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51269001 No.51269001 [Reply] [Original]

>31 years old
>missed all of life's major milestones
>still live with parents
>still haven't made it
anyone else /ngmi/?

>> No.51269023

no just you, idk what you're doing on here if that's where you're at in life. You need to log off now and start hustling immediately. fuck I'd be restricting my internet access to only productive media if I was in your position. Go do something this isn't normal

>> No.51269076
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 9D9610F5-D778-447C-8A4E-3098A0346211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it
I just lost my job due to vaccine related reasons and I've reached the breaking point. No other employers want to hire me and I'm not about to sink another 4 years of my life switching careers. Women avoid me, friends ditch me. Crypto was my last hope

>> No.51269129

you could've just got the jab but that was your decision so you can't really complain. noone wants to hire you because you're not vaxxed (too bad! Your choice remember). don't want to switch career? your choice. women avoid you? Your choice. go to the gym, stop talking about conspiracies, get a job. friends ditch you? good, they weren't your true friends. finding new friends is easy.

You can help it. Nobody made your decisions for you except you. take control of your life and go workout right now

>> No.51269142

idk what else to tell you other than grow the fuck up. Now. stop listing and getting involved with the anti vax schizophrenics online. What has that brought you apart from a false sense of superiority? Nothing. get with the fucking program.

>> No.51269152

Go on some oil rig or shipping container cruise for 6months. You will save some move and maybe get laid

>> No.51269187

This, stop listenening to crazy internet conspiracies and take the damn vaccine.
It's safe, effective and will protect grandma.
We all have to do our part and you're being very selfish by not taking a safe and proven healthy injection. It's good for you so what are you waiting for???
Go get injected NOW. It will fix your life

>> No.51269205

lol atleast you’ve had sex and have experience being in a long term relationship! Right anon?

>> No.51269220
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> 31 years old
> didn't miss the milestones, but saw them for what they are, a scam to keep you caged
> still live with dad in huge mansion, cause fuck paying rent for a cuckshed appartment where I can't even touch grass
> hit $500k last top. down to $160k now but i'll make it just waiting.
> work? fuck work.
> on benifits? nah don't need it.
> what do you do? workout, meditate, learn, praise God and travel to sunny place when winter hits.


and yes I still buy more bitcoin every 2 weeks

>> No.51269221

I mean I've got $150k invested in crypto if that means anything. My peak was $700k and I've been completely ruined on working for a paycheck ever again. It's easier to just shitpost all day waiting for my investments to moon; albeit probably the least fulfilling by far
yeah haha
right haha

>> No.51269222

no, you don't have to do it for grandma, you have to do it for yourself so you can find a job and stop fucking sobbing over how hard your life is.

Don't like vaccines? Do something about it. Get rich, lobby the government, actually fucking do something about it than anonymously post online like a bunch of fucking shutins. Go and get rich however you can, otherwise shut the fuck up. Poor people don't get a say in the direction of the world. Sorry if that sounds harsh, that is empirically evidenced fact. If you don't like something about the world. GO FUCKING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOU WHINING CATTLE

>> No.51269223

Kinda same but I also completely stopped giving a fuck and I'm reasonably happy despite the fact I'm objectively a complete loser.

>> No.51269240

>the lengths that CIA archons go to in order to shill the vax

>> No.51269241

>I've been completely ruined on working for a paycheck ever again
same here. we'll make it though. thats why we don't go back to the cage. we already did our run being caged. then we took the risk and mooned. then we mooned back down. but we didn't tap out, no and soon we'll moon back up and happiness continues. while my peers are cucked in the wagecage. GOD i hate the office environment. its almost as bad as having to deal with low IQ factory workers

>> No.51269253

I'm just about at the point where I've accepted the same conclusion. I've lived 31 years trying to better myself only for everything to always blow up in my face so rather than mope and hope maybe it's time I just accept and be happy for once
I could've been born in bumfuck Africa of all places so putting things into perspective it could be much much worse

>> No.51269259

cope, you lowlife cunt. I don't care if you get the jab or not, just don't fucking complain like a child you sad sack of worthless shit

>> No.51269262

Staying invested makes all the difference. I don't think we go down much lower so we need to just stay in the game at this point.

>> No.51269295

This. Never tapping out

>> No.51269298

yeah I use to be stressed out about shit, and I tried so hard to overcome my loser "programming". It seems in the end though, there's no fighting your true nature, and I've come to believe that this is just in you from the very beginning of your life. We rationalize all kinds of stuff, but really I don't think we get to choose anything. We're just like carts on a track and we delude ourselves into thinking we can change things. The self-improvement period wasn't all in vain tho, having a good diet and exercising regularly is really worth it.

>> No.51269305
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retards still having hopium means the botton isn't in.

sell signal

>> No.51269313

>anyone else /ngmi/?
No, because I hold LUNC.

>> No.51269318

>t. 2020 "investor"

>> No.51269321

hustle how

>> No.51269323

you sound extremely upset. did someone rape you're mom

>> No.51269327

Gigs based my fellow LunChad

>> No.51269374
File: 55 KB, 565x609, Frankzane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says you're ngmi anon? There's still time to buy ETH and MATIC. Still time to grind, work on yourself and get out of the gutter. Don't give up anon. You can do it

>> No.51269383

Demoralization thread? I'm in.

36 years old and realizing it's probably too late for me to find a pretty blonde woman to bear my children.

>> No.51269384

>Falling for /pol/ memes

you deserve to be where you are right now

>> No.51269408

I don't think I've given up moreso just realized the effort I've put in up until now has been 1) unsustainable and 2) unrewarded
At this point I hope my 6 bitcoins moon in the next bullrun so I can swap my portfolio into some ETFs and just live a modest life off the dividends
didn't mean for it to come off as demoralization, it's just my life

>> No.51269410

kek this.

>> No.51269414

Live with wife and 6 month old baby
Own 2 cars, home in white state, great paying job, highly educated. No debt aside from mortgage. Respected in the community. Healthy family dynamics and broad social network.
Out of shape, however.
I need to get a handle on my health, then I can say I have made it. Believe it or not, having a child has been the biggest blessing and challenge of my life.

>> No.51269424

still not getting vaxxed lol

>> No.51269429

buy signal stupid frog

>> No.51269436

dont complain about not being able to find a job then.

>> No.51269437

then you will remain a loser kek

>> No.51269451
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>still not getting vaxxed lol

>> No.51269458

Start hiking and getting exercise everyday. Force yourself to exercise even when you don't want to.

>> No.51269460

You'd expect from a functioning human being that at one point where they get fired from their job, need to live with their parents, get ignored by all their friends and coworkers and can't even get a relationship or have any acknowledgement from women that maybe, just maybe, and stick with me here... That just maybe, there would be a slight chance, that the angry virgin racist conspiracy theorists you are posting memes with anonymously online on a racist troll forum are not the best source of information and decession making?

>> No.51269466

Vaxxie invasion

>> No.51269472

not ur fault the world is fucked up & satan is running the show
since u still live at home ur rent is prob very low. Keep looking for small income part time jobs, n keep investing

if u dont have driverslicense or car you should definitely get something like that. I know people living in their cars and make income by deliver food thru uber


look how lowlife satans workers are, deflecting only their own insecurities. sitting infront of pc themselves complaining all day. Purposeless people
hope ur aware you will one day bite the bullet cia niggers

>> No.51269480

kek just leave them to rot idc i just hate whinging whining manchildren

>> No.51269486

more like rational human being invasion

>> No.51269496
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>more like rational human being invasion

>> No.51269497

what's with the vaxx bots tonight

>> No.51269498

its just funny but actually very sad

at age 31 you should have been married and have 1, 2 or 3 kids. But he is actually living with his parents after being fired and still somehow thinks its definately not his fault kek

yeah, its definately reddit! You are winning here sir. Keep living with your parents. Fuck the system! ITS DA JOOOOOOZ

>> No.51269506
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>what's with the vaxx bots tonight

>> No.51269514
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>> No.51269518

I have very loving parents that aren't charging me rent. They know I got fucked over and they aren't trying to add insult to injury. That being said I have a car and license but without income I try to limit my travels especially with inflation/gas pricing. Life's not too bad if you put it that way I guess

>> No.51269520

Conformist coward invasion

>> No.51269526

Yup. You sir are brave. At age 31, living with your parents, getting fired from your job, not being able to sustain a healthy relationship. You sir are not a coward but very brave and all of us here on /pol/ salute you!

>> No.51269532

You replied thrice to one singular post and somehow you stay convinced you're not assmad beyond comprehension

>> No.51269534

they really serve the Antichrist

>> No.51269542

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.51269549


>> No.51269554
File: 269 KB, 599x810, poltardd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You replied thrice to one singular post and somehow you stay convinced you're not assmad beyond comprehension

>> No.51269556

two moar years and you become a wizard

>> No.51269559

Are you really going to get the newly formulated booster? Are you just going to get it or are you going to wait until someone mandates you to?

>> No.51269564

Anyway I gotta go to work, earn some extra money, tomorrow i'm free. Might as well try to fuck a bitch since i'm doing great with my new tinder pics.

Have fun being miserable and dont forget to help your parents with the chores around the house, tell them I said hi!

>> No.51269566

I'm in your exact same spot// same age
no money
I just can't

>> No.51269581

supreme assmad lol

>> No.51269591

I just want the economy to crash.

>> No.51269603

I've always subscribed to the ideology that it's not enough for me to succeed, others must fail

>> No.51269613

thanks for the free bumps mate lol

>> No.51269632

It's not even that, I hate our usury based system so much, and I want the fed to end.

>> No.51269667

If only the average anon knew they were just a battery and that the world is designed for you to suffer

>> No.51269671

how do i find a gf /biz/? so hard when wfh/neet

>> No.51269685

>31 years old
>1st worlder
>missed all of life's major milestones
>eats steaks
>unlimited beer and weed
>shit post all day, get paid
Yeah, I'm thinkin' based

>> No.51269705

>world is designed for you to suffer
We resigned to suffering as a state of being in our sin against He who is good.

Evil has existed here since the fall of man. Don't wait to celebrate its defeat, that has already been won, but be patient till the end.

Go to church, meet wholesome people.

>> No.51269710

how do you join a church as a newbie?

do you literally just turn up on Sunday and sit at the back?

>> No.51269728

Yes. Linger afterwards to talk to people too. They will notice a new face.

>> No.51269732

Yes, you literally just show up. Smile and be friendly towards others.

>> No.51269736
File: 633 KB, 1170x1311, 994FF570-78AB-4D3C-B2C2-B765F753F8BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers mate
maybe things aren't so bad afterall

>> No.51269738

and people think "wow what a creepy fucking fat pale cunt, better just smile back so he doesnt rape me"

>> No.51269763

m8, they'll be happy to see someone who is clearly in need if that's how you present yourself. Blessed are the poor in Spirit.

There are kids with downs and autists that show up, happiest people you could ever meet.

>> No.51269798

based, never vax anon, it's sad your country is fanatic about this shit, don't listen to these niggerfaggots here telling you to vax, they vaxxed themselves and now they're on here coping and seething

>> No.51269814

Back to Plebbit

>> No.51269816
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>> No.51269830

>still not getting vaxxed lol

>I've always subscribed to the ideology that it's not enough for me to succeed, others must fail

>> No.51269876

you don't wish to see your haters and everyone who doubted you have a taste of humble pie anon?

>> No.51269877
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They're shills using the embarrassment messaging tactic outlined in this study.


They want to associate embarrassment of failure with vaccine hesitancy.
By doing this, they hope you'll stop talking negatively about the injections and mandates with friends/ acquaintances/ strangers online

>> No.51269892

vax is proof that you can give poor people the tools they need to succeed and they'll still fuck it up spectacularly because they're genetically inferior

>> No.51269902

based i've always wanted to join a church but never really known how to start (being wfh for past 2 years doesnt help social skills)

>> No.51269915

I just got ghosted by the first girl I went on a date with in years.

She was so pretty and fun to talk to but it's over. This happens to be once every couple of years--after ages and ages of 0 female attention, life will get my hopes up and then it'll come crashing down.

>> No.51269920

It's easier if you go with someone, but you can go alone too. Just go.

>> No.51269921

get hookers

>> No.51269933

>Join the church
>Stop looking at porn
>Go to the gym
>Eat clean food

It's literally that easy. Everything else falls into place downstream. Also
>never get the vax

>> No.51269964

I never knew how to react when the "wholesome" church people charade gets dropped and people start blaming your problems on some bullshit far beyond your control. In my experience all my relationships at church always seem to deteriorate around the time that people become irrationally batshit insane

>> No.51270017

you're either born into it or you hit rock bottom and need to cope. few sane, rational, and happy people spontaneously seek out religion just for the hell of it.

>> No.51270053

I just draw the line at people speaking in tongues, convulsing on the floor, and then get unconsolable when I say I'd rather not

>> No.51270061

Protestant? If yes, there's your answer

>> No.51270066


>> No.51270076
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>had multiple relationships, graduated with great degree, good paying jobs
>having a wfh job now finally allows me to move back to rural hometown (virtually no jobs there for my career)
>move back in with parents because I miss them
>bank money, see family, get to spend time innawoods

Before our parents generation it was common to live with your parents until your 30's

>> No.51270122
File: 613 KB, 2000x2998, 1662019380352835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this virgin racist conspiracy board is the best source of information in the world right now if you know how to use it. The most important part about it, is it shows the bullshit of all the modern theories and "'facts."' Anyone that accepts the world the way it is through mainstream media and schooling will be a happy wageslave marrying used roast until they get divorced/ laid off/ or none of their kids have grandkids because they are gay, trans, or childfree by choice. It leads to a cuck mentality at best and a hedonist mentality at worst.

4chan is like living in low income housing where all the basic needs are paid for. Idiots and the incompetent will piss away all of their time, but they would do that anyway even if they were wageslaving. The able will be able to use that time to better themselves and be far better off than if they wageslaved.

>> No.51270202

That'll do it.

Catholic masses are not trying to sell your something nor are they for theatrics and trying to intentionally get an emotion of out of you through 10 more "Can I get an amen??!"

The mass is solely a devotion to God without the bs or fakeness. It feels like none of it is being done for you, but inside you have the opportunity to come see it anyway. Because it is THE church and has been for 2000 years. With a history, and a heritage that will go on for thousands of years more.

If you can find a Latin mass church, or an old-rite church I strongly recommend. Completely different crowd of people. Every Latin mass I've gone to, the median age is 27. You will be amazed at the people you'll find there. Also the majority of them won't be vaxxed

Personally, I don't have the patience for a Latin mass but my local church is the best of both. Old, European style cathedral, full gregorian choir, lot of intense, lot of reverence, still over around an hour, and median age is around 30-35

You still have boomer masses where the priests wear napkin vestibule, talk sports at the homily, and they bust out the acoustic guitar. They're not quite as bad as most protestant, but they're too similar. Thankfully, they're becoming less popular.

>> No.51270256

spoken like a true loser, at least you are a self-aware bitchboy

>> No.51270290

Just like me.
Turns out if you were active enough on 4chan you can become a Wizard earlier than 40...
That's when they let you in on the so-called "mind-control" stuff, although it's actually quite different than what they meme about on TV.

For starters, the technology to do this is so trivial that it's all over the planet, can be done from hundreds of feet away, and recently it may have gotten so advanced that cellphones themselves are able to do all the calculations and transmissions required to influence the human brain.

You can't actually tell when they're doing it to you, it's as if you yourself have the thoughts and you can only implicitly determine what is outside influence by looking back at the times in your life when you've done something "out-of-character". Turns out humans actually never had "out-of-character" moments from their own perspective, so if you've ever had any, that was the "mind-control" being used on you.

>> No.51270535

Whole interview is great, but 18:20 may sound familiar

Shia LaBeouf recently converted over the course of filming Padre Pio and is now passionate about the faith and about Latin mass. And he described his life just before conversion as absolute hell, everything fell apart, feelings of not wanting to live anymore (and if you're on this website, you know what he was like in the past).

Even he can make it too, anon

>> No.51270766

Wow kill yourself

>> No.51270832

ive entered since 2017. i sold in 2018. but you know what would have been best? if i never cashed out anything.

>> No.51270846

why would you trade Bitcoin for the old boomer scammarket. stocks and tradfi are on their way out. it will all be run on blockchain eventually. imagine markets opening and closing every monday. what a joke. opening hours for a market. LMAO

>> No.51270873

Shut up faggot, he might be in bad standing now but at least he’s not gonna die in 5-10 years. Enjoy your brain prion disease you cattle, you can’t take your crypto winnings with you

>> No.51270893

The fuck are you whining about then? That’s way higher of a portfolio than most of the poorfags here, including me. Fuck, what a little bitch you sound like. Buy a camper van and smash some hippy chicks, see ya later

>> No.51270920

>be me
we are half way there

>> No.51270939

If anyone is criticizing this, they should realize working out is free.

Taking control of your life is the first step to recovery.

>> No.51270967

>at least he’s not gonna die in 5-10 years. Enjoy your brain prion disease you cattle, you can’t take your crypto winnings with you

never going to happen. have fun being even poorer in 5-10 years. also reminder that you're literally too fucking stupid to figure out how to fake a vaccine card.

>> No.51271117

this is why I get ahead of it and when a girl shows interest I make sure to reject them as publicly and awkwardly as possible
nothing makes me cum harder than knowing just how much I fuck them up

>> No.51271155

I like your zest for life. But Monero is gay. At least you're buying BTC.

>> No.51271254

You mutts actually live in a society with these fools screaming and applauding for a social credit system, I really do hope "sudden death syndrome" takes this anon.

>> No.51271301

based. this 100%

>> No.51273059

This is peak comedy

>> No.51273099

>he is not getting vaxxed
>wow how brave and intelligent

>> No.51273126
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Literally all mid-millennials are like this anon. Late ones (that are in their 26 years old) are having it even harder.

Some barely graduated during lockdown, and even fewer with post lockdown jobs

>> No.51273201
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These are the people here that report you for racism or saying mean things about Jews, absolute tranny faggot plebbitors

>> No.51273589
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, 38E7CEAC-FEC4-4849-BB70-4D6CC2A0C3B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just lost my job due to vaccine related reasons
This is what you really look like king. Stay strong, find Jesus if you haven’t already. God will reward you for not taking the mark.

>> No.51273680
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Ah it looks like your journey has only begun OP.

>At 16 I became ill and went through many surgeries
>In constant physical pain
>Never made it or had any milestones
>Got /fit/ and /biz/ at 28 by literally mentally blocking out all the pain but all my free time is spent maintaining both
>SBO but I have no money
>Live with parents in my grandfathers home
>Still pay them rent but everyone thinks I'm retarded
>700 credit score but can't get a loan for a piece of bubble gum because SBO isn't considered "real employment"
>Could date or bang any woman in my area but I have no place to take them
>My degenerate obese cousin who lives in a trailer with his mom is banging a 9/10 and smokes weed daily
>Work literally 7 days a week 9 to 5 with a side hustle
>Still have barely enough money to afford to eat after all my expenses
>Lost my childhood friend because his wife was cheating on him with his lardass friend
>I never told him and he thinks I'm the one she was cheating with (her and the lard ass are still fucking)
>Gave everything to help friends who have abandoned me
>The woman Ioved died
>The other woman I loved became a lesbian
>Whatever happiness or love that was withered and dying inside me has long since been gone
>Even the hate that used to fuel me has faded
>Whatever is left inside me isn't me, it's just something pretending to be the skin-flesh that I inhabit
>Sometimes I'm afraid to feel again, because I'm afraid the physical pain will return
>Tried to self end, but everytime I'm successful I just end up waking back up in my bed like I'm in fucking ground hog day
>No history of mental illness or family members have mental illness
>See a therapist and she tells me I'm just tired and stressed because of current events
>Come to the conclusion I could tell this person I literally ate and killed a person and she would still smile at me and laugh

We are in hell, only those who embrace their demonic heritage will survive the coming purge.

>> No.51273684
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Die nigger.

>> No.51273699
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This glows so strong I can see literally the reflection all over the night sky where I live.
Don't worry anon, just hire at some company that doesn't care if you're vaxxed. You can't be forced to do something you don't want to.

>> No.51273703

stay strong and be happy,keep going and maybe find a hobby where you meet people

>> No.51273820
File: 17 KB, 311x311, 1614114097320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here buddy.
>bitcoin? internet money? lol whatever
>etherwhat? I can't even pronounce it. lol whatever
>ignore it all
>shit really starts taking off
>okay its 2020 gotta start taking this shit seriously
>I don't and the second bull run starts
>FOMO into anything and everything
>only make shitty small gains in BTC & ETH due to being priced out
>lose even bigger money gambling on shitcoins
>too late on the dogcoins
>fell for the FUD over NFTs
I'm destined to never make it.

>> No.51273940
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same but 40

>> No.51274024

Yes but I’m /gmi/ because my family is rich and we have good genes (hence why we’re rich)

>> No.51274053

Nothing you losers and shills can write will dissuade me from carrying out my mission. It will never fucking leave my wallet.

>> No.51274070
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Don't worry OP, men peak in their 50s.

>> No.51274192

Ok coach. Based Id unironically

>> No.51274227
File: 2.55 MB, 509x710, charipepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.51274272

"finding new friends is easy"
this is a dead giveaway that you don't know shit about having a real friend

Anon, if you're reading this, do some pushups, go outside, touch grass and take a walk.
Then go home and start googling a trade job for you to do.
I'd go with electrician's helper, personally.
Won't ask about vax shit.
Won't pay a lot, but it's something.

You'll do a good day's work in a good company, and you'll need a $150 or so for tools. Borrow from your parents, pay it back immediately.

Get into a tech school, you'll make friends there. It's like college but masculine and actually useful.

Life will activate if you do some form of this.
So get of this fucking website and go do it.

>> No.51274286

>I just lost my job due to vaccine related reasons
oh no no no no, you unironically fell for the antivax psyop to the point where it cost you your living? you realize 90% of this board is bottom of the barrel failures that shouldn't be listened to, right?

>> No.51274302

what a bootlikker
>best source of information and decision making
the one and only, u get the most of view points available on the subject
then u need to decide. something u obviously prefer not to do and delegate this decision making to some higher authority.

>> No.51274428

you are not able to discern a correct viewpoint as a layman, you have to use mental shortcuts to get there
here's an easy one: look at the antivax demographic, they're overwhelmingly retarded ugly losers with no relevant background (for the (you)s: you know who you are, and you know I'm correct)
gg no re

>> No.51274433

lul back to plebbit you fucking nigger jew

>> No.51274434

Same but 27 years old here. Who gives a fuck though? I'm comfy and have a gf. Life is good. Never compare yourselves to others anons.

>> No.51274442

what kind of dystopia do you live on? I'm not specially proud of my countries legislation but it would be pretty insane to fire someone for not wanting the jab. I haven't even been asked if I have it or not. They only made us wear the stupid cuck masks but I wfh most of the time anyway.

>> No.51274462

fuck you

>> No.51274475

same but 25
i wish i had a gf at least

>> No.51274577

I used to laugh at neckbeard loser threads back in the earl 2000s and now I'm one of them lmao. I used to work in IT and now I've been neeting for 6 years. Lost all my friends, women avoid me, my future is over, bros.
you're right about most things. One of the things that made me lose my job was fucking the wrong woman. She got mad I wanted to break up and she told everyone I raped her (even though we had a relationship and I was working in a different city). But if I say this shit to a normal person they would think I'm "crazy". Most of what we hear in society (except the sciences and parts of history and stuff) is fake or even dangerous.
How come everyone marries people even though the divorce rate is 50%?
How come everyone used to shit on crypto but now Bloomberg has an entire program dedicated to cryptocurrencies and bitcoin?

>> No.51274594


>> No.51274603

>I'm comfy and have a gf.
How the fuck do you get one after hs/college?

>> No.51274662

you can get a gf by talking to a woman. Use your brain to see how that could happen IRL.

>> No.51274727

You have to have an existing friend group and a robust social media that shows off your status for women to become attracted to you.

>> No.51274749

how do you do that as a wfh /biz/ neet?

>> No.51274788

find ways to go outside, anywhere. If a woman likes you she'll let you talk to her.

>> No.51274805

it's status and good lucks, yes

>> No.51274815

Natural selection at the societal level, based

>> No.51274820
File: 847 KB, 1386x1488, 1657133977641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious demoralization thread

>> No.51274826

what do i say to start convo?

>> No.51274830

>has 6 btc
>bitching about how bad he has it
Fuck off attention whore retard

>> No.51274844

>it's just my life

>same ip posts daily or near-daily with related bullcrap, all similar but subtly different stories

Please stop doing this. Seek treatment for your GRIDS and AGP.

>> No.51274859

This is literally all women wtf u talking about. How do you go from conversation to date with a single interaction

>> No.51274875

>reee i've it better financially than 80% of people my age despite going through severe bear market

>> No.51274882

like you do with any other human being. Let's say you're going to an event, and you see her smile at you, then you talk to her as you would to a guy, then at some point you exchange phone numbers. Depending on how much you flirted you can just text her or call her soon after that to get a date.

literally all women what? like you? I doubt that
are they polite? yes, but that's different
if you're autistic just go to the gym

>> No.51274903

You said if a woman likes you she will let you talk to her, most women will let you talk to them. What's the difference between them just being polite and them actually liking you