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51268874 No.51268874 [Reply] [Original]

Is 200k in crypto right now (ETH/BTC/some random shitcoin) and 1k added each month from now on enough to make it in the next bullrun 2024-2025

>> No.51268884

Dude you would have already made it even in the bear market if you had a good entry in LUNC

>> No.51268900

fuck off scammer

>> No.51268904

It's not enough sorry. Your 200k will be below 100k in a few months.

>> No.51268962

damn its really over isnt it? im glad i saw this post... just sold everything thanks bro

>> No.51268984

I just want to quit waging forever HOLY FUCK is that too much to ask for

>> No.51269159

>next bullrun

Well OP, at least (You) are not this retarded.

>> No.51269170

When bear market fully kicks it will be worth 50k

>> No.51269843

You are fine dude

>> No.51270107

Yngmi zoomer. Lunc is bullshit and the market is gravitating towards privacy protocols.

>> No.51270126

Kek it’s literally pumping 20% and been consistently pumping

>> No.51270133

No one can tell when the next bullrun would come retard. It would be better to DCA and help yourself.

>> No.51270163

That can only happen if the burn is in place.

>> No.51270169

No one wants to be a wagie anymore.

>> No.51270183

50? maybe 10 when blood is on the streets

>> No.51270220

The next bull run would revolve around niches like privacy and asset security anon. The incessant hacks in the space are testaments to this fact.

>> No.51270449

if anyone lurking is in this situation dont do this
the 1k monthly will not move the needle anymore, better to save up that money in either cash or stables for
either a further crash you buy in at the crash lows with all your accumulated capital
or no further crash you use the added funds for some high risk bets on shitcoins later in the cycle

>> No.51270462

>My gambling shitcoin keeps going up bros I have $120 now!

>> No.51270476

This was the final bull run. NFTs and DeFi scams/hacks have woken the world up to how stupid crypto is.

>> No.51270586

kek,what kinda dumb advise is this fag, when we have some very exciting projects in the space that can give you some very good profits when the bear is finally over

>> No.51270897

Yeah i will agree with you on this one because privacy will certainly become the next big thing and considering the fact that Railgun just launched a Relayer feature that will hide users' transactions even while paying for gas fee

>> No.51270958

Yeah anon but one needs to thread with caution

>> No.51271068

>chud thinks we only put in $20
Some of us can afford to gamble a few gs chuddy

>> No.51271164

Not sure what's more retarded and the bigger scam: HBAR or LUNC

>> No.51271316

If you have 200k right now then i will advise you to look into some web3 projects that give you different options for your investment

>> No.51271374

hey idiot you can't get it wrong with a project that is compatible with all chains like Ore protocol btw why will you say Defi is a scam fag

>> No.51271474

yes, you'll x10 in the next bullrun that will happen in the next couple months

>> No.51272384
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>Next bullrun

>> No.51272479
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In the next what?

>> No.51272485
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It's coming quick anon. And data security is going to be a big thing then, I can see platforms like sylo already got it covered.

>> No.51272617

x10 is sounding like a wet dream. Why not just find an income stream to grow from the ground up.

>> No.51272663

Double your spending and drop the random shitcoin. This is essentially how I became a millionaire between 2018 and 2021.

>> No.51274855

the shitcoins only makes up like 2% of my folio. It's link and ada (please no bully)
I'm picking up a part time slave job on top of my fulltime one to bump it up to maybe 1300-1400 a month (I'm a europoor, thats a lot of money here).

What did you do once you reached 7 figs?

>> No.51275580

>btc is dying at the bottom of cycle instead of having recovery run
>eth is not gaining when merge is 2 days away
>next bull run

>> No.51275608

lots of pajeetery itt
200k will be enough
buy truebit

>> No.51276201
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Depends on what you buy in the first place.
LINK = ngmi
SHINJA = gmi
LUNC = ngmi
BNB = gmi


>> No.51276211

How do you guys know what to buy nowadays... None of my calls or (old) strats work anymore... It's all so randomly picked...

>> No.51276214


>> No.51276220
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Yeah I'm thinking ummmm BASED.

>> No.51276226

Telegram, retard

>> No.51276351
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Don't forget to grab a bag on Hiroki, this thing is holding well & delivered a lot of stuff, only retards ignore BSC's potential for a quick 2x+
CA: 0x5dc1962bece0f0753268604a8d7f3e89a16ae851

>> No.51276544

Idk I’m in the exact same boat as you OP but with 180k in rn I could YOLO in 2k a month over the next 6 months and also have 30k on the sidelines (only comfortable using 10k of it to buy any major dips) so I pray to fucking god we can still make it. If Link actually gets it together I think we will be ok assuming you are an OG with a decent stack.

>> No.51276822

I cashed out a little bit to put down payments on a house and car last year. I continue to buy btc and eth every week.

>> No.51276919
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DEO Arena releases soon anon. My two cents. Blockchain vidya usually performs well so you might as well. Buy Axie too. And Alice. 200k is enough to distribute among Gamefi stuffs.

>> No.51276924
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$JEWEL traumatized me beyond reparation, anon.

>> No.51276928

just farm 200k on usdt flexible savings lol youll make like $100 a month

>> No.51276932

is 100 m/o good enough in your country anon? :3

>> No.51276941

I will never forget Alice holy shit those were the days. Did the game ever release in the first place or was it all just pure speculation? Kek

>> No.51276969


>> No.51277134

get a token whose product is used like ride. that way, increased adoption and more profits to be bagged

>> No.51277269

based. solid projects. I know the tech doesn't matter but that's what determines if the product will be used. something that addresses privacy in communication. I know sylo got that covered.

>> No.51278225

holy smokes the bots are out of control here

>> No.51278284

Yeah, if you could if you got good low cap gems like holoride.

>> No.51279475

I made x250 from march 2020 to may 2021 but my starting position was only $300

If you repeat what i did (Which's basically nothing special, Only invested in mid-high cap fundamental projects and rotated once or twice successfully, In fact, Throughout the whole bullmarket i felt like i missing out on many gains) you'll have $60m next bullmarket, And consider that previous bullmarket was really underwhelming..

Now i'm back to 4 figs hell, Hoping to max at low-mid 7 figs next bullmarket

>> No.51279696

Not bad. I'm anticipating it going live before the end of Q4

>> No.51279736

There won’t be another bull run lol. It’s over.

>> No.51279739

Just get in on platforms that would survive the bear market chad. One I've spotted so far is sylo which brings privacy and data security to users in the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.51279909

I think the metaverse and VR tech would be another sector to harness more adoption in crypto, kind of like what holoride is working on.

>> No.51280360


>> No.51282477

holoride has quality partnerships to help them penetrate the market. just a matter of time

>> No.51284681

Y'all retarded LUNC shillers better follow the right path by investing in fundamentals instead of shitcoins. Projects focused on Web3,Asset management and Crosschain interoperability are the next big trend in crypto be wise.

>> No.51284705

Its over for the LUNC fags not everybody.

>> No.51284758

The space needs privacy, the rate of hacks and exploits are getting out of hand, Hiding transaction details to avoid it being traced to wallets should be the new normal.

>> No.51284772


>> No.51284801

NO 1 can time the market but I have a gut feeling a surge in the demand for web3 focused projects will be the sign of the beginning of the bull season. Just watch out for projects Linking web2 to web3.

>> No.51284837

Privacy protocols should be more than the gains, they are needed for their utility, imo transaction privacy is the last line for asset and wallet safety.

>> No.51284868

Yes. $1Mm+ NAV coming your way

>> No.51284880


>> No.51284934

Good for you,now put that money on some based lowcap. You can check out any on the list

>> No.51284953

No incel I dont think so, the hacks just shows how important we need to prioritize security and on-chain privacy.

>> No.51285014

I currently hodl 3 projects in different niches asset management, Data management and NFT support with potential to do atleast 10x each. Crypto aint dead.

>> No.51285050

Makes sense, the crypto payment industry is about to get in bigger and more secured. I have always said it, privacy is all we need to clean up the space.

>> No.51285070

>web3 projects that give you different options for your investment
Drop names anon, I need to update my folio.

>> No.51285097

I have been seeing Ore protocol linked to multichains access and web3, redpill me anon.

>> No.51285126

Security is needed in every aspect of crypto including our Identities especially with this onset of web3.

>> No.51285154

Yes if that random coin is HIROKI™
hirokitoken[.]com give it a lookie before ((they)) suppress the truth

>> No.51285203


>> No.51285226

Taxes are still real bro and wagie minimum income is shit.

>> No.51285277

But you know LINK is not going anywhere, just put your money in a proper project,just dyor and you find some solid projects in the space. Privacy protocols are my favs now, there's definitely a need for them in the market.

>> No.51285315

>privacy and data security to users in the crypto ecosystem
There are couple of solid projects I know with these usecases

>> No.51285374
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Thanks dude
Sometimes this is what I need

>> No.51285393

The seethe this caused kek

>> No.51285547

check this shitcoin DC

https://www.coingecko.. com/fr/pi%C3%A8ces/dogechain

>> No.51285780
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Don't be a fool, the market is down even fundamental projects are bleeding profusely, only way to survive the bear right now is by staking in a reliable network like binance, cryptocom, nexo and even freeway

>> No.51285852

10x, seems you having a wet dream. I think people who stake btc and other cryptos at this moment really have balls of steel. This is actually what matters right now

>> No.51285892

I wonder why anyone would be investing in shit coins at a time like this. They're probably gonna just rug pull and run with your money. OP is a retard I'm afraid

>> No.51285929

Are you kidding? That's exactly what everyone should stake at this time. They have long term holding value and they're at a low price

>> No.51286095

Asset management seem to be the way to go at this moment. Especially projects like freeway which also offer very good APYs in addition to safeguarding your assets.

>> No.51286120

It would always boil down to staking and long term holding. I think most people might not have become familiar with the idea of deliberate investments in the crypto space

>> No.51286198

Most likely, they haven't fallen in a trap. We actually need projects with working products. This is why I like the idea of supercharging

>> No.51286202

ETH/BTC to conserve your money
EGLD/SOL/MATIC to grow your money gradually
QANX/KDA/LINK to become wealthy.

>> No.51286228
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if you have that much to throw, put it in Ethereum, Dot and a few web3 coins like Sylo or Fil

this board is filled with retarded swingers desu

>> No.51286233
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Just Invest in Bitcoin, it will never be shut down.

>> No.51286250

I also like the fact that 80% of all profits made in the platform is sent back to the users in the liquidity pool

>> No.51286298

You are missing out crypto payment niche, the best of them all

>> No.51286355
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Based. Don't forget payment systems anon. Traction is already there. Banks on the metaverse are slowly coming to life.

>> No.51286367

Lmao. Easy to spot fags. They'll miss payment solutions and the innovations of CryptoXpress. Don't care. They will continue to die poor.

>> No.51286383

I love your plan, but to be better, I'll say you have some stables as backups, which will be staked through Spool. this way you get rewards and you can withdraw when you like in case of emergency.

>> No.51286548

>the crypto payment industry is about to get in bigger
Well said. We are getting there gradually. Happy to see Xpress taking that step. Just a matter of time.

>> No.51286561

Then educate yourself. No one is here to spoonfeed anyone. Research got me cryptoxpress staking rewards. It's not rocket science.

>> No.51286566

Only projects with strong fundamentals will survive, and with the attention, the DeFi terminal is getting from other projects, I can say Allianceblock is a good one to look into as well.

>> No.51286661
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UTK is one of the best web3 tokens out there. Don't sleep on it.

>> No.51287275

Imagine payment platforms integrating with privacy protocols to give users privacy and security for their day to day transactions, that will be huge for both industry.

>> No.51287281

Alchemy Pay, Binance pay, Utrust and Coinbase are notable ones in these sector

>> No.51287301

Talking about projects with working products and Ore protocol comes to mind, it's pioneer product ORE ID is still getting massive adoption as an identity management product and access to multichains.

>> No.51287374

>ETH/BTC/some random shitcoin
in truth you'd lose your money if you buy shit coins, if I were you, I'd buy eth, and add either sylo or Matic, you may earn passively on them if you wish to put them to work

>> No.51287698

all in 20x eth short
youll never worry about money again

>> No.51288029

Hold strong. Just don't play with shitcoins too much. Buy gaming tokens if you can.
Mighty Kingdom is investing in gamestar+ and the gaming industry will be huge.

>> No.51288098

Good luck getting rekt. I'll be here to laugh at you.

>> No.51288129

>BTC to conserve your money
71% from ATH

>> No.51288364

unironically, this. You always sell the news for a reason.

>> No.51288908
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Enough but you must smart enough to diversify, especially into privacy focused coins and projects

>> No.51288951

Railgun is making a standard amongst many other privacy protocols. Recently enabled the option for anonymous swaps on mobile app.

>> No.51289006

Fuck you asshole I'm unemployed with $60 left can't pay my phone or my credit card and you're acting like $200,000 is a small amount and you are ngmi with that amount FUCK YOU FAGGOT IF I HAD 200K I WOULD BE SO HAPPY AND SET FUCK YOU I HAVE NO MONEY AND CANT MAKE ANY MONEY CRYPTO IS FOR RICH FAGGOTS WITH PARENTAL ISSUES

>> No.51289053
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Depends on what you invest in.

Anything else? Sorry anon.

>> No.51289294

The news about Binance pay having millions of merchants in Argentina is a welcome development. Utrust also got its trademark registered in the US recently. That's Adoption

>> No.51289508

Quantum resistant projects are the best option atm, considering the way things are going

>> No.51290725
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What does this even mean

>> No.51290952

Actually, it'll be difficult for crypto to be integrated into business without privacy. Imagine having a business, paying your workers and the whole transactions publicly visible on the blockchain ledger

>> No.51291088
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No offence anon, but OCEAN and OGN shouldn't even be on the list. You probably need to understand what privacy project is and the basis for them being called that.

>> No.51291845
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Utrust has the highest number of merchants amongst these projects