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File: 635 KB, 800x420, BBBY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51290603 No.51290603 [Reply] [Original]

The guy in charge threw himself off a building, have some cope.


>> No.51290714

lmao let me guess this is bullish for the stock?

>they got pumped and dumped by redditnigs AGAIn kek

>> No.51290736

Just bought in this morning 800 shares at $7.32

>> No.51290975

I'll buy if/when it drops under $5.00 again. Not because I believe it's a good long-term investment, but I think it will pop if they're able to starve off bankruptcy for another 6-9 months

>> No.51291036

sitting on 13k contemplating the same move.

>> No.51291082

Not gonna go lower than 7. It only dropped a dollar because the media is having fun with the CFO suicide. The lawsuit is a nonstarter. Look up the firm on Google, they have like 20 1 star reviews from months ago for being a shady firm engaged in lawsuits designed to help short sellers

>> No.51291131

>Look up the firm on Google, they have like 20 1 star reviews from months ago for being a shady firm engaged in lawsuits designed to help short sellers

The competency of a law firm is based on their success rate and settlement/judgment amount and not their Google reviews

>> No.51291134

Then when did your CFO kill himself?

>> No.51291178

there's a gap at $6.20 but after that we'll fill the upward gaps

>> No.51291231
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>> No.51291238
File: 176 KB, 443x659, 1629143700588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who think shorts being 150% of the float or whatever is evil, I have a hypothetical:

CORP issues one share total. Person B1 buys it for $100.
Person S1 borrows the share from B1 and sells it to person B2.
S2 borrows the share from B2 and sells it to B3.

Now there are three people with claims on a share, while CORP is only aware of one share. The short to float is 300%.
CORP issues a divvy of $1 to B3, S1 and S2 pay $1 to B1 and B2.
This is all legal, my question is - which part do you consider abusive?

Like, yeah, B1 and B2 and B3 can illegally collude to squeeze the shorties, at least in this contrived example with very few participants. But usually the opinion seems to be that the shorts are the ones being evil or whatever?

>> No.51291303

all options should be put back from where they came from - jewish asses

>> No.51291324

>this is how hedgies justify dumping massive amounts of synthetic shares onto shareholders

Only one share should exist, period. All this bullshit about "IOUs" needs to go. Settlement should be t+0. The only reason this needless complexity exists is so hedgies can have control over the stock market, and that's the issue.

>> No.51291359

this has nothing to do with settlement time, S1 and S2 can be short for 10 years if they want to, as long as B1 and B2 try to vote their shares or sell them

>> No.51291386

nice strawman, it doesn't change the fact that only 1 share should exist. You're dancing around this because you know it's fucked up. They're able to abuse these tactics to create non-issued shares out of thin air, and they do just that to artificially manipulate the price.

>> No.51291689

I asked a specific question - which part of this do you consider abusive
you say that only one share should exist
to me this says that you think the whole practice of shorting should be illegal - as soon as a share is borrowed, its abuse?

>> No.51291718

yes, selling something you don't own should be illegal.

>> No.51291866

Shares available to short comes from shares bought on margin. Short sellers are borrowing from brokers and market makers, not individuals who bought shares with cash. In order to make short selling illegal you would have to make loaning property illegal. Shorting essentially functions as a loan

>> No.51292017

>Shares available to short comes from shares bought on margin.
I dont think thats true unless your definition of margin includes IBKR cash accounts that have enabled SYEP. Even ignoring those, are brokers really not allowed to loan out shares bought by cash accounts?

>> No.51292079

>new CFO is a woman
its actually over

>> No.51292100

The huge drop, closing half the stores, only investor wanting a turnaround bailing with your money, and the CFO killing himself didn't teach you?

>> No.51292243
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>> No.51292278

it's the chief accounting officer same as gamestop and it's only interim


>> No.51292295


>> No.51292538


>> No.51292609
File: 345 KB, 1920x1080, 1648192337890.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got any hopium or copium I can huff on? I'm feeling pretty sad right now as a mega baggie

>> No.51292639

Kill yourself YHWH

>> No.51292641

Maybe an asteroid will hit before BBBY declares bankruptcy

>> No.51292659

im not yahweh

>> No.51293482
File: 137 KB, 769x1080, over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.51293661
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>> No.51293692

So, they totally killed that dude to drop the price lower, right? Right?

>> No.51293990
File: 1.17 MB, 1136x640, 08604925-4A0D-40DF-9818-A978858ECDEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it’s borrowed, it should show up like it would in Aave as aBBBY. Then the lender would not have voting rights or even hold the token. It’s their hybrid “lending” creating scheme that allows them to “borrow” shares without us knowing, and telling us we still have the share.

>> No.51294037
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 1661874650258218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMC (original distraction stock) outperforming AMC2 (distraction sequel)
>now gets a woman CFO

>> No.51294060

i wish an asteroid would drop on my head at this point

>> No.51294215

Yes, by a whole dollar and 50 cents.

>> No.51294316
File: 51 KB, 1024x819, 1660194062934807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm a complete retard but im still gonna hold. I wanna see what happens and if it all goes down the shitter so be it. I wont be out more than I can eat on cost so might as well ride this to the end. The memetics on this stock are strong.

>> No.51295845

>down 20%

if this doesn't open your eyes that blatant crime is taking place, nothing will

>> No.51295951

whats happening is a company is blatantly going into a spiral of debt followed by bankruptcy after losing $4.50 per share in three months

>> No.51296287

go back

>> No.51296313

If the stock price drops another $0.75 then all BBBY discussion will be banned on wsb because they ban the discussion of tickers with a sub 500M market cap hahahahahahahaha

>> No.51296643

then normies won't be fudded by the ridiculous incessant shilling and the next time it goes above 500M market cap it will be in a bull run and people will fomo

>> No.51296762

This company is above 400% shorted (on free float) by some calculations

Its like an atom bomb waiting to explode

Im B4 shill, baggie

I only have 500 bucks in this

>> No.51297587
File: 145 KB, 700x866, e4f1694cff8360b315a945d5063ccce4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any pics or videos of the jump? i looked on /b/ and /pol/ and couldn't find anything. weird

>> No.51297630

I'm not selling. Not because I'm hardcore about the stock or anything. But it's apart of the meme basket that will shoot up with GME so I'll still be able to turn the 20 shares from BBBY I own into $20,000 or some shit. But then again GME MOASS will make me a multi billionaire so it doesn't really matter. Still not selling until then though.

>> No.51297672

So what exactly is going on? Institutions are not selling, retail probably is not selling, and even if they were, for it to drop more than 15% all on just news of CFO killing himself? They already got a new CFO. This shit seems sus as fuck.

>> No.51297693

>Institutions are not selling

>> No.51297756

how would you even know there arent institutions selling? I don't have a stake in bbby one way or another but it sounds like youre making shit it up to cope

>> No.51298541

>for it to drop more than 15% all on just news of CFO killing himself
i love how all you baggots love to leave out that he was involved in a pump and dump scheme the details or extent haven't been confirmed yet but what we do know is that it's bad enough that taking a step off a ledge on the 18th floor, or if you believe some conspiritards, being tossed off to keep him quiet, was a better option that facing that shit.

>> No.51298583

Im surprised it only dropped 15% desu. Can you imagine the dump Tesla would take if Elon threw himself off a building AND it emerged he had been under investigation? Would tank 50%. Quite frankly im impressed by bbbys staying power even as someone shorting

>> No.51298660

He an hero'd because he made a bunch of money insider trading illegally.

can the SEC sue the estate / wife to take their money away to pay back the money he stole from investors?

>> No.51299382

>Institutions are not selling
>retail probably is not selling
Smart retail sold in the 20s when it was clearly over. Dumb retail sold once Cohen confirmed it was over. It’s just actual retards left now who I presume will sell their remaining $36 worth to buy the next bag of magic beans Reddit tells them will make them rich