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51278387 No.51278387 [Reply] [Original]

The LunaC threads on this forum are the cringiest thing I've ever seen. Worse than any shitcoin, including pregnant butt.

>> No.51278401
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>> No.51278422

Same. Plus they are getting hyped for something with a 40b market cap peak while currently being a bit over 2b. Let that sink in.
40b market cap when it had utility and when it was in a bull market. You can't even get meme coin gains out of it, it's not a memecoin (it's literally a failed project), and most of the dumbasses think there will be some magical burns of 99% of the supply because "why not".

>> No.51278477
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Checked and truth-pilled.

If jannies had any balls at all they'd ban any mention of LunaC like they do any other shitcoin.

>> No.51278708

You’re so wrong. It’s not just a meme coin - it’s THE meme coin. The catastrophic failure of the coin only increases its meme value. Dog tokens are boring as fuck compared to this. Then there’s the fact billionaires are still holding bags of it. Do you really think they’re gonna sit around and do nothing?

>> No.51278743

The universe is giving you a sign and you call it cringe…

>> No.51278767

>You’re so wrong. It’s not just a meme coin - it’s THE meme coin.
No. It WANTS to be a memecoin.
>dog coins are boring as fuck
Yet they actually give 100xs. Retard
>compared to this
It's akin to GME, just in crypto form and instead of waiting for a short squeeze, you're waiting for the magical burns

Do me a favor and learn what a fucking market cap is. You are genuinely retarded if you think this can 100x+. You think it's going to 200b market cap? KEK

>> No.51278846

learn what a circulating supply is you fucking idiot and get back to r*ddit until then.

>> No.51278868

>learn what a circulating supply is you fucking idiot and get back to r*ddit until then.
...Nigger newfag. Do you even know WHY lunc dumped the way that it did?

>> No.51278894

Let me give your retard brain a clue. Say Lunc stayed at 40b market cap. Because of an error, even if it stayed at 40b market cap, the dump would have happened anyways. Even with 0 sellers, the dump would have happened anyways.

Figure it out, retard. Or you know, fucking google it, LMFAO

>> No.51278909

oh no not the thing i didn't experience oh shit not the FUCKIN' DUMP THE REASON I HAVE 3 MILLION OF THEM RIGHT NOW AND AM UP X9

market cap literally doesnt mean jack shit, its not like the money is pumped into the fucking coin or anything.

>> No.51278941

Nigger. For a 100x, lunc would literally have to go to 200b market cap from here.
Where the fuck are you newfags coming from?

>> No.51278957

>The LunaC threads on this forum are the cringiest thing I've ever seen. Worse than any shitcoin, including pregnant butt.
It will end soon. In a week everyone will see that the burn was just a scam and biz will be normal again. Anons will be so ashamed of falling for this shit that nobody will ever talk of LUNC again.

>> No.51278962

Really organic FUD.

>> No.51278964

Wrong. Why didn’t market cap change when the coin fell from $87 to .00005 you jew

>> No.51278988

You're a dumb fuck or you're intentionally trolling. Circulating supply will only decrease, pushing the price per token continuously upwards. If mcap stayed the exact same as it is now but the supply reached the 10b target, LUNC would still do almost a 600x.

>> No.51279010


>> No.51279029
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>Wrong. Why didn’t market cap change when the coin fell from $87 to .00005 you jew
I just fucking explained it, you fucking down syndrome idiot. You're actually mentally retarded.

>> No.51279070

>Circulating supply will only decrease, pushing the price per token continuously upwards.
You stupid fucking idiot. There are hundreds of memecoins that have better burns that still dump anyways. The supply of lunc is too high for any burns to matter, retarded bitch.
>If mcap stayed the exact same as it is now but the supply reached the 10b target, LUNC would still do almost a 600x
MORON. I am saying BEGORE the collapse. I asked you why the FUCK you think the dumped happened in the first place. You can't fucking read, holy fucking SHIT, you're all actually mentally disabled.

>> No.51279083

Bro I don’t even know wtf market cap means.

>> No.51279084

Also LOL at thinking the supply will shrink from 6.5T to 10B

>> No.51279102

>The supply of lunc is too high for any burns to matter, retarded bitch.
And that's where you're wrong, you cun guzzling faggot. Do some math and calculate how long it would take with current volume or just 10% of the current volume to reduce the supply to 10b.

>> No.51279258

I've already explained the situation countless times. Disregarding and reposting fud doesn't change the reality of situation. If you are shorting or holding something else, go all in now. I don't want to hear a single soul having a fit about liquidations or bag holding other currencies when this moons. The other anons just warning people about it are simply trying to help. If you don't believe it'll revive, you at least have to see the potential for short term profit. Anything else indicates nefarious motives or poor understanding/guidance of the market. People were screeching last week it wouldn't even rise to .0003 and yet here we are. Bobos were gloating they were just shorting it last week and then this week I saw multiple bobos saying they got liquidated. And it was the same story prior from that initial leg up from the .00009 range. Just do it anons. Even if you're a diehard fan of a competitor, you could just take the profits back to them after it rises more. Swing it if you're a skeptic. Cynicism and hesitation is not always the best approach. Nor is complacency in current trends. Look at trading volume. Lurk moar. Things do change anons. WAGMI (if you're willing to try)

>> No.51279505

Good luck keeping this momentum for 5-10 years, retard

>> No.51279554

He didn’t say anything about 100x you fucking dud, stop putting words in peoples mouths.

>> No.51279582

Look. With clown world bullshit I could see you guys going 5-10x. MAYBE. Anyone saying more is mentally retarded and a moonboy.

>> No.51279604

Also the other guy literally said it will 600x thanks to the burns, KEK. That's not me putting words in other's mouth

>> No.51279606

Id argue its on par with the HexTards

>> No.51279798
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LUNAC-tards are on par with that mentally challenged kid next door who thinks professional wrestling is real.

>> No.51281398

Seeth harder you poor wage cage cuck

>> No.51281436
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>> No.51281531
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Do LUNCtards not understand that even if burns increase the price of the token, the sell pressure of whales dumping their bags to take profit will push the price right back down?

>> No.51281817

I solded a month ago because my shadow demons were talking to me again and I would have been up with you buddies.

Taking a month off has cost me plenty and instead of the millions I had before at least I got me 60 thousandish.

Why the fuck did that cop pull me over and cost my future over a cracked fucking window shield I dont know why my timing has always been bad.

You Frogs are going to make it.

>> No.51281852

>Whales speeding up the burn AND allowing me to buy more cheapies

Don't mind if I do

>> No.51281854

Dont care. I already sold today and got enough for a new computer and a plane ticket to Athens so im happy

>> No.51281873


>Your picrelated

Where there's a seller, there's a buyer retard - and each transaction will burn the supply.

>> No.51282030

Kek so you admit to being exit liquidity alright I have no further comments
You did the right thing

>> No.51282071
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Yes anon, all $500 of my initial investment which is now worth $3800 is exit liquidity for my own exit ladder.

>> No.51282077
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>they're going to burn 99% of the supply!!! based CZ!!!!

>> No.51282100

nice, good work

>> No.51282230

Seethe nigger, keep making more posts and seethe like the gorilla nigger you really are

>> No.51282497

Athens is a crack infested shithole. Go to Crete.

>> No.51283721

Nig please

>> No.51283932

>pregnant butt
>pregnant butt

>> No.51284185
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