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51285454 No.51285454 [Reply] [Original]

>shemitah no real


You think they don't know? We're so fucked brehs.

>> No.51285893
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>> No.51286147

If that pope nigger actually has read the Bible he would now Jews are Satan's chosen one and they are in war with the children of God.
Not trying to be a false prophet here. When Jesus told the jews that the devil is their father and was a murderer from the beginning he probably meant Cain who slew his brother Abel.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Cain was cursed so that the ground would yield no harvest.
Do you now know why jews are bankers and not farmers? Kek.
Mark of Cain is their nose.
Everyone recognizes a jewish nose.

14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

>> No.51286166
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Knights of the soi table BTFO

>> No.51286184

>Pope Francis
he's not a pope he's an anti-pope, like jesus but the devil's son instead

>> No.51286212

Isn't the pope the antifaggot though?

>> No.51286304

he's the antipope so he's the supremefaggot

>> No.51286306
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Vatican 2 is not the Catholic church. The chair of Peter is currently vacant as freemasons and heretics cannot be pope. Pius 12th was the last valid pope.

>> No.51286627

Maltafag detected. Enjoy being a peasant. Thank the God you work for that not many people know who you were. Yet.

>> No.51286640

Possession detected.

>> No.51286667


would it kill you guys to actually stay on topic?

>> No.51286671

Exorcise me again, Skydaddy.

>> No.51286696

>Knights of Malta given powers
>Ransack and hold captive Vatican assets
>Defraud, blackmail and suicide any opposition
>Continue to live like a cancer at the Holy See
>Hundreds of See appointees come forward as being defrauded and blackmailed to an overseer appointee
>Francis excommunicates the Malta
>Funds are set free
>Funds go back into the Holy Long Term Savings Account
>White Spiritual Boy Trust Fund account returned to the people (unconfirmed)
It is on topic.

>> No.51286742

There is nothing more profitable then to save one's soul. Outside the Church (catholic) there is no Salvation. Understanding that vatican 2 is non Catholic schism is extremely important. Because if you die in schism you go to hell.

Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 23), June 29, 1943: “For not every offense, although it may be a grave evil, is such as by its very own nature to sever a man from the Body of the Church, as does schism or heresy or apostasy.”

>> No.51286823
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>> No.51286826

shemita ends in september

>> No.51286899

Do you remember?

>> No.51286952
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Is it possible to be dumber than a christcuck? You realize that christcucks hated other christcucks than they hated the Jews right?

>> No.51286987


>> No.51287029
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>believing in jewish fairytales
retard / christianity-promoting jew detected

>> No.51287038
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>> No.51287064
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When you see posts on 4ch that looks like they're made by Christians, always remember that in 99.99% of cases you're not dealing with actual Christians (i.e. christcucks or amerimutts), it's just jews/JlDF larping as Christians in order to promote the poison. Pic here >>51287038 rel and this pic also rel.

>> No.51287089
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>> No.51287106
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>> No.51287151

Ancient Jews != modern khazar kikes

>> No.51287327
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Extremely good point.

>> No.51287358
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Better version.

>> No.51287387
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Friendly reminder that you should always call jews jews. They fear that! Calling them "kikes" helps them more than harm them, because:

• it plays into their Christianity hoax and makes their Scheinkampf (pretend-fight) against Christianity seem real, thereby promoting Christianity ("kike" is said to originate from the jew word for circle and supposedly the origin of "kike" is that jews refused to use a cross instead of a circle on some document, so they supposedly used a circle instead).

• to normalfags it sounds like a "racist slur" like, like nigger, which makes the enemies of the jews seem bad/evil/racist.

• another reason it's best to call jews simply jews is because every time they're called jews it helps instill into the subconscious of normalfags that jew=bad. It's already a word with a somewhat negative connotation around the world, but we need to make it even more negative/bad sounding. Calling them "kikes", or anything else other than jew, doesn't advance that goal.

Notice how JIDF shills (when larping as anti-jewish non-jews) almost always use the word "kikes" and avoid using the word jews. That's because of all the above. They much prefer it when their enemies use the word "kike", or anything else other than jews - for example "hebrews" or "semites".

>> No.51287533
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> ((( 51287151 )))
The jews are the jews. You will never ever be European nor will you ever succeed in making us adopt and identify with your racial history or your "spirituality" and believe it to be our own.


For the lurkers:


The word "jew" is the same as how nobody calls the Spanish "Iberian" anymore. Like the Spanish and Iberians are the same people, the jews and hebrews are the same people.

This whole jew-fabricated farce about jews magically vanishing and being replaced by aliens from another planet pretending to be jews is hilariously stupid and ahistorical in the extreme. You can find direct continuity between Yeshua ben Yosef's jews and the jews who continuously revolted against Rome for 600 years. At what point in the timeline were they "replaced" by body snatchers? Oh right, they weren't.

>> No.51287552
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100% of (((christian identity))) relies on people not knowing shit about history and pretending Europe was an empty moonscape of nothingness, until a jew touched their sacred toe to European soil and then immediately began worshiping different gods, creating new customs, languages, and civilizations. That's obviously false to any rational human. CI bullshit is nothing but a vestigial cult started in the British Empire with the help of jews to convince the people of Britain they were jews too and thus make them support the creation of a jewish state in Palestine. It was a psyop. And it worked, as the jews got their Balfour Declaration.

>> No.51287582
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Wrong. For starters they both practice genital mutilation, you stupid kike.
Based and good job.
Christchuds are the reason the holocaust didn't happen. Good thing christkikery is dying and Paganism is rising.
Don't cry because it didn't happen, smile because it soon will.

>> No.51287586

Cope faggot. Ancient Israelites were white Aryans. Jesus Himself was a white man with an auburn beard. Filthy faggot disgusting pagan scum. Rejecting Christ is what the filthy JEWS of muttmerica want you to do. Congrats you played yourself dumb fucking shit skin retard.

>> No.51287595
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> ((( 51287151 )))
And you jews are NOT from Khazaria, just as you are not from Poland.

>> No.51287611

he wants to rug. Europe shouldnt let him. Why are a bunch of old pedophile retards allowed to have a country in the first place when electricity is so expensive? Italy should take all their shit and melt the entire vatican city down into scrap metal to be sold to the chinks at firesale prices or they will freeze to death.

>> No.51287624
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> ((( 51287586 )))

Der Ewige Jude (dubbed): https://files.catbox.moe/obkj4d.mp4
Relevant timestamp: 45:45 to 47:07

Backup (subbed): https://ia801009.us.archive.org/19/items/video_2019-09-07_10-06-24/video_2019-09-07_10-06-24.mp4

> How to defeat jews and how not to:

> Short documentary about the spread of the Jews before and during the Viking age:

> 16 Facts about Christianity

> The Spread of Christianity from Year 314 to 580

> Servants of Satan

> Family Values in Christianity?

> About Christianity as a Wall against Islam

> Interview with a Christian Nationalist

> Europe Unified under Christianity (Deus Vult!)

> "Welcome Christianity!"

> About pre-Christian European Morals

> "Christian" Values

> Has Europe really ever been Christian?

> A video addressed directly to Christians and Muslim Turks

> When Christians Shat themselves to Death

> Hebrew vs European Worldwiew

> About the European Worldwiew

>What did Rabbi Jesus and the Hebrews look like?

> One Jew, a Global Infiltration:

> Rabbi Jesus - He Blessed Europe A LOT!:

> Yahweh Hates Children:

>> No.51287626
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Show nose, jew.
BTW jewsus had his genitals mutilated as is done in jewish tradition.

>> No.51287667
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> "Though repressed, this destructive superstition (christianity) erupted again, not only through Judea which was the origin of this evil but also through the city of Rome to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated."

>> No.51287694
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Well, yes, in the same way as Darth Vader lost his legs etc (both are fictional characters).

>> No.51287712
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>> No.51287724
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>> No.51287738
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> Redpilled scene from the Natsoc film "Frisians in Distress" (1935)

>> No.51288168
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To add to this, Christ tells the Edomite Pharisees “your generation is responsible for the blood of the prophets from Abel to Zechariah”. (Luke 11:50-51) Well in Greek the word generation is genema, which is really closer to the word “race”. And who is guilty for the blood of Abel? Cain. So he’s telling a certain group of Judeans that they are of a different race than the pure blooded Israelite Judeans.
Flavors Josephus records the conversion of the Edomites in his works.
That’s why Christ says “you do not hear my voice because you are not my sheep” again talking to a group of cursed Edomite Judeans, the progenitors of the modern Jews.
“Jacob I have loved but Esau I have hated” read the story of Jacob and Esau. God hates Esau for race mixing with Canaanites, a race of once Adamic people who race mixed with non Adamic people. And Jacob took a bride from the children of his own people, and thus inherited the birthright despite being the younger twin.

For more information please checkout www.christogenea.org

>> No.51288210
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Have you ever wondered where all the money goes to from:
~Dark pools
~Penny pumps
~Pharma profits
~Backdoor fiat
~True Nostro Vistro
~International wealth from all of humanity?
~International druqs trade

Malta. I'm pretty sure it's just them. 110, anybody?

>> No.51288478

This is completely wrong. Any one who believes in Christ and is baptised becomes the adopted children of Abraham. Esau wasn't hated in the.manner you suggest either. You are perverting scripture with your false doctrine. Jesus calls the priests not his sheep because they loved lies instead of the truth, hence the synagogue of satan. 2/3 of jews converted to Christianity after His death and resurrection.

>> No.51288807


Christianity is a racial covenant. Read Romans 9. Paul prays for his kinsmen according to the flesh, the Israelites, to whom belong the fathers and promises. And in that same verse, he says something all judeo christians get wrong: “it is not the children of the flesh, but the children of the promise”. He’s talking about Esau and Jacob! Esau’s children were in fact descended from Abraham, but cut off from the promise due to race mixing. “In Isaac shall your seed be called” well Isaac gave that birthright blessing to Jacob, because he took a wife from the children of his own people, as the story is explicitly told in Genesis. The promise is to that line of people.

>> No.51288944

Based, kikes hate the truth.

>> No.51288990

This faggot clearly doesn't understand what defines a kike.

>> No.51290896

Ze Rothschilds need ze money for ze final plan
Activate stage one

>> No.51290991

Thanks for explaining and dispelling OP's claim

>> No.51291035

lmfao just become orthodox and leave cathoicuckism behind