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File: 52 KB, 206x204, Screen Shot 2022-09-06 at 2.20.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51295787 No.51295787 [Reply] [Original]

ghost in the shell included in a video made EIGHT YEARS AGO-> main character of the show is motoko
numerous infinity symbols throughout the video
icp early devs are part of cicada 3301
schizos, assemble.

>> No.51295867

him or r1b poster? hmmm

>> No.51296174

we need tyler and veri doctores back


>> No.51296229

lol i completely forgot about this

>> No.51296241

He changed the title of the vid, he did it to three vids because he predicted wrong on them. Just like this one. $2,222 my ass. Never happened when he said it would.

>> No.51296246

>icp early devs are part of cicada 3301
almost certainly no, but lets say they are. so what??

>> No.51296711

The level of autistic cryptography required to solve the 3301 puzzles far exceeded the capabilities of most experienced folks working at the NSA.
It was the talk of the town, and everyone was trying to solve it. There were even groups of junior cryptographers/analysts getting together to try to solve it during non-duty hours, as a sort of club thing.
>t. Army fag who was stationed at fort meade from 2011-2015

>> No.51297140
File: 1.06 MB, 1506x1031, icpbaggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have been caught changing their youtube titles. ICP baggies are really midwits

>> No.51297158
File: 363 KB, 953x855, 1657076920620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icp baggies are deillusional lmao

>> No.51297211


>> No.51297357

Was that ever actually a thing, or was that some schizo larp?
I dont personally think 2k is feasible. I will say it has the capability of replacing bnb. Putting icp at the 500 range seems doable in a few years.

>> No.51297371

IF this is ICP is what people say it is, it'll have a much bigger market cap than BNB.

>> No.51297389
File: 473 KB, 839x768, 1659418649854444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey dumbass who just posted 3 times in a row watch this >>51297357
ooooo criss crossing IPs ooOOOOOoooooo aaaaaaa spooky

>> No.51297502

LMAO ofcourse it was a thing, these schizos were pushing for ICP $2000 31 december 2021, many midwits fell for it. LMAO ICP bagholders are really midwits.

>> No.51298142

Wait, does that autist really think someone is IP hopping between 4 different IP’s, and replying to his posts, as some elaborate ruse to get him to buy ICP?
lmao fuck.

>> No.51298278

>many midwits fell for it. LMAO ICP bagholders are really midwits

pretty sure i called you a mouth breather in some other thread the other day. I recognize your speech pattern

yea i guess so

>> No.51298311
File: 503 KB, 1328x935, TrustThePlan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you misunderstood the prediction.

Great Britain and the United States are two of the few places in the world that use a period to indicate the decimal place. Many other countries use a comma instead.


There are mutliple predictions, with diferent ways of representing the date and value. The only prediction that used a semi colon, instead of a period, or a coma, was the most accurate. It is also posted on the laughing g man video, wich is the most cryptic video, with the date of the 2020 crash, and all of the covid 19 mask predictions.

>> No.51298329

Wait, does that autist really think someone is IP hopping between 4 different IP’s, and replying to his posts, as some elaborate ruse to get him to buy ICP?
lmao fuck.

>> No.51298448

Wait, does that autist really think someone is IP hopping between 4 different IP’s, and replying to his posts, as some elaborate ruse to get him to buy ICP?
lmao fuck.

>> No.51298767
File: 72 KB, 661x623, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quantum schizophrenia

>> No.51299753

Wait, does that autist really think someone is IP hopping between 4 different IP’s, and replying to his posts, as some elaborate ruse to get him to buy ICP?
lmao fuck.

>> No.51299895

>Wait, does that autist really think someone is IP hopping between 4 different IP’s, and replying to his posts, as some elaborate ruse to get him to buy ICP?
>lmao fuck.

>> No.51301796

I applaud manmun hassan huwawei conman benchod for cunning. He succfully dapployed fren tyrone in bizrael hymalayy salt licking mineshaft and in process many canisters were filled with poo and Samwell tears. Manmun conning everyone and go down as VC that got too mad with money become much erratic incoherenced paranoia. VC buddies September were imaginary construct of turbulent mind projecting endless gains could not buy.
Safe to say manmun known considered close munman no longer conman larper farter.