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5128010 No.5128010 [Reply] [Original]

Absolute nocoins fag here. Been cramming info into my brain about crypto the last couple weeks after seeing all the btc hype threads on /pol/ and realizing what a fucking retard I was not to jump on this ship years ago. Anyway, I'm going to dip in, and I'm thinking 70% btc, 20% lite, and 10% xlm. Thoughts? I'm looking to park the money for a year.

>> No.5128075
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>90% normie coins

Not. Gonna. Make it.

>> No.5128130

are you a trap? I want to fuck you

>> No.5128134

how many waifu pillows can you buy with your link now?
Oh. None.

>> No.5128185
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He probably already got fucked by Serge

>> No.5128226
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Yes I realize they're normie coins, but in my limited knowledge that's what's going to give them worth. More normies buying in = more value. Am I wrong? Pls help senpai

>> No.5128279

Normie coins are in right now they'll continue to rise after Christmas then dump around Feb. When whales start to dump and Normies try to cash out to buy Valentine's gift for they're gfs with they're crypto gainz

>> No.5128293

The 10% xlm is obviously my most speculative play, I'm not looking for overnight millionaire status just looking for the least volatile way to get some better returns than the jew market.

>> No.5128312

Think about it. You're buying two assets that are at their absolute ATH. Instead of doing your own research and picking other currencies that have a dev team actually doing something with coins that are going to be implemented into other platforms or third parties along with partnerships you're buying a name brand and a copy cat of that name brand that are overhyped and over speculated.

Buy Qtum

>> No.5128365
File: 31 KB, 640x360, Cym4wcXXAAA3QeB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about Sergey who is a cutie?

>> No.5128389

Yeah I see where you're coming from, but weren't there niggers like you saying the same thing when btc was at a k or 10k? Where does the train stop?

>> No.5128431
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I don't understand the meme but sure I do

>> No.5128526
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Okay, here's a quick rundown: Sergey is a cutie. You need more linkies. The end.

>> No.5128603
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>jumping in at 20k

>> No.5128642

whatever advice you would get here, you wouldn't be able to understand it unless you did like 2-3 weeks of research. Some people will try to shill you their bags, others will genuinely try to help. You won't be able to spot the difference.

You say you want to hold for 1 year? Here's my shill: ARK and OMG. Does that help you in any way? Not unless you're willing to spend hours reading these 2 whitepapers and other peoples explanations for why they will be big. Now multiply these hours with the number of coins you'll be shilled in this thread. You understand now why this is pointless?

You should buy your BTC and LTC and be done with it.

>> No.5128667

be super fucking wary of putting any amount of money into bitcoin right now

>> No.5128696
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So link and qtum should be added to my list.
>jumping in at 10
>jumping in at 100
>jumping in at 10000
>jumping in at 20000

>> No.5128748
File: 17 KB, 398x500, 1496148574295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some genuine advice there. I appreciate it friend. I've been cramming on this shit for two weeks now, but yes obviously I've got a long ways to go. Just trying to get a foot in while it's still possible to make a decent return somewhere.

>> No.5128802

Do a 50% BTC/ 50% Alt.

In the Alt, buy some ETH, LTC, and whatever meme coin you like.

>> No.5128940

That was my initial plan but I went heavy on btc simply because it's the most known and that makes me think it will continue to run up for at least a few more months as more fags like me jump in.

Kind of off topic but what's the best exchange to use?

>> No.5129029

coinbase for btc

>> No.5129178

All exchanges are shady, but Normiebase should be fine for you. If you're more serious about this you'd probably want to use Bittrex for your main shit and have a Binance account for opportunities in case you decide to invest in something more risky later. Most decent coins will go on Binance before they go on Bittrex. The general rule (not always applicable) is that if a coin is listed on Bittrex it usually moons but you won't be able to grab it in time. Having a Binance account comes in handy sometimes.

>> No.5129195

Go all in on ADA. That's what I'm doing I put 3k in before the moon because I already had in XMR on the exchange. I got lazy and didn't move more over and it mooned. But I like the coin because of all the Phds and it's Apple marketing.

It's all hype and speculation at this point. ADA will moon even harder despite having no real product just like 99 percent of crypto at this point.

>> No.5129380

Hey, OP and the rest, answer this gay-ass poll, will ya?

Or just answer to me directly. Do you cash out to reduce your portfolio exposure to crypto from time to time? Is your portfolio 90% or more crypto?

This are questions that need answers.


>> No.5129583
File: 285 KB, 466x427, 1282731014659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My /pol/ roots are telling me your poll is a (((cia))) psyop

>> No.5129627


>> No.5129700

Fuck. Why is /pol/ always fucking right?

You won't be able to stop (((me))), nor my army of transgender (((frogs))). BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Seriously, though. I'm a 27 year old european software engineer with a small exposure to crypto trying to gauge on which point of the bubble we are.

>> No.5129719

>your poll is a (((cia))) psyop
Just like crypto itself

>> No.5129785

not op, but thinking of getting into crypto. hoping i havent missed the boat!

i have $150 (that I can stand to lose 100%, yes im a poorfag). i was thinking a $50 split into monero, eth and litecoin. from what ive read, these are the most accessible and have the best technology behind them for future gains.

going to develop neural network based sentiment analysis as well.

>> No.5129810

>Creating something successful like BTC.
If bitcoin goes rogue at some point and crashes a few planes into the Deutsche Borse in Frankfurt I will believe it.

>> No.5129926

Man people have been trying to figure that out for years, lol

>> No.5129985

With old people buying crypto, don't you get a feeling that a fall is coming too?

>> No.5130025
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>No Ethereum

>> No.5130072

OP, don’t listen to anyone saying not to buy “normie coins”. That’s the equivalent of saying “don’t buy good stocks with lots of interest, instead buy garbage penny stocks”

>> No.5130074

I substituted lite in place of eth. Why eth instead?

>> No.5130093

Thanks my dude, I kinda got that feeling.