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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.35 MB, 800x600, Australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51293879 No.51293879 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51293910

Are you god? Because you are literally the most perfect creation.

>> No.51293949
File: 1.95 MB, 498x262, 1662314916870616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first, obligatory tits or gtfo
Now that's out of the way:
what crypto is good crypto?
when will the depression begin?

>> No.51293977

What hotel do your pilots like to be lodged in?

>> No.51293995

Why didn't you get the fuck out yet

>> No.51294005

Why you never mention Link you dirty albinigger

>> No.51294007

>Are you god?
>what crypto is good crypto?
I like Doge.
I like it.
>when will the depression begin?
>What hotel do your pilots like to be lodged in?
Can't really answer that.

>> No.51294039
File: 66 KB, 600x1079, photo_2022-09-03_21-05-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you buying some Hiroki 0x5dc1962bece0f0753268604a8d7f3e89a16ae851

>> No.51294043

>Why didn't you get the fuck out yet
>Why you never mention Link you dirty albinigger

>> No.51294095
File: 126 KB, 510x800, Commonsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize this is Mongolian basket weaving forum, right?

>> No.51294102

No but honestly screenshot your tits with timestamp. I want to see those meaty manbags.

>> No.51294118

Fair enough. Need any cyber security people with nearly 30 years experience? :-) I can’t get in the front door at starlink.

>> No.51294169

Can I have some dogecoin?


>> No.51294170

>You do realize this is Mongolian basket weaving forum, right?
I like it more now.
>No but honestly screenshot your tits with timestamp. I want to see those meaty manbags.
You don't know what you're asking for. They are not that pretty. lol

>> No.51294207

>Fair enough. Need any cyber security people with nearly 30 years experience? :-) I can’t get in the front door at starlink.
We always do.

>> No.51294214

What is the bitcoin bottom?

>> No.51294230
File: 93 KB, 252x311, Screenshot from 2022-09-06 11-07-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51294288


>> No.51294302
File: 241 KB, 2000x1000, christiannationalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey elon, if i promise to breed will you hire me? im a fire lookout.

>> No.51294324
File: 45 KB, 698x698, EsabAU4WMAUeckD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-Mr. Musk sir! Will $QOM in fact flip $SHIB and be the next world wide accepted cryptocurrency after Bitcoin crashes and dies spectacularly? Thank you Mr. Musk sir!

>> No.51294337

She's so cute bros....

>> No.51294338

how many times will you post this pic cumbro

>> No.51294344
File: 33 KB, 672x676, 1532017136581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51294347

Are you a morning person or a night owl? How far in advance do you keep a schedule to meet with world leaders?

>> No.51294356

Why would you want that anon?

>> No.51294382

your tesla tunnels are a joke
just build trains

>> No.51294384

>Are you a morning person or a night owl? How far in advance do you keep a schedule to meet with world leaders?
Night owl. Depends. Lately been doing remote calls.

>> No.51294420

Favorite crypto? Favorite porn star?

>> No.51294448

>Favorite crypto?
I like Doge.

>> No.51294460

how big is your dick? be honest

>> No.51294472

>how big is your dick? be honest
Big enough I would say. lol

>> No.51294484

pic with timestamp or gtfo

>> No.51294516

I'm age 35 KHHV. I have 100K saved. I thought I'd make it by now.

What advice do you have for me?

My biggest mistake was paying off my student loans in full. Had I invested that 30K in BTC instead, I'd be a millionaire right now. But I took the responsible route, and now all I have is a good credit score. Are you hiring. My goal is 500K then retire, I have a degree in CS and 7 yes exp.

>> No.51294550

When will Starlink have lasercom up and running?

>> No.51294549

Wen mars m8? Can you make it whites only?

>> No.51294577

Who's your favorite norwegian?

>> No.51294585

>My biggest mistake was paying off my student loans in full.
>Wen mars m8? Can you make it whites only?
>When will Starlink have lasercom up and running?
Very soon. Jan. 24 deadline was rough though.

>> No.51294591

Why are you even posting here? This is a chainlink board.

>> No.51294605

What's up with the SpaceX employees and Tesla employees and JPL labs employees all being on hardcore drugs so often. I mean I get it, drugs, but is there some sort of conspiracy there or what?
Capt: GMRG8

>> No.51294635

can confirm
used to get some good coke from spacex cats
those holiday parties were always a good time

>> No.51294639

>What's up with the SpaceX employees and Tesla employees and JPL labs employees all being on hardcore drugs so often. I mean I get it, drugs, but is there some sort of conspiracy there or what?
Don't know what you mean, but it does like a conspiracy.

>> No.51294653

Listen up faggot, you ruined Grimes’ music.

>> No.51294667


Which ending in Deus Ex do you prefer and why is it the Icarus merging one? :) Are there any other classic PC games that you felt were formative for you?

>> No.51294668

> Jan. 24 deadline was rough though.
What are some obstacles yet to overcome?

>> No.51294670

Are you the modern day Howard Hughes?

>> No.51294684

Do you see yourself owning Twitter a year from now?

>> No.51294682 [DELETED] 

why do you not refer to yourself as an african american more often?

>> No.51294703

what do you think of overlay networks for merchants?

>> No.51294706

You know who owns the media, right? How do people with status such as yourself deal with the existence of the cabal? Is it just an unspoken agreement that you'll work for them?

>> No.51294761
File: 58 KB, 600x400, 1662387869292389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0x9d29dea8397a6c0af34ad9aedd9015a2662664f1 ; it begins, dexscreener. get in mofos

>> No.51294788

>Which ending in Deus Ex do you prefer and why is it the Icarus merging one?
Merge with Helios.
>Are you the modern day Howard Hughes?
No, but I did write a paper about him.>>51294684
>Do you see yourself owning Twitter a year from now?
I can not comment on that.
>what do you think of overlay networks for merchants?
Good progression.
>You know who owns the media, right? How do people with status such as yourself deal with the existence of the cabal? Is it just an unspoken agreement that you'll work for them?
I tune them out, mostly.

>> No.51294831

Do you say nigger, i dare you to say nigger on twitter

>> No.51294866

Is our humble forum commonly known about amongst elite types? Do you know other high profiles who come here?

>> No.51294882

Faggot post nigger on your Twitter rn or you're fake in which case go fuck yourself

>> No.51294887

Hey Elon, thanks for visiting.
Do you think any new industries will boom in the next 10 years?

>> No.51294904

This. Doesn't have to relate to biz either, good proof.

>> No.51294909

This thread is fake and homosexual

>> No.51294931

>Is our humble forum commonly known about amongst elite types? Do you know other high profiles who come here?
Ever since the media named dropped, some have looked. Yes.
>Do you think any new industries will boom in the next 10 years?
Ev for sure.

>> No.51294960

does this company keep you up at night or nah?

>> No.51294962

why are you larping as elon musk?

>> No.51294966

timestamped tits or gtfo

>> No.51294975

Okay, then what will fix the battery bottleneck? Will it be the mythical graphene batteries?

>> No.51294999

How freaked out were you when you wrecked your Mclaren F1?

Aren't you concerned that lithium mining and the added stress on the electric grid of millions of people charging their cars every night will ultimately make EV cars less green as time goes on? Arguably even worse in some ways than ICE cars are now?

Why is the cybertruck taking so long to come to market? Ford and the literally who company of Rivian beat you to the punch.

>> No.51295014

I was being serious. :(

>> No.51295021
File: 508 KB, 868x3280, 4stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, what group of people will save america from cultural subversion as prescribed by yuri bezmenov?
Will it be the Amish birth rates? Because if Mormons take over, we may be doomed.

>> No.51295024

Why no Tesla stores in South America?

>> No.51295047

>How freaked out were you when you wrecked your Mclaren F1?
We shall not talk about that. lol
>Why no Tesla stores in South America?
Fulfillment hurdles, but branching soon.

>> No.51295100

I want to raise a progeny of intelligent but street smart children. Wagmi bros it’s our job to max human growth. Also are you on a buy twitter for cheapies?

>> No.51295122

If you won’t make Mars whites only can you at least tweet something stupid about LUNC so I can make a down payment on a house and raise white kids? Thanks.
Also, what do you think of Grimes’ music, REALLY? It seems like shitty pseudo-occult nonsense to me.

>> No.51295138


Could you make a subtle tweet that some how acknowledges this was actually you? That would be awesome. Helios ending is confirmed the best.

>> No.51295144
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1634295895306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is working at Tesla as soul-crushing as people say? All my electrical eng classmates tried getting into tesla after graduation. The consensus was that it was the only place cool enough for conventional electrical engineers.
I switched to software because I hated placing receptacles on autocad drawings every day.

>> No.51295153

Why the new Starlink modem lacks status LEDs?

>> No.51295183

What is the current biggest threat to humanity that you can foresee, and what is a possible solution?
Bonus question, why are you on biz of all places, at 3 in the afternoon?
Bonus bonus question, why no timestamp?

>> No.51295207

Could you verify by sending one eth here, thank you bloody sir


>> No.51295206

trains are nice in nice societies

>> No.51295227
File: 72 KB, 560x783, Amber-heard-met-costume-institute-gala-2016-in-new-york-25-560x783-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Amber a good fuck?
Is her pusy aesthetic?

>> No.51295237

You know BSV is the real Bitcoin, right?

>> No.51295238
File: 86 KB, 1406x763, 1631171492003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your crypto address?

>> No.51295260


she's a spoiled princess.
when you fuck her you need to put her in her place and treat her like the $2 dollar whore she is.

>> No.51295273

city solar

>> No.51295329

she'll shit in your bed for free

>> No.51295358

Also I don’t care about twitter but yeah also can you pump lunc for the god candle pls that would be pretty epic comeback for those btfod by Luna Terra.

>> No.51295414

Also send a dummy dressed as a clown into space that would be a topkek thx bye

>> No.51295426
File: 90 KB, 500x389, 1643517148649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, go beg on twatter you mong

>> No.51295591

Thoughts on the Gamestop situation. Are we at the precipice?

>> No.51295666

c-c-checked I got mega rekt in crypto this year so i will post my doge wallet just in case this is not larp kek
