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51277794 No.51277794 [Reply] [Original]

is living with your parents the only financial way to make it?

>> No.51279089

>living with your parents
my brother is a total loser,could never support himself, always had to live with memaw and mepaw. He told everyone he was letting memaw and mepaw live with him. He never made it. After parents died, guess what, he could not pay any of the bills and lost everything.

>> No.51279099


>> No.51279136

What is this chicanery? I bet he orchestrated it

>> No.51279141


>> No.51279230

Lived with my parents for a year out of law school and it's the most expendable money I've ever had in my life, I felt rich as fuck. Bought a ton of crypto during that period which was awesome

then I got married and moved into an apartment and now I'm poor again kek. I knew I had to move on eventually but I do miss drinking/gaming all night then heading to work and never paying any bills

>> No.51279312

im 20 and live with my parents, I will continue to do so until there's an incentive for me to leave but for now I don't have to pay any rent which makes college affordable.

>> No.51279338

Not necessarily.
In most cases it is and if you have your own floor you can be golden.
In some cases its detrimental and can set you back in other ways so much that the small financial gains from not paying bills and rent are irrelevant.
In your twenties you should by all means at least for a feew years live on your own.
The opportunities that will come your way are just too good to not gamble on that.
t. almost got married to a rich girl from the capital city that has her own apartment and business

>> No.51279347

>Is being told what to do as an adult by the people who had their fists firmly jammed up your ass for 18 years the only financial way to make it?

No amount of saving will add up to the cost of the therapy that you will need, and it will never make up for all of what you miss.

>> No.51279396

kek, based

>> No.51279422

It definitely helps anon, it just does, but only if you are actually saving and investing and not buying onions lattes and othwr horseshit.

>> No.51279692

But I want to buy an expensive pre built pc

>> No.51279743

What kind of work do you do?

>> No.51279753

>tfw dysfunctional family
>lucky, spoiled sister still lives with mom but is making bank on WFH editor job, doesn't want to leave until she can afford a house in fucking Commiefornia
>alcoholic brother works for minimum wage and is completely reliant on mom paying off all his shit
>other sister is married now and lives with alcoholic brother
>trying to get out of the NEETlyfe but no one has the time to teach me how to drive, there is no fucking work, and I can't get a comfy WFH job like my sister and she has told me she will not vouch for me if there is an opening at her company
I absolutely despise this, but I don't have much of a choice.

>> No.51279829
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How I'm doing it. Tfw free meals, no rent, no bills and I get to invest 40% of each paycheck into BTC and ETH kek

>> No.51279845

if you don't have high income yes

>> No.51280078

you can live in your car too, use a friends mail box

>> No.51281303

After graduating I lived with my parents and paid off my student loans because I was a dumb stupid braindead sheep that drank the "get into stem" Kool-aid and now I think about killing myself daily.

>> No.51281392
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Living with Ur parents is only and only based if you help them our financially and around the house

If not kys leech

>> No.51281675

>Living with Ur parents is only and only based if you help them our financially and around the house

I agree with you. I bought my mom and dad an awesome Christmas present that year but desu I probably could have helped more. I hope to help them more in the future


>> No.51281693

>help them our financially
i'm poor otherwise agree

>> No.51282893

it's much better than being a rentoid forever and crying because you can't pay rent and investing in shitcoins like vinu at the same time, you just have to put up with your horrible parents and that's it lmao