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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51286356 No.51286356 [Reply] [Original]

It will eliminate another zero before the tax burn

>> No.51286480

Now if only the devs werent so lazy as to reenable the IBC to allow DEX withdrawals on osmosis, as it stands you can still buy LUNC for .000085 there, and no arbitrage is able to take place.

It makes me wonder why they are desperately so focused on CEX transactions.

>> No.51287221

Reenabling of IBC is planned for V23, which will drop probably by the end of the year according to the roadmap that I saw floating around. Unfortunately, I don't have the screencap with me.

>> No.51289824
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You speak with faith my child our great goddess Luna shall take you up to her royal court and make you a servant blessed for the rest of your life.

>> No.51291073

That's V24
which is June of 2023

>> No.51291159
File: 1.27 MB, 750x1334, 9D6F3BF1-18F1-41FD-85D7-BFB64611833C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fucking pajeets stop shitting up the fucking board? You retards don’t know shit about market cap and buying a literally fucking scam rug piece of shit kek.
>youreee m.m.mad….
I’m not mad about shit niggers, I make 90k a year and have 300k in crypto
Oh and here’s a pic of my body

>> No.51291272

Why are you arguing with strawmen?
Also why do you care if they get rugged?
Just let the pajeets lose their money if you're confident in the rug.