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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51275498 No.51275498 [Reply] [Original]

>Worked on a federal holiday where everyone is spending time with friends and family and their girlfriend

The wagie cagie killed me today

>> No.51275529

we are better off without friends, family, and gfs. They're all just retarded normies, while we are intelligent and critically thinking thanks to the redpill. All we need is money and 4chan and coming together in this support group, where we can enjoy ourselves and pat each other on the back by making, say, woman and nigger hate threads. That's what life is really about, fuck society and sex-havers

>> No.51275597

I was like you but took the /fit/ pill and met a girl next week that broke all of the mind conditioning you are currently subject to. When was the last time you truly smiled anon?

>> No.51275610

last week*
was a khv and she took it all away. It's not too late to change

>> No.51275621

Sucks brah
Have you considered not working a job for immigrants?

>> No.51275644

no thanks, prefer to think of women as all manipulative worthless soulless superficial whores who will cheat and destroy me. This way it's easier to resign myself to a life without romance

>> No.51275700
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your first experience with a girl. You'll find out in a half year to a year if she's a bitch or not. I will pray for you son. Don't get too attached too fast. if she's psycho just roon, ROON. and yes many are. also try not to get addicted to fucking da poosi. once she knows you need and want the poosi. she'll have the power. relationships are powerplays. sadly. anyway good luck fren. lets hope she's one of the good ones, I hope for you. also, if she is, please make a few babies.

>> No.51275715

You got a point man. She had a boyfriend and after fucking her she went on about how she loves him but not enough to not cheat. Still, try women anon, they make you feel emotions you thought you could not get

>> No.51275731

Nah, it's for a giant corporation

>> No.51275765

>tons of people worked through the pandemic for no extra pay rather than crash this system to its knees and get the biggest pay increase in their or any generation sinces lifetime just kept parroting “well I gotta take care of my family” “muh family you know how it is”
>as soon as the pandemic was declared “handled” that essential shit went out the window and they became dregs again

>> No.51275826

Oh in that case tell them to suck your extremely average pee pee

>> No.51275889

>He works on Labor Day
My sides lmao

>> No.51276043
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>if she's psycho just roon, ROON