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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5127173 No.5127173 [Reply] [Original]

God damn it, it's too late. Fucking shitty bank took weeks just to unshit itself from all the normies buying BTC and now I'll never see my lambos. If you have a good amount of LINK, good job, you made it. I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.5127537

Its 35 cents anon, its a fucking steal. If you don't think so then you didn't know what the fuck you were buying to begin with.

>> No.5127571

What are you talking about, it's still under .40 cents. Wait till it gets to 1$ then you'll be wanting to kys

>> No.5127630

By the time my BTC purchase goes through it will be at least $1. I'm fucked.

>> No.5127684

how long until we hit 1$ boys

>> No.5127702

You better fucking get on it then.

>> No.5127828

I just sold 18k LINK, no announcements will be made during the weekend but btc will pump. Buy back in around 0.30 in a few days

>> No.5127864

It's only too late once it's past one dollar, then you'll have to already have significant funds to see significant gains.

>> No.5127899

even in dollar you get 100x eventually

>> No.5127920

Im trying to get my dick wet. Paying with chainlink tokens. Name your price!


>> No.5127954

btc has already pumped and LINk has risen with it.

>> No.5128008

Lmao, good luck. Enjoy buying high. 37-43 cents on okex. The time of links price drops is over. Sorry

>> No.5128013

i need to get this asap will probably be another 10 days like op fml

>> No.5128039

Okex ate my BTC and won't let me withdraw without a chink passport

>> No.5128091
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>> No.5128110

it's below ico price

>> No.5128151

Linkers has been telling me that since pre SIBOS.
>this is the new floor
>nowhere to go but up
>2$ by september
>10$ eoy

>> No.5128165

sorry I'm a normie and I don't know where to buy/trade linkies..

>> No.5128208

whats it price gonna be like over the next 8 hours i need to goto sleep is it worth selling now or will i not be able to buy back in lower than 0.35 usd and also should i trade my iota for more link

>> No.5128238
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>not using PajeetDelta for all ERC20 trading

>> No.5128247

How much link is needed to make it?
I only have 1k :/

>> No.5128261


>> No.5128280

iota is already mooned. any one who sell link now is missing life time opportunity. screencap this

>> No.5128304

That will give you 100 000$ in 2 years my fellow marine

>> No.5128394
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>> No.5128473

this guy balls hang lo

>> No.5128509

Every cent is one month pay for me. feels comfy man

>> No.5128576

You fucking mad man, you legend, you diamond!

>> No.5128596

Possibly fake, but god bless you sir. I'm sitting here with a meager 20k, wishing I had more.

If it does what we think it will do, you will be insanely rich :-o

>> No.5128612

Hurr durr, that means link will always crash no matter what

>> No.5128639

alright i'll stick with it desu i bought like 200 gbp worth when it was when it was 15p then and got 2 ltc at $50 usd i then tried jumping on other meme coins then lost around 1/2 of what i orginally put in so just held it in eth then ltc and link have both risen like crazy should just stuck with my original choices ;__;

>> No.5128683

Great. I'm up 1400 bucks on my bag. Idgaf what you do.

>> No.5128703

Congrats on your upcoming retirement.

>> No.5128724

My bad, 1800.

>> No.5128732

this guy fucks. Remember linkies, we're all gonna make it. Just some sooner than others.

>> No.5128772

I've thought about this, and sort of...

I have 16k. So, in order:
$1: $16,000 -- Meh, nice gains, but nothing earth shattering
$10: $160,000 -- Meh, nice gains, but nothing earth shattering
$100: $1.6MM -- Maybe I can quit my job for a year and buy a lambo?
$1000: $16MM -- Now we're talking

The odds of LINK hitting $1000 are probably about as slim as it gets, real talk famalam.

>> No.5128785

4k Linklet here.. fuck me guys.. I need more time to accumulate...

>> No.5128810

whats so special about link? looks like a shill

>> No.5128823

I fantasize about $100 LINK like I fantasize about having the winning lottery ticket. It won't happen, but the momentary delusion is delightful.

>> No.5128827

you beautiful retard

>> No.5128831

>tfw only have 500

>> No.5128843

$1000 won't happen lets be real. The $100 meme dream is possible in this universe if literally everything goes perfect. Slim chance but possible.

I'm a 10k linklet myself, trying to work up to 11 or 12k but I'm a minimum wagie so it's tough. I'm literally all in on crypto, every 2 weeks I drop the whole of my paycheck into it and leave myself $200 in the bank account to last me until next week.

>> No.5128861

What the fuck? I thought comparing it to tulip mania was just a /biz/ meme.

>> No.5128866
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>> No.5128875

Any Bitcoin ATMs near you? High transaction fees but you'll have your Link within a few hours; better than missing this.

>> No.5128884

Oh shit. I signed up for ok ex but was to pushy to transfer link because it can all be traced back to my wallets. Sorry to hear you got shafted.

>> No.5128885

like your style anon.

why not try day/swing trading a bit of that link stack to slowly build it? LINK is pretty predictable atm

>> No.5128911


$1 would be nice for me
$10 at 3.5 billion mcap
$100 at 35 billion mcap sure, but $1000? are you stupid

>> No.5128962

this time, you'll regret your decision... it's not November anymore. We're just in b4 moon.

>> No.5128964
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Coinomi, is it a meme or not?

>> No.5128965
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>> No.5129058

saw this

nice man

I have only 46k :(

>> No.5129070

I'm way too scared to daytrade. I lost a lot of BTC trying to ride hype in the past. What's consistently made me money is just buying and holding. Plus I could never live with myself I end up with less LINK than I started with, being a poorfag and all it would be tough to recoup. I would rather just slowly build my stack and wait it out.

>> No.5129119

>The odds of LINK hitting $1000 are probably about as slim as it gets

Did you not read my message?
>The odds of LINK hitting $1000 are probably about as slim as it gets