. monkeys or pixel art

>> No.51308725

it actually perfectly fits the aesthetic of techno toys. a skit from like 2013.

>> No.51309063

Is this true? I have one of the OG design MDE t-shirts, never wore it.

>> No.51309076

So the contract wasn’t verified for a long ass time and i was the one complaining about it in the other 3-4 threads. If the devs knew about the PRNG exploit, they could have been exploiting it prior to the verification with plausible deniability. Something about this all stinks like shit.

>> No.51309120

no way bro they totally wouldn't spend hours purging mentions of it from discord and youtube comments just to exploit it themselves and rip off the fans for a few more dollars... no way

>> No.51309282

some sell for several hundred others like the epstein one can go for a grand on places like ebay.

>> No.51309313

clearly a psyop. They are betting for their tech illiterate fuckheads to never realize that it wasn't possible. They shut it down because they werent going to mint out, they lost a pulse around the 70% mark. that call to IDubbbz was cringe btw. I physically cringed and couldnt bear to watch all of that.

>> No.51309830

how many cards did the dev team mint themselves?
deployer account on opensea has hundreds its trying to sell below mint

>> No.51309999

theres a couple of fake collections you're probably seeing

>> No.51310053

Hey tell jet Neptune imah get his dad in on this shit if he's not already. I'm sure mde crowd would love Johnny Neptune style schizo posting.

Keep posing hard with your fucking guns and rap music niggers y'all are far from untouchable troll away motherfuckers

>> No.51310085

no there arent, there are 2
the "offiicial" one is obviously fake
but I dont see how the one wit 1.3k items could be fake

>> No.51310100

mint was dead in the water even before they ended it due to their retardation.
why does it feel like everything sam hyde and co does is so half-assed. this NFT project is another example. it used to be charming before they started being so damn greedy

>> No.51310147

It's because Sam Hyde is fucking broke as shit. He's in debt and this mint money is about to bail him out. Daddy must have quit sending him money so now he's working with the lowest level blackmailed methhead trash glowniggers. It makes sense considering Sam is also a blackmailed puppet with a hand up his ass.

>> No.51310275

What could possibly motivate somebody to spend all this time and energy attacking the most high quality nft project to ever hit the market?

>> No.51310308

You either; posted this for free and have no skin in the game/are trolling, are getting paid to defend from fud, or are down bad from the mint. Fuck off nigger.

>> No.51310384

what does meth cum taste like
NFTs ; Quality
Pick one

>> No.51310432

I rolled 2 r5s and 2 r4s and I immediately flipped an r4 for 1 eth. Get fucked fudnigger thats two posters in the mail with each r5 so I came out pretty fucking fine if you ask me. I do think the RNG was retarded since the exploits were legit, but they shut the mint down early making all the cards even rarer so w/e. The cards are quality compared to anything on the top opensea list. Gary vee, bored apes, etc all look like shit, and the humor on each card absolutely shits on glowniggers, npcs, and gas station people like you.
Mint's closed

>> No.51310611

You're literally defending a fcking pedos rugpull right now you absolute cuck kill yourself. Sam is controlled OP idiot. You haven't seen the picture of him with the 15 year old girl and her nose bleeding? He's getting blackmailed to manipulate impressionable people you fucking nigger. HES A GLOWNIGGER.

>> No.51310638

same lol

>> No.51310651

They made 713ETH ~$1.1M on the sale itself.

>> No.51310769

Don't believe me?

If someone is edgy and isn't banned, they're controlled OP. Sam gets a nice little roll in an Alex Jones esque spot where he's not quite a glownigger but he's certainly a giant gatekeeper and he'll take your money with the prestige.

Imagine being 37 and rugging zoomers on biz after shilling them motivation advice for year. What a fucking ass clown. People read this board Sam I ain't done with you. Fucking chomos get the rope faggot hide in your heroin town all to want nigger you keep fucking with them dipshit losers on YouTube motherfucker start taking anons money and see what the fuck happens you art school bitch

>> No.51310781

I don't care about what you think, or about that picture either. I already got my mint cost back from selling 1 card. You seem extremely kikish

>> No.51310861

Enjoy making that pedo money cuck, shit his bags you goyim trash

>> No.51310888

So you're here to make money based on.... morality? Get fucked

>> No.51310939

>Sam Hyde bagholders unironically defending Sam's pedo actions after getting hacked in a 4chan thread designed to advertise their project

You seriously can't make it up

>> No.51311000

wasnt she 16? 16 is legal in a lot of places
Also isn't that asspain from a tranny that used to work with them then got fired? Is that you? Are you a tranny? A friend maybe?

>> No.51311028

Mfw I got a Megabit for free
MFW Gooeys took a long time to mint out but I made a shit ton on that
Mfw the exploit resulted in the cards becoming rarer
Mfw I have no face

>> No.51311038

I'm assuming you don't have children by what you just typed.

You gonna let Sam Hyde fuck your 16 year old daughter now that he took your money bitch? That's what I just read.

>> No.51311049

I'm not defending it I just don't give a fuck about a 16 year old sucking dick with consent. Not enough to be a virtue signaling faggot like you

>> No.51311065

Congratulations for being part of the maybe .5% who made money off this project not in the team. Everyone else got fucked. Enjoy your .1 eth sale.

>> No.51311408

Seems like you may be a hasanfag seething over Hyde's win.
It's obvious this "random" group of haters are likely unpaid shills sent by hasan.
Why don't you get your gay king to fight Hyde.
I got my card for free so seethe at my profit only outcome

>> No.51311556

More people hate Sam Hyde than a few irrelevant YouTube grifters. Steal a fuckton of money and you're gonna piss people off. Your Investment is shot nigger, you'll be singing my same tune when you figure out how bad it really is.

>> No.51311713

>that call to IDubbbz was cringe btw.
I thought that was pretty funny. The call to his mom was incredibly cringey though. He's 37 and acting like a spoiled, entitled, ungrateful 16 year old to his mom. Reminded me of Bam Margera. "Jokingly" being an emotionally abusive asshole to your loving parents is maybe, kind of funny (it isn't) when you're a young adolescent. Not when you're a grown fucking man

>> No.51312011

Show us your hand then hasan you faggot

>> No.51312324

This the cards are really well done and fucking funny. I can spend. 75 Eth on something that will probably be worth more because I'm not a broke poor faggot.

>> No.51312590


>> No.51312762

I mean compared to those gay apes or whatever they were these arent that bad