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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 783x604, HoesMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51290768 No.51290768 [Reply] [Original]

...evermore fierce waves of FUD.
Interlinked: >>51287432

>> No.51290787

20M reporting in. What am I in for?

>> No.51290794

you will never be a woman

>> No.51290795


>> No.51290810

just got kicked out of uni today, pretty devastated. my 1m stack is all i have left

>> No.51290811

I hope not because I would be a major cumslut.

>> No.51290814

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>"w-we're going to be rich a-arent we??"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>other anons are reassuring you you're going to make it
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>time to make another thread
>”LUNC price prediction thread"
>yeah that's nice... look at all those numbers
>put all the posted numbers and multiply them with your stack
>haha wow, thats a lot of money
>imagine what all you could do with that money
>maybe i'll finally have sex...
>sun peeks through the curtains
>you hear your parents waking up
>hehe, fucking wagies
>the depression comes back
>the dopamine rushes dont last as long as they used to
>time to make another thread
>"is 10m LUNC enough to make it?"

>> No.51290815
File: 91 KB, 1037x586, 329-3290998_bmw-rr-1000-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My LUNC earnings are buying me a new bike.

>> No.51290818

What about 20 millions USD before EOY ?

>> No.51290819
File: 1.86 MB, 2470x1296, Skjermbilde 2022-09-06 172053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51290833

Where’s the Canadian faggot at?

>> No.51290855

20M EOY. 100M Next bullrun.

>> No.51290859


>> No.51290877

Ah sweet a blessed thread

>> No.51290885
File: 733 KB, 828x989, E5A3A85A-0796-43AB-A413-8E5AC85F3A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel it anons? The timeline is shifting in our favor. Financial freedom is at our very fingertips. The stalwart shall be rewarded, hodl and never forget $1 is inevitable

>> No.51290886

damn son

>> No.51290893
File: 263 KB, 640x591, waowwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a pic of the omg waoooowww Ford Mustang parked at tim horton's

>> No.51290910

Complete lack of bussin in this thread is sus af. fr fr. Salty haters are silent too. Everyone just gaping while MMs adjusting the price. CDC wouldn't let you trade more than 25 m or something? kek. that was a sign. Cz just a dip kek. sign. Vincent. Sign. $100 eoy fuckers getting wrecked. No cap.

>> No.51290914
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mine are buying me a new box of scarab occult terminators

>> No.51290916
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>> No.51290920
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>> No.51290926

What happened anon? Low grades?

>> No.51290939
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1280, 1662478110235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lambo? Ferrari? Why of course not. I am going to be purchasing the ultimate vehicle, the 1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport. Why yes, the vehicle Kurt Russell drives in the hit film Breakdown.

>> No.51290949

>energy crisis
>housing crisis
i want to believe $1 eoy but its so hard to given the circumstances....

>> No.51290950

WAGMI frens.

>> No.51290963

based af

>> No.51290965
File: 592 KB, 1000x1000, df0c2743ab19fdb26e3db7dc77ec00d49b63e73c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, only LUNCillionaires can afford WH40k

>> No.51290969

I just painted my first minis. I got the recruit box with the necros and marines and I've painted two marines so far. I understand why people love this now it's very satisfying watching these lil niggas come together.

>> No.51290970

absolutely and dangerously based.

>> No.51290976


>> No.51290978

based take

>> No.51290995

dubs for $1 EOY

>> No.51290999

I think I cracked why the guy fuds our threads.

>”oh no I’m white here check pp”.
>shorts early everytime there is a pump.
>Floods out threads non-stop with illiterate fud
>disguises it as noble intentions of saving the retards

This dude fuds ou threads after every single pump because he shorts and he hopes that his fud will cause us to sell and dump the market so he can profit from his short positions. But he keeps getting liquidated. This mf must be the only person on this thread who is actively losing money.
He’s the confirmed Judas with this kikery.

>> No.51291002
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, 3A522ACA-BBF3-44E8-8E03-1F7E825444F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start an organization to help Palestinians. 100% donation policy. Let the fudding begin

>> No.51291018


>> No.51291022

low grades, due to addiction and depression

>> No.51291028

Just want a comfy vehicle to go camping with the family and take nice country rides with the top down. I don't want to be "fuck you" rich, just don't want to worry about my kids future anymore.

>> No.51291031

That actually looks like a very satisfying hobby how do I get into that.

>> No.51291033

I'm in a meeting and watching porn.

>> No.51291045

sorry to hear that anon, I wish I could offer you some solid advice, but i'll just let you know that youre not alone in fighting those battles and there's help out there if you need it. Good luck and godspeed.

>> No.51291048
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Trips of truth here!!!

>> No.51291062

How does 20 trillion dollars sound

>> No.51291078

I want to buy a soccer team

>> No.51291089

Is this $1 talk just a meme? What would the market cap be for that to even be achieved?

>> No.51291093

I just walked into the local game shop and asked them to point me in the direction for paints and supplies and to give me some pointers on the painting. There are tons of YouTube videos on the subject as well. Contrast paints are great as a beginner as well, highly recommend. I figured space marines and necrons are cool enough to learn on so that when I feel comfortable with my painting skills I can move on to collecting and painting the armies I actually like, Orks and Lizardmen.

>> No.51291097

My biggest fear is
>LUNC hits $1 and most of us become millionaires
>Suddenly major SHTF like civil war or WW3 happens and nukes start flying everywhere.
Yeah that would be totally uncool.

>> No.51291100

This is how we get pur dream gfs, I'm hoping for a big tatty tomboy gf that's athletic but not too muscular.

>> No.51291110

Very nice, i like pretty much all BMW bikes. They are designed in such a way that they'll always look really good.

Keeping my eyes on some kind of R1200R model.

>> No.51291111
File: 129 KB, 738x926, 1655141625300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice.
checked but stop watching that qui shit fren

>> No.51291113

too late, you will be rich as fuck now.

>> No.51291144

>stop watching that qui shit fren

>> No.51291148
File: 993 KB, 949x718, 1636138988322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah; I'd rather face armageddon broke.

>> No.51291149

Oh and make sure you have some fine snips on hand like wire cutters. You'll need them to actually snip the bits out to put together. If you don't they have them at game shops but they're of course sold at a premium.

>> No.51291151

lmao based, thank you anon.

>> No.51291153

Cheers anon. just gonna relax this year and focus on making art, probably going to apply for uni somewhere else next year

>> No.51291160

I've gone through this. It's devastating having to explain to everyone that you had to come home for some made up reason. It hurt every time I ran into someone and had to explain it all over again. Been a while since then and I can talk about it openly. Give yourself some time to feel like complete shit, but don't stay there too long.

Bought my gf some fishnet stockings and a butt plug with a tail on it.

>> No.51291177

I really don't plan on spending on wasteful shit, but a Honda Fireblade is reeeeal tempting.

>> No.51291179

uni isn't going anywhere anon, you can always go back. take the time to put some real effort into healing, you deserve it brother

i started meditating for 20 mins, 2x/day back in 2015, haven't missed a day (often much longer sessions than 20 mins too) and, paired with pushups, long walks, sit-ups, squats, lots of water, quitting sugar and positive thinking, i wouldn't even recognize the person i was those years back

if i can do it anyone can, the depression and anxiety started slowly but surely melting away, i'm still working on it but life is better than i could have imagined, and i was miserable as fucking possible

anyway best of fortune my friend - and remember, even if LUNC moons you'll still be miserable unless you put some real "don't look back" work into yourself

>> No.51291189

Depends on circulating supply.

>> No.51291195

I’d thank lord Jesus for the chance to make me a millionaire and not be tainted by its poisonous way of life by taking me into his kingdom soon

>> No.51291200
File: 25 KB, 434x526, 1662253225146150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.0004? uh-septed

>> No.51291209

be aware of this one after you make it fren

>> No.51291213

Some serious numbers flying in here

>> No.51291250

Honestly can't wait to spend the rest of my days sitting on my farmhouse porch with a shotgun telling passers by that what they're looking for is back the way they came.

>> No.51291253
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1646366941934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at who directs and produces and owns the companies behind it, also its extremely addictive, look it up it works harder on your brain than heroin. Still not fully recovered from it, ended up like >>51291022 at one point because of it. Always feel my best when I havent looked at that stuff for days

>> No.51291255

I'll second that. Please watch out anon, addiction is real and not something that can just be beaten by working out and watching motivational youtube vids. read up on it and understand the beast you'll be fighting.

>> No.51291259


>> No.51291261

I need to do some research on it. I need a hobby that doesn’t involve being a workaholic and I always enjoyed RPG figures they manage to look absolutely incredible.

>> No.51291263
File: 10 KB, 340x203, 1656570922961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with this new "it'll take 4 years of burning before $1" FUD tactic I'm seeing? what faggot started that?

>> No.51291268
File: 1.27 MB, 750x1334, C46D394B-BF96-436D-9557-77FB93BD5859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fucking pajeets stop shitting up the fucking board? You retards don’t know shit about market cap and buying a literally fucking scam rug piece of shit kek.
>youreee m.m.mad….
I’m not mad about shit niggers, I make 90k a year and have 300k in crypto
Oh and here’s a pic of my body

>> No.51291269

You better check yo self cuz you got quads yo self!

>> No.51291271
File: 1.83 MB, 232x198, qui_rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally, the subzero IQ displayed in this thread would be a HUGE sell signal. BUT this IS a clown-world, no doubt about it; and consequently it becomes a monolithical buy signal.

>> No.51291282

College is overrated, and I have two degrees so I know what I’m talking about. I understand the feeling though, friend.
$5 EOY

>> No.51291283

Any tips on how to meditate?

>> No.51291291

I know it's the joos. I'm not addicted though. Right now I'm watching porn once s week

>> No.51291301

you're training feet too much bro

>> No.51291309

This pic is from MATIC thread days ago.
Post again with time stamps, sir

>> No.51291318


Poors are not allowed in this thread. Fick off.

>> No.51291326

my fucking sides

>> No.51291328

I fee you. It’s like whenever your become a part of something that has potential, something gets in the way

>> No.51291332

Sorry my good sir this thread is exclusive for LUNChads. We understand that LINK and MATIC threads are currently dead and we apologize for the inconvenience. May I suggest Reddit instead? It’s the perfect place for cringy cunts who need to post imaginary income to validate their point of view.

>> No.51291338
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>> No.51291342

Nice. Same.

I assume God will allow me to live like King David with multiple wives and whatnot. I would absolutely wage physical war too. But this day in age it’s a psychological war with lgbtq+, porn, and overall godlessness.

>> No.51291343
File: 978 KB, 350x415, 1584722470401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sounds like a win after all.

It can work on newbies, most people don't take the time to do their own research.

>> No.51291346

How can one "not look back" when you've attaigned your thirties ?

>> No.51291355

i get that you are trolling for le ebin lelz but face facts: burn is going live on sept 20 and its going to trigger face melting gains like we haven't seen in a long while. hoefully you have a small moonbag for yourself so you can enjoy the lunar rocket ride with the rest of us

>> No.51291365
File: 1.36 MB, 400x206, B9138A6B-CF55-476E-91F2-26C7E88BD1DC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stole this picture from a thread a few weeks ago. Time stamp or you’re a larping faggot with no paper and no bitches.

>> No.51291371

Also if that’s you, I’m sorry to break it but you look like a low budget bowling pin from a third world factory

>> No.51291374
File: 121 KB, 1024x688, 4C0967B0-71D1-4A77-8AAC-9361F7A57CC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51291388

Its relaxing but it gets expensive quickly.

>> No.51291403
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, the dude prob has a folder with a lot of pics of shirtless white guys, kinda sus

>> No.51291411
File: 115 KB, 890x501, 74A217FB-9F97-4C50-BE6C-BF95D52496B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got the sell the rumor buy the news routine again. Like with Noel Skum.

>> No.51291417

Based LUNC bro trying to spice up the thread a little

>> No.51291419
File: 312 KB, 872x1053, 1577471237405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough fren, vices are alright in moderation. WAGMI

>> No.51291426
File: 42 KB, 1246x846, FbbGwdLWQAAtznP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any TA fans want to draw lines on the LUNC chart?
>TA works on this coin

>> No.51291445


>> No.51291461

I got like 60 dollars in my savings
Can I be a millionaire with 60 dollars worth of lunch?

>> No.51291464

i will check your dubs and respectfully remind you that mathfags in prior lunc generals have shown that over a long enough time frame $1 lunc is mathematically guaranteed once the burn to 10b is enabled. lunc is basically free money for those who are willing to wait
>Verification not required.

>> No.51291488
File: 2.64 MB, 1000x1495, Lunc_Destiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51291511


>> No.51291518

Based fuhrer

>> No.51291524

Is a trading bot on KuCoin similar to setting up buy/sell orders?

>> No.51291527

how buy in bongland
binance is cucked

>> No.51291537

Right now $60 is 150k LUNC. So if you can hodl to $7 some time in the next bullrun that will break $1M for you.

>> No.51291552

try kraken or crypto com m8

>> No.51291553

I unironically never bought a single LUNC higher than $0.00006 and I'm not buying any other LUNC until it goes back to $0.00006.
Hopefully it will cool off when people realize that on September 12th there will be no burn, until at least September 20th and even after that date it will take years to burn the supply.

>> No.51291560

You have to get a special decree from the queen

>> No.51291562

I bet he's indian with strong white men fetish LOL

>> No.51291573

What if it won't go up to 7 dollars
Who decides that?

>> No.51291606
File: 146 KB, 1080x1350, sakulunc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51291622


>> No.51291628

i guess what i do could be considered zen meditation, but here's some tips:

- sit on something relatively firm and get your butt off the ground at least 4+ inches; this allows your hips to fall forward so your spine can be straight - slouching is counterproductive to this practice

- cross your legs indian style if possible, but the most important aspect of this is finding a sitting position that allows you to be still without discomfort for whatever time you choose to sit

- while you're sitting, just BE STILL, and notice the stillness - you'll have thoughts and that's fine, just notice them and feel how STILL you are, and notice the breath and how it automatically enters and leaves the body - just sitting still is literally core of meditation

- COMMITMENT is probably the biggest thing - you'll get infinitely more benefit from sitting still 20 minutes, 2x per day on a regular basis than sitting 1 hour every couple weeks or whatever

- don't expect anything either, the most important thing is BEING STILL for prolonged periods of time - in time (maybe a short time) you'll likely notice some subtle but profounds shifts in your consciousness, things you can't put into words and never experienced before but are strangely familiar

- my favorite old buddhist metaphor for meditation is imagining a jar of water and sand - when you shake it up it becomes cloudy and opaque, but all you need to do to make it clear is to set it on a table and just wait - your mind works the same way believe it or not; the sheer act being still automatically begins quieting the mind and revealing what's been there the whole time - and it is truly indescribable

>> No.51291646

Remember to use the power of subtle suggestion with everyone you know
For example:
>Wow, I sure love lunc-ch
>Why yes I do workout at planet fitness, I really love their LUNC alarm
>On the weekend I went spe-lunc-ing, it is great
>My favorite song is Lunc-p by The Presidents of the USA
>A simple verification of credit cards is called a luhnc-heck, brilliant!

>> No.51291656

>What if it won't go up to 7 dollars
It will if you have enough patience. I'm not saying it's gonna happen any time soon, but we're not talking about a pump n dump from normie fomo with LUNC anymore. This is a full revival and repeg of USTC. So if you can buy $60 worth and hodl for a couple years you will see $7.

>> No.51291658

bro i committed to healing at age 33, it's literally never too late

>> No.51291692

Pump imminent

>> No.51291755
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>> No.51291761

Things will get even pumpier if we break 50.

>> No.51291787
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 1660855197197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems legit


>> No.51291797

Yep. Too obvious

>> No.51291798

Dubs decree we pump today!

>> No.51291799
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>> No.51291803

wtf how did this coin went from 100$ to 0.0000005$
what happened?

>> No.51291815
File: 543 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meme magic. where have you been the last 4 months bro?

>> No.51291817
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>> No.51291818

read >>51291787

>> No.51291826

Let's just say mistakes were made

>> No.51291833

C-Checked. Interlinked

>> No.51291851
File: 157 KB, 1080x859, fhrmi002cth61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51291853
File: 407 KB, 1125x2076, 84826F3D-ECA2-4854-90AF-4F2B68989B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic rel is my analysis

>> No.51291876

i swear pumps always coincide with a preponderance of repeating digits in these generals

>> No.51291894
File: 147 KB, 1036x1261, Screenshot_2022-09-06-17-18-36-717_com.binance.dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im surprised that small orders are only a tiny bit higher than large orders, and medium makes up the majority of lunc volume.

>> No.51291896
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>> No.51291993

It's the sign from KEK

>> No.51292027
File: 375 KB, 1363x754, 8CBCFDE4-E5D7-4823-8312-E4F9BF1D7034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51292042

Gate.io confirmed that the volume with NOT be burned with the burn tax. It's over lunatics.

More info here >>51291772

>> No.51292046

uh-oh, Kraken down again?

>> No.51292058

>dedicated fud threads with blatantly misleading information
Bullish, buying more, and filtered

>> No.51292097

>Gate.io confirmed.....
Literally nobody

>> No.51292119


Nothing is happening to kraken ffs. Stop being a noob.

>> No.51292122

most of the lunc volume isn't on gate.io anyway. big deal.

>> No.51292147
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>> No.51292165
File: 938 KB, 996x911, plastic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LUNC pumps
>fud intensifies
a well-oiled machine, i wonder if they know how obvious it is kek

>> No.51292168

>most of the lunc volume isn't on gate.io anyway. big deal.
Take this as a first sign of warning. You're on time to take your profits. Exchanges won't apply the burn tax to the volume. Gate.io just confirmed. You guys are so blinded by greed it's dramatic. This won't end well.

>> No.51292169

Beautiful bike. Treat yourself you earned it. So glad they fixed the asymmetrical headlights.

>> No.51292171

The exchange is currently in Cancel Only mode.

>> No.51292187

who thought that the burn tax would apply to volume? It was always clear from the first day that it would be a transactional burn.

>> No.51292189

Nice ESL, Prakesh.

>> No.51292213

oh noooooz gate.io
guess it's a good thing CZ has much more motive to implement a burn on trading

>> No.51292231

Because they’re out of liquidity. They posted about it yesterday. I have the screenshot on my computer but I’m at work right now.

>> No.51292232
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>> No.51292235

>who thought that the burn tax would apply to volume? It was always clear from the first day that it would be a transactional burn.
People are calculating the burn rate based on volume.

If volume is not burned, it will take like 400 years to burn all the supply.

>> No.51292242

>Exchanges won't apply the burn tax to the volume

Hey retard. Nobody said this would happen.

>> No.51292255
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>> No.51292258
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>> No.51292269

Kek. Why these fudders think all LUNC holders are here

>> No.51292307
File: 98 KB, 1005x228, 1662476437043162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't care. It's more correct the record faggotry from small hats. Expect even more fud in the coming days and weeks, especially when this actually starts to pump. Leading with "but don't you care that redditors killed themselves??111!!" was a dead giveaway. Ignore and filter them, or at best shit in their mouths with a sneed post and then ignore and filter them. Report if they break a rule. Welcome to the big show lunatics, if you bought before today you're officially early and will make it.

>> No.51292320


The King of Sharts has been outed

>> No.51292323

never going to 0.01 cent

>> No.51292344

thanks so much for the financial advice bro
still hodling though hahaha sorry, i'm just not selling
thanks anyway

>> No.51292362


>> No.51292370
File: 27 KB, 647x130, Screenshot_20220906_124534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatman reporting in

Looks like this is where I'm hodling at.

Simple as.

>> No.51292390

2nd time i've seen them pull this one while luna baboons.

using just kraken?

>> No.51292395
File: 65 KB, 564x657, howl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, not selling tho

>> No.51292423

but it went from $116.48 to $0.xxxxx

>> No.51292435

You're welcome for the pump by the way. I have been in daily contact with the Bogdanoffs through seven layers of my own reality to bargain with them just so they can pump this shit.

>> No.51292438

Haha look you got two repeating numbers. DOUBLE CHECK! haha

i agree with this, mathematically impossible because market cap and Redditors died, have some sympathy.

>> No.51292456

Anyone care to refute this?

>> No.51292471

Thank you for treating with the bogs on our behalf, kind anon.

>> No.51292480
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>> No.51292497

>anyone care?

>> No.51292504

if the coin survived all summer when everyone already knew this, it's bullish

>> No.51292526

imagine being a fudjeet

>> No.51292535
File: 208 KB, 500x491, 1660700824936758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr serious man has arrived
the ridiculous has been cancelled
boring world here we come
add 1000 more flags to the 100 lgbtblmfeminismecologyprowarvaxxflags and cancel everyone who wants to mind his/her own business without forcing people their crap

>> No.51292542

refutation here: >>51292344
another nice one here: >>51292395

>> No.51292545

There's still much resistance around 0004 btw. Some whales REALLY don't want to get liquidated kek. Ask the Bogs if they could push through 0005, I know quite a lot of shorters would rope of it happened.

>> No.51292548

someone already did the math on the TR discord. lurk moar newfag

>> No.51292569
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>> No.51292573

nah, lurk moar

>> No.51292580
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As you wish

>> No.51292601

Guys all this fud really got me seriously thinking, these guys are onto something so i've made a heavy decision, phew here goes:

So basically I'm just gonna not sell it (my LUNC)

I KNOW! ... UGH I know...

I'm sorry!!!!!

It's just that I'm never selling my LUNC


>> No.51292618
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checked, i'm addicted to lunc threads too anon

>> No.51292622

I can't even think of anything.
I'd probably just withdraw about $2000 to spend on food and any gadget that catches my eye. Then start allocating for the next/current bullrun.

>> No.51292628

I was in a coma over the past 6 months, what the fuck happened to lunc? it was crabbing at 0.0001 for months and suddenly now it has 4x.

QRD please?

>> No.51292672
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Tread carefully anon.

>> No.51292681

Faggot I put in the worst case scenario math, it still comes out to this being a 380x at minimum.

I really hate zoomers and ESLs.

>> No.51292689

Fuck bros really hope we dump back down to at least .0003. Trying to buy 1 more mil LUNC and really dont want to buy in at current prices.

>> No.51292698

Gate.io is 1 exchange and isn't even in the top 10. Binance and MEXC have already supported the burn and will implement it on their exchanges. Other exchanges will follow suit once they see the increased traffic/buy volume.

>> No.51292700

>coin price dump
>community help
>coin price up
>fudders seethe

>> No.51292702
File: 133 KB, 768x536, gtylc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNA is the Jesus Christ of crypto. He died for our sins and resurrected. It will be the coin that triggers the next bullrun. Repent now

>> No.51292704

you had 4 (four) months

>> No.51292708

>Fuck bros really hope we dump back down to at least .0003. Trying to buy 1 more mil LUNC and really dont want to buy in at current prices.
me too. was almost ready to scoop up at 37 but didn't go through with it. now I'm regretting it. I hope we're due in for a massive correction before the final gigapump once the tax goes live.

>> No.51292721

you gave yourself the QRD
staking was enabled and caused a huge price spike. With hype around the burn tax coming soon.

>> No.51292738

4 months for what faggot? Ive been buying this whole time

Yeah i was gonna buy last night at like .00034, figured wed be back in the .0002s today. Boy was i wrong.

>> No.51292753

Man I should've put more I put only $21 as a meme. Damn FML dude it's always the irrelvent ones that pump it's a good thing tho let's hope this recovers all the way and fixes the crypto market. Onwards to $1.

>> No.51292765

so should I stake?
Is there a minimum required? I don't have a lot, what are the rewards exactly

>> No.51292766


>> No.51292794

It really is shameful, mathfriend. OGs know you’re an ally.

>> No.51292820

I'm not google

>> No.51292828

the King of Shorts is butchering LUNC again!

>> No.51292830

1.5 k LUNC / 1M LUNC every 24 hours

>> No.51292851

It's awesome seeing ETH just dump a bad dragon on the market.

>> No.51292862

Zoom out.

>> No.51292863

King shitcoin took a big fat dump.

>> No.51292875


>> No.51292878
File: 160 KB, 1027x1200, C6260B9E-EB54-4E51-BE85-DB15DD725C18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the math. It’ll take 33 months and constant trading volume of the lowest bracket here to burn off enough to make Luna $1. That’s assuming volume is consistent (it won’t be) and all CEX adopt burn tax (they will) with that said I hope it gets to $10 eoy from meme magic fuck it

>> No.51292887

every time it dumps i sleep peacefully knowing how many low-T literal jeets and niggers panic sold at a loss and will buy back in later much higher kek

>> No.51292901


>> No.51292902

Absolute comedy
And better value than a lottery ticket

>> No.51292904

King of Sharts is a necessary sacrifice for the good of the project.

>> No.51292916
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Wow look at it dumping rn wow
Someone explain this Yawning Maw of Death though

>> No.51292925

Based and slootpilled

>> No.51292929
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kek really didn't hit us too hard, considering

>> No.51292932
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The king of Shorts is no match for CZ. He'll be out of Lunc very soon and then BAM !!! The combined power of CZ and the Bogs will annihilate his positions.

>> No.51292967

>King of Shorts is Rekt's Champion.
They both suck at their jobs tho

>> No.51292973


>> No.51292980


>> No.51292988

>someone explain this memeline “pattern” nobody has ever heard of
Start talking or go fuck yourself

>> No.51293000

Those digits activate my autism

>> No.51293027


>> No.51293076


>> No.51293103


>> No.51293113

Checked based anons

>> No.51293160
File: 21 KB, 554x554, terra_luna_classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Terra Luna Classic. The best LUNA cryptocurrency. I even ask for an extra burn tax and the devs are so friendly and willing to oblige.

One time I asked Terra Rebels for a 0.4 burn tax on all LUNC transactions but they gave me three. I said , 'Wow, that's 1.2%! Three for free! That nice dev Zaradar laughed and said, "In the metaverse I'm going to call you 3-for-free!"

Now in the LUNC generals all the anons greet me with "hey it's that faggot 3-for-free!" and always post broken english FUD and we all have a sensible chuckle. I go to these generals at least 3 times a week for dunk on redditors and harvest the memes. 1-2 times for the LUNC supply updates and proposal progress and maybe once at night for some retard FUDs posting under the same ID when I'm in a rush but need a good laugh.

I even burn my own LUNC with Do Kwon's burn address, it's fabulous! What a great crypto.

>> No.51293201

>bitcoin takes a shit

>> No.51293207


>> No.51293219

>Omg you’re right it’s over I sold we’re rekt
Nice try bitch

>> No.51293236
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>barely effects LUNC
I love LUNCs ability to weather the storm

>> No.51293237
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>> No.51293242

We're already recovering kek

>> No.51293272

Ladies and Gentlemen, euphoria has been activated

>> No.51293293


>> No.51293300
File: 626 KB, 640x640, 669E41CB-2FF4-40B5-A082-50D9405A3807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to try so hard?

>> No.51293302

A pre-burn crash isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.51293321

i thought we said no women allowed in our threads, go back to tik tok

>> No.51293342


checked my nigga

>> No.51293344

Team schizo is up like 3x a little correction is no biggie

>> No.51293369
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>> No.51293378
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For me, it's LUNA2. The best LUNA cryptocurrency. I even ask for an airdrop and the devs are so friendly and willing to oblige.

One time I asked Mr.Taekwon Do for a $20 price for all LUNA2 but they drop the price to two. I said , 'Wow, that's 2 dollars! sounds like Tuna for me ! That nice Mr. Taekwon Do laughed and said, "From now on I'm going to call you 2una baggies!"

Now in the LUNC generals all the anons greet me with "hey it's that 2una baggies!" and I always post broken english FUD and we all have a sensible chuckle. I go to these generals to fud at least 3 times a day for dunk on LUNChads and harvest the memes. 1-2 times for the LUNA2 Telegram FUD plan updates and proposal progress and maybe once at night to do FUDs posting under the same ID when I'm in a rush to my designated street but need a good laugh.

I even give my own LUNA2 to Mr.Taekwon Do wallet, it's fabulous! What a great crypto.

>> No.51293391

I started staking yesterday my coins are now locked for 21days or its something else+ or much fee to withdraw ?

>> No.51293409

If it's anything like the last time it's going to dump a little and then recover for a few days before the next leg up.

>> No.51293437

Rewards are available immediately but the amount staked is locked for 21 days. You need to initiate the withdrawal to begin the 21 days as well I believe.

>> No.51293442

>Mr. Taekwon Do

>> No.51293456
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Checked and correct. I’m already on a beach right now in the Caribbean with my LUNC money. Fudders have no power over me. Been in since late May.

>> No.51293464
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Okay, I am just asking why the bottom line in the Bollinger strat is so low bro
Legit I've only been at this for a year, but I've never seen that before

>> No.51293481

Fellas, I just did the math, and it looks like a $1,000,000 buy order would completely destroy shorts and the order book and probably take this thing to a penny or close to it. If anyone has fat pockets and wants to start an apocalyptic event for faggot-ass gay cryptobears, this is your literal ticket.

>> No.51293512
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The struggle is real.

>> No.51293516

This coin is undunkable. .01 is inevitable

>> No.51293524

Legit, probably some sort of fuckery or UI issue, zoomie. Calm down. Wagmi.

>> No.51293532
File: 63 KB, 460x460, 476E8287-E508-4A9A-84D1-E4D57D6CB8F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you realize whales are selling btc to buy lunc

>> No.51293569
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TA noob here.

We might be getting another triangle here, although this one looks like it will resolve itself a lot faster

>> No.51293580

Lmao funny but in a way, i can see it happening. Where else are you gonna make money right now?

>> No.51293583

damn i thought i could withdraw anytime i want after 21 day its after I initiate yes guess I'll wait 1$ to withdraw i dont even have lunc left in my wallet to withdraw ibe dumb

>> No.51293601
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>> No.51293608
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Time to buy

>> No.51293636

fuck the supressors
Can't go beyond 0.0004 and if it goes past that, some kike whale make it go to 0.0003 again

>> No.51293644

We were crabbing like this for a while before establishing support at 30+. The pumps to 40 were a bit more violent though.

>> No.51293659

Kek btc and the whole market could plummet.
Lunc still holds fine. It is the chosen one

>> No.51293684
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>> No.51293712
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thank you simon very cool

>> No.51293742

even king shitcoin cant bring us down

>> No.51293808

Lol anyone else notice CMC putting 2una on trending instead of LUNC

>> No.51293867

Good. I don’t want normies in my coin for $400/1m anyway.

>> No.51293908

what are the odds

>> No.51293944

Interlinking defies odds

>> No.51294002

Checked and interlinked.

>> No.51294033

They're dumping btc to supress lunc, little do they know that bobo has no power over the chosen one.

>> No.51294067

It wouldn't surprise me if people are dumping BTC to buy LUNC

>> No.51294123

Oh boy here we go again. Just don’t spam your cock again.

>> No.51294173

As a Redditor with years of experience trading with highly intelligent individuals, I will not be touching this until it gets to 0.01.

>> No.51294197

Good :)

>> No.51294220

Sold. I'll buy back at sub-20.

>> No.51294238


>> No.51294241


You'll be good. Once we get to $1 it'll probably crab for weeks so act accordingly. I plan on unstaking at around .10

>> No.51294270
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Wait a hecking minute. Why would you touch this before $1? Everyone should just put on some rick and morty and fuck their furry BIOPIC gf (male)

>> No.51294278
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Dubs confirms this

>> No.51294285

Actually might be here awhile. It's a significant resistance. 45 is the end of the 4th fib extension. You'll notice it's also the genesis wick ath.

>> No.51294312


>> No.51294322

im putting in a hundred more bucks once this retraces

>> No.51294362

We’re probably going to see resistance at each step up for a while. 20, 30, 40, 50, etc until we start getting closer to a cent

>> No.51294363


>> No.51294371
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>> No.51294456

I guess those degenerates will get their cheapies after all

>> No.51294467


>> No.51294476

Any chance we hit below .00025 again?

>> No.51294483


>> No.51294486

Decent chance

>> No.51294494

This is just a pull back forming a massive cup and handle

>> No.51294511


>> No.51294517

Why the fuck is this dumping? I thought we were going to .001? I just sold, fuck this shit

>> No.51294528
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when snibbity snab i buy more

>> No.51294539

Just sold my LUNC, 50mil. I'm trans BTW.

>> No.51294552

>0.00041 to 0.00038
>while buttcorn is threatening to hit 18k to boot
JIDF/CTR, shut the fuck up.

>> No.51294566
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I thought we were so I could slurp some more cheapies. But I don't think we will drop below 3 anytime soon

>> No.51294571

Coordinated fud by the jews right on time! everytime i go to sleep and wake up the luna price is higher, fuck off

>> No.51294609

Burn postponed to next year february. See news!

>> No.51294618

LFG!! We will be pumping until then

>> No.51294645
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Post bussy and feminine penis

>> No.51294671

still can't buy you a real vagina or xx chromosomes, have fun taking substances to cope the rest of your life

>> No.51294677

1pbtid fud every time theres a pullback
like clockwork

>> No.51294723

It could be foreseen. Crashing straight to zero.

>> No.51294725

We're going down lads

>> No.51294748

BTC sub 19k, fighting to stay afloat

>> No.51294778
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its over.... or is it

>> No.51294790
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>> No.51294795

slurp team engage

>> No.51294805

it hasn't even begun

>> No.51294808
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>> No.51294811

do people come here to tell me they sold their bags and fud? is this some kind of a kindergarten
if you sold good luck and fuck off the thread you only come here because deep inside you feel left out

>> No.51294822

my bastards we are going down

>> No.51294824
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>> No.51294833

>Minor correction after pumping over 300% in the past week while BTC dumps
Driving my tuk tuk into the Ganges now sers.

>> No.51294837

BTC is fucking everyone in the ass right now

>> No.51294840

Support at .000327 we should bounce
It’s a health correction

>> No.51294845

go outside emotional female nigger

>> No.51294853

fresh >>51294849

>> No.51294864

checking these digits and staying optimistic, we're going to have corrections on the road to $1

>> No.51294893
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seems like the whole market is taking a dump

>> No.51294894
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Im cold as ice brother

>> No.51294915
File: 678 KB, 1433x776, 20220422_131453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>told about head-and-shoukders fractals
>told I went all-in with my last 1M
>told God Hates me
You were warned as soon as I bought anon.

>> No.51295039
File: 707 KB, 661x1000, WAGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC keeps dumping and we get a nice bounce. Get fucked boomer coin.

>> No.51295212

Bitfuck should go to zero!

>> No.51295433

Sold at 42, what's the bottom gonna be? I want to buy back in

>> No.51295700
File: 41 KB, 1024x712, 1657757831183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paper fucking hands, we mooning again

>> No.51295750

Or maybe the world doesn't revolve around you ? That said we'll sacrifice you to Kek and burn your heart just in case.

>> No.51295839

not saying you're wrong, but 1 million dollars in a buy order sounds far too low to even budge the coin's price. we're at 2.6 billion dollars of volume, how on Earth would 1 million even dent that?

>> No.51296028
File: 381 KB, 1080x1924, 1662335019442000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fucking monkey. let's go baboona bros

>> No.51296457

Brothers please tell me my buy order at .00024 will fill