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File: 1.68 MB, 2059x1797, xrpchip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51268120 No.51268120 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51268151


You will own nothing and be happy. -Klaus

>> No.51268163

I can't believe I held all these global commie coins. I'm SELLING NOW.

>> No.51268179

Why resist? Do you wanna be outcast in the future? If you can't beat them, join them. The schizzo's have told you this day was coming for years.

Do you not remember? Do you not remember people warning you "if you don't watch out they will lock you up in your homes at one point" being called crazy only for you to be locked inside your home a few months later?

The signs are all right in front of you. The World Economic Forum is literally transparent about their plans, it is happening right now. Yet you ignore this.

>> No.51268249

I'm in a dilemma about many things, I'll admit that. I don't want to join them though...

>> No.51268276

then have fun staying poor

>> No.51268285

have fun being a slave

>> No.51268300

And you not being able to buy anything and being much poorer then the people that got in early is not being a slave? haha

>> No.51268314

>here's your daily dose of cockroach based goyslop for being a good serf
I am so envious

>> No.51268323

You are right, better kill yourself now before you are forced to kill yourself later!

>> No.51268337

Slaves really do love their chains, what a surprise. Oh by the way, don't forget to get your 5th booster shot goy, otherwise you will have your good goy points docked and you know what that means...

>> No.51268345

>ending up with gigantic amounts of money before getting little money means you are a slave

>> No.51268358

buddy you don't get to keep any of your gains, thats not how this works. once xrp is integrated with your cbdcs your wealth will be redistributed to the wef. you fucking fools. you shilled for your own enslavement for NOTHING

>> No.51268364

now this is a schizzo take

>> No.51268394

thats the whole point of the cbdc system, so they can control what you're allowed to buy. the dollars can expire. it will be integrated into a social credit system. other forms of currency will be banned. you gleefully shilled for a technology you knew would be deployed against you because you thought it would pump it. you greedy little backstabbers get NOTHING

>> No.51268399

no more chudposting for you then

>> No.51268413

>i'll sell before then
and then what, buy what. your crypto will be banned. cash will be banned. gold bartering the robot cashier at the supermarket? good luck. better hope you don't get caught. the only legal tender will be the cbdc tracked and traced and controlled and linked up to your social credit goodboy points system. you will live in the pod, you will eat the bugs, this is what you have shilled for. your one chance was to fud the evil tech with everything you have and you blew it. enjoy your blockchains around your necks fucking ripplefaggots

>> No.51268416

Ripple is a scam.

>> No.51268419

the gleeful little psychopaths rubbing their hands together and lubing up their assholes to get fucked by the wef because they expect a reach around and a pump on their bags. fucking pathetic sad fucks, the only good thing about this is the twisted irony that you will get NOTHING

>> No.51268430

You’re talking about CBDCs, the digital dollars you believe you’ll be buying bitcoin will disappear/restrict your purchases
XRP is unrestricted, there will mandatory KYC but by the time all of this happens I can just spend my XRP at my local grocery store or head to Home Depot and pick up some rope to donate to bitfucks.

>> No.51268443


holy shit this guy kek

>> No.51268447



>> No.51268450

Nice fud, thankfully this has been discussed ad nauseum for the past several years. Keep ignoring though.

>> No.51268453

xrp will not be legal tender anymore then bitcoin will be. its a blockchain used to move the cbdc data around. its not something you're allowed to spend, you will only be allowed to buy and sell with cbdc dollars. thanks for playing the stupid game, enjoy your stupid prize.

>> No.51268470

>I can just spend my XRP at my local grocery store
a herp de derp derp doooooo
you will spend cbdc. your xrp is worthless. its a blockchain that doesnt need you holding it to work. and only cbdcs are legal currency. what you're spending your xrps congrats you're under arrest, it was all kyc remember wow. how fucking dumb are you.

you call yourselves schizos but there is no paranoia just lemming behavior.

>> No.51268472

Someone get this hothead outa here

>> No.51268477

someone get the wefs cock out of your mouth
xrp is the slave coin, enjoy your slavery, its what you asked for when you shilled it

>> No.51268486

why are you so mad? who hurt you? bought at $3? What does it matter just HODL strong bro and sell when it hits 37.5k when the switch is flipped

>> No.51268495

xrp is the good guy coin, go fuck yourself liar fuck

>> No.51268502

you hurt everyone shilling for our enslavement thinking it would pump your bags
good goy coin

>> No.51268503

Kek you’re retarded stop pulling shit out of your ass. XRP has value and real volume, bitcoin is a speculative “asset” with 90% bot volume. CFTC already declared XRP a currency, DTCC called it a supranational currency, cope harder ywnb world reserve currency.

>> No.51268509

WEF probably vaxxed his NPC family and culled them for the greater good.

>> No.51268518

>sell when the switch is flipped
sell into what? there will be no more dollar only cbdcs. there will be nothing to sell into. all the cbdcs you have can be redistributed at their will and they will do that. you will have nothing. you will own nothing. you will live in the pod and eat the bugs. and you will live with the knowledge that you fucking asked for it.

>> No.51268530

its a tool to be used by the wef to transmit your cbdcs. its not an end product you will legally be allowed to sell. thats not how absolute power and control works. they wont create a cbdc in the first place just to allow us to freely exchange coins instead that defeats the fucking purpose of controlling everything.

>> No.51268535

fool, you'll beg for ripplechad's forgiveness when the switch is flipped

>> No.51268540


kek hothead is still going

>> No.51268710

Xrp holders are the ultimate cowards and cucks who will get on their knees for the great reset/wef/nwo before it's even been finalized in the hopes of gaining material wealth for being the first adopters of the coming total control grid. Monkey brains so obsessed with the idea of getting rich that they'll help facilitate the final enslavement of the planet in the process. All while larping as spiritually enlightened for doing so, with some of them even having the gall to claim to be followers of christ, gigakek. How one can see the future the "elites" have planned and think the that best course of action is to do nothing and in fact welcome it with open arms is beyond pathetic. They'll try to rationalize it all by stroking their egos for being so wise and awake to the hidden goings-on of the world but in the end they've sold out to the most detestable group of scumbags this world has ever seen. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." -Goethe

>> No.51268769

everyone not owning xrp is ngmi in the NWO lmao

>> No.51268782


>> No.51268813

why do you guys harp on bugs so much, they're gonna do cloned meat before they force people to eat bugs. be realistic, I can't believe you guys are falling for the psyop.

they only talk about bug burgers so you'll be less grossed out about the chicken blob sandwich you'll eat in the future

>> No.51268818

>eth, link, algo, ada, celo, xrp, xlm, sol
anyone holding any of this shit are basically trannies
rather give money to a pajeet village thru dogcoins than getting dumped on by some globohomo vc

>> No.51268968

Imagine wanting to "make it" in the nwo, holy fucking kek, you goddamn cowards. Imagine not wanting to die on your feet fighting the nwo and instead preferring to get on your knees and participate in the new control system like a good compliant slave, so completely blinded by greed that you'll degrade yourself to any extent to have your untold riches. A bunch of soulless materialists who believe in nothing, stand for nothing, and will fall for anything.

>> No.51268980

>be needing

>> No.51269036

Hi /pol/ !

>> No.51269214


please buy my bags

>> No.51269272

Duh , DARPA tech
Apparently some of this plan they're accrediting to myself... How idk

>> No.51269303

How would you sign the transactions?
What's to stop someone brushing past you with a scanner and stealing all your funds?

>> No.51269326


>> No.51269346

I wish this was true
t. schizo

>> No.51269655

Schizos will be revered as Kings while you midwits will have the choice of either serving us or serving Jews. You will not be allowed out of your chains since you will ruin society with your midwittery once again.

>> No.51269941

Schizo's warned for this, but also the bible. Literal.
I'm not a big Christ fag, but once the book is 1:1 with real life, its hard to ignore.
Will you pick the wef or God?

>> No.51270576

Kek xrp is the equivalent to owning stake in the world banks. The more the xrpl is used the higher xrp price goes to extrapolate efficiency

>> No.51270626

go back to plebbit or >/pol/ faggot

pick one nigger

>> No.51270664

This. Money will be programmed. Meat no, Crickets yes. Travelling - 100 miles per year limit. Expiration date - till end of month. No vaccine ? Daily fine 10% of your assets. Are you a shitskin ? 150% coins more. Welcome to HELL. All comfort of life gone. Literally a slave.

>> No.51270695

Im going to resist by check-n out of society going offgrind to boat to woods andf they have their utopia shitty world. Good luck.

>> No.51270703

Worse. Any wealth created by white men will distributed to women and shitskins.

>> No.51271048

They beat you already.

>> No.51271067

This is the entire point.
Almost everything in this world is voluntary.
The entire point is to make you choose and be cajoled into CHOOSING to trade your soul.
They'll never make you do anything.

>> No.51271472
File: 453 KB, 875x711, FA100B26-1828-4BAB-B9AD-BE2B3D8B2689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51271542

what was it? mark of the beast? yeah i think that was it.

>> No.51271724

There is no switch you tard. David Schwartz goes to /XSG just like he does Quora every single day.
>You'll be sharing Algo tranny's, Stellar fags, and Iota retards. And if gay as Charles wants a piece of your pie he'll get in. Better watch out because.. well he's a fat ass.

>> No.51271748

Most XRP holders unironically want to fund the next Hitler. Your point is invalid.

>> No.51271797

this tweet is from 2018 you faggot

>> No.51271819

>a good strategy is to stay totally poor and resourceless
>THEN you will be able to fight

>> No.51271940

>they'll help facilitate the final enslavement of the planet in the process
We're not helping shit. Its happening regardless of whether or not we hold XRP. Our bags are just a drop in the ocean

>> No.51272274

then quietly hold your little bags and stop shilling. at least have that much dignity

>> No.51272444

You assume that their isn't a third option.
There's no way all of the wealthy elites are going to have the same status as the slave class.
If I can achieve this elite status with just sufficient levels of wealth, then I will be happy.
I will use my position to preserve forbidden knowledge, for future generations.

We're transitioning from the Age of Merchants, to the Age of Slaves (Kali Yuga)
But that won't be the end.
Eventually society will reach rock bottom, reject the slave mentality, and rebell en mass.
Then we can move back up to the Age of Merchants, Age of Kings, and Age of Priests.
But none of this will happen, until the normies truly experience the consequences of their blind obedience to the elites.
Not until they've truly experienced slavery.
I want to preserve knowledge, for when that happens.

But, this is all predicated on the idea that I can avoid slavery, just by being rich enough.
If they also require me to compromise my morals, then fuck that noise.
I'll die on my feet.
We need to keep in mind that there are different factions in the elites.
Most of them are evil, but I'm hoping that there is at least 1 good, or even neutral faction.

I don't think it's possible to win against the turning of the Ages.
We've been heading for the Kali Yuga for awhile.
But I would at least like to preserve knowledge.
Preserve good for the future.
If I can't do that, then I'm willing to die fighting.
I just want my death to do some good.
I worry that my death would do nothing to stop the elites plans from coming to fruition.
It'll be worth it, to die for the sack of not compromising my morals.
I just want more than that.
Some of the elites plans we know.
But we don't know what all of the factions plans are.
Why not hedge your bets for more than one scenario?

>> No.51272941
File: 207 KB, 839x1291, ENOUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire point is to make you choose and be cajoled into CHOOSING to trade your soul.
haha, lol no.

>> No.51273072

But you can just not send your kid to their schools moron.
I literally do that. I have two kids not vaccinated at all and they go to a Christian school.
It's a choice. They show you the easy way and the hard way.
But it's still a choice.

And I think you miss the essence of what I was saying as well. It's a spiritual or metaphysical "choice". You lose your soul if you choose to go along with enough bullshit.
But vaccines are very easily avoided and never forced on anyone.

>> No.51273120

On a side note, anyone get the feeling you can magically suicide holding a significant amount? After all, they could look at exchanges see who bought what and where they are located. After locating the holder take them on a private fishing trip, put tie an anchor to them and let them enjoy a nice swim.
>Don't answer the door anon.

>> No.51273169

You really don't know the lore do you anon? A common theme with xrp has always been to live a life where after things happen to not make waves with newfound wealth. And to never punch above your weight class, the 33 million xrp anon is a decent thread go read.

>> No.51273233
File: 2.14 MB, 4233x3033, makesuthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But, this is all predicated on the idea that I can avoid slavery, just by being rich enough.
Yes, that's typically how being "not poor" works.
>If they also require me to compromise my morals, then fuck that noise.
What do you consider "crossing the line"?
>We've been heading for the Kali Yuga for awhile.
Yes, seems like there's a direct correlation with "Ancient, Cyclical, Mystical, Kali Yuga Prophecy" posters and pajeet shill posters...
>But I would at least like to preserve knowledge.
What knowledge?
>I worry that my death would do nothing to stop the elites plans from coming to fruition.
>It'll be worth it, to die for the sack of not compromising my morals.
So, the plan is to give them your money and help them destroy Western Civilization-which only needs to be burned down because of the Asian-Infiltration working with our traitors...
>But none of this will happen, until the normies truly experience the consequences of their blind obedience to the elites.
>Not until they've truly experienced slavery.
Yeah, I guess it's a good thing that the ""normies"" are getting richer and richer by lying, cheating, stealing, oppressing, discriminating, and committing Crimes Against Humanity; while the working people can't afford to travel to work.

What is with all of the Mental Gymnastics that look like:
>We need to demolish this oppressive system, so we can turn everyone into Slaves!
>Because we're actually the gud guys, and we're going to make them and their families life complete Hell through forced-slavery, and also I really don't like to do anything that could even remotely be considered as 'contributing to society'.
>Because fuck society.
>But with our 'new Society', everyone who doesn't worship me as a literal God will have their life ruined, and the only participation they can have in our new society will be through forced-labor.

>> No.51273254
File: 195 KB, 778x746, NoConsent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you can just not send your kid to their schools moron.
How do you not get it yet?

>> No.51273334
File: 3.97 MB, 2333x5322, RockeUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But vaccines are very easily avoided and never forced on anyone.
Why do you tell lies on a WoW Roleplaying Private-Server?

>> No.51273340
File: 29 KB, 300x300, salk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I get that people are stupid and easily duped.
But again. I did not get the covid vaccine. Neither did 30% of Americans.
I get far more than you brainlet. I've read the history of vaccines and the books of the people that developed them as my main concern for about 10-15 years.
Here's one for you that will elucidate the thinking of the psychopaths behind the agenda.

>> No.51273354

The teeny bopper saved some screencaps from /pol/ and is now more woke than everyone episode #357,242.

>> No.51273370
File: 22 KB, 517x159, 1661279979168108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks the Great Reset architects will let him get rich by buying one of the most normie friendly smelliest crypto bags in existence
Sure anon they're definitely going to let you on the ark because you signed in to Coinbase and clicked buy and lost money for 5 years. Wow those World Economic Forum people sure are generous and care about us, I had no idea

>> No.51273396
File: 3.66 MB, 4999x3777, HealthAdmins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on your success from happily promoting mass genocide and speed-running Crimes-Against-Humanity.

This is truly the peak of civilization thanks to you.

>> No.51273434
File: 3.55 MB, 4781x2731, QuantumEconomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The teeny bopper saved some screencaps from /pol/ and is now more woke than everyone episode #357,242.
You can call it whatever you want.
I'm just sharing my opinion for other anons to read, so they can make informed decisions.

>> No.51273457
File: 3.76 MB, 4111x2933, MarketingEmergencyPowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51273575
File: 935 KB, 2022x1524, YESFRENEVERYTIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jonas Salk
>In 1947, Salk accepted a professorship in the School of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.
>It was there that he undertook a project to determine the number of different types of poliovirus, starting in 1948.
>For the next seven years, Salk devoted himself towards developing a vaccine against polio.
Of course.

>> No.51273622

Insider here, already holding your bags

>> No.51273771

You're unironically going to hell.

>> No.51273829

How is that a response to anything the other guy is saying?
Seems that you just must eschew modern society and there are consequences to that but you don't HAVE to do it.
In Brave New World Aldous Huxley even allows for the primitives outside of the system. You guys are not arguing the same thing really and are not really at odds with each other.

>> No.51273845

>What do you consider "crossing the line"?
Taking the vaccine or microchip injection.
>What knowledge?
Differences between races and sexes.
Different races are better off living apart.
Our real history.
Transgenderism is a literal mental disorder.
The jews and their shabbos goys are the ones destroying our society.

>So, the plan is to give them your money and help them destroy Western.
They don't need my money.
They are going to accomplish this without me.
This has been in the planning for a long time.
>Yeah, I guess it's a good thing that the ""normies"" are getting richer and richer by lying, cheating, stealing, oppressing, discriminating, and committing Crimes Against Humanity; while the working people can't afford to travel to work.
As long as people have food in their beliefs, and comfort, most of them will comply with tyranny.
>>We need to demolish this oppressive system, so we can turn everyone into Slaves!
>>Because we're actually the gud guys, and we're going to make them and their families life complete Hell through forced-slavery, and also I really don't like to do anything that could even remotely be considered as 'contributing to society'.
Societies become corrupt over time.
They eventually reach the point where they can't be fixed.
Globohomo has a near stranglehold on propaganda.
Our efforts to counter that, will only open the eyes of a small amount of people.
Not enough for any meaningful change.
I don't view myself as the good guy or bad guy.
I have good qualities and bad.
I'm trying to make the best of a shitty situation.
>>But with our 'new Society', everyone who doesn't worship me as a literal God will have their life ruined, and the only participation they can have in our new society will be through forced-labor.
I never said any of that.
I'm just a flawed human.
Not a god.
I want to not be a slave, and preserve forbidden knowledge.
That's it.
I have no interest in ruling over anyone.

>> No.51273993

Millions and millions of people for hundreds of years have made dramatic amounts of money buying into corporate and globalist companies and operations early. They are a drop in the bucket to the masses and demonstrably they exist.
Average random bought MSFT, TSLA, AMZ, and etc. when it was very low and now it's very high.
100x gains. Literally. It has demonstrably happened over and over.
So stay poor.

>> No.51274096

Ripple is being sued by the SEC for selling an unregistered security.
Any normies that held XRP before this, got destroyed.
Since then, normies won't touch XRP with a ten foot pole.
I know that Ripple will win their lawsuit, because I've researched and followed the case.
Most normies won't do this.

Only the following people hold XRP:
Well researched people that follow the court case.
Smart schizos that follow all of the hints of the coming new monetary system, and the connections between current and former Ripple employees and monetary regulatory bodies.
Stupid schizos, that believe everything positive conspiracy they hear about XRP.
Literal niggers.

The smartest and the dumbest will make it.
The normies in the middle, will not.

>> No.51274108
File: 333 KB, 2130x1186, 1656036532029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware of the Lore. And I do believe that we will reach $10 easily. ~$67-$800 max. If it were pegged 1:1 with gold it would only be $90. Also David Schwartz does indeed frequent/XSG. Also don't be so guilible the $37,500 is just clever marketing.
>All in on XRP. Hold. What will happen? XRP will go to Mickey Mouses dog. When? Soon.
Never specifies how soon. Also check pic. It's fake as fuck and due to Schwartz marketing team this is spread on /XSG.
>Always put holes in your investments.

>> No.51274129
File: 65 KB, 1200x675, dKcQDEUw1GsqeLg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the real photo.

>> No.51274143
File: 816 KB, 739x739, 1660205208245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most prominent capitalists in the world are secretly all commies
>NEET incels living in their mom's basement and leeching off the state are the only *real* capitalists
Schizophrenia is a helluva disease.

>> No.51274209

Link to video?
Seems weird for someone to shop every letter like that.
Lots of words in the "real" one you posted.

>> No.51274247

Also here is a photo of a delusion for you.
>Explode soon
>Marketing ploy.

>> No.51274248

Everyone is a capitalist. Communists want centralized STATE RUN capitalism.
"Owning" something vs. having control over how it's used because you are a state official is the same thing.

So...in conclusion. 18 to post here and preferably you have read a book before.

>> No.51274268
File: 195 KB, 720x566, Screenshot_20220905-121811-926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51274270

Why do you think the dropped the lawsuits late December of 2020?
It was literally days from $2,000 and they had to stop it.
Catch up.

>> No.51274271
File: 3.45 MB, 4666x2244, HibernationOver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seems that you just must eschew modern society and there are consequences to that but you don't HAVE to do it.
Wow, what a linguistic wordsmith you are.
I guess parents can just CHOOSE to lose custody of their children, go bankrupt from Fines&Legal-Fees, and go to Prison for 'Child Neglect/Abuse'; just because they have a personal or medical objection to subjecting their children to Poisonous Injections every few months throughout their life.
Obviously everyone just chooses to act stupid, and no one is lying, misleading, or threatening them in anyway.
>In Brave New World Aldous Huxley even allows for the primitives outside of the system.
I genuinely don't care about that, I just care about the midwitted sociopaths who currently have too much wealth and authority.
>You guys are not arguing the same thing really and are not really at odds with each other.
Don't put me in the same category as that anon.

>> No.51274293

Use TinEye you piggybacking whore.
>The midwit meme is real.

>> No.51274313
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>> No.51274357
File: 2.01 MB, 1717x2555, WeWILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking the vaccine or microchip injection.


>> No.51274372

Well I've not seen a case of what you describe there. But Aldous Huxley is one of the designers of the system.
Reading the books of people like Aldous, or Salk, as the guy suggested earlier is important because then you understand the mindset of those in charge and what their true motivations are.
Aldous wrote Brave New World Revisited 30 years later where he lays out specifics on how the book was based on their actual intended end game. Now things don't always go as they plan for sure, but you gain a lot of context and it expands your mind to read these books I know from experience.

>> No.51274374
File: 876 KB, 1777x1999, GoldRush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it were pegged 1:1 with gold
Commodity backed currencies are a meme.

>> No.51274401

This is always the response. I've never seen an economic illiterate even attempt to discuss this.
You will run and deflect and probably just meme response to this post as well.
Refute the logic, or as I said, read a book.

>> No.51274421

Scuse me. I thought we were on an online forum where you were posting information in an apparent expectation others would read it and be interested.
And then I thought that you might ENJOY quickly posting the video and adding to the thread.

>> No.51274439
File: 1.07 MB, 666x1088, StonkerHonker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well I've not seen a case of what you describe there
Oh ok, pack it up folks, shows over.
Anon doesn't know how bad things are, so I guess things are on god no cap pretty bussin fr fr

>> No.51274444

How do the pictures make you feel?
I'm going to say it once more Schwartz frequents Quora and /XSG and there is a marketing campaign.
Here's how the future will look: ISO 20022 compliant cryptos will be used for currency around the world meaning Raj in India will be have the same economic status as an American that didn't get in on the compliant cryptos. A nber of wealthy retired people will Caladon Hockley themselves if they weren't in the know, eventually the wealth around the world will spread. Also there is no limit to the number of ISO 20022 compliant cryptos, hell fat ass hoskinson is aiming to make ADA compatible. In truth this is no different than purchasing power from the dollar being taken from Americans from 1910s to present, meanwhile the wealthy are able to siphon the wealth in other means. So you may get wealthy from $1m - $100m range. They will not allow you enough to build a personal army, if they are indeed smart enough.

>> No.51274454

Everything you wrote is demonstrably false.

>read a book
You've clearly never read one in your life.

>> No.51274466

You can't just say things and then they are true dude.
I have two kids and neither have any vaccinations. There LITERALLY 3-4 million unvaccinated children in the USA. This is why their desperation is so palpable. They are losing this information war. I commend your zest, but there is no point to argue with others over trivialities that YOU ARE WRONG about.

>> No.51274489

Checked and can't into sarcasm pilled

>> No.51274513

Sorry the sarcasm comment not for you.
I haven't seen a case of that. I have seen uncountable horrible these and am basically a prepper because I know just how bad it is.
But to pretend this is common is disingenuous.
As I said in my last post. There are millions of 100% unvaxxed children in the USA.

>> No.51274515
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PharmaChads, I don't feel so good...

>> No.51274521

Certain vaccines being mandatory, does not equal all vaccines mandatory.
Before the scamdemic, the penalties for not vaccinating your kids, we're far less severe.
Getting people fired from their jobs, destroying small businesses, stealing people's kids, internment camps, these did not exist on the large scale for not getting a vaccine.
These are recent developments that the elites planned to implement, once they got people afraid enough.

And why are you shouting in all caps?
I agree with some of the stuff you are saying.
But you keep accusing me of trying to pretend I'm a god, for some reason.

>> No.51274537

I own a bookstore and have read 15 books this year so far and that's low because I've been very busy for family reasons.
I quite literally own 10,000 books.

>> No.51274553

Also the irony of saying "everything you wrote is demonstrably false" in response to me saying you would do this exact thing is pretty funny.
At least THAT part wasn't wrong you'd have to admit.

>> No.51274568
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>fr fr
Urt Urt Imma fuckin zoomy retard.

>> No.51274574

You're are making preposterous claims like "everyone is a capitalist". No, most people do not own factories. No point even engaging with the absurd claims of someone so clueless.

>> No.51274613
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>> No.51274618

But they use the capital they have to profit.
This is the point. You think "capitalist" means someone is rich when it's just the method by which anyone obtains any wealth of any kind.
How else can you produce wealth dude? You use what you have to produce. Some people don't have much, that doesn't change how it just is.
It's human nature. It's how humans behave.
I'd suggest Human Action by Mises and your whole world will be straightened out.

He's the greatest of all economists and the book is based as fuck and called HUMAN ACTION for a reason. Economics is just the study of human behavior. You are letting words pervert what is actually happening in the real world.

>> No.51274629

>I was totally shut down in devastating fashion
>frantically find a meme to deflect
Just admit you don't read.

>> No.51274638

What's weirder was someone shopping it to make it look that it doesn't have schizo nwo gematria stuff.

>> No.51274666

>You think "capitalist" means someone is rich
No, it means someone who owns the productive infrastructure that workers use to make products and services. You're the only one mentioning "wealth" and "riches", schizo. Take your meds.

>Human Action by Mises
Lol, there it is.

>> No.51274684

Reminder that shills are real and this poster isn’t a genuine or possibly not even a real person

>> No.51274717

Oh, no, I did read you post reading your book selection. I have the feeling you may be the out of touch with reality type, most likely on the spectrum. While reading is great for gaining information and keeping yourself able minded. It sounded as if you wanted a biscuit for a basic skill. If anything reading that much text yields a negative for other areas of your life. When's the last you had an intimate conversation with an individual of the opposite sex?

>> No.51274738

So this explains why he flipped his lid when I asked. Thanks. I have seen it many times before. I was around before we started counting the generals. Just wanted a refresher and for the thread to be more comfy.

>> No.51274774

You have quite the imagination. I am married to a very good looking woman with two children. My secretary and 2/3 of my employees are women. I get along pretty well.
My bookstore is a sidegig. In my main work I am on my feet physically moving things most of the day with light (as light as I can keep it) computer work.
Thanks for asking.

>> No.51274809

>anyone who disagrees with me is a robot
>if you see someone who is not a nutball ancap, see if you can pry off their back panel and deactivate them - they're not real! lalalala!

>> No.51275238

Also I'm not >>51274537
So I am concerned about your comprehension skills. Those 15 books you read this year, they wouldn't happen to be Dr. Seuss book would they? In case you didn't know he may go by Dr., but they certainly are not literature one would find useful in adult endeavors.

>> No.51275262

Meant not this user: >>51274454

>> No.51277338

Holy based

>> No.51277490

I agree, i think in a vacuum your ideas of price are not wrong, i think i will however be holding even at those prices unless it were to see the upper end of what you suggest. A take on Pascals wager if you will.

>> No.51277937

>Why resist? Do you wanna be outcast in the future? If you can't beat them, join them.
>t. poorly written Justice League supervillain

>> No.51278407
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just put the science chip straight in my hand please, heckin wholesome mark of the beasterino

>> No.51279113

This is cool and all but you poltards try to make this shit sound scary and it scares me shut up with your bullshit conspiracy theories

>> No.51279297
File: 228 KB, 536x600, 1638619636254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to get probed by the the elites

>> No.51279445

who the fuck will ever put this into their hand