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51302089 No.51302089 [Reply] [Original]

Investor capitalism has unironically been a horrible idea.

>> No.51302106


>> No.51302120

Trannies exist because ESG makes it defacto illegal to criticize them

>> No.51302166

Actually all systems are pretty good without kikes.

>> No.51302434

>all systems are pretty good
please, kill yourself.

>> No.51302505

>Investor capitalism
noo you can't own the means of production

>> No.51302515


>> No.51302561
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>> No.51304492
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>I can invest on an nft game
>i now own those coins, and some shit on the game
>even if i don't play, i am entitled to 80% apr
yeah it was a mistake

>> No.51304513

ESG is just a phase. it exists solely to strangle competition

>> No.51304979
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Sucks to suck

>> No.51305084

Capitalism is driven by profit. Profit is the highest motivator in a capitalistic society, period

>> No.51305096

>Remember, Loss is as big of a motivator as profit. Capitalism is about profits and loss
Profits encourage risk-taking while the losses encourage prudence. This is a very critical point to understand, and is all too often ignored in critiques of capitalism.
One of the problems with the current market environment is that the government socializes the losses of certain protected corporate classes (i.e. Wall Street banks) which enables these special interests to make profits without assuming all of the costs and risks they engage in. Socialized losses, Privatized Profits. aka Corporatism (not Capitalism). Imagine being able to go to the casino and keep all of your winnings without taking any of the risks with your own money.

>> No.51305117

Nah, it literally was the best thing that happened to the world

>> No.51305125

the GOYIM are actually to blame for this

>> No.51305151

nooo, you can't own anything at all and actually get profit from your work, you must be poor, poor and exploitable

>> No.51305157

nice try goyim, but this is all on you. we tried to teach you economy, science and stuff but you are simply retarded. low iq and fuck everything up

>> No.51305158

this stupidity is the reason why late stage capitalism is retarded, pure retardation
why can you create money like that, so easily ?

>> No.51305160

Nah, but good try anyway goy

>> No.51305172

Yeah, you described socialistic states perfectly, private business and working independently from the state are forbidden there.

>> No.51305180

why does "money" need to be hard to create? if people want it they'll trade for it.

>> No.51305212

stocks are now a commodity and not related to the value of the idea they represent

>> No.51305478

here's some jewish weapons, their arsenal:
>muh climate change
>feminism etc (all marxist stuff)
>muh pandemic
they prefer invisible shit thats hard to immediately disprove to midwits and sounds benevolent on the surface

>> No.51305552

>sounds benevolent on the surface
indeed, very old technique. turns out humans are extremely trusting when their reasoning gets glitched out, which is pretty easy to accomplish after the millennia of trial and error and the intensive psychological research of the 20th century

>> No.51305721

capitalism is nature retard. keep trying to fight it.

>> No.51305741
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>investor capitalism

I wish you had to take an IQ test to post here and then your score is tagged next to your username