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51274587 No.51274587 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this McMansion bullshit, I want a multigenerational property like God intended. Enough for 3 or so houses and plenty of land. Can it be done for <=$1m in rural USA?

>> No.51274627

you will own nothing

>> No.51274642
File: 3.46 MB, 3144x1672, When you LARP as your Own People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily. For waaaay lower than $1m.

> Óðinn is to fight and NEVER give up

> The Family Guy

> CUNTER-STRIKE Thulêan Offensive! | Let's Play

> Battlefield XIV: Thulêan Conquest! | Let's Play

> Solutions: A Home for YOU?

> More Solutions... no Excuses

> Solutions: You can't afford a property?


> Does a simpler Life mean a Life in POVERTY?

> A Simpler Life IN PRACTICE - Part 1

> A Simpler Life IN PRACTICE - Part 2

> Permanence Culture

> What is Permaculture?

> Permaculture with the Kids

> Perma Family Life with 6 kids

> Permaculture, Trees & Desert

> Old fashioned Survivalism: Home Tour

> Why is Permaculture Paganism?


>> No.51274664
File: 96 KB, 500x733, 1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that God (ᚷᛟᛞ) is the stolen name of Godan (ᚷᛟᛞᚨᚾ). Jew missionaries originated the idea to steal Godan's name in order to eradicate the native Germanic religion by tricking the Native European people into signing over their souls to the jewish god Yahweh (יהוה). Early Christian converts were told to use Godan's name (God: ᚷᛟᛞ), in order to supplant their Native religion with the new Judaic sect that worships Yahweh.

God is not Yahweh and Yahweh is not God. Yahweh's name (יהוה) isn't God (ᚷᛟᛞ). Godan is the only god whose name is God (ᚷᛟᛞ). Yahweh and Godan are two very different gods from two different continents. The Middle Eastern Yahweh (יהוה) is not a god of European origin, unlike Godan, who is. Neither is Godan the god of the Bible, the jewish god Yahweh is.

Godan/Goden (which is what the Lombards called him) comes from Wodan/Woden (which still today is Oden in Swedish), which is Odin. In proto-Germanic it's Wodanaz. In modern German it's Wotan. "D" and "T" are very close in many European languages, and the "d" in "Odin" is the Nordic letter ð (as in Óðinn) which is a mixture of "D" and "T". For D=T see also: archive.is/nck73 -- which is why it's Wotan in German, and hence why it's Gott instead of God (so Gott Mit Uns = Odin With Us).

Curiously when the name of the jew-god Yahweh is spoken in Japan, it sounds similar to "Yabē yo" (ヤベーよ) which means "it's bad/dangerous".

>> No.51274867

Depends on the quantity and quality of the land, and how fitted out these extra 2 or so houses need to be but yeah it can be done.

>> No.51274895
File: 70 KB, 750x561, plantation-home-plans-dream-source-southern-homes_108792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice homestead but ill raise you a....

>> No.51275000

Why are they all have Asian eyes?

>> No.51275249

Depends on how much work you want to do. Rural land can be cheap if you spend time looking. The biggest cost will be houses. But when you say multi-generational it sounds like you are willing to put in the work over time to build houses or at least expand them. I am considering something similar and will be starting with tiny homes or trailers and developing the land with local materials and indigenous techniques.

Anon above cites permaculture and if you want to go down that road stop focusing so much on gardening and start reading about the design ethics and principles. The way permaculture is applied is too site-specific and it is best to actually critically think your way through the process on your own land or at least your location. See if others are applying these principles in your area and see what they do.

It is important that you get the myth of the "rugged individual" out of your head immediately. This is a larp about european settlers in america that is taught in history class and is totally false. There is no human culture in history that did not live in at least small communities. Having your own space and a good tract of land is one thing but trying to absolutely everything yourself or within your nuclear family is unsustainable and stupid. Most youtubers and bloggers who claim to do stuff like this are relying on either generational money or youtube money to subsidize this lifestyle and just lying or telling half truths about how they are actually living.

>> No.51275274

What an ugly family. Thank god I'm African.

>> No.51275325

Don't let schizo retards like this ruin your perception of permaculture. It doesn't require schizophrenia or even religion though it does intertwine well with many, especially tribal or pagan traditions. This is no coincidence, as most human cultures practiced some form of permaculture even though that term didn't exist yet. Agriculture spreading destroyed a lot of this in the mediterranean, china, central america, and india, because it drives population growth and creates hierarchies that allow for a certain especially brutal form of war and expansionism.

>> No.51275412

>Can it be done for <=$1m in rural USA?
It can in leafland; https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/24803859/2850-wainman-line-severn, https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/24469159/3522-12-line-n-oro-medonte, https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/24652431/7909-9th-line-essa.. All roughly $1 million USD.

>> No.51275437

my relatives got one worth about 80m usd right now. But thats about 30 minutes outside a large city

>> No.51277034


>> No.51278486

> ð which is a mixture of "D" and "T"
> a voiced and voiceless stop make a voiced fricative
Thank you for this enlightening post, mr qualified comparative linguist.

>> No.51278522
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>> No.51278761

This still blows me away.

>A bunch of terminally online basement dwellers gambling on the price of fake internet money
>They've never worked on a farm before, half have never done manual labor of any kind
>Dream of moving out into the countryside where there's no high speed internet, public services are shit, and the town is held hostage by the local Walmart's grocery prices
>They're going to "homestead", which they think involves growing enough food to live on and enough to sell to pay their taxes indefinitely
>They don't know about the razor thin margins involved in farming
>They think they'll turn a profit off of a few acres that they have no idea how to work
>They'll subject their children to a shitty rural school system that's getting worse and worse all the time
>There will be virtually no medical care
>No internet
>They'll be at the mercy of the water cartel once that gets properly rolling along in the next decade
>They think they'll do all of this with their 10/10 virginal trophy wife that will be totally happy to sign up for this lifestyle with them

I'm not knocking "grow your own food" or "own a farm", but 90% of the people who are fantasizing about this shit are idiots who would be utterly fucking miserable even if they managed to pull it off somehow.

>> No.51278875

The margins on farming are quite good when you are not cucked by john deere and monsanto. It's incredibly easy to grow food unless you have absolute shit soil.

>> No.51279032
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ok but what do I do if catch some funky fungus growing on my wheat and barley?

>> No.51279062
File: 3.94 MB, 3307x3833, purple_broc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised at how many of us are doing it right now, myself included
>A bunch of terminally online basement dwellers gambling on the price of fake internet money
>They're going to "homestead", which they think involves growing enough food to live on and enough to sell to pay their taxes indefinitely
Wow it's like the whole point of gambling on the internet money is to have enough money to be comfortable without NEEDING to work, but still choosing work that connects you to the earth anyway for your own sanity
>They'll subject their children to a shitty rural school system that's getting worse and worse all the time
I'm homeschooling my kids, don't want them to get trooned like you
>There will be virtually no medical care
Just don't be a fat faggot and eat right and you won't need medical care. If you get into some horrific accident just off yourself, better than being a wheelchair stump useless eater.
>No internet
It's called Starlink
>They'll be at the mercy of the water cartel once that gets properly rolling along in the next decade
It's called a well and rainwater capture

Overall your post reeks of urbanite cope
>t. homestead chad

>> No.51279295


As I expected.
>I'll homeschool muh chillins
>I'll never get sick or need medical care
>I'll buy special high speed internet
>I'll have perfectly safe ground water and predictable rainfall every year forever

I know, more or less, what the future holds for you. I also know that you'll never admit to being wrong, even after 30 years of being a sharecropper on your own property with adult children who can barely manage a 9th grade reading level, 8th grade math, or 6th grade science who have no opportunity to be anything but moisture farmers along with you and who slowly grow to hate you more every day.

>> No.51279335

ugly ass family no cap frfr ong

>> No.51279351

Literally nothing you typed will come to pass, sorry
However it's very apparent that you are an insecure person motivated by spite and negative feelings. Probably because I correctly identified you as a tranny

>> No.51279483

If you could truly see the consequences of your own choices you would... pretend that they were someone else's fault. I'd say something like "just remember that I told you exactly what would happen as a result of the choices that you're making now", but when they inevitably make you miserable you'll just find scapegoats around you to blame for those consequences.

I've come to believe that people like you genuinely deserve your place in life. None of this "oh, these poor people who've been tricked by billionaires and their propaganda machines". No no. No more of that. You're making choices. Bad ones. The only people who I feel sorry for are your kids.


You probably also assume that I'm a Communist who lives in some coastal, urban city, no?

>> No.51279520

Why are you so concerned about other people's kids? You're never going to have a genetic legacy yourself, you destroyed your genitalia and shamed your parents. Are you one of those nasty groomers?

>> No.51279555
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The margins on farming are quite good
must be why theres like 90% less of them now

>> No.51279639


>If only you knew who I was

There will be one point of satisfaction in your life. You'll get to play dictator over your children from the day they're born until the day you die. That's really what it is with you people, isn't it? At the end of the day you don't care that you'll be share cropping for the water cartel, or that your children won't even have the same level of skills and knowledge about the world as a high school graduate in 2040. As long as you get to kick your wife, children, and their spouses around you can squeeze out just enough happiness to subsist.

I tell the same shit to all of the left wing hippies joining communes.

>Hey, you know that this shit devolves into an authoritarian cult, right?
>Like, it's all free love and good vibes and shit until the person with the strongest personality is fucking all your wives and daughters.
>You know that's how it all goes down with those things, it's been that way since the 60's and 70's when hippies tried to drop out of society and start communal farms. It all turns into a combination of Stalinist Russia and the Manson Family on twenty acres.

The only noteworthy thing is that you radical right wing christian types and the radical left wing hippy types all end up doing the same stupid shit to yourselves in spite of everyone telling you how it ends because they've seen it before.

>> No.51279648

Redditors always think they own people with these lengthy breakdowns but they don't realize they're only revealing their neuroticism.

>> No.51279681

OK groomer but I'm still perplexed
When you kill yourself in a few years, the world won't matter to you anymore. Anyone you care about will die shortly afterward. You will never reproduce or leave a legacy, so why care so much? Who hurt you?

>> No.51279694

>I tell the same shit to all of the left wing hippies joining communes.
I guess nobody listened to you there either since you're here and still have so many things to get off your chest.

>> No.51279725

Man. You will believe anything that you have to in order to just not listen to what I'm saying to you. That's why I think you deserve everything coming your way.

>> No.51279750
File: 88 KB, 987x640, 1653720265631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long explanations le bad....because.............reading is hard.
It is funny how /pol/tards always pat themself on the back for being le epic libtard owning logic posters, who are masters in lengthy conversations. And in reality they are just brown mutts with a inferiority complex.

>> No.51279754
File: 2.46 MB, 125x125, 603-3D~1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you WILL listen to me
>my words WILL have an impact
>I WILL make a difference in someone's life today

>> No.51279774

Nobody gives a shit, groomer
>That's why I think you deserve everything coming your way.
That would be continuing my life after not committing a hormonally-induced suicide

>> No.51279777

>Watches Adam Curtis once
Go back

>> No.51279793

There is a place for lengthy conversations. Replies to someone who you are sure is your inferior aren't it. It's like old women who discipline other people's children because nobody their own age listens to them.

>> No.51279854

>y-you're pointing out that I'm consigning myself to my own personal hell
>you must be a trannie
>here's a bunch of /pol/tard memes
Man in the unlikely event that you save up enough to buy your "multi-generational homestead" I sincerely hope that you enjoy your decades of misery.

>> No.51280312

pitch it because you aren't retarded enough to rely on a single plant as your food source like a 17th century american settler

>> No.51280335

I mean, I'm a market gardener and the margins are quite good. In terms of energy in and out (which is what matters when you are growing your own food, not dollars (ticker: USD) it is quite easy.

>> No.51281288

Are the scary /pol/ nazis in the room with us right now?
Seriously your issues are so deep-rooted it's laughable, no one likes you because you're a gross misshapen caricature of the opposite sex, not because they're all secrit nutzis

>> No.51281365

Anyway I actually have things to do IRL because I'm not a bitter terminally-online genderbender. I will grace you with the chance to get the last word in with this comment. Unload all those insecurities on me, it's my special gift to you today. You clearly need it.

>> No.51281418

i've never seen someone malding so hard over an anon saying they want to be a farmer.

>> No.51281481

>Having your own space and a good tract of land is one thing but trying to absolutely everything yourself or within your nuclear family is unsustainable and stupid.
My family has literally done this for generations and managed to feed four kids through the great depression by their own labor.

>> No.51281512

Fuck off, I know what I'm doing. I'm gonna pay good ole white boys to pull tobacco for me.

>> No.51281521

>No no. No more of that. You're making choices. Bad ones.
Stop typing like a fag

>> No.51281533

I am a Texas cattle rancher, who has operated in the black for 15 years with no oil/gas production.

>> No.51281674

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.51281704

Mom and Dad really hurt you huh?

>> No.51282279

checked and they are swedish

>> No.51282628

>I want a multigenerational property like God intended. Enough for 3 or so houses and plenty of land.

Estates are tricky in the USA. People will look at you funny and Dave Ramsey people will yell a lot.

>> No.51282675

Southern Dixie estate so pretty

>> No.51282725

Yeah, you animals don’t have families.