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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51274356 No.51274356 [Reply] [Original]

OG here made it numerous times over if you’re not buying Hbar you will kys. To hoskinson and the jeet farm: seethe.

>> No.51274395
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OG here. Buy MILK

>> No.51274426

OG here as well, dead broke I need a hot cash injection of 10kUSD in HBAR.
OP provide me this noaw.

>> No.51274570

I'm just gonna pretend you're for real, i have like 135k and just wanna have some nice passive income through staking/eventually running my own node.

>> No.51274596

Actually wealthy anon here; ICP has been shilled and fudded relentlessly. If you know, you know.
If you dont, enjoy poverty. I dgaf, i have enough money to buy a place far away from you.

>> No.51274624

135k will be plenty for a node. Leemons said before he wants as many people to run nodes as possible. As for passive income you're probably looking at 3-6% APY

>> No.51274677

I'm fine with like 3-6% for staking. Sadly taxation for staking rewards is retarded in germanistan but whatever. I just wanna treat this like an index fund and grow it y.o.y.
Once I can run a node I'll start a small business for that purpose so I can start some nice tax write offs

>> No.51275799

What is a good stack? asking seriously is 10K or 100K or 1M

>> No.51275846 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51275860
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Og here
I've made like 5 times so far
Buy QNT Quant Network.
You won't be disappointed

>> No.51277825

Op here
Not trading a sure thing for a non sure thing
Poorfags detest me
Nice. Buy more.
>shilling in my Hbar thread
Enough said
Apy’s aren’t known. Cap 6.5% is subject to change
Smart ygmi
The answer is always more. Each bar is an api call, the more you have and the more removed from supply, the more disgustingly rich you will be
Reminds me of xrp.

Hbros. Wagmi. Let no one deter you, least of all the Kyle Roche’s and their jeet farms

>> No.51277845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51277876

What's a good entry price?

>> No.51277961

>shilling qnt in my Hbar thread
Enough said

>> No.51278218

trust me bro.., milk is real deal. milk $1 EOW

>> No.51278240

OG here
>made it numerous times
You're still on biz?

>> No.51278368

Can't believe this needs to be said but if he's shilling hbar then he obviously never made it

>> No.51278411

HBaggies will never make it

>> No.51278461
File: 43 KB, 1024x415, WhaleSongTravelsWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real whaleanon here who made it multiple times over and is still lurking biz totally because of the keks if you dont buy dot and deo for the next bullrun you will want to kys

>> No.51278462

Thank you based whaleanon...

>> No.51278468
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Insidoor here. He's right.

>> No.51278472


>> No.51278591

I read biz and drink from €1000 bottles of champagne. This year? £40k London $20k USVI $12k Tahoe €25k Greece. Richfags always lurk and provide alpha when biz deserves it. Nowadays it’s mostly jeets and poorfags so I don’t comment much, but I always lurk. Sink or swim.

>> No.51278602
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good morning sers
>clean street
let us do the needful

>> No.51278619

sirs i am white man. buy the milk it go up. meme magic my friend. use the google

>> No.51279585

I always thought “shit it down” was a funnier way to word it

>> No.51279726

>What's a good entry price?

sub 40c, but you're four years too late.

>> No.51279961

why in the world would i buy hbar when hedera still has no utilities what so ever, while Bitdao is giving Bit holders utilities with every project that joins its ecosystem

>> No.51280017

It's your choice. I don't mind which one you buy.

>> No.51280339
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>I just wanna treat this like an index fund and grow it y.o.y.
>Once I can run a node I'll start a small business for that purpose so I can start some nice tax write offs
That sounds maximum comfy. How do you do this? Just open a business in your name? And start declaring the staked HBAR you sell as income? kek even if the profits are low, i just want the novelty of this.

>> No.51280885

why should we believe you? breadcrumb me.

>> No.51280907

do $40k champagnes really taste that different from $40 champagne

>> No.51281253

Nigger it’s a fucking larp like everything on this shit hole

>> No.51281495

always assume it's a LARP, but ask for info in case they have something useful. always accumulate info.

>> No.51281847
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Yes and you write off expenses. This is 101.
Picrel already posted once. €2500 lunch in Greece. Scopa or something can’t remember. Huge fucking bottle
Cristal Dom Krug Moet all taste very good, but become exponentially expensive based on size and year
Fud at your peril
You’ve been hurt before, have faith

>> No.51281869

breadcrumb us about HBAR. Nobody gives a fuck if you're rich, you could've made it from sucking 10 million dicks at 1$ a pop. I'm not saying you're LARPing about being rich, you're LARPing about being knowledgable.

>> No.51281932

I never said I had inside information, low iq poorfag. Even if I did I wouldn’t tell you. I am elite, high iq, dream maker. My very presence on this board is why you fags come here though your generation has turned it into some gay commiseration forum. Hbar will be huge, it is obvious. If you already have a bag, this thread isn’t for you.

>> No.51282022

Your nigger-esque IQ and behaviour confirms you're not even rich. I never asked for insider information. I asked for reasons why you think HBAR will be huge.
Where the fuck did I ask for insider info?
I already own a fat stack, but fags like you make me want to betray Lord Leemon and sell.

>> No.51282078

> I asked for reasons why you think HBAR will be huge.

>> No.51282280

yeah with the current market situation staking can not be overemphasized and this is what i am currently doing with the railgun project

>> No.51282312

Yeah same here cause the high APY thing is not my thing at all more reasons i stake some of my stablecoins on binance the also stake on the railgun platform to access the DAO

>> No.51282375

well some people just like been poor forever yu know, i better ape into RSIL now that the token is still very much undervalued

>> No.51282671

maybe i will check this out later just got into LIFT

>> No.51284908

is this an image of clothing supply chain tracking?

>> No.51286006

Since there hbar staking is non custodial non lockup there's 0% risk involved. Ofc hbar might still shit the bed and your assets go to 0 but that's life.

>> No.51286073

What's the make it stack?

>> No.51286928
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You must be slow if you aren't recognising the importance of blockchains, especially multi-blockchains. Time to educate yourself, don't you think?

>> No.51286948

Based. Perhaps passive income will save his life. Geeq has some on Kucoin and AscendX. Not a bad place to start.

>> No.51286963

I still prefer staking UTK on maiar for 25% APY. Maiar has been battle tested and showed its strength. Based DEX.

>> No.51287248

What exactly has those chains done? Give me defi any day. I'm all for moving trends.

>> No.51287319

I heard lucky token already has a use case but idk what it is yet

>> No.51287378

BEST and only usecase live on Hedera.

>> No.51287441

And what utilities are we talking about here? If it isn't related to multichain fundamentals, miss me with it. No need to fool yourself.

>> No.51287464

You must have slept through all the development. Reading up on Geeq protocol might change that for you. Go make yourself useful.

>> No.51290037

I thought everyone has realized that hbar is bs by now.

>> No.51290136

Kek, sounds like a shitcoins straight outta the dregs benchod. I'd rather invest in sylo where I can earn node rewards or staking platforms where I'd get an apy.

>> No.51290545

kek nobody gives a shit you fucking loser. Imagine bragging on biz. lmaoing at your dumbass