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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5126340 No.5126340 [Reply] [Original]

BTC is poised to breach the 100 thousand dollars before new year. will 2018 be the year fiat and their jewish banking cartels finally die?

>> No.5126384

crypto will be assimilated by banks, using the lightning network.

>> No.5126413

>will 2018 be the year fiat and their jewish banking cartels finally die?
No, they'll just start giving loans out using their own banking cryptocurrency that has no mining limit. The government will seize bitcoins from "tax evaders" and sell them cheaply to the banks until eventually the bankers control 50% of the supply.

But it will shake things up for a while..

>> No.5126498
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how will the government seize something that can be encrypted of destroyed with the single click of a button?

>> No.5126505

[citation needed]

>> No.5126550
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bitcoin is just an ancap garbage currency for drugs and tax evasion. The people who are investing in these currencies are feeding money into drug/human trafficking cartels, assassination rings, and the 1% seeking to avoid raising eyebrows when moving millions of dollars overseas to a bank account in the Cayman Islands.

It's not an escape from the current power structure, it's a reinforcement of the same power structures with different rules and systems.

>> No.5126556

No fucking way, maybe 30k

They'll kick your shit until you give them your private keys

>muh AR15

Hope you got enough bullets

>> No.5126581

Through the barrel of a gun of course.
It will be a crime to withhold passwords from the government, and they will imprison you if you disobey.

The (((deep state))) won't allow bitcoin to undermine their system. They will adopt it.

>> No.5126588

This makes sense. The jews will grab their hands on making their own crypto, market it as being federal banks approved (tm) and finally sell it to people for real usd. Not only will they make more money out of thin air but they will eventually use their own made cryptos to buy btc to gain control over the supply. In fact they're probably doing that right not with tether.

>> No.5126616

t. butthurt nocoiner
>Selling at $30k

>> No.5126701
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>muh gubmint knows all transactions and they're torturing people for passwords!
What kind of a third-world shithole do you live in? are you north korean?!

>> No.5126725

I agree that there is money to be made with bitcoin, always have. The problem is the poor always fall for the same scam. They see that they're making money off of something, and don't realize that someone else is making waaaay more money than they are. It's that difference that drives the wealth gap. This technology has literally no advantages to your mom or dad or employer. It has the marginal advantage to a college student buying drugs, but only if he has something against paper money for some reason. This really only benefits people trying to duck regulators.

The money you're making off bitcoin is nonzero but in the end those are short, meager gains in relation to where this will put you and the rest of the world 30 years from now.

>> No.5126962
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Jesus, for once you have the power to steal fire from the jewery and make them lose controll over the printing press.

Fiat is semitism!

>> No.5127067

Do you think there's some kind of ban that prohibits Jews from buying bitcoin? For all you know Satoshi WAS a Jew.

>> No.5127155


I made a gain of 50k gain on a 10k investment. These are not just short meager ones. 50k is a years salary in the US.

>> No.5127169

Just because bitcoin == money doesn't necessarily mean it has everything to do with Judaism, jesus fuck

>> No.5127238
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>tfw Satoshi was actually multi-millionaire jew who created btc to control the goyim-cattle even more than now

>> No.5127271


if your post references jews in any fashion it DOES NOT BELONG ON BIZ


>> No.5127329

Sorry, but /biz/ is the economic branch of /pol/.

>> No.5127340


sorry but /pol/ is the psych ward of 4chan
worse than /x/ even

>> No.5127389

I don't give a rats' ass about other people making money

>> No.5127511
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>> No.5127621

How circumcised is your penis?

>> No.5127661
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>> No.5127721
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>le polbait
You mean you disagree with someone here, but don't have a counterargument?

>> No.5127797

what do you want me to argue

the fact that banks are not some jewish cartel?
or the fact that banks are also in the crypto game and have been for years already?

youre all idiots and not worth arguing with thats why

>> No.5127806

>bitcoin will be used to do the same stuff fiat already does.
Bitcoin's is merely a superior form of currency it's not here to solve all of the worlds problems.

>> No.5127816

“Satoshi” is NSA.

>> No.5127822
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GTFO Goldstein

>> No.5127950

Speculation tool*

>> No.5127951

>Automation will make it so most people don't have to work. (It's ALREADY the case, most of the work people do is useless busy work, evidence of this is how kids streaming vidya games on youtube can make millions)
Crypto is a global game of musical chairs to decide who will be in the leisure class and who will be in the slave class.

Nocoiners are going to start realizing they're selling themselves and their kids into slavery to early adopter and there will be a quickly accelerating bum rush to get rid of fiat and get crypto... any amount of crypto...

>> No.5128018

>slavery to early adopter
In your dreams, nerd.

>> No.5128177

It's already my reality. My crypto is already worth millions of your wagecuck bucks. I do nothing but live a leisurely life and you wagecucks are forced to give me goods and services.

>> No.5128464
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Sorry bro, but you'll never be the pizza join that sold a single pizza for a 1000 coins, nor will you see any number above the period in your life.

There is still hope of not living in complete poverty tho.

>> No.5128555

I’m not

>> No.5128902

It's not here to solve any problems that actually affect you and me. It only solves the problems of the hyper-rich and the scum of the earth. If you consider that "superior" I don't know what to tell you.
>But I made money!
Yes, good job. But when you buy something, you pay money to increase the quality of your life. The quality of your life noticeably decreases if your investments turn on you and threatens your way of life. It doesn't matter that you have more money, because you're trading your means of attaining happiness for the happiness itself. You're losing sight of your values for the cheap thrill of an adrenaline rush.

Bitcoin offers a fundamental change to the world economic system, and therefore disrupts society itself, but that is not necessarily a good thing. It comes with consequences. Many of those consequences aren't something that can be rectified by throwing money at the problem. They're things like whether you feel safe in your neighborhood, or feel comfortable letting your daughter walk to school. To what extent you can trust others. More broadly, to what extent order can be established and maintain among people. Whether you can enjoy your computer or need to fear it.

>> No.5129048

>Bitcoin offers a fundamental change to the world economic system
It’s monopoly money that druggies use to buy weed online.

>> No.5129743
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Consequences like Venezuela becoming wealthy on an individual level and dirt poor on a state/gubberment level. If their gov just gives up and let's the people run their own market using whatever currencies they choose - we'll see state failure correlated perfectly with an individuals success.

I'm seriously considering moving there once things settle down a bit, no tax office chimping out and trying to grab at people's assets. No welfare state importing African chimps and giving them gibs/benefits to increase fiat GDP.

No capacity for Venezuela to participate in stupid perennial wars, no carbon taxes or compliance frame work to satisfy. Hot women, nice beaches. The west btfo.