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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51290444 No.51290444 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't the government just forgive $100,000 or so on everyone's mortgage payments? Mortgage loans are just as predatory as student loans, and should be forgiven as well. Think of all the money that would be free'd up to spend on local American goods and services. The only people that would be mad are boomers and Xers who already paid off their house.

>> No.51290453

you can walk away from a mortgage. student loans are non-dischargeable.

>> No.51290496

Because then it would make housing costs increase by $100k as suddenly everyone could afford to buy more.
Unless you're suggesting only current mortgages, which would just be leaving younger millennials and zoomers out to dry.
Plenty of other options, like not giving black people billions of dollars a year.

>> No.51290498

>Just be homeless bro

>> No.51290538

Just make it only apply to mortgages for permanent residencies, simple as. The vast majority of that money would not make it back into the housing market.

>> No.51290580

>which would just be leaving younger millennials and zoomers out to dry.
They're getting their student loans forgiven, so I doubt they'd care if some other people got some financial aide as well. Also, who's to say a younger millenial or zoomer doesn't already own a small home?

>> No.51290584

You can’t walk away from a mortgage because you can’t carry your house in your hands with you

>> No.51290631

the plan is for blackrock to own your neighborhood and the government to subsidize your neighbors rent for diversity inclusion equity, they have no intention of helping you

>> No.51290713

Nobody's forgiving shit. The taxpayer (your children, but you probably don't have any) are taking on the debt. Furthermore, no law will be sought which benefits homeowners, because they're usually white.

>> No.51290733

Nice fear porn narrative. Now take a look at a racial dot map and tell me they aren't fine with self-segregation.

>> No.51290752

>Furthermore, no law will be sought which benefits homeowners, because they're usually white.
kek yeah except for mortgage interest tax deductions, homestead exemptions for property taxes, 1031 like-kind exchanges, etc.

>> No.51290763

Just go get a student loan and then run off with the money and never pay it back. Ezpz. Writing is on the wall.

>> No.51290842

why not just give everyone a free $100k to use for their down payment?

>> No.51290927

>giving hood niggers $100k to pump into the housing market

>> No.51290961
File: 62 KB, 828x950, monerochan33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then i want to get $100k too because I didn't get a mortgage and live with my dad. by choice. cuz i dn't want debt or consoom. i deserve that $100k. maybe even $150k caause I don't want to move out and consoom more. than you mortgage plebs

>> No.51290996

Too bad you missed the Super Schmita. Only debtchads get their loans forgiven.

>> No.51291037

ok then i'll become a mega leech.

>> No.51291317

Then why do you bitch about housing if it’s so good goy?

>> No.51291352

You're a grown man who lives with his parent. Pathetic.