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51278196 No.51278196 [Reply] [Original]

Please explain to me how crypto is not a ponzi? It really seems like one.

>> No.51278211

Because it’s a ponzy you can still fuck people with right now.

>> No.51278342

Checked. Ponzi Fucking is one of the oldest professions.

>> No.51278352

Crypto, metals, and stocks area ponzi

>> No.51278385
File: 256 KB, 1164x1395, 28CD4300-2118-4950-8ECC-6E94A78F0540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you walk into Walmart and buy Christmas decorations with BTC? It’s a ponzi, plain and simple.

>> No.51278406
File: 111 KB, 1280x775, photoshoped_viper_snake_koaa11ywfau51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a ponzi, take life for example, you are born to feed the economy, the olders one, even if poor are likely to be in better shape then you are.
>t. 666 years old master wizard, yes, master wizard for all of that time.

Can someone please post this question?

my ip range is blocked and i don't have my mobile right now

Caffeine pills and nicotine patches long term

Anyone used caffeine pills long term?
Any real noticeable increase in focus, productivity at work/study?
Adderall is too strong for me, it does work but I teak a lot and sometimes it has the reverse effect, (tweak too much and get no work done), I tried lower doses but long term seems overkill.
Coffee is great, but drinking it a lot during the day have other problems, just like cigarettes.
Anyone here used caffeine pills or nicotine patches for 4 months or more?

When I arrive from work I usually relax and then study or work on a side hustle for a few hours at night, but I need that extra boost, drinking also doesn't help (makes me too comfortable and sleepy).

>> No.51278443

t. Average Bitcoin investor

>> No.51278460

t. average normie coper that fell for the jew lies

>> No.51278493

It is a Ponzi, and we're close to the end-game.

>> No.51278495

Can someone pls post my question post? ip range is blocked for biz

>> No.51278511

It is a ponzi, just accept it, the whole thing is one giant scam, nobody uses this shit for anything.

>> No.51278535

It's not exactly a ponzi scheme. It's not exactly a pyramid scheme either. It's more... imagine if you distilled the essence of the fuckery that is the derivatives market with none of the underlying value, minted it into coins, and had a series of criminals and hustlers buying it on the assumption that they could sell it to the next group of suckers that come along. It's too distributed to be a ponzi scheme in any true sense, and it's not centralized enough to be a pyramid scheme, but like both of those it relies on a chain of suckers buying nonsense and hoping that they won't be the ones who lose in the game of musical chairs when the value drops. So yeah. Just like the derivatives market but with none of the underlying value.

>ackshually crypto is going to overthrow the monetary system and create decentralized banking and overthrow the central banks that are run by the Rothschild Illuminati Bilderberg reptilian space lizards

That's what the biggest suckers sound like OP. If you dig a little deeper you'll actually find institutions like the John Birch Society who's whole business model is cranking out suckers with fruity belief systems who can be exploited by these types of schemes. You find it everywhere. Fuck, if you take a little tour into the dark side you'll see everything from intellectuals functionally lobotomized by their own ideology, to factories for controlled judges and lawyers, to the morons who will empty their pockets for whatever snake oil is being hawked this week by your choice of "doctor"/church/spiritual guru.

It is a scheme, but the essence of it is deeper down than what you're looking at.

>> No.51278805

simply look at how companies like meta, adobe, htc, nothing phone, mercedes benz, bentley, reddit... are all partnering with Matic to join the crypto market, if you still think that crypto is a bubble then you're dumb as fuck

>> No.51279005
File: 487 KB, 1600x1200, 1BE2A69C-C2ED-4EC4-AD82-42DD7130EABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger this is the age of the ponzi. Everything is a grift, everything is a scam, everything is a pyramid scheme. Do you think you’re better because you’re doing it the “honest” way? Wagecucking 40+ hours a week, paying a mortgage, dealing with a nagging, entitled bitch who will drop you the second you stop pampering her big fat ass. Does that all sound like fun? If so then do it the old fashioned way and watch from the outside while everyone else gets shit rich.